It's impossible to succeed in business without making a few enemies. Noblesse Pharmaceuticals sends their most cutthroat team against X-CORP once and for all, and they've come to collect.
Rated T+
This arc was not essential reading, but there were a few good moments, and the issue as a whole showed signs of marked improvement on all levels. If this line is renewed after Inferno, I won't be sorry. Read Full Review
An expert balance of superheroics and the fun, business-mind of this series. This was an excellent new flavor of X-Men comic and I think X-Corp succeeded at what it set out to do. Read Full Review
Tini Howard's eclectic group is just so different from other teams, and when Howard runs with characters like Mastermind, Selene, Madrox, or Trinary the book feels fresh and distinct from the other X-books. Read Full Review
X-Corp #5 gets all-action, but it has the same problems as every other issue of this book so far. Howard does a good job with the Fenris Twins and the structure and pacing of the chapter, but other than that, everything else in this issue falls flat. Foches art is okay, although some panels arent exactly great. X-Corp #5 is a change of pace, but its still stuck in the same race. Read Full Review
This is not for the uninitiated. The reader is thrown into a situation with a roster of character that we barely heard of whose main conflict is that they have been placed on opposing side boundaries by a thin grey line defined by money. Read Full Review
It's an OK big 'splodey action issue, but frankly every other X book is already doing lots of that and this book never really takes advantage of the things that could make it unique and interesting. Big superhero action in a book that needs something else entirely is disappointing after two years of Tini Howard doing offbeat X stories so well in Excalibur
I'm glad this series is done. This had a lot of potential, that was wasted. I don't know what the behind the scenes for this book was like, but yeah... This is the Fallen Angels of Reign of X.
There's a big dumb fight, everything explodes, and when the dust clears, Angel explains, with some unconvincing corporate talk, how this is a big mutant win. It's a fitting capstone that demonstrates all the weaknesses of the title. High time to pull the plug.