How do you spend your last night on Earth? Why, with the one you love, of course! Having been condemned to death by the new Highmaster, Mister Miracle is going to have to return to New Genesis for his execution. Before he does, he and Big Barda go on one last date. But if Scott Free truly is infected by Darkseid, as Orion says, you can bet some dark force will intervene-only to what end?
I don't think it's hyperbole to say that Mister Miracle is the best superhero comic on the stands. It's consistently been one of the best of the year, and it should cement King and Gerads as one of the all-time great duos in comics. Read Full Review
If you haven't started reading Mister Miracle yet, I would recommend catching up just so you can read this issue. Actually, if you want to just read one Mister Miracle comic ever in your life, I'd recommend this issue. Read Full Review
There's really not a lot that needs to be said with this book. King and Gerads continue to surprise and this issue was everything right with this series. It's worth all the hype and then some. Read Full Review
As usual, Mitch Gerads played the accomplice to King in this story whose narrator in hindsight is very godly and very obvious. The repetitions of panels using the nine-panel grid with little changes and a lot or reused frames in subsequent pages create much familiarity in a story that can be difficult to grasp if read literally. Read Full Review
Working with King and Cowles, this issue's nine-panel grid dictates the content, and in these cases, the creative team has to create a space in the first panel that works for the rest of the page, packing in every detail and nuance they can. Time appears to be inescapable, but Gerads makes the moments beautiful while they last. Read Full Review
So, if youve skipped everything above and are jumping to the concluding paragraph to get the tl;dr of this review, read this sentence: Mister Miracle #5 is fucking amazing. This issue is not best of 2017 material. Statements like that feel like they are cheap when referencing work that is this good. It is a masterfully crafted, integral piece of a series that is, thus far, the kind of work that highlights how amazing storytelling can be in the medium of comics. Tom, Mitch, Scott, BardaI cant wait to see what is next. Read Full Review
Tom Kings and Mitch Gerads are no strangers to creating amazing comics series. This isn't their first; it won't be their last. That's because they understand the needs of both the story and the reader. The level of care that goes into every issue is astounding but not surprising. Because it comes from two of comics' best creators. Who together have managed to create a… miracle. Read Full Review
If you are not reading this series, please correct that mistake immediately. This is one series that deserves to be read by all. Read Full Review
"Mister Miracle" #5 is a book that should be shown at art schools to demonstrate how to do mature comics right. It explores what the medium is capable of, but never losing sight that it exists to serve a story. Read Full Review
Once again, King surprises with this incredibly intimate and emotionally intense issue that chronicles what may very well be Scott Free's last day alive. Read Full Review
It's fitting that the only series that can rival Batman as DC's best current book is another Tom King-penned epic. Mister Miracle delivers its finest issue yet thanks to this emotionally charged, intimate look at the romance between Scott Free and Barda. It's got humor and sex appeal, but it truly succeeds when it comes to highlighting the enduring appeal of this pairing and their ability to survive the worst the Fourth World can throw at them. Read Full Review
Find the first issue and get caught up on one the best series that you can't escape from. Read Full Review
Again, no action this issue but you wouldn't even notice it. King gives us a haymaker with the dialogue. Gerads's art and colors are the sucker punch you love getting caught off guard by. Mister Miracle is proof that with the right creative team, *Kevin Garnet voice* anything is possible! Read Full Review
Mister Miracle #5 shows us why Scott Free and Big Barda are meant to be together as well as why we're meant to read this comic. Read Full Review
Mister Miracle continues to do some strong work but this is one of those almost kind of side bar issues where it's doing something very character focused that in some ways may not feel like it's fully important. Spending an entire issue on a day before execution is something other series would do for half of it at best but I loved that King delved into it in full, spent a lot of time going through some of the banality of life within that, but also digging into the joys and pleasures as well. And really, Mitch Gerards brings it to life in such a fantastic way that it's so easy to become wrapped up in it all and feel a connection. I can't wait to see what's next. Read Full Review
It's hard to fault this series because it's so unique and true. Read Full Review
Another captivating issue in this one of a kind series. How will Mister Miracle get out of dire situation? I don't know, but I'm excited to find out. Read Full Review
I can't say I completely get what's going on with this series but there's no ignoring that this issue is full of emotional weight with the expected amazing art. The series continues to be a head scratcher but it's a head scratcher I look forward to reading every month and one of the best of the year. Read Full Review
In the end, this issue perfectly encapsulates the series as a whole in that we get to be a part of an incredible character study that makes us feel all those emotions described in the last paragraph as we follow King and Gerards’ exploration of what makes Scott Free Mister Miracle. With the next issue, we’ll be at the halfway mark, but I can honestly say, this is already shaping up to be one of the best series of the last decade. Read Full Review
While DC's Rebirth era has given us many great books, Mister Miracle is one of the best, despite not being labelled as a Rebirth title. It has breathed new life into Jack Kirby's Fourth World without losing touch with the spirit of Kirby's original stories. Read Full Review
God is" Darkseid is" What will happen now that Mister Miracles' day is up? The next issue will surely steer up the Highfather back in New Genesis when he finds out what happened. Just ready yourselves for the final pages that will shock you and leave you questioning the outcome of what comes next. To be honest, Mister Miracle has become one of my favorite comic books and I have found a new love for Scott Free. I really hope he gets better because if in the end he's still laid out on that bathroom floor when he cut his wrist and all of this that happened never did that would totally suck. But, if Darkseid is messing with his mind well then damn Mister Mircale, how will you escape that? Let's just wait and see what Tom King and Mitch Gerads' amazing team work bring us next time". Darkseid is. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue is very good and it has some really great moments. Read Full Review
The new issue tells a wonderful, intimate story about Mister Miracle and Big Barda, but I can never shake the feeling that something deeper and more dangerous is going on. Read Full Review
I know that I will be in the minority here, but I do not like this book. I swear to god that it's laughing at me every time I read it and it just points out how dumb I must be to not like it as much as everyone else. Blue Pill, Red Pill? Whichever one will help, give me three! I said in earlier reviews that I do think that it will all make sense by the end. I am losing hope. Read Full Review
I'm not going to say much I came into this series not knowing much about the direction of the series and I was instantly blown away. In a world of superheroes this series is extremely grounded in reality. I enjoy the poetic symbology and it's speaks in a metaphorical way that hits home more than a lot of comics can. I believe this is one of the greatest story written and going in to it with really no idea of the direction of the story made it even better. Just pick it up give it a chance.
Lisa Loeb's pick for best single issue of 2017.
For some reason, perhaps because of the freedom that comes with writing more obscure characters, Tom King makes Mister Miracle work. In 5 issues I'm more invested in this series than I am in King's Batman. Also, it's interesting King decides to go with Barda and Scott picking LA to live in with a celebrity vibe. For those that never wanted Tom King's Vision series to end, you should pick this up if you haven't already.
We are witnessing a classic in progress
Holy cr@p! The best one yet, and I’ve been giving every issue a “10”, so I would give this a 20, if I could. This is a truly incredible issue. I love what Tom King and Mitch Gerads are doing with Mr. Miracle.
I want to say its my favorite issue so far, but every issue is fantastic.
It's hard to understand how a comic can be so consistently good, flawless even, for this many consecutive issues. After reading the first, then the second, the the third, I told myself it would lose steam at some point, but it's quite the opposite that actually happens. This series gets better month after month, changing dynamics each time. This time, the romance between Scott and Big Barda is so in touch with reality, it's scary. As mythological, cosmic and complex as they can be, their actual everyday life is pretty much the same as anyone else. The weight of this last day spent together, doing almost nothing special but being together, is crushing, yet full of love and hope. It's funny, philosophical, emotional, beautifull. The art of Gemore
Darkseid is?
Mister Miracle and Big Barda... go on a last date. It's wonderful, grounded in it's philosophical musings, a convincing and deeply impactful love story.
Love is.
I kind of went in to this issue with a bit of trepidation, thinking "I am already pretty lost as to what is going on in this series...Will I have to reread the first 4 issues?" A lot of this story's ambiguity is intentional by King and Gerads, of course, but I still got a greater sense of the story here in issue #5 than I have gotten from the first four issues. There is a lot of tenderness between Scott and Big Barda here, and the development of their relationship is a great part about this issue and the series as a whole. And, while Marvel is already down, Funky Flashman makes his long-awaited return, only to...well, it ain't pretty!
This issue contains moments, topics, and feelings rarely seen in mainstream books (at least for me). Gerads is always strong, but this might be the first time that the art served to outshine the writing, as I found myself lingering on backgrounds, colors, and most importantly, facial expressions, long after I completed a page.
Big Barda is a RIDE OR DIE CHICK!!!!!
I would say 'worst' of the series and worst in quotes as it is still better than most books. It's a filler issue between his sentence and execution. Granted it is a nice filler issue to really get to know and care about these characters even more so whatever happens has added weight. 5 issues in and I am captivated by this book and it is on par with The Vision in my opinion.
Graphic Policy - Brett's paragraph summary of that whole agreeable review pretty much summed up my feelings after the last page. And for that reason, my grade would have been a tad lower than he gives this ish. Scott is one lucky guy to have a such a fine robusty woman like that for a soulmate. This only makes the ending more shocking - even if it is another mystery 'glitch'!
Art the strongest portion for me. Story didnt hit home like I hoped it would. But it is the last date of a seriously damaged man, and that was my mindset throughout the issue. It is nice to see he won't be going without a fight and I hope the next issue, the halfway point, at least yields some answers. It's totally possible this issue will be much better once the entire series is released but for now, this is my least favorite issue.
Much needed issue that develops the space or void between these characters but man I don't know how people were giving this a 10. We all are different so NEXT!