Sex Criminals #5

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Chip Zdarsky Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 19
8.4Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The best part of a new relationship is the first three weeks, right? The rush of the new, the gravitational pull of the sudden other-ness in your life, the almost-illicit charge of nothing else mattering...and then it's time to pay the bills. Well, the honeymoon is over for the SEX CRIMINALS. Can Jon and Suzie survive Jon and Suzie?

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Kevyn Knox Mar 23, 2014

    Sex Criminals #5, with its back and forth storytelling (Fraction does such in all of his books), doesn't necessarily move the story forward in the way the first four issues have, but it is this non-linear narrative that I love so much about Fraction's work. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Sarah Moran Mar 20, 2014

    Bottom line, Sex Criminals has been a debaucherous and delightful series all mature adults should be reading. Seriously, this book is not for kids. Unless they find a discarded copy left out in the woods, in which case, it's fair game. Read Full Review

  • 9.9
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Mar 21, 2014

    There's no other way to put it: “Sex Criminals” just keeps getting better and better. It should be impossible for a series to have such exponential improvement with each issue as the story begins to come together and evolve and the creative team settle in to creating the series with a greater ease, but Fraction and Zdarsky have pulled it off. “Sex Criminals” could stop at the end of this first arc and it could still be counted among the greatest comics ever published, that's how good the writing from Fraction is and that's how good the art from Zdarsky is. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Capeless Crusader - Mike Sains Mar 19, 2014

    Between the imaginative and original art and the hilarious and touching writing, this book made me care. I am hooked. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Mar 24, 2014

    At its very core, "Sex Criminals" is a book about two ordinary people who can do extraordinary things together. For all its fantastical elements, Fraction and Zdarsky drive home the fact that this is a story about two wholly human characters and their relationship with all the fun and heart and strings attached. From tender start to explosive end, "Sex Criminals" #5 is so enjoyable that you may stop time yourself! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Ani Gonzalez Mar 21, 2014

    I keep liking that this story looks like a study about sexuality and what it means to each individual or even how it defines parts of the personality. We had the stories on how they came to realize what sex was and how they could do this time stopping trick. Now we are coming to know them as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Mar 20, 2014

    Sex Criminals #5 is not the best or the most fun issue of the series so far but it doesn't diminish the excitement I have over this series. The first arc is over and while there was a resolution while leaving us wanting more. This is still one of the freshest and funniest comics I've read in a really long time from the introductory page to the letters column. If you've wanted to jump on to Sex Criminals, don't do it here, buy the trade in a couple of weeks. You won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Rhymes With Geek - David Melton Mar 19, 2014

    Go get this comic immediately. If you haven't read the first four issues yet, go to your LCS and pick them up. Unfortunately, Sex Criminals is going on a break until June. Fortunately for those behind in the series, this gives you time to catch up by either ordering the back issues or waiting until the trade comes out. When reading this, do not do yourself the disservice of skipping the fan appreciation and feedback page. A hilarious bonus in this comic and one you will get much enjoyment out of. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Mar 20, 2014

    What a weird, funny comic. From dildo pistols and sex police to pooping in potted plants, this book runs the gamut of unexpected plot devices and characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Backwards Compatible - Paul Fiander Mar 17, 2014

    This is not a jumping on point instead it acts as a great bookend to the opening arc. Sex Criminals continues to be one of the best reads out in stores today. It has a sharp sense of humour, intriguing story along with some wonderful art. It does have a few issues but mostly I put this series in the must buy category. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 21, 2014

    You might see a book titled Sex Criminals and think it's something that should be wrapped in a black poly bag and labeled Adult Only. And while it is definitely an adult book, it's far more raunchy comedy than anything else, and boy is it a good one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Geo N Mar 21, 2014

    The issue ends by tying up some loose ends but does not answer a lot of questions that we have. This story-arc was very satisfying and offers readers a unique story with equally amazing art. Fraction and Zdarsky have a true hit on their hands and you will not be disappointed by picking this one up. Single issue buyers definitely will get their money's worth, but if you feel like you would rather wait for the Trade it should be released next week, collecting issues 1 through 5. The colors, by Becka Kinzie, along with art by Chip Zdarsky make this comic book one of the best out there you cannot go wrong with Matt Fraction's unique form of story-telling. Issue #5 is superb and I can't wait to read where Jon and Suzie…interactions…next. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Melissa Grey Mar 19, 2014

    In terms of art, Sex Criminals #5 keeps things consistent. The Quiet is still lusciously rendered while the visual pacing keeps the story moving along at respectable pace. The book's rich and vibrant colors are an interesting match with its no-frills art, and the play between light, dark, and deeply saturated hues creates an aesthetic that is uniquely Sex Criminals. With the way the book ends, it'll be interesting to see where Zdarsky and Fraction take our intrepid not-quite-heroes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Andrew Ziegler Mar 19, 2014

    Im a huge fan of the way this issue ended. I think this series will continue to surprise me in only the most positive of ways. My criticisms, while lengthily elaborated upon, are minor in the greater scope of things. My issue with Suzie wasnt with the quality of the writingin fact, my issue with her character in that single instance might have even added depth. After all, Im thinking about her like shes a real person, and if thats not a tribute to the writing, I dont know what is. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Mar 19, 2014

    Sex Criminals #5 is just a really flat and empty finale to the first arc. The humor does not work, there's no character development outside of one bizarre choice that adds nothing, the main story is ultimately stretched thin and the ending feels a bit hollow. The comic has nice artwork and while the main characters have been fully fleshed out (besides that bizarre choice), the comic just really does not have much otherwise. Read Full Review

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