Beyond the margins of human reason lies a realm known as the Deadside, where the souls of the dearly departed linger - and where demons wait for us in the dark. For countless ages, Earth's chosen protectors have guarded the veil between both worlds - but there are other doors to the Deadside, through which gruesome terrors from galaxies untold can trespass... With the planet's freedom at stake, can the reigning Geomancer and her steadfast Eternal Warrior stand together against an invasion unlike any they've ever witnessed?
From celebrated writer Andy Diggle (SHADOWMAN), rising star writer Alex Paknadel (Friendo), and legendary artist Doug more
Between the glorious artwork of Doug Braithwaite and the combined efforts of Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel, this mini-series stands to be both memorable but also a natural entry point into the Valiant comics universe for readers of all ages. Read Full Review
An epic, near-perfect debut,Incursion #1promises nothing short of greatness. Read Full Review
INCURSION #1 offers more than just the typical setting and character introductions of a first-issue comic book. Inside, you'll find an epic gestalt of sci-fi villains and fantasy heroes, all presented with a realistic art style that captures the tone such an adventure deserves. This comic provides relatable characters (heroes and villains alike) who, despite their globe-altering abilities, still feel realistic. I had a lot of fun with this story, and I look forward to reading the next three issues in the miniseries. Read Full Review
Incursion is the beginning of greatness, as we all hope that Gilad and Tama can defeat, or even merely survive the arrival of Imperatrix Virago. I highly recommend this! Read Full Review
The stakes are huge, the villain is chilling, and the bit players are intriguing. Read Full Review
I'm normally hesitant when it comes to multiple writers on the same project as in my experience aside from Eliot Rahal and Donny Cates on The Paybacks, the results are usually average at best. At best. With Incursion #1, however, Diggle and Paknadel have delivered a comic that's every bit as good as I hoped it would be, if not more so. For some context, the series I've read featuring the Eternal Warrior as a prominent character (Book of Death and Wrath of the Eternal Warrior) are some of my absolute favourite so my expectations are naturally higher for any comic with the character as a focal point. And yet, I loved this issue, and am happy to say that Incursion #1 is a great comic. Read Full Review
Incursion #1starts the slow build to what could become the best event that Valiant has done. It not only continues to world build on the current state of the Valiant Universe but starts to carve its own path. Read Full Review
With terrific art by Doug Braithwaite and a crackling good story by Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel, this is a good jumping-on point for the latest story. Read Full Review
I have said previously that I am not the biggest Valiant fan in the world. I don't know why to be honest; it must clearly be a “me thing, not a them thing”. Yet looking at this book, reading the quality of the writing, I am not surprised that have carved for themselves a piece of the comic book reader pie. Read Full Review
If you're tired of the usual superhero stories, pick upIncursion #1.Enjoyed the issue? Let us know on Twitter @HeroesDirect! Read Full Review
Incursion certainly has all the makings of an enjoyable story. Read Full Review
Through the events of Incursion #1, this creative team met the hype that this debut had built up to. They pulled no punches in this first chapter when we are quickly hit with the reality that there is much more to fear than the Master Darques of the world, or the Toyo Haradas. Not when you have a villain the likes of Imperatrix Virago who has been there and done that on so many other planets before Earth. Read Full Review
Diggle and Paknadel are off to a great start with this issue. The plot follows along what you would expect from an Eternal Warrior series. Valiant has a thread of consistency in their pencils that I can't remember seeing anywhere else, at least in the last few years anyway. Braithwaite has a Ryp quality to his work that reminds me of the recent Ninja-K and Livewire issues. That makes the universe more robust and easily expandable. Read Full Review
Incursion #1 sets up an intriguing and very dangerous conflict, with compelling art, storytelling and good craft. Read Full Review
The Imperatrix is coming for Earth, and Incursion #1 makes it look and read a lot better than that sounds. Armed with a vast scope and some intriguing new villains, Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel take their time with this opening issue, giving us just enough of what we need to keep us on the hook for the rest of the looming event. Working in tonal harmony with the pulpy, beautiful artwork Doug Braithwaite, Jose Villarrubia, and Diego Rodriguez, this team delivers a weird but entertaining opening gambit for Valiant’s newest event. Read Full Review
A perfect example of building on an older comic mythology while introducing brand new concepts that tie it all together. Read Full Review
With the unique blend of sci fi and magical elements there's something for just about any fan of comics regardless of the genre you prefer. Read Full Review
"Incursion" #1 is a strong shake-up to the traditional Tama and Gilad story thanks to an intergalactic twist. Read Full Review