OHardy's Profile

Joined: Apr 01, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #1002

Aug 26, 2018

I never would have picked Bendis to write Superman, and now I am surprised at how much I have enjoyed his first few issues. His takes on the Daily Planet and the city of Metropolis have been refreshing. I am not sure if I like where the overall story is headed, but I do know that I eagerly anticipate the next issue. The art is a big part of the fun... it is superb.

All-New X-Men (2015) #19

Apr 1, 2017

The art was above average. The pacing, as stated by a previous reviewer, was awkward. The supporting characters, other than the Original Five, were written strangely out of character, and could have been left out of the book completely. The ending was especially annoying. I am looking forward to Cullen Bunn getting control of these characters.

Avengers (2018) #6

Aug 26, 2018

The final battle was so big it was difficult for the artwork to convey the scope of it all, and many panels required narration to explain just what you were looking at

Batman (2016) #21

Apr 24, 2017

I would give it a TEN based on the gorgeous artwork alone. Beautiful superhero comic book. And the story was fun, too.

Batwoman (2017) #2

Apr 24, 2017

A little plot and dialogue heavy, and not the kind of story arc that you want to use to begin a new series. Batwoman begins her series dropped into a setting we've never seen before, full of characters we don't care about.

Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #1

Apr 28, 2017

The art fits the character perfectly. I found the first pages of Ben Reilly talking to himself quite annoying, and I grew to hate every moment that Reilly "talked" to the Jackyl and the Scarlet Spider.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #16

Apr 19, 2017

I would give this issue a much higher grade if the artwork were better. The art was inconsistent... good on some pages, weaker on other pages. I found that the art took away from the story. It distracted me. By the way, the story was quite compelling.

Doctor Strange (2015) #19

Apr 24, 2017

Bachalo is the perfect artist for Dr Strange. The story was great, offering insight into the relationship between Wong and Strange.

Flash (2016) #21

Apr 28, 2017

Probably the best Batman-Flash team up I've read. The story does a fine job of explaining the things that Batman and Flash have in common, making them natural allies. As a fan of DC's long and complex continuity, I was fascinated by what we saw during the trip on the Cosmic Treadmill. I can't wait to see where this story goes in the next two installments.

Generations (2017): Banner Hulk & The Totally Awesome Hulk #1

Aug 2, 2017

The inevitable Hulk Fight was poorly staged, predictable and dull. The characterization of Banner was a one page recap of him being abused as a child. The charterization of Awesome Hulk throws us the new direction of Cho having anger issues of his own, seemingly out of nowhere, attempting to make Cho more of a copy of the original Hulk. The story was almost pointless. As a fan of the original Hulk,it was a big disappointment.

Heroes In Crisis #1

Sep 28, 2018

I give it a 10 on artwork. The story leaves me cold, so I give it a 7.

Hulk (2016) #5

Apr 28, 2017

Who thought it would be a good idea to launch a She Hulk comic with no She Hulk in the book until issue 6? Did Marvel want this book to fail? What a waste of time!

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor #4

Aug 26, 2018

The art in much of the book was so unattractive it distracted me from the story. I found many of the main characters hard to recognize.

Justice League (2016) #17

Apr 2, 2017

I give this a 9 rating based on the artwork alone. The art job was tough, having to draw various characters and locations throughout time. The artist did a fantastic job. and the story, wasn't as cringe-worthy as previous issues. I liked the art so much it made me try to find the previous work of the artist.

Justice League (2016) #19

Apr 24, 2017

The artwork was fantastic. The story was predictable to a fault, and the entire storyline as empty as a 1960's JLA. The arc should have lasted two issues, tops. Keep the artist, and get a new writer. I give it a 7.5 just because the art was great.

Justice League of America (2017) #4

Apr 16, 2017

I thought the artwork was great, especially the sequences with the Ray. The story was a lousy way to launch a series. DULL

Secret Empire #0

Apr 19, 2017

This is an event that has an intriguing premise. I find myself truly curious as to how this will be resolved, and if we will ever get Captain America restored to the great hero he used to be. The art was quite good. This artwork is much better than what has been seen in Cap's regular book for the last few issues. This issue had almost too many moving parts, with too many characters without any characterization. Most of the heroes in the story were interchangeable. And if a reader hasn't been following Cap's book, they may have trouble understanding the plot and the character motivations.

Thunderbolts (2016) #12

Apr 19, 2017

The stakes are high, the battle is savage, with the Thunderbolts in terrible danger. I liked the story but the artwork was substandard. I had to look at some panels several times to figure out who was doing what to which person. The fight between the Wrecking Crew and the TBolts was poorly drawn. The story gets a 9. The art gets a 3.

Trinity (2016) #8

Apr 24, 2017

A waste of time. The content of this book could have been condensed down to five pages or less of the Trinity talking over the new unknown status quo of the DCU. For a monthly book to waste an issue like this is hard for me to understand.

X-Men Prime #1

Apr 1, 2017

This is most definitely a "back to basics" comic. You could have stopped reading X-Men in 1990 and then picked this book up and have no trouble jumping right back into it. I enjoyed all the character interactions, except for the clumsy danger room sequence. I like the direction the series seems to be heading. The silliest aspect of the book is the new location of the X-Men's headquarters. How long do you think that will last?

X-Men: Gold (2017) #1

Apr 7, 2017

Quite a bland story. Apparently, back to basics means mutant softball. I give the book points because the art is good. This is what I have a problem with, and why I only give the issue a six: The relationship between Old Man Logan and the rest of the cast. All of the characters act as if Old Man Logan is an old friend, someone they've known for years. They are comfortable around him and treat him like he is Wolverine. But he is not the Wolverine they have known for years. Their Wolverine is allegedly dead. Old Man Logan is from another dimension/timeline, and in that other "world" he killed the X-Men. The cast of this book should treat Old Man Logan like what he is: a mutant they just met, who looks like a dear, dead friend, and happens to be potentially quite dangerous to them. They should feel creeped out by him. I think the book would feel a bit more authentic if the rest of the cast was quite cautious around the new Wolverine, and didn't act like they have shared history together.

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