BCya's Profile

Joined: Feb 11, 2022

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BCya commented on this:
SurvivorLiv posted on Merlyn's profile Feb 20, 2022

Warning to anyone forced to deal with Merlyn - perhaps the worst individual on this website. This guy is a bigot who gives a low score to any book that has too many minority characters or is written/drawn by minority creators. When you express you enjoyed a book he didn't he will call you ugly, stupid, and a myriad of other things. He is genuinely an awful, pitiful person who desperately needs to touch grass because maybe, just maybe, he will then cry less over POC appearing in his fav comics.

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BCya - Feb 22, 2022


Fury - Feb 25, 2022

Reading this thread like sipping a fine well aged single malt. Huzzah.

BCya liked this:
WhistleBlower rated Human Target #5 Feb 22, 2022

Human Target #5

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Christopher Chance, a.k.a. the Human Target, will be dead in a few days, but nothing will stop him from solving his own murder. His investigation into the JLI intensifies, and he sets his sights on the Martian Manhunter…but what piece does J’onn J’onzz add to the puzzle?

BCya liked this:
Fracadactyl reviewed X-Cellent #1 Feb 5, 2022

Might be a bit of a surprise if you haven't read the X-Statix Giant issue with the new cast. But as a fan of camp I have to love this stuff. No situation is ever boring and the characters personalities fill up scenarios left and right. Plus there's a real sense of suspense on the feeling anyone can die...

Okay, yes mutants can always come back to life with the Five these days. But come more

X-Cellent #1

By: Peter Milligan, Mike Allred
Released: Feb 2, 2022

They were loved by their adoring fans. They were reviled by the harsh press. They lived, they loved, they fought and they died...a lot - all for the sake of fame. They were the X-Statix, a team of mutant celebrities fighting for a brighter world and an even brighter spotlight! But they're old news now, because there's a new m...

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BCya reviewed X-Men: Legends #11 Feb 12, 2022

I thought it was really fun seeing this era of New Mutants back in action even though I never read the title back in the day.

X-Men: Legends #11

By: Louise Simonson, Walter Simonson
Released: Feb 2, 2022

Just in time to celebrate forty years of the original NEW MUTANTS, catch up with some old friends - like SUNSPOT, CANNONBALL, WOLFSBANE, BOOM-BOOM, DANI MOONSTAR, RICTOR and more - as CALIBAN leads PESTILENCE and WAR, the remaining horsemen of APOCALYPSE, in a hunt for new blood!

Witness ...

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BCya reviewed X-Cellent #1 Feb 11, 2022

Loved this book. If you aren’t familiar with X-Statix it would be a bit confusing, so you should read that series at once because it was wonderful.

X-Cellent #1

By: Peter Milligan, Mike Allred
Released: Feb 2, 2022

They were loved by their adoring fans. They were reviled by the harsh press. They lived, they loved, they fought and they died...a lot - all for the sake of fame. They were the X-Statix, a team of mutant celebrities fighting for a brighter world and an even brighter spotlight! But they're old news now, because there's a new m...

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