A brand-new storyline of JEFF LEMIRE's acclaimed series kicks off as the Pike family rallies around their newest surprise member, but Richie sets off on a dark path that can only end in tragedy.
'Royal City' is beautiful. Masterfully written and drawn. It's a perfect example of powerful sequential art and you should really be fucking reading it. 5 Stars. Read Full Review
I've personally grappled with Royal City in the past. Some issues felt pointless and boring, while others struck a deeply personal note as I, too, have felt similarly to the characters. And I think in Royal City #11, these emotions finally come together. I'm supposed to feel stuck while reading some of Royal City because that's exactly what the characters are: Stuck, never able to move one way or the other. It's troubling and its haunting, but it's similarly beautiful and almost hopeful. Read Full Review
The art from Jeff Lemire continues to draw you into his characters souls. Even though his style isn't necessarily clean, it just works really well with the stories that he's telling here. I feel like it really brings out the sadness and rough edges of these characters that really can pull a reader in. You want to see things come out better for all of them, and it just hits really hard when you can relate some of the tension and inner turmoil that the characters go through. One thing you can learn from reading about this family is that you never want to leave regret with the ones you have around you. Read Full Review
Previous arcs merge into a dual timeline, setting the endgame in motion. Dreamy and wistful, "Royal City" remains a must-read. Read Full Review
What Lemire does so well in Royal City is that he puts real weight to his characters problems, things that hit home for people like crumbling careers, failing marriages and drug abuse to name a few and how these characters are navigating their lives among the chaos of daily life. Overall Im impressed with this series and how impactful it turned out to be as a family drama. Read Full Review
WHAT?! Its ending at issue #14?!!! lame!
Felt like he was going to continue exploring this story for a long time, and he even admits that in the note on the last page, but says that the story just came to a natural end for him.
This is a really powerful issue of "Royal City." It is captivating from the start--I was absolutely fixated on the book the whole way through. It's a credit to Lemire that I feel I know these characters enough, after only 11 issues, that the plot twists really hit home--I care about these characters. It is kind of a downer that this series will end with issue #14, but it looks like Lemire is trending towards a really awesome/devastating conclusion to the title.
Damn this comic is really good, sucks it's going to end so soon.