Uncanny Avengers #9

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: John Cassaday Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 19, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 11
8.5Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Ragnarok Now continues! A team divided. The Apocalypse Twins triumphant. Wolverine discovers The Midnight City and soon wishes he hadn't. The Horsemen of Death shatter the Avengers body and soul!

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 19, 2013

    And maybe that's why it's so much fun to read Uncanny Avengers. It not only promises big names, big talents, big actions and big drama, but it delivers. It's the kind of superhero book that other superhero books should be watching - and should be emulating. Even if it slips - even if it causes a thousand angry Internet posts - there's more care and craft to this book than I might see in a half-dozen of its closest competitors. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jun 19, 2013

    This continues to be a must-read book, so if you decided to drop it after the first arc, feel free to come on back. The characterizations are great, and it has SO MUCH of it for a team book, but the real strength lies in the ways these characters interact with each other. Since theyre so clearly defined and consistent, the good times and the bad ones all make sense and all enhance the greater narrative of the book. That coupled with the absolutely incredible art makes this one of my quickly climbing favorite books. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 10, 2013

    This was a phenomenal issue, and although there wasn't a great deal of action, it was still very exciting, and dramatic. By taking the pace down a notch, Remender was able to focus more on the character development during this story, as well as adding small hints for things to come. It also had great dialogue, and fabulous art from Daniel Acua, and due to all this I'd highly recommend it, along with the story so far. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Nick Furious Jun 25, 2013

    NO! It ended on a cliffhanger!? Seriously!? I am clearly being fascias but this cliffhanger I did not see coming. I am all about bringing back dead characters when it doesn't seem like a trick to bring back a dead character. This is the kind of concept I am a huge fan of. And when you are brought back from the dead by Apocalypse you are never ever the same again. People forget how X-Men is just as dark as Punisher or Daredevil. I think Uncanny Avengers is going to take that darkness and that twisted drama, that makes you squirm from the tension in the room and turn it on it's head. Because that is what good writing is all about! This is why Uncanny Avengers is the flag ship title for Marvel Now! Because it has the power to be the best. It has the divine ability to change the face of Marvel. And believe me, it is doing just that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Jun 19, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers #9 is just an all-around solid, interesting, compelling book, setting the stage for something epic coming this way – and there's STILL the whole Red Skull/Onslaught thing waiting in the wings. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 19, 2013

    I've had my fears about whether Daniel Acuna's art would maintain high levels of detail and consistency as the monthly grind sets in. While issue #7 offered cause for concern, Acuna has been in top form since then. Acuna is able to convey the scale of the Remender's conflict wonderfully. Meanwhile, his shadowy and moody characters do a great job of hearkening back to Jerome Opena's work on Uncanny X-Force while still maintaining a fresh look and feel. And that's important, as the series continues to dabble heavily in threads from UXF. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Jun 20, 2013

    The shift from “X-Force” to “Avengers” has brought a large tonal shift to what is essentially one long-running epic, one that allows for organic growth and doors to new opportunities. Although he wasn't involved with “Avengers vs. X-Men” proper, Remender is utilizing the new status quo in the most interesting and meaningful of ways. It just so happens, with the consequences of the past few years' worth of story, that this is a fascinating time to explore the unification of human and mutant. With the additions of the splintered timeline and horsemen threads to an already full pot, “Uncanny Avengers” runs the risk of faltering under its own immense weight. However, like all high stakes gambles, the payoff is potentially huge. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 20, 2013

    As I said before, Remender consistently cranks that dial as this issue reaches it's boiling point. It's intense, leaves you in suspense, and certainly delivers on the action. Everyone in this book stands out on their own and it's their own personal drive that supports the plot which continues to grow. We all knew from the start that this team wasn't going to last together, and it was basically following that belief all the way to their breaking point which leads to anticipation for what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jun 21, 2013

    If there's one thing that is handled very well throughout the entire issue, it would be the art duty by Daniel Acua, who is a little godsend to this title. His somewhat sketchy, yet incredibly detailed lines and coloring makes for some visually smashing moments, as he handles the action and the heated arguments quite well in this issue, giving this title the quality it deserves. His colorization is also top-notch, as the painting feeling he gives to the whole issue elevates the bigger aspects of the scripts so well. The arrival of Wonder Man, the ship of the Apocalypse twins, the four horsemen of death, each of these big moments are made bigger with his expert hand and the book is better for it. With some big moments, some great character works and some terrifyingly beautiful art, Uncanny Avengers is on the quality level it should always have been. There might be a hiccup or two, but this book is well on its way to becoming another classic that Remender might boast about. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 22, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers is not Uncanny X-Force. The theme that traced throughout that series was powerful and obvious. Uncanny Avengers doesn't have that kind of theme. Instead it's a book that questions whether two groups of people can work together. All of this occurs and I didn't even touch on the villain's activities and believe me, there are plenty (Four Horseman anyone?). Check out the comic and see if you like something different from other super-hero books out there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jun 20, 2013

    Uncanny Avengers #9is an excellent issue. From a long-form perspective, Remender's casting choices have been truly excellent in bringing diversity and balance to the title's tone. It feels like human-mutant relations in the Marvel universe may never be completely peaceful, and the Avengers Unity Team is beginning to internalize this feeling more and more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Jeremy Matcho Jun 19, 2013

    This series has been building for a war since issue 1, and it looks like it is finally going to get one. Remender and Acua are putting together a dark arc, similar to Remenders X-Force run, which is pretty odd for an Avengers title. Pick this up while it is still on the shelf. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 22, 2013

    Remender understands his drama, and Havok's recent revelation that he "doesn't even want to be called mutant anymore", drives a very interesting discussion between Rogue and the Scarlet Witch, with each hero effectively arguing pro or con of Alex's announcement, taking what could have been just another dumb strawman argument and making good points about the emotional power of names and such (an argument that seems more relevant than ever given this week's internet controversies.) Had there been a little bit more happening, this issue could easily have gone over the 4 star mark, but moments Wonder Man's exceptional confrontation with armed humans while explaining how he's a pacifist now felt almost preachy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Jun 20, 2013

    All of that aside, Acunas pencils are still the highlight of the book for me. His artwork is dynamic and visually interesting, and keeps things moving at a good clip even for the somewhat lagging plot. Remender has some interesting threads going here, but this issue felt busy and weighed down by clunky pacing. Not bad, but not stellar, either. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 24, 2013

    From the beginning Uncanny Avengers #9 does not let go of your attention until you get to the back cover. Even when the art is not up to par Rick Remenders story is so wonderfully detailed that youll just find yourself immersed in the world that he has been created. There are a lot of great character moments between the various members of the Avengers Unity Squad specifically the argument Scarlet Witch and Rogue get into and Thor standing up for Wolverine. At the same time the Apocalypse Twins plot to be the overlords of every world continues to take interesting turns. In the end I just want to read more about this story as Uncanny Avengers is one of the best comics at the moment. Read Full Review

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