Daredevil #100

8.3Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Daredevil fights for his life, facing his own worst nightmares come true! Has the Man Without Fear finally found something to be afraid of?

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Sep 9, 2007

    Daredevil #100 is a great display of how a good creative team can use continuity. In the right hands, continuity isnt a straightjacket. Continuity is a set of memories and experiences that infuse the present with the stories of the past. Ed Brubaker expertly uses Matt Murdocks long and complex continuity to provide depth and complexity to his character. Thats why this series is continuing to be so outstanding. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Sep 9, 2007

    The Daredevil creative team is on a roll. Theyve found a great balance between Matts life as Daredevil and as a lawyer, fleshed out the supporting cast, and set up a serious threat for this issue. I am honestly surprised at how much I liked this issue. Considering how many aspects of this issue have been done before, it really shows how good of a writer Brubaker is, making it feel new and fresh. Without Fear is off to one heck of a start. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 12, 2007

    This is a great book that anyone can pick up and enjoy. There is very little reference to the main storyline Brubaker is building here, and current readers might complain about that, but the issue was so well done, I cannot really bring myself to fault the book for it. Feel free to pick this one up when you get the rest of your books this week, you will not regret it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Sep 9, 2007

    Even though the subject matter is familiar, Brubaker has surprised me in the past. He can write compelling, character-driven drama. Hes shown a firm understanding of the Daredevil cast-their motivations, relationships, and feelings. Im confident this upcoming storyline will entertain us and provide another emotional turning point in the turbulent life of Matt Murdock. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 9, 2007

    This is a fitting manner in which to mark the milestone 100th issue of the relaunched Daredevil book, and anyone with even a passing interest in DD or the artists involved should definitely check it out - I just wish there had been a little more substance in the story to go with the undeniable style of its execution, as the story isnt quite as thrilling or satisfyingly dense as most of Brubakers work on the book has been. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Sep 9, 2007

    Of course, Matt and Foggy will get Milla out of whatever legal jam she is in, and the status quo will go back to what it went to after Devil takes a Ride. Im okay with that for the time being, but eventually it will feel too contrived to read story after story where Daredevil has to fend off the world from himself and his loved ones, and then go back to life as it was. Its too Saturday morning cartoon for me, and if I wanted that to keep happening, Id go watch old episodes of Scooby Doo. Read Full Review

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