• From comic titans, Peter David and Greg Land, comes the third installment of an all-new Spider-Man tale set during the original ALIEN COSTUME SAGA!
• After glimpsing the strange abilities of Spider-Man's bizarre black suit, Mysterio is determined to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic ensemble - secrets Peter Parker hasn't even realized!
• Uncovering a shameful secret from Black Cat's past, Mysterio may have found the blackmail necessary to get close to the suit, and in doing so will set Felicia down a path where any misstep could result in her losing Peter forever!
Rated T
Overall, as a whole, Symbiote Spider-Man has been my favorite Peter Parker Spider-Man story going at the moment, with issue three doing nothing to change that in the immediate future. While initially the ‘story from the past' concept threw me off, admittedly before trying this, the idea in no way has handicapped the story being explored here. It's very cliche to say but the creative team here is putting out something that deserves the attention than a B level Spider book garners. Read Full Review
Symbiote Spider-Man continues to be a fun dip into its title character's past, but through the lens of one of his oldest foes. Anyone suffering from Amazing Spider-Man fatigue would do well to check it out! Read Full Review
It's not the darkest or most streamlined installment, but David and Land are continuing to elevate '80s nostalgia in the Spidey realm. The fact that this incidental series is so fun is a mystery-o. Read Full Review
If you're a fan of that, this will feel right at home, but readers looking for a more modern take don't need to rush out and grab this one. Read Full Review
Like other commenters said, this literally feels like it was published during Milgrom’s Spectacular Spider-Man in the 80s
I enjoyed this a lot. It feels very much like 80s Spidey. What did that "post-credits scene" at the end have to do with Absolute Carnage?
"Does whatever a spider can... "
Just fine.