Unity #4

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Doug Braithwaite Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 5
8.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

UNITY divided!
Here comes heavyweight showdown you've been waiting for! As Harada's secret machinations come to light, the newly minted UNITY team will be faced with a choice that will change them forever - and the Valiant Universe along with it. Get ready for a world-shaking battle royale as the final installment of UNITY's first adventure pits X-O Manowar and Toyo Harada against the most dangerous battalion ever united - and each other.

  • 10
    Herotaku - Jamal Melancon Feb 16, 2014

    If you're reading Unity already, this is not an issue to miss or wait for. Unity #4 is a defining issue of the quality that Valiant continues to bring. I honestly envy those who have the opportunity to read all of Matt Kindt and Doug Braithwaite's first arc in one go this March. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 19, 2014

    UNITY hasn't lost its charm; it still feels like a blockbuster movie. Matt Kindt is going all out with this one and Doug Braithwaite's art is just icing on this oh-so-delicious cake. Not only is Kindt able to juggle the roster well, but he's always keeping things moving. If he's not treating us to an epic action scene, odds are he's taking steps to move the overall narrative forward in order to keep things fresh. This is some damn good popcorn entertainment, people. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Feb 18, 2014

    Kindt also throws in a nice side story of the journalist Aric rescued during the battle he had with the Russian military and how she has become a secret ally and asset to Aric's cause. Not too heavy, just a nice arc to bring in more character and heroics of a not-so-super scale. Unity has been one hell of a ride from the beginning and issue #4 ends in a big bang and on a high note. The new heroes have arrived and it's one of the most entertaining and exciting new team books in comic shops today. There are many good team books on the market but Unity is on the verge of being a great one! Try Valiant's team on for size and you'll be more than a little bit surprised how good and exciting it is. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Feb 26, 2014

    Its awesome to see how well Matt and team have wrapped up the first arc of the series. At least, I think this issue marks the end of the first arc. It feels like a natural ending, and that's what matters I suppose. Bring on the next issue I say! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 19, 2014

    Being the fourth issue, Unity continues with the same momentum it began with and delivers on that action that makes this team justified for forming. Unity shows why it is the center of what affects the Valiant world most as everyone involved is growing as individuals and making those tough choices now which they wouldn't have before. Matt Kindt knows these characters and how they should react in a situation like this. Allowing for them to let their colors show what they stand for when it comes to the safety of the world. Just hopefully whatever comes next, we can have more of that sense of shock and awe instead of having an idea of how things end before they actually do. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Feb 26, 2014

    As is the case with most of Valiant Comics' titles, Unity continues to deliver great action and story on a grand scale. It's another must read in a string of must reads from Valiant. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Feb 25, 2014

    The only drawback is the rather anti climatic conclusion that it offers. I would have loved to see so much more happen, or an epic return of the X-O armour to Aric. Instead, it comes across as half-hearted a golden opportunity lost. Make no mistake about it this issue is definitely worth the read, especially if you have been following this major title, but I do think the conflict between Harada and his former allies could have been stretched out over a few more issues. It would have still kept up the pace and made things interesting. The fate of the X-O armour just felt too rushed. Where the story goes to from here will be interesting. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Feb 17, 2014

    This installment of Unity features all the spectacle, ferocity, and character moments that Valiant fans could possibly want. Kindt and Braithwaite deliver truly inspired superhero work in this tale, that should have fans counting the days until the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - BigJ Feb 20, 2014

    In just for issues, Kindt and Braithwaite have managed to bring together all the key players of the Valiant universe and given them a dynamic reason to co-exist. If fans of the “Avengers” or “Justice League” would be willing to give Unity a chance they would be instantly hooked by the high stakes action and powerful storytelling that is contained within this series. The only complaint with Unity is that after reading each issue, fans are left in agony waiting another thirty days for the next issue to drop. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Feb 20, 2014

    So, in conclusion: quick pace good, writing and art both top notch, need more fast, Valiant doing great things. That basically covers it all, right? Valiant has so much going on and so much coming if you arent caught up already, its time to go pick up some trades. Valiant got it right, this stuff really is must read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Feb 19, 2014

    If you're interested in the Valiant Universe, but don't know where to start Unity is a great place to pick up. I would argue that each series has had more than one great jumping on point, but with Unity you get a snapshot of everything and that's a wonderful thing to have from a comic book company. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 19, 2014

    Unity still looks great, at least. Doug Braithwaite's art feels a bit more rushed in this issue, but that doesn't the strong and smooth storytelling from coming through. Braithwaite is a master and even on his off days, he's producing gorgeous looking art that is filled with a fluid grace. Colorist Brian Reber does a great work this month, as well. This may not be the best issue of Unity, but it's still a quality comic that rivals most of the stuff being put out by the bigger superhero companies. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 20, 2014

    Where it's a bit better, though not in any way that redeems the faults, is with the colorization by Brian Reber. Using a lot of lighting and shading effects, Reber is able to not overdo it in many cases, playing with small touch of obscurity and a nuanced and subtle balance between warm and cold in most places. Using the environment to maximize the contrast and bring an evolving touch from the top of the pages to the very bottom, his work manage to work with the art instead of overshadowing it. This issue delivers a sound conclusion and a good launch pad for the series thanks to some good sequence and some great character work, yet is a bit hampered by some problematic addition, some rushed developments and some small problems with the art. It's good, but not as great as the previous issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Blair Stevenson Dec 31, 1969

    Issue #4 concentrates on the battle for X-O Manowars armour, which has been taken from him by Toyo Harada. The rest of the UNITY team believe Harada will not use this armour for the good of mankind and battle to take it back from him. The entire issue reads like a generic beat em-up from a games console, following a simple format of little dialogue, battle, little dialogue, battle"and repeat. This should not deter you from the book, as the fight scenes are well transcribed and the action is intense throughout. If you have an affinity for any of Valiants titles, this one is for you! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Feb 19, 2014

    I'm not sold on this issue, largely because there is no reasons why the actions that take place here are being taken. They just are… cuz, you know, because and Harada is made to appear more evil than any prior issue seems to suggest. This might be a case where not reading the tie-ins hurts the read, because I'm a bit lost as to character intentions. Read Full Review

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