• As the NEW IRON FIST adjusts to his role, he struggles to handle the WARRING SOURCES of his power!
• Can he find balance before they consume him?
• The answers he seeks may lie at the heart of K'UN-LUN - with the PAST IRON FISTS!
• Meanwhile, DANNY RAND'S hunt for the Mysterious Iron Fist heats up! In order to catch him, Danny will have to cash in a favor... from an old friend!
Iron Fist #2 is phenomenal. There was excitement from the brilliant first image, yet this second chapter has raised it to an even greater level. The plot is fun and engaging, but it is the story of this brand new Iron Fist that makes it unique. Read Full Review
Meanwhile, back in K'un-Lun Lin-Lie struggles to handle the demon sword shards in his hands from interfering with his ability to channel Shao Lou's, Dragon Chi. But he also has to deal with a few people who are not too happy with him being the new Iron Fist. Read Full Review
This issue is just what the run needed to show it's an excellent reimagining of the character. Read Full Review
Michael Yg and Sean Chen deliver some beautifully detailed panels on every page of this story. The issue if visually stunning and the action is engaging. Read Full Review
Overall, Iron Fist #2 is a story that takes an interesting turn. The story by Wong is exhilarating. The art by creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, a story that astounds. Read Full Review
The new Iron Fist is a likeable kid and his quest to find the shattered pieces of his magic sword makes for a nice driving force for the story, but there's a LOT going on in these pages. Read Full Review
Iron Fist #2 answers one of the biggest questions from issue #1 (How?) by throwing out the rules and writing an entire issue dedicated to saying "the rules don't matter so we're making new ones. The net result is a character that's significantly less interesting and special. At least the art in this issue is good. Read Full Review
I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. I love the training I thought the dialogue was written very well and the art looked great. This looks like a really promising volume of iron fist and I'm really looking forward to the next issue
This exceeded my expectations. A very solid "training montage" style issue with some nice art and solid dialogue.
The words about the traditional way of things not being the only way ring true especially for this character. Even still, we do see him training to live up to the title of the Iron Fist. Irs pretty good stuff all around
This issue spends a lot of time justifying the new Iron Fist rather than really continuing the overall narrative. I'm understanding of working that self doubt into the character, but it does come across a little over indulgent.
I think there were some good parts. I think it floundered in some but, I'm willing to stick with it for now.
The cover by Leinil Yu was really good. Unfortunately, it was the artistic high point of this issue, with the interior pages being fairly uneven. Something weird was going on with the art - Sean Chen is credited as one of the pencilers, and I couldn't tell which pages were his. Everything seemed a bit off. The art wasn't bad, it just wasn't good.
The story continues to be engaging, though it struggles in places. The opening fight scene, against generic demons was a bit jarring because the characters were chatting about social media during the fight. It's demonstrated that Lin Lie doesn't have full control over his powers, and that he doesn't have to rely on them in a fight. There's a wonky scene where Lin gets a boost from anothe more
It's a small improvement over the previous issue in characterization and particularly in the art. But the plot moves terribly slowly. A lot of pages are given over to action and a few to Danny Rand -- neither feel particularly important to the main story right now.
I agree wholeheartedly with the inclusion of feminist and self-realization themes -- and the way they're linked is great. I just wish they were appearing in a stronger, better-told story.
Sparrow would be a lot tougher on the new guy, Danny was consistently challenged as being unworthy. While with Lie nobody seems to have an issue