CWagz19's Profile

Joined: Dec 08, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #992

Dec 8, 2017

This issue was better than the main Oz Effect story arc. I enjoyed Oz Effect especially with the reveal however I don't think the rest of the issues lived up to what we imagined in our heads. The aftermath really leaves a mark on Superman with him questioning who he is really after what has been revealed to him. He needs answers! And with the help of Lois, Batman and one of my favorite characters showing up for the first time in a little while... a fun and meaningful adventure lies ahead.

Action Comics (2016) #996

Mar 1, 2018

Decent story, great art! I get why they are giving Lois something to do and the idea of Jonathan looking over her shoulder as her guardian is cool, I think it derails the momentum of the Superman/Booster Gold story arc.

Action Comics (2016) #997

Mar 2, 2018

This again has some really good art work and a decent nice little story that will probably have zero consequences. Booster and Supes have really gotten into a jam and I have no idea how they will get out of it. The Lois part of the story is still distracting and pulls away from the momentum of Booster and Superman's story. Also how is Sam Lane not gonna figure out that Jon is super and then deduce that Clark is Superman. They can't just brush that off either. If they do the Lois story should definitely not even exist.

Action Comics (2016) #1029

Apr 19, 2021

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 15, 2017

Watching the women of Bats and Supes lives telling them to stop being stubborn and just talk to each other is absolutely perfect. The art is great and the story is simple and fun. A historic double-date in the making. I can't wait to see what Batman and Catwoman's relationship means for the DC universe. This is no small thing. Batman is settling down!! Will they let Batman be happy!? So many questions. I will be staying tuned.

Batman (2016) #37

Dec 29, 2017

The story could end here and it would have been an amazing two part story. I am still relatively new to comics but seeing these characters interact on a human level makes it all the more interesting. I mean they go on a double date to a superhero themed state fair. It is awesome. And the manner in which the story is told is unique.

Batman (2016) #106

Aug 26, 2021

Batman (2016) #107

Aug 26, 2021

Batman (2016) #108

Aug 26, 2021

Batman / Superman (2019) #16  
Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: II #1

Dec 15, 2017

Loved it the first time around and this sets up its second installment of this crossover really well. Even if you missed their first adventure no need to fear. Don't let the number "II" steer you away. Give this book a shot and if you like it go back and get the trade of the first one! Fun book, great art, and lots of Bats and Turtles

Batman: White Knight #1

Dec 8, 2017

I found this to be a solid elseworld story that I can see actually happening. But at the end of the day it is the Joker so I'd be curious to see what he has up his sleeves. Although the story was good and there seems to be a clear vision for what they want to do with it, it may fall out of my pull list because it is already too big and an elseworld needs to be top notch for me to justify keeping it. But it was good.

Batman: White Knight #2

Dec 8, 2017

I really enjoyed this issue! I was debating whether or not to cross it off my list but this issue will keep me around for a bit longer. It is tough not to spoil anything but if you liked the classic Joker, then you will like this new rendition of him if he was 'cured' of his insanity. I like the artwork as well!

Batman: White Knight #3

Dec 22, 2017

Good story! Go back and pick this up! I like how this story is told from a different perspective and I just can't wait an entire month from issue to issue! But I suppose I will if I have to.

Daredevil (2015) #595

Dec 8, 2017

I have only been reading comics for the past 2 or so years and not much Marvel. Only Daredevil really. It has been a solid series. However I think this issue is shaping up to be what a classic Daredevil Arc should be when Fisk has the upper hand and you are not sure how Daredevil is going to save the day. I am excited to see where this Arc goes especially because I will be a part of it as it unfolds.

DC / Looney Tunes: Legion of Super Heroes/Bugs Bunny #1

Feb 7, 2018

There is nothing wrong with this issue. It is Bugs Bunny being Bugs Bunny but in a different world. Yes the second story in the back is repeating the first but in a different style but to tell you the truth I haven't really read any of the second stories because that is not why I bought the book. NOT ANOTHER HOMAGE! **Read it to get the reference.

Detective Comics (2016) #1034  
Flash (2016) #37

Jan 2, 2018

Nothing all that special here. This is a typical Flash arc but it was still fun because after all it is the Flash. So far I believe that the first arc with Godspeed was by far the best I have read during rebirth however I feel as though the creative team have had a hard time catching lighting in a bottle a second time (pun very much intended).

Flash (2016) #38

Feb 27, 2018

Didn't knock my socks off and the art was distracting for my taste. I suppose it wraps up the arc pretty well and leaves a lot open to be explored.

Flash (2016) #39

Feb 27, 2018

I enjoyed the issue and all of the little story lines that are explored as Barry takes Iris on a journey of Barry's life as the Flash and Grodd is back and boy does he look desperate for that speed force. WHY?! I love the art here.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0  
Justice League (2018) #59  
Punisher (2016) #219

Dec 26, 2017

There is enough there to keep me interested. The suit of armor is fitting rather than something they are doing just to sell comics which is good! I am still hopeful for this arc and will stay tuned.

Super Sons (2017) #10

Dec 8, 2017

The Fortress of Attitude! I love this book and have since its inception. Fun and enjoyable stories and I think these characters have a great dynamic that I can't wait to see evolve. There isn't too much that happens in the issue but I love Super Sons so much I wouldn't dare skip it. Can't wait for the next one.

Super Sons (2017) Annual #1

Dec 15, 2017

A really fun and easy read! I love the artwork it is very colorful and jumps off the page. It is technically 'skip-able' however if you are enjoying Super Sons in any capacity I recommend it! Plus I mean... Krypton, Titus, Streaky... does it get much better?!?

Superman (2016) #35

Dec 8, 2017

I love anything Superboy at this point. Oh yea Superman is pretty cool too. I love the family dynamic in this book and seeing Lois Lane kick some butt is pretty cool too. Can one of these War Dogs please be Jon's new sidekick!!!

Superman (2016) #36

Dec 15, 2017

A meh conclusion to an overall really good arc.

Superman (2016) #39

Jan 29, 2018

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this issue. It is a feel good story that is, yes a fill-in issue, but it brings a smile to your face. Very cute story and goes to show you one of the many reasons why Superman is awesome.

Superman (2018) #30  
The Joker (2021) #1

Apr 19, 2021

The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 19, 2021

The Joker (2021) #3

Aug 23, 2021

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