Obi-wan the 3rd's Profile

Joined: May 28, 2021

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The Nice House on the Lake #1

Jun 2, 2021

One of the best horror and mystery comics I've ever read. What is there to say about this book other then the fact the writing is stellar, the art is fantastic, and the premise is great. Is it a premise we have seen before? Yes. Do I care? No. The reason why is it oddly feels fresh, and I feel like most of it is because it is showing us what is happening without telling us, leaving the reader wanting more. It is also chilling, and creepy at best. I encourage anyone out there who just loves good art and story telling to pick this up off the shelves because it is a must read. The panels work well and my god the art is phenomenal. I am very excited about this new book.

The Nice House on the Lake #2

Jul 7, 2021

Just like the first, I thought this issue was spectacular. Although, more plot development and different character arcs, it still kept everything grounded and each character has their moment. The writing is so good and feels personal. It feels so grounded in reality that you can imagine this happening to your world. Some nice back story sets up the tone of this book well, and the art is fantastic. I am excited to see where this series heads off to.

The Nice House on the Lake #3

Aug 5, 2021

I'm really liking this issue for TNHOTL. It sets up more story and that ending was awesome. The art is still stunning. The writing was great, took a non-horror rout this issue but I'm sure more will come. I want to know more and I can't wait for issue four.

Barbaric #1

Jun 30, 2021

Just picked it up cause it looked cool and it was so much more then that. The writing, the art, the panels and the action are all great. The dialogue is what you want from a title like this. Cynical, with some wit and humor to it, a great romp of a story and I'm excited to see where it goes from here.

Barbaric #2

Jul 28, 2021

What can I say. It's a dude with a talking axe who gets drunk off of blood and gore with a badass necromancer chick. This series is awesome. I read it with a big smile on my face the whole time. The writing is perfect and the art is stellar. The panels work well and other then that there's not much more to say. It's a great read for anyone who loves violent hilarious action.

Barbaric #3

Aug 27, 2021

Only reason I am giving this a 9.5 is cause I am sad I have to wait till 2022 to get more Barbaric content. This series is amazing and I am sad to wait. The ending was perfect, the writing was perfect, the art was perfect. I can not wait to see what happens next!

Geiger (2021) #4

Jul 7, 2021

Issue 4 of GEIGER was a lot better then last issue. More action this time around which I like since I want to see the Glowing Man do some more badass stuff. Still, the issue seems a little lack luster in terms of content. However, the art makes up for it, and the panels are fantastic. I still enjoy reading this series and can't wait to see what next issue has in store.

Geiger (2021) #5

Aug 5, 2021

Issue 5 of Geiger was pretty good. A nice change of pace from the previous issue. The panels were amazing for this issue, and the art is always nice. It felt a little short, but next issue is supposed to wrap everything up for this arch. I'm happy it isn't ending though. The world they created is amazing and I want more of it.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #3

Jun 9, 2021

While the series is getting better, to me this was a filler type issue. That being said, as fillers go it wasn't bad. Actually it was pretty good. Most of the time I despise narrations. But this time it felt different since we saw what Batman was doing when he first met Ducard. The writing is getting better and this issue so far was my favorite in terms of art and panels, while the story was great also. I'm excited to see what issue 4 has instore but I do hope from there on up the story starts to move. I feel like all the pieces are there so now I'm ready to see batman solve this case. Tom Taylor seems to know the character well and every action Batman takes feel like the character. I've read some stories of Batman where he seems like a parody of himself unironically. Issue 3 of Batman the Detective is a solid good filler issue, that sets all the pieces in place, but now needs to maintain the momentum and move forward.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #4

Jul 14, 2021

Issue 4 of batman the detective is pretty darn good. This series at the beginning was somewhat bland but now it seems to have picked up momentum and is becoming one of my favorite miniseries this year. Tom Taylors writing and Andy Kubert's art is fantastic. The panels in this issue are great making it feel like a true detective drama. Only complaint about this issue was I wish it was a bit longer, and the fact that Bruce recovers perfectly from getting stabbed in his right trapezius muscle kind of bothered me. But that is just me being nit picky, the rest of this issue is great and I'm excited to see what the last two have in store.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1

Jun 2, 2021

Although I am not currently reading the other star wars comics like Vader, Doctor Aphra, Bounty hunters, Issue one of War of the Bounty Hunters is still a fun read. While the ALPHA was a bit better in my opinion, issue two is pretty good. The writing at times can feel a little off, with Boba talking about how great he is, it still shows Boba being iconic. I hope they don't turn Boba into the stereotypical bad guy who just boasts how great he is. My main grip, and this is a small one, is I wish the kept Steve McNiven on for the art. His art is amazing and it really showed in the ALPHA. Luke ross does a good job, but the colors they used for the art just did not work for me. Hopefully going forward you don't need to be caught up on the other tie in's to get this story. The main antagonist of the series is nothing shocking but someone I don't really care about too much. I was glad the ad's in this issue were barely any. I hope the writing moving forward stays away from lots of exposition, but this is the first issue and it did do a good job of setting up everything.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2

Jul 15, 2021

Issue 2 of War of the Bounty Hunters is actually better then the first in my opinion. Although some of the dialogue at times were cheesy and little cringy, Charles Soule seems to have a grasp on what's going on. The coloring for this issue is much better then the last, and dialogue as mentioned previously is better. The panels are perfect, and the ending was made me say oh shit out loud. However, this makes me wonder why Vader or the Empire gave Solo away to Fett in the first place, only to try and reclaim him. Hopefully this gets addressed in issue 3.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3

Aug 19, 2021

So far the best issue out of the four. Only complaint I had was Vader fighting Qu'iar. Other then that I thought the panels were great and the dialogue fantastic.

Basilisk #1

Jun 2, 2021

While the comic was brief, it managed to capture my attention. I'm a fan of Cullen Bunn, even if some of his DEADPOOL work isn't the best (Except deadpool killustrated and night of the living deadpool). Basilisk is an interesting comic, even if it feels sort of like an X-MEN comic at times, but the writing is good, and the art ain't to bad either. The panels I enjoyed and they gave enough for me to want more. That being said, I do wish the comic issue had a bit more content to it. Hopefully the next issue does moving forward. Usually number 2's give some exposition, and while too much exposition can kill a story, no exposition is just as bad. Since it is the first issue ill amend my views on that.

Basilisk #2

Jul 7, 2021

This issue for me was a lot better then the first. More back story, the art change is fantastic and that opening scene is creepy to the core. The art changes the tone of the book which I enjoy a lot. The writing is a bit better here minus the narration from the one lady. So far I don't care for her ark, and more interested in Reagan. Wondering where this series is going to go from here.

Basilisk #3

Aug 4, 2021

Issue three is probably my favorite. It was interesting, you got to see the characters express themselves more while trying to sympathize some of them. The panels and art work were fantastic. I know Bunn is writing lots of titles right now, but this one is slowly becoming my new favorite.

Darkhawk (2021) #1

Aug 27, 2021

Not going to lie, I was thinking of dropping this from my pull list. But after reading it I'm pleasantly surprised. It was a first good issue, and the twist at the end was okay. Didn't really surprise me but wasn't bad. I like the direction this book is going in so lets see if it gets better. The art is okay, could be a bit better but the writing is really good.

Kang the Conqueror (2021) #1  
Way of X (2021) #3

Jun 23, 2021

Issue three of Way of X was pretty good. The series is getting better with each new issue, the art is still fun, and the writing really captures you and makes you feel invested with these character. Especially for Kurt, and his goals for the mutants of Krakoa. I'm interested in seeing where this story ends up, and I am not reading any of the other XMEN titles. Hopefully you don't need to to understand what is going on.

Way of X (2021) #4

Jul 15, 2021

Issue 4 of Way X is good. Not a lot happens here but the dialogue is great as always. I was happy to see more of professor X in this issue, and seeing him talk to his son. The art is still good, the panels for this issue I thought were great, especially during the exchange between professor X and his son. Overall this series is good, and is leading to something bigger. Whether or not it will be revealed soon is the question at hand.

Way of X (2021) #5

Aug 19, 2021

The United States of Captain America #1

Jun 30, 2021

I was also skeptical of this comic and only got it for the Alex Ross cover art, but it turned out to be a enjoyable read. Showing us how cap is used to push peoples agenda is a nice narrative while showing how political his persona can get. At a time where the country feels divided and will continue to feel that way, it must be hard to be a "Captain America" and not wonder what the title stands for. This issue addresses that well, while giving us a new character which doesn't feel forced or anything like that. Ill stay with this series and see if it deserves to be on my pull list.

The United States of Captain America #2

Jul 28, 2021

Issue two of USCA is better then the first. It moves the story forward and now we know who is behind the shield abduction and what their motives are. This is a great way to show how powerful the symbol and what it truly means to be captain America.

The United States of Captain America #3

Aug 27, 2021

Vinyl #1

Jun 23, 2021

Having known nothing about this comic, I enjoyed it a good amount. Though it was somewhat vague and leaves you off on a cliff hanger, I thought the writing was solid, and the art wasn't too bad either. The use of panels in this was great. Only critique I have is that the pacing is so fast. First you're in the park, next you're at some lady's house. But that is just me being nit picky. I am excited to see what this series has in store.

Vinyl #2

Jul 28, 2021

I'm really starting to dig this series. It is creepy, unsettling, and down right graphic. Wagner's writing is great and the art is amazing too. It looks so normal, then hits you with all this violent graphic imagery. I can't wait to see what issue three brings to the table.

Vinyl #3

Aug 27, 2021

This issue felt fast and more like a filler. I want more to happen moving forward, and I feel like that is what's going to happen. All the characters seem to be established and introduced so hopefully it will pick up from here.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

Jun 2, 2021

After reading the first issue I wasn't super into it. I honestly picked it up cause I thought it would be a cool read nothing more. Issue 2 has proved me wrong. Seeing Peter realize that all these years the villain's he puts behind bars are never changing, it's now that he takes action. Seeing him brutally murder these villain's and crushing Jameson's hand surprised me. I did not think most of them would die so soon. The writing this time around is much better, actually dealing with consequences and going out to make sure more bad people will be stopped. I'm not the biggest fan of the art, but if the writing is better then I'll defiantly stay with this series.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #3

Jun 9, 2021

This issue to me was a filler type issue, something that seems to be the main point with the new books that came out today. Still, it was not a bad issue. It set up what is to come and I'm excited to see where it all ends. Seeing Jameson in a mech suit fighting Spider-Man was odd not going to lie, but seeing him turn a new lead to help parker was a nice change of pace for that character. I just wish there was more interaction between the two about how he feels towards him being Spider-Man all these years. And the fight between the sinister six was lackluster. I know Spider-Man is more powerful now but still, 5 vs 1 should of been a longer better brawl. The writing is still great, seeing Parker decide he does not want to be Venom anymore is something I'm glad is happening. I do like that he thinks it is okay to kill these villain's cause they'll just create more destruction when they are let loose again. The art of this series is nothing special in my opinion. However, I am excited to see what these last two issues have instore.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4

Jul 14, 2021

Issue 4 of Spider's Shadow is good. This series so far has been good with some minor problems. But that could be me just being nit picky. Issue 4 has great panels and the writing isn't too bad. Although other past issues felt better, with the narration taking me out of it. The pacing was kind of fast. If this were 6 issue limited series I feel like it would help boost the action. The art for this comic is alright. I wish it were a bit grittier given the fact that Spider-Man has been brutally murdering people but that's just me. Still, this series is entertaining and I'm excited to see how it all comes to an end next month.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 11, 2021

The conclusion to Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow, was good. Just good. It was short and to the point, I was expecting more action and stakes. It was surprising at times, and the writing wasn't bad. But it seemed very easy for Peter to win. If they took out the epilogue and just gave a few more pages to the story, I feel like that would of helped. But that is just my opinion.

Dark Blood #1

Jul 21, 2021

Did not know anything about this series, but I liked the cover art and saw it was a new number one so i picked it up. It was a great read, feels like it is going to be a great series. The writing is great, art great, an the panels work so well. When things get intense the panels are all staggered and disorganized. Can't wait to learn more moving forward.

Dark Blood #2

Aug 27, 2021

While issue 2 od Dark Blood was more back story and filler, I do believe it will take off from here. Rather they do this early on then later. The art is still great as is the writing. My only issue was that is felt short, like the first issue. Hopefully moving forward things pick up.

Moon Knight (2021) #1

Jul 21, 2021

Issue one of MoonKnight was a good start to what I hope will become a great series. Jed MacKay's writing is good, and the art for this book was perfect. However, I wasn't to invested or thrilled while reading this. Maybe I missed something that, because I want to enjoy this. But it is the first issue so I will stick with it to make a final judgment.

Moon Knight (2021) #2

Aug 19, 2021

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt #1

Jul 21, 2021

This one shot was entertaining, but it did feel like a spin off rather then a tie in. The art for the present is amazing while the art for the flashback scenes is lack luster in my opinion. However, for Justin Ireland's comic book debut he really nailed the character of Boba Fett. Felt more like the character then how Charles Soule is currently writing him. It's interesting to see how and why Jabba placed a bounty on Fett, and the new character Deva seems cool. I just don't know where they will go with her character. Still this one shot was worth the read for any star wars fan.

X-Men (2021) #1

Jul 7, 2021

X-MEN issue 1 was a nice new entry in the X-MEN storyline. It was a simple first issue that seems like it will expand the marvel universe as well as the future of the X-MEN. The art is great and the writing is also great. Which is what you would expect from Gerry Duggan. I'm interested in seeing where this story goes and how it will effect the Marvel universe.

X-Men (2021) #2

Aug 4, 2021

Issue 2 of Duggan's run was better then the first series. I really like Cordycep Jone's. He seems cool and weird and I want more of him. The story is moving and I'm liking where it is heading. I can't say much since there are only two issues out, but I am excited to see where this run goes. Pepe's art is great and I hope they don't switch out artists for this run.

Aliens: Aftermath (2021) #1

Jul 15, 2021

This was an odd issue. The new Xenomorph looks cool and is actually pretty cool. The writing for this is good, however my main grip with this series, much like the ALIEN series, is that they can't say fuck. They sensor it but can say shit all they want. To me, if you have a rating of parental advisory on the cover, then you should be allowed to say whatever curse word you want. Other then that issue, the panels were awesome. Switching from still to staggering when the situation gets intense. Hopefully it won't be too confusing moving forward.


Jun 23, 2021

Issue 3 is just like the first two. Killing and backstory. But it's not as bland as it sounds. This issue goes more into B's attitude towards just being a weapon. Even thousands of years ago he was fed up with what he was and what he was doing. Something that translates over to modern time. The art is great as usual and Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt writing is just a great as ever. I hope moving forward this series not just mindless death and killing. This issue seemed to prove that which is a nice change pace.


Jul 28, 2021

Issue 4 of BRZRKR feels the same as the rest. The story is moving forward, but it feels like it is going to go in a new direction soon. At least I hope. The writing is still good, and the art isn't too bad. I just want more out of this title, and hope they aren't using a big name like Keanu Reeves to just grab people's attention.

Batman: Reptilian #1

Jun 23, 2021

First issue, like many, starts off kind of vague but gives you enough to want more. The art is stunning and deserves all the praise it is getting. The writing is good, Ennis's take on Batman is more blunt, brooding, familiar characteristics we are use to but still feels fresh and new. However, Batman talking in the third person is odd and I was not a fan of that. The story is vague also but I'm sure moving forward things will get cleared up. I'm interested to see where this story goes and hopefully it isn't all just hype.

Batman: Reptilian #2

Jul 28, 2021

Issue 2 in my opinion is better then the first, however, if the printed art from the back of the book is what is going to be in the next issue, I'm not a fan of that. It could spoil things for readers, at least that's how I see it. The writing this time around is a lot better and batman feels like batman. The art is still amazing and I'm loving it. I'm curious to see where this series goes.

Batman: Reptilian #3

Aug 27, 2021

So I don't know why Ennis is making Batman a jerk to Alfred. I understand the villain's and the henchmen, but Alfred? Other then that, the art was good as always, although sometimes it is hard to tell what is happening. I'm already invested so I'll stay to the end and see what is really going on.

Parasomnia #1

Jul 1, 2021

With very little known about this comic, its debut issue gives only a little taste of what's to come. I picked up off the shelves because I am a fan of Cullen Bunn, so hopefully it gets better with following issues. The art and panels are fantastic and I like the undertones this comic presents. Hopefully moving forward we get some issues clearing up what is actually going on.

Parasomnia #2

Jul 28, 2021

Issue 2 is better then issue 1. It moved the story forward and now we know what is going on. Cullen Bunn seems to be pumping out titles left and right, with various different publishers. I don't know how he manages his time with all these series, so I hope that doesn't mess up his flow. I'm interested to see where this series goes.

Alien (2021) #3

Jun 2, 2021

Issue one and two were a great start for this series. Issue three, while lacking in content, still provides enough to make you want more. The writing is still great and Larroca's art is still stunning as ever. I just wish there was a little more content to fill this issue. I do hope the refrain from this format other wise it may lose readers. Still this series so far is pretty good and I'm excited to see what they have in store for Issue 4 and beyond. The reason I am giving this a 7 and not anything lower is the violence. I been wanting MARVEL to create more violent content for a while now, and ALIEN is a great way to start. Seeing the Xenomorphs brutally attack these soldiers (even it is only one) is fresh new taste in my opinion.

Alien (2021) #4

Jun 23, 2021

Issue 4 isn't as bad as people are saying. While the colorist on this issue dropped the ball, Larroca's art saves it. Johnson's writing is still good for the series, but it seems like this series is more action oriented then story driven. Which is fin considering how do you make a new ALIEN story after so many years of films. My only issue is that MARVEL seems to not be using their PARENTAL ADVSORY rating to it's full potential. This is the only time I've seen them use the word shit in their comics and it feels like a PG-13 movie rather then a Mature comic. Even the violence seems watered down compared to last issue. MARVEL needs to understand their viewer base. If Disney is getting in the way of this then they need to put their foot down and just let Johnson do what he wants.

Alien (2021) #5

Jul 21, 2021

Issue 5 of Alien actually moves the story forward this time instead of action. Although the action is good at times, it is nice to see it slow down and take some time for the characters. The art is good, but the shadows were weird. The panels were off and the writing wasn't bad but not great. The only thing good about this issue was the cliffhanger which makes me gonna stay with this series. Hopefully from here on out this series starts to pick up and become great.

Alien (2021) #6

Aug 27, 2021

The ending to this arch was meh. Some neat twists, but just meh. And that's what this series is to me. I'll stay around for a few more issues to see where this goes but I'll probably drop it soon.

Imogen of the Wyrding Way #1

Jun 29, 2021

Imogen of the Wyrding Way was an entertaining book. Seems like this is an anthology series so the next issue will be a different story. I kind of wish it would be it's own series if it is an anthology, it had good story elements and the writing was great. The art seemed a bit too light compared with its dark themes and adult contact. It had a great story but felt more like an episode, with some story parts just being shoved in there. Still the magic is cool and so is the concept.

Far Cry: Rite of Passage #1

May 28, 2021

As a fan of only Far Cry 3 I was a little excited to hear about them making a comic based off of the past three villain's from the last Far Cry titles. Something to expand the mythos of the world they created? Sure why not. The comic is decent, nothing special. It's mainly just promotional stuff for the next game. The art work in this is not bad but not amazing, the panels were probably my favorite part of this book. I wished it was more about the character Voss, then just the new villain giving some talking points about Voss to his son. The time we do see Voss, it's short with very little dialogue and no character moments that really stood out to me. Seemed like his story was just one big life metaphor.

Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Jul 7, 2021

For me this issue felt kind of dull compared to last months issue which set up a nice cliffhanger at the end. I wasn't expecting a new character to pop up, but the last few pages of this books is what made me decide to give issue 6 a chance. My main grip with this issue was that half of it was all narration, which I am not a fan of. I think it's a lazy way to write, and is only necessary when it is short and to the point. The art with this book is still amazing, and the writing of previous books has kept me entertained. The action was lacking but what action there was was pretty entertaining. I like the set up at the end so hopefully it picks up more from here on out.

Deadpool: Black, White & Blood #1

Aug 4, 2021

I only picked this book up because of Tom Taylor, and his part of the book was the only good one. And even his part was kind of lack luster. With deadpool telling the reader that this book isn't for kids, which was the only funny part to me, the rest of Taylor's arch was kind of boring. The other arch's I did not care about. This book is meant to be gory, violent and action packed. It did not show any of that. To me, I felt like I was conned a bit.

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