Armor, Maystorm and the rest of the team hunt down the mysterious shadow! But is this group of scrappy teens prepared to face true darkness? And don't miss the reveal of the final member of the group on the last page!
Rated T+
Ultimate X-Men #6 firmly establishes the good guys versus the bad guys in an enlightening final issue to the first story arc. The plot continues to move slowly, but it's hard to deny the compelling new take on mutants and the X-Men. Read Full Review
When it comes to the artwork Ultimate X-Men #6 continues the trend of this series one of the most visually stunning an imaginative series there are. Though when it comes to the Shadow King the ending for his story isn't necessarily satisfying. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #6 is an unsatisfactory cap to the first story arc of this series. But it also creates an exciting foundation for this series to build on in the future. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #6 brings the first arc to a close with the reveal of Shinobu's identity and the first battle of the Ultimate X-Men. Unfortunately, Shinobu's identity was guessable almost from the beginning, so the reveal has no impact, and the battle is little more than a playground tussle. What should be a big moment to end the arc barely elicits a mild shrug. Read Full Review
A really intriguing issue. It felt like we were starting to get going on the overarching mysteries more this time around, which I liked. I also really enjoyed the confrontation at the end. Shinobu became a lot more interesting to me with after reading this.
For the end of a story arc this issue doesn't have a ton of finality but it does have a lot of promise and exposes more light on a few mysteries. This is a slow burn series, so it is a good thing the art and characters are entertaining to read.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10