Frank Castle wants to end his war once and for all. But the God of War has other ideas. And now Ares is coming for the Punisher, with an army of heavily armed Apostles at his back, looking to turn Frank back into his old self by murdering his family all over again.
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This retcon changes the very foundation of Frank Castle and kind of doesn't jive with what we've always known about the character. I hope that Aaron spends some time connecting the character before with his new version to marry the two together in a more believable light. I genuinely love this version. But my continuity-driven brain needs the part of the map that's missing to better connect the pieces. Hopefully, that's what we get as this series comes to a close on these final issues. Read Full Review
Punisher #8 is simply a great deal of twisted fun, utilizing both of its distinctive art styles to great effect. Read Full Review
Punisher #8 gives Frank Castle a mild upgrade and continues to flesh out his backstory with his wife. The art is excellent, and the showdown promises to be epic, but the glacial pacing and lack of plot movement kill the energy and momentum heading into the war. Read Full Review
I'm not going to lie, this big showdown has actually got me pretty pumped.
A pretty good issue that sets the stage for an epic battle in #9. Maria's story picks up here, which is exactly what I wanted. Frank having the ninjas whose families were murdered as his personal guard is great, in my opinion, as he can relate to them in that way. Also, Ares effortlessly crushing that other ninja's head was another crazy kill in a series with a bunch of crazy ones. Overall, this book does its job well in creating anticipation for the showdown between the Apostles of War and The Hand.
I thought this was one of the better issues. I felt like it was a good balance of past and present. The art was fire. It had some badass moments.
This issue was far better than the last one. At least here you see him being a good father and working to be a good husband. Not sure about Maria with a gun, but whatever. I wish the artwork for both stories was closer, but one is really good and the other is really bad. I hope this is a mini-series because I don't see this rendition of the Punisher being more than a short term thing.
This issue features the usual solid storytelling (beautiful art, nice terse prose) and more compelling insight into Maria's mind. But I'm disappointed that the plot takes just one small step forward. Sure, there are a few details embroidered into the narrative, but this issue only takes us from "that thing is going to happen" to "now that thing is *just about* to happen."
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10