• With every issue Riri discovers more about what being a hero really means in this modern complicated world.
• Her actions start to have a powerful effect across the world and the question is, is Riri ready to take on that responsibility? • All this plus, Not only did Tony Stark leave a laundry list of things that need taking care of, he left a laundry list of criminals looking to destroy his legacy.
Rated T+
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #4 delivers a fun mid-story chapter with plenty of action. Stefano Caselli's art shines, and Brian Michael Bendis allows Riri Williams to have a great showing without her armor. Read Full Review
Even with the cliffhanger ending, this was a pretty great installment and appropriate for the legend building that is Marvel's newest badass. Read Full Review
Either way, if the cover to the next issue is accurate, it looks like Riri will partake in a good old-fashioned superhero team-up. Should be another fun entry in what's quickly become one of Marvel's most youthful and energetic series. Read Full Review
This might be Caselli's strongest issue yet, as the combination of ninja, Iron Man armors and physical comedy results in a consistently entertaining adventure. Read Full Review
Invincible Iron Man #4 is another exciting issue that once again teaches Riri that what she has gotten herself into is no walk in the park. Being Tony Stark is not easy, so the same can't be said for Riri when she is practically picking up from where he left off. Most might try to create new villains and what not on the spot, though I will give Bendis credit that this is a villain he thought ahead of time to introduce and reintroduce when the time was right. Read Full Review
Fans of Iron Man, and specifically Riri, you're going to love this issue. Even so, we don't see all too much of just her"it's more of Riri, Pepper, and Tony all together. I'm not sure if I like the focus on all three instead of the title character, but it sure as hell makes for a good story. This is a great read that is going to leave you craving more. Read Full Review
There are some real pacing problems with this issue (and the arc in general), but overall it's an enjoyable issue of comics, even if I feel like not a lot actually happens here. Invincible Iron Man #4 features some fun dialogue and a really effective cliffhanger ending, and Caselli's art is top-notch. Read Full Review
Ninjas, much like bacon, makes everything better. Never take Stefano off this title. Nice use of the whole cast.
High energy, fun, and action. Riri with no armor.. no problem!
A bit cutesy for me, but still decent.
Pepper and/or Riri should have been killed a dozen times over. They're not THAT good. This glaring unlikelihood really tainted the otherwise decent chapter. And are all Stark's spare armors loaded with one/off A.I. consciousness now - this seems unlikely too given their matter of fact presence in he current state of affairs w/A.I. in the MU. Very nice art, though.
This was the first issue where there was more action than character building, and the result is a comic that is just okay. I'm not sold on the protagonist, but I like Riri so I'm going to stay on.
A half-a-fight issue sees Riri sidelined while Pepper kicks a lot of ninja butt. It's moving at the classically glacial Bendis pace, but it's a nice straightforward fight with some excellent art. Not memorable but definitely enjoyable. It's nice to take a break from obsessing about Riri's identity, even if we do it by watching her underperform in a fight.