Martin's Profile

Joined: Oct 08, 2024

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This was NOT an easy comic to read - while I enjoyed the art … the story was … um … in my opinion … near-unreadable. It’s a shame it was so important to the overall Absolutely Power storyline.

I used to really enjoy Dazzler back in the 80s - so I thought I would pick up this book #mistake - the art was decent, but the story felt like it was some poor fan-fiction written by a middle schooler. It was a huge let down. The dialog was painfully obvious and uninspired - the writer kept beating the reader over the head trying to make a point - I had to force myself to finish it. There was nothing interesting about this book & no plot thread that would make me come back for a second helping.

Read my first All-In book tonight - Batman 152. The art was great - the story was good, but lacked that “fresh start” feeling and some elements felt very “done before”. But I’ll probably hang on for the next issue before passing final judgement.

More late night Absolute Power, Green Lantern 13 was a mixed bag - the Hal Jordan stuff was great … but so many other plots kept pulling away from Hal and the shark guy (Karshon?). No clue why Hal doesn’t seem to have his ring but it didn’t hurt the story one way or the other. I always liked Jessica Cruz as a Lantern from the Rebirth stuff … but her story left me a bit confused. There was more Absolute Power stuff with what seemed like Infinity Inc … but then we cut to some dude named Sorrow followed by an alien called Thaaros. Seeing as this was a tie-in, I would expect the writer to better introduce things to a new reader. But all that aside - I would softly recommend this as a good addition to the overall Absolute Power story, though I’m pretty sure it won’t have a huge impact.

Just read the new Uncanny X-Men by Gail Simone … much to my surprise I really liked it! The first half was a fun bit of action, that tied into the larger Marvel universe (though I had no idea what was happening on the first 4 pages). The second half of the book got a bit dark … but well written. The book was also beautifully drawn by David Marquez. This first issue did exactly what it was supposed to do - it left me wanting more - I will be picking up issue 2. Though I have 2 questions - How could Wolverine be in this book (set in Mexico) and also in adjective-less X-Men #1 (in Alaska) at the same time? Also … how is it that Rogue can touch everyone now?

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