Ebonthorne's Profile

Joined: Nov 27, 2019

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Cable (2020) #5  
Captain Marvel (2019) #22  
Fallen Angels (2019) #2

Nov 27, 2019

Another great issue in what has surprisingly become my favorite Dawn of X title.

Fallen Angels (2019) #3

Dec 11, 2019

I really like this comic. Reading some of the reviews, I know it isn't for everyone, but I think that's because Hill isn't "spoon feeding" us the typical comic book story. This book is more sophisticated than other Dawn of X titles and does require a bit of patience and faith in Hill's story telling. Those looking for easily defined "good" and "bad" characters with expectations of resolution in every SINGLE issue may not have the patience for this story arc. I think that's because each issue isn't being presented as a "Harry Potter" like movie plot with easily recognizable tropes and no need to go beyond the four corners of the issue. Instead, Fallen Angels issues are more like "Lord of the Rings" episodes. Hill expects the reader to have some outside knowledge or at least intellectual curiosity and the willingness to explore the world outside the 616 Marvel universe.

Fallen Angels (2019) #4

Dec 18, 2019

I've noticed that in all these issues Kwannon/Psylocke uses physical touch to channel her telepathy. If Brian Hill (and the Jonathan Hickman editorial team) are consciously establishing Psylocke as a "tactile telepath" it would be a huge character improvement. Needing to be within striking distance of her target to use her telepathy makes more sense for a martial artist assassin whose trademarked kill move is her "psychic blade." (I loved Betsy/Psylocke, but it didn't make sense that she would risk defeat by rushing into physical conflict when she could telepathically affect her opponents from a distance). Still more questions than answers, but (as a fan of the art and characters) a good issue none-the-less. I am getting anxious about the eventual reveal of Apoth. With the "slow drip" of info on Apoth and only two issues left for this story arc, I'm expecting a more than satisfactory resolution. This issue made me wonder if there is a connection between Apoth and the "Homo Novissima" hybrid species from House/Powers of X. Maybe Apoth is the origin of homo novissima...

Fallen Angels (2019) #5

Jan 9, 2020

Hellions (2020) #1

Mar 25, 2020

The first issue and I'm hooked. I'm more excited for this book than some of the original Dawn of X titles. It's appears to be a perfect recipe for interesting storytelling. (1) Underused/forgotten mutant teammates with violent tendencies, (2) Antihero/confused Havok, (3) Badass/cold-as-steel team leader Psylocke, (4) Scheming/hidden agendas overseer Mr. Sinister, and a (5) "Ooooh...they're F#cked" situational set-up for issue #2.

Hellions (2020) #2

Jul 22, 2020

Great issue. Major kudos to Stephen Segovia (and crew). The art was brilliant. Love the darker color pallet for Psylocke. While the book is about a kill squad, this issue had fun and funny moments...(a.k.a. Greycrow's solution to Empath's mischief). Can't wait to see what's gonna happen in issue #3. Methinks Wild Child is gonna get a psychic smackdown.

Hellions (2020) #3

Aug 26, 2020

Ah...maze...ing. Stephen Segovia's art is stellar (especially the fight scenes between Psylocke and Wild Child). Last issue I predicted a "psychic smack-down" for Wild Child and Psylocke delivered that and more (via the "old ways"...). Kudos to Zeb Wells too. The story is developing nicely. It seems the Goblin Queen Maddie holds a grudge... (p.s. to the Kwannon-Psylocke haters that are going to give this issue a "1" rating because they are butt-hurt that Betsy Braddock isn't Psylocke anymore, give it a rest. Enjoy Excalibur and take your SALT with you, nobody needs high blood pressure during the pandemic).

Hellions (2020) #4

Sep 16, 2020

A near perfect ending to the Hellions’ introduction arc. The key story elements were neatly dealt with and the overall arc felt satisfactorily completed (i.e. no irritating loose ends). I was a bit shocked by what happened to Maddie, but it made sense. Zeb Wells did “right” by her. He honored her complexity and made me sympathize with her pain. Zeb Wells’ storytelling and Stephen Segovia’s art (spectacular again) has made Hellions my favorite X-Book.

Hellions (2020) #5

Oct 15, 2020

What a great way to include the Hellions into the "X of Swords" mega-story. Even better, I love how Zeb Wells is setting up their journey. I can't wait to see how the team's dynamics are gonna play out. (Methinks Empath has purchased another ticket for the "resurrection express" - he better hope they work out the kinks to the system). To top it off, Sinister(ish) is leading the mission...to quote Psylocke, "This one's going to end badly." The art is spectacular too...Carnero (and team) have continued the awesome quality that Segovia (and team) have provided in the first four issues.

Hellions (2020) #6

Nov 18, 2020

The "X of Swords" event is only important to Hellions #6 because it provides explanation for the team's mission. I agree with others that it shouldn't be considered a "chapter" in the crossover. Having said that, it's still the BEST of all the the chapters so far. Sinister's ulterior motivations for the Hellions' journey has resulted in the best action of the event. I'm more interested in what's gonna happen to the Hellions than I am in the sword bearers and their lame(ish) duels.

Hellions (2020) #7

Dec 2, 2020

Another great issue. The consistent quality of this book is giving me anxiety because I'm fearful that the bottom is gonna fall out. Hellions is easily my favorite current X-Book (and I really like most of them). PLEASE Marvel- give Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, and the entire creative team raises so they stay with this book. (Shoutout to my girl Psylocke for her passive-aggressive "middle finger" to Sinister).

Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 7, 2021

Another quality issue. I was hoping to get more info about Orphan-Maker's power, but no such luck...maybe next month.

Hellions (2020) #9

Feb 6, 2021

Hellions (2020) #10

Mar 4, 2021

Hellions (2020) #11

May 5, 2021

Excellent!!! Zeb Wells gives us an interesting (and unexpected) little twist at the end of this story arc. While Sinister might have taken a couple of "hits" from Arcade and company, in the end Sinister proves that he is the master chess player. BTW...Zeb Wells is giving us the "BAD-ASS, TAKE-NO-PRISONER, F-YOU" Psylocke that she is meant to be AND injecting her with depth and characterization. Thank Editorial that Kwannon is back in her own body. Our little Psychic Ninja isn't just a pin-up anymore. As always S. Segovia and crew knocked it out of the ballpark with the art, colors, and lettering. The opening pages (with 50 years of piled up pseudo-Psylocke corpses) looked like the dystopian hell from "Mad Max." And for whatever reason, I friggin' loved the scene of Psylocke using her thumb to begin to unsheathe her blade as a shadowy figure approaches...I heard the "click" and could sense both the overall tension and her resolve. Fucking Brilliant.

Hellions (2020) #12

Jun 3, 2021

Definitely a tie-in/filler issue for the "Hellfire Gala" event, but of the three X books released this week, this was the most entertaining and had the best art (thanks Segovia and Team). While not the most substantive of issues, it was a fun read with some character development and light-hearted moments.

Hellions (2020) #13

Jul 8, 2021

Hellions (2020) #15

Sep 4, 2021

Hellions (2020) #16

Oct 7, 2021

Hellions (2020) #17

Nov 17, 2021

Hellions (2020) #18

Dec 9, 2021

Such a good book...I'm going to miss this title and this bizarre team. 10/10 for the issue and 100/10 for the series.

Marauders (2019) #13  
New Mutants (2019) #13

Oct 15, 2020

New Mutants (2019) #19

Jun 17, 2021

Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1  
Psylocke (2024) #1

Nov 13, 2024

Psylocke (2024) #2

Dec 18, 2024

Wolverine (2020) #6  
X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1  
X-Force (2019) #13  
X-Men (2019) #12  
X-Men (2024) #1

Jul 10, 2024

X-Men (2024) #2

Aug 15, 2024

X-Men (2024) #7

Nov 7, 2024

X-Men: Blood Hunt (2024): Psylocke #1  
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #2  

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