• Infinity Stones are incredibly powerful but only get more so when in proximity to the other stones.
• Felicia Hardy has gathered three out of the six, and the Marvel Universe may be completely hosed.
Rated T
Felicia Hardy's stellar defining series is coming to an end but the creative team isn't slowing down, making sure that this fantastic series is going out with a bang. This creative team and every member that has contributed along the way has done amazing things and should be at the top of publisher's lists for projects going forward. Read Full Review
The first in-issue acknowledgment of the end of the current run of the series comes in the form of a note at the issues end by Felicias accomplice Dr. Boris Korpse. Its a classy, stylish way of formally letting readers know whats coming in Giant-Size Black Cat: Infinity Score in November. Black Cat has had a series end before in the era of MacKay. Hardy and MacKay have had a perfect working relationship. Its sad to see it end. Read Full Review
Great character moments who are full of personality and humor, globe trodding adventures, mixed with energetic and dynamic art has been a cornerstone of this entire 22 issue run, thanks to Jed MacKay and the talented artists hes been paired with. MacKay and company took an ancillary character into a complex and fun leading star. Wherever Marvel goes from here with the Cat and her cast hopefully will be as entertaining as weve become accustomed to over the last two and a half years. Read Full Review
For a final issue, Black Cat #10 is surprisingly open-ended, but that's reasonable given the fact the creators will get one last hurrah in the upcoming GS Black Cat. What this issue delivers is another exquisitely rendered portrait of Felicia Hardy, fully demonstrating the storytelling skills that have made this run great. This comic also shows who the key players will be in the big finish -- although a few twists and surprises would hardly be out of place. Read Full Review
Black Cat #10 is a great issue showing how well-written captions can draw you into a character narrative who is on the move for nearly every panel of the issue. Black Cat mixes high-octane action with a story that pays off for dedicated readers. Read Full Review
Even if "Infinity Score" isn't my favorite arc ever, this issue is pulling things together very well. It's a very well executed issue. Read Full Review
With most of the pieces in place, Felicia plan is coming together, although Star seems to have her own plans for the other Infinity Hosts, Odessa Drake is making threats, and Fury hasn't given up just yet. Now the real fun begins as we learn just what Felicia has planned. Read Full Review
Black Cat #10 does a very good job in setting the stage for the finale of The Infinity Score storyline. There are some surprises from recent storylines, including Heroes Reborn, that added tension into the latest heist job Felicia Hardy has taken on. The questions we are left with by the end of this issue creates greater interest in how this storyline will end. Read Full Review
This series is very well written and fun, even with the outlandish (for Black Cat) plot. Sad that it's ending soon.
Felicia acrobats her way from conversation to conversation, with plenty of shooty-shooty conflict in the middle. It looks good and it's still got this volume's distinctively awesome voice, but it does feel a bit like a rushed effort to get all the loose ends lined up properly for the big finish to come.
Sorry to see this title is ending. I do think the storyline should have wrapped up in a #11. This is completely unprofessional by Marvel. Utterly cynical.