Cable #150

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Jon Malin Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 18, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 11
6.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The time-traveling mutant known as Cable has made it his one-man mission to preserve all of time itself.  But when a disturbance in the timestream sends Cable back to the recent past, he'll find a mutant killer he won't be able to handle alone. Cable's led teams of X-Men before and he'll have to turn to some old allies and new friends to stop this deadly threat. Get ready for the newer New Mutants! PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES! Story by Robbie Thompson and art by Mark Bagley!
Rated T+

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 18, 2017

    I wasn't the biggest fan of this series since its reboot but this is the shot in the arm it needed. I want to see where it goes now and can't wait to see where the rest of the team comes from. A solid start that does what Marvel Legacy is supposed to do, get me to want to read more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Oct 23, 2017

    Cable #150 has put this title back on the map. This was a fun issue that meshed some of our favorite moments from the past together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Watch - Psychodad Oct 27, 2017

    Its a good read. Not a perfect book by a longshot (yes, that was on purpose) but enjoyable and shattering (on purpose too) the previous, boring arc. Brisson has shown that he can write an engaging storyline while Malin is reminiscent of Mark Brooks (and thats a good thing). Im definitely looking forward to where this one is going! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 18, 2017

    A decent start, especially if you love these characters, but you might still be waiting for the hook once it's over. Read Full Review

  • 4.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 18, 2017

    Cable seems to have taken one step forward and several steps back as it joins the Marvel Legacy. The new team writer Ed Brisson begins assembling in this issue shows plenty of potential. And group with Doop as a member is a group worth following. But while the team dynamic is great, the conflict is somewhat less memorable. And with the book now struggling so much in the visual department, this series flaws are outweighing its strengths. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Brandon J. Griffin Oct 22, 2017

    Doop is the G.O.A.T. but the art in this issue is atrocious. This issue was a major disappointment and will probably do a lot of damage for those on the fence with Marvel who were excited for this title. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Mac Oct 18, 2017

    There hasn't been much good that I could say about X books lately, but Cable 150 has the promise of something great. The art immediately took me back to early X-Force, but Malin makes it his own and I dig it. Starting this arc with the externals draws on the X history in an exciting way. This is what I was hoping to get from a legacy book. This team is composed of characters who were all introduced as newcomers, but now have their own histories to follow. Seeing them now as "newer mutants" again just makes me smile. It may just be nostalgia, but I can't wait to see what happens next.

  • 8.0
    the green death Oct 18, 2017

    The issue is largely set-up but it's very solid and interesting set-up and I prefer Cable as part of a team than solo and this oddball team he's building looks like they could have some strange and entertaining adventures.

  • 7.5
    Khan/Murdock Oct 18, 2017

    Still not to sure about this title but the 1st issue got me intrigued just enough to warrant another issue

  • 7.0
    SloboSOY Oct 19, 2017

    I brought it for Blink and guess what .. We not see here at all.
    Well, it wasn't bad. In fact it was good. Not what I expect at all (In good & bad version of what I expected at first & with the last sollicitations). I more confident about choosing to do issue 151, and I expect it to make me rethink the fact to don't do the following issues.
    But Marvel have a real problem with how each of their writer see the continuity (13 years ago ... Really, for us shure, for the character I think they are like in a Dog/Cat year for years now ! (Wolverine even rejuvenate with time ^^)
    So except that ... A great story even if I waiting more about Shatterstar & Longshot ... Do they parents or not ? Hard to tell in that comics.
    Cover - W more

  • 6.0
    CrazyforRAMU May 3, 2018

    Ed Brisson and Jon Malin send Cable back in time to explore the "Externals" mess of the Liefeld days. That Highlander reboot folks have been talking about must be DOA if Marvel feels safe going back to these *super* derivative waters. Mr. Brisson contributes some nice tough-guy dialogue that feels very "Die Hard" or "Oceans 11" (in a good way), but his plot isn't promising so far. A straight-up misunderstanding brawl with a baddy Cable's trying to team up with? Ho hum. Speaking of "ho hum" and missed opportunities for irony, Mr. Malin's art is a 90s xtreem throwback executed in painfully earnest "why would you need more than one line width?" style. Jesus Aburtov does heroic work adding much-needed depth and texture with the colors.

  • 8.0
    BloodyNinja Oct 19, 2017

  • 7.5
    sebastianorellana95 Oct 20, 2017

  • 7.5
    CKaefe Oct 20, 2017

  • 7.0
    Jason The Dude Nov 21, 2017

  • 6.0
    tonpas1989 May 22, 2021

  • 5.5
    Jabberwocky_Superfly Nov 7, 2017

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