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Joined: Dec 14, 2017

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JBob reviewed Mister Miracle #12 Nov 16, 2018

Honestly a little underwhelmed with the finalé here. I felt that what this issue "wrapped up" was stuff that I had been expecting as far back as issue 4 or 5. It really felt to me like they could have compressed a portion of it and stuffed it into the last issue, albeit expanded into a larger issue. Maybe not, but it felt like it took a long road to vaguely hint at what we had already knew. I com more

Mister Miracle #12

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Nov 14, 2018

It'll be a miracle if you can get through this mind-bending conclusion with your sanity intact! After his epic battle with Darkseid, Scott Free sees life a whole new way: he's the new Highfather of New Genesis, and he's madly in love with his wife and child. But what if it's all a lie? Did Mister Miracle really escape death way back in issue #1? No...

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JBob reviewed Bitter Root #1 Nov 15, 2018

As far as a new series goes, this issue #1 hits all the right spots for me.

Took most of the issue introducing the reader to the characters and get a sense of the world that they are going to be operating in. It didn't set up any short term series ending goals, which I think is good, hopefully it means it sticks around for a while. Overall very excited to see where the story is going t more

Bitter Root #1

By: David Walker, Sanford Greene
Released: Nov 14, 2018

In the 1920s, the Harlem Renaissance is in full swing, and only the Sangerye Family can save New York-and the world-from the supernatural forces threatening to destroy humanity. But the once-great family of monster hunters has been torn apart by tragedies and conflicting moral codes. The Sangerye Family must heal the wounds of the past and move bey...

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JBob reviewed Avengers #2 May 17, 2018

Meh. The series was off to a pretty exciting start with issue #1 but definitely took a dive for me already. As someone else's review mentioned, "Loki again?" was pretty much my exact reaction. What I didnt really like about it was how they pretended like they were keeping it a mystery by not showing him til the end but clearly were using his voice (font) throughout his monologuing as if people mi more

Avengers #2

By: Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 16, 2018

• Black Panther and Dr. Strange battle for their lives deep within the earth...
•  Captain Marvel battles death and destruction raining down from the skies...
•  ...while Thor, Iron Man and Captain America lead the valiant (yet hopeless) fight against the Final Host of Dark Celestials.
•  And Ghost Rider and the Savage Hu...

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JBob commented on this:
DDJamesB reviewed Thanos #16 Mar 1, 2018

It was a good read with great art, but my only gripe would be how easily Frank started to work with Thanos. Other than that it was a good story.

Thanos #16

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Feb 28, 2018

•  The secret origins of King Thanos' right-hand man, the cosmic spirit of vengeance, Ghost Rider!
•  Just who IS this madman and how did he become allies with the most evil man in the Universe?
Parental Advisory

+ LikeComments (2)
JBob - Mar 1, 2018

I think dragging that out would have been unnecessary, Thanos just decapitated his partner and tossed the rider away like a piece of paper. I think at that point Frank was just looking for a friend.

KesheR - Mar 3, 2018

I think we did not read the whole conversation. Probably everything we have seen is just a summary.

JBob reviewed Thanos #16 Mar 1, 2018

This is without a shadow of a doubt best book marvel has going for it. that's pretty much my review.

Donny Cates has really elevated the titles that he has taken over for marvel to the next level and paired with phenomenal artists like geoffrey shaw and ryan stegmann has me itching to read anything he puts out. I think that Donny has a better idea of how the minds of these Marvel bad gu more

Thanos #16

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Feb 28, 2018

•  The secret origins of King Thanos' right-hand man, the cosmic spirit of vengeance, Ghost Rider!
•  Just who IS this madman and how did he become allies with the most evil man in the Universe?
Parental Advisory

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JBob reviewed Jenny Finn #4 Feb 16, 2018

Really liked this series, first issue to last. I felt this last installment sort of ramped things up to a level that was a bit over the top compared to what I might have expected, but it still worked for me in that it was a sensible conclusion that, as it should, left the door open for furthering the concepts displayed throughout the series.

Jenny Finn #4

By: Mike Mignola, Troy Nixey
Released: Feb 14, 2018

Jenny has been captured and the terrible plague is coming to an end, but when Joe has the chance to escape London, a ghost from his past forces him to stay and finish what he started.

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JBob reviewed Marvel Two-In-One #3 Feb 16, 2018

Really enjoying this series at pretty much every turn. I usually have mixed feeling on Zdarksy's work depending on what book it is. That said, i was definitely speculative of this one but so far he has done the characters justice and made for a really fun book that i cant wait to read every month. Given the title and the situation that the First Family where put in since Secret Wars, they cant do more

Marvel Two-In-One #3

By: Chip Zdarsky, Valerio Schiti
Released: Feb 14, 2018

•  Flame off! Johnny Storm is losing his powers, but why?
•  And who is the mysterious woman who says she can help?
•  Plus: The MAD THINKER and DOOM square off over REED RICHARDS as "THE FATE OF THE FOUR" continues!
Rated T

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Confusing issue in an event that has seemingly gone past its expiration date. I have followed every issue of metal, and where some might have some "wait what?" moments for those who havent read the entire snyder back catalog of comics, it was still mostly a cohesive story. this one, not so much. the wild hunt is like a collage of all of the "wait what?" moments of the series put together in hopes more

Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1

By: Scott Snyder, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 14, 2018

Continued from the pages of the bestselling DARK NIGHTS: METAL! The Dark Knights ride through the farthest reaches of the Multiverse to track down the unlikeliest of teams: The Flash, Cyborg, Raven and Detective Chimp. The mission: keep these heroes from completing their desperate quest to save all of existence! Plus, Challengers' Mountain crackles...

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JBob rated Thanos #14 Dec 29, 2017

Thanos #14

By: Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw
Released: Dec 27, 2017

•  Thanos has journeyed to the end of time to the moment of his complete victory...and he's not happy with what he sees!
•  Writer Donny Cates and artist Geoff Shaw (God Country) continue the tale of the Mad Titan's biggest glory and ultimate shame!
Parental Advisory

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JBob liked this:
Frank Black reviewed Doomsday Clock #1 Nov 23, 2017

Do you remember that Britney Spears fan, the one from the "leave Britney alone" video? That's how I felt reading this. Geoff Johns knows he can't win over readers like me, but is like he didn't even tried. The art is kinda good, but... But... I'm sad. I'm so sad...

Doomsday Clock #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Nov 22, 2017

DC Comics presents to you a 12-issue maxiseries from the critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. You are not prepared for what lies ahead within these pages, good readers.

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JBob reviewed Mister Miracle #5 Dec 14, 2017

I want to say its my favorite issue so far, but every issue is fantastic.

Mister Miracle #5

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Dec 13, 2017

How do you spend your last night on Earth? Why, with the one you love, of course! Having been condemned to death by the new Highmaster, Mister Miracle is going to have to return to New Genesis for his execution. Before he does, he and Big Barda go on one last date. But if Scott Free truly is infected by Darkseid, as Orion says, you can bet some dar...

JBob reviewed Giants #1 Dec 14, 2017

Really great first issue. It does a good job of setting up the premise, introducing the protagonists and leaves you with enough to chew on until next month. Really love the art on this book and am looking forward to see the series unfold

Giants #1

By: Carlos Valderrama, Miguel Valderrama
Released: Dec 13, 2017

A cataclysm of unknown origins unleashed a race of gigantic monsters whose presence has driven humanity underground.
There, two orphans discover that the most dangerous monster is ambition, which unchecked, will grow until it devours you!
o An original vision from two powerful new talents!
o The Valderrama Bros. first American work!

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