• While HANK continues to struggle with his newfound magical skill, JIMMY HUDSON struggles with a challenge all his own...
• Will Jimmy be able to regain his memory with the help of his new friends?
• And will he like what he finds if he does?
Blue's latest arc wraps on a demonic note while continuing to mutate this consistently fun X-Men series. Read Full Review
Bunn, Franchin, and company hammer out another solid issue of X-Men: Blue with #12. This is a fun and fast-paced issue, and it's a worthwhile read for X-fans. Pick it up. I do hope we get more of Magneto and Polaris in the future, though. Read Full Review
This was one of the more entertaining X-books to come out of the recent relaunch, but X-Men: Blue seems to be losing some of the qualities that made it fun. Hopefully the upcoming crossover will turn things around again. Read Full Review
A slightly damp firecracker of an ending, but with seeds for other stories planted, X-Men Blue needs to “fuel up” if it's going to maintain the momentum. Read Full Review
Bloodstorm becomes the key to shutting down the Goblin Queen and Jimmy and Angel dig up another slice of Miss Sinister's Mothervine conspiracy. A decent helping of forward plot motion and some workable (but not consistently great) art push this issue a bit above average. We're still mucking around in territory that's destined to get aggressively summarized when/if this title gets back to true greatness, and the problem is that the comics wear that "meh" skippability right on their sleeves. The characterization and roster updates are fun, though.
First I have to say I did not like this art. While Beast looked as if he was given some care, most of the characters felt lacking. It tried its hardest to be Bagley, but felt off. As for the story the Goblin Queens motivations are questionable. The Hex Men never really got a chance to show themselves except for Bloodstorm. Bloodstorm is a vampiric Ororo Munroe from another dimension who was promised a cure from the Goblin Queen. While it is interesting that Blue seems to be gathering X-Men from other worlds it would be nice for something to be done with them. Since there is a crossover coming, there is a possibility that the time will be coming. Until then this a lackluster issue. There is a brief moment hinting at a Ms. Sinister moment thamore
Over the last few issues, X-Men Blue has taken a hard left turn, with quality dipping in both art and story. The Toil and Trouble arc has definitely been the weakest thus far, and really did nothing to progess any of the numerous plot points set up by Cullen Bunn in the initial 9 issues. Hopefully the upcoming Legacy crossover with X-Men Gold over the next two months helps to boost both titles, as in their current states, seem to be derailing.