Rated T+
Now we head into a brand new era, and the future of Moon Knight is as bright as ever. Read Full Review
Great all around. I was truly not sure how it was going to play out. Good art, great writing, great way to wrap up this part of the Moon Knight story.
while sad that this is the end of this series, I think Jed Mackay is hte beset Moon Knight writer of all time.
This series ended on a high note. McKay has kept me captivated with a Moon Knight run that will start a new chapter soon. It's good stuff.
Better. I like my Moon Knight kind of mean and scary.
This could have been much better. Using the old trope of the pwerson dying, but being brought back to accomplish the goal doesn't really work here. You're dealing with a god who deals in souls. Simply dying and being rescuciated doesn't fit with the supernatual lore of Moon Knight. The artwork continues to be good, but I found the story lacking.
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