2 of 6 - "The Crime of the Century"
• CRIME DOES PAY! ...but the Foes might pay harder.
• Can Shocker and Boomerang repair their relationship? Did we just use that question to try to sell a book?!
• Nick Spencer (AVENGERS WORLD) and Steve Lieber (HAWKEYE) bring us the CRIME OF THE CENTURY!
Talking about Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber's SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN makes me feel like I'm spewing the same praise over and over again. Month after month, the series is consistently sharp, amazingly joyous and full of smile-inducing visuals. For the love of all that is holy, do yourself a favor and give this book a chance. It's a great dose of fun and that's something we all need in our lives. Read Full Review
But alongside the steady stream of humor is the strong characterization that has defined the series. As much as it's fun to laugh at the bumbling Fred and his crappy luck, Spencer also has us rooting for him in both his romantic and professional struggles. As always, Superior Foes strikes that magic balance between poking fun at these C-List villains and making us care for them. Read Full Review
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8 continues the nearly masterful story of Fred (Boomerang) Myers and his deceptive fight to the top of the bottom of the heap. Read Full Review
Superior Foes of Spider-Man is going to need a new name soon, once Superior Spider-Man gives up the ghost. Maybe they'll become the Amazing Foes of Spider-Man. The Spectacular Foes... the U-Foes, no, wait, that's taken. Okay, I'm taking suggestions, but also suggesting that you should be reading this book if you like morally ambiguous good-time comics. Read Full Review
If theres anything that drops this book below the series average its that it somehow is little less amazing than the other issues, but thats not much of a complaint. Read Full Review
Superior Foes is still a must-read month and month, because if we could, we'd all at least try being super villains - just, y'know, not very evil ones. Read Full Review
At $2.99 (rare for Marvel), Superior Foes is one of Marvels best bang for your buck books on the shelves. The series just simply keeps on delivering. Read Full Review
While not as strong as some previous issues, the little touches of humor, developments and the art in general makes this an enjoyable one nonetheless. They can't be all excellent, but being fun is sometime enough. Read Full Review
Good times. Please don't cancel this Marvel!!!