JRW7's Profile

Joined: Nov 29, 2021

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #122

Nov 9, 2022

This cover has little relevance to the plot and it doesn't even look that good. 1/2 The art is weird and disorienting with the spots on everything, though once it gets to the backup and the sneak preview it gets better. 1.5/2 The dialogue between Deathstroke and Respawn, Damian and Ravager, as well as Batman and Talia, are really good with the mentor/father-student/son dynamic, the reluctant teammates, and the lover's quarrel relationships being very interesting. 2/2 The story is really complex and is very fun with how every piece is coming together. 2/2 The characters are all really compelling with how they are all trying to deal with the consequences of Ra's' death. 2/2

Batman (2016) #123

Nov 10, 2022

The cover is really good, even though I normally don't like Porter's art style and the cover doesn't really have plot relevance. 1.5/2 The art, even though as I said earlier isn't my style, it just works here and I can't even say that is good, it's absolutely amazing in this issue. 2/2 The dialogue is great, with an extra bonus half-point for this Deathstroke quote: "They're taking one of MY moves...NINJAS WITH GUNS!" 2.5/2 The story is really leading Deathstroke towards his attack against Talia in the climax of the Shadow War, while also helping mend his relationship with Ravager, with the back-up also being really good as well. 2/2 The characters are great with Batman and Damian helping track down the faux Deathstroke mending their relationship being a good parallel to Deathstroke and Ravager mending their relationship. 2/2

Batman (2016) #124

Nov 11, 2022

The cover looks pretty good with little plot relevance. 1.5/2 The art is really good, even though I normally don't like the dot art style, I thought it was really good in this issue and the Poison ivy backup story looked really good as well. 2/2 The dialogue was really good with Detective Cayha and Batman's relationship still being very interesting. 2/2 The story was really good in the Batman story, even though the Poison Ivy story just felt like filler to explain why Poison Ivy is in Dark Crisis. 1.5/2 The characters were really good with the story being a character study of Batman, using Cayha to be a parallel narrative for Batman. 2/2

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #6

Nov 14, 2022

The cover is so cool and with Deathstroke going through an emo-phase and crowning himself as King Deathstroke, the cover is very plot relevant. 2/2 The art is divisive for me because it is kinda ugly, but I like the detail when it looks really good, and I think it works more than it doesn't. 1.5/2 The dialogue is good with both really serious and funny moments that both work really well. 2/2 The story is great with Black Canary being like an action hero really fitting the story. 2/2 The characters are great with Deathstroke being overly dramatically a bad guy being hilariously over-the-top. 2/2

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #8

Nov 9, 2022

The cover is great, with highlighting Deathstroke and Respawn's relationship being the best thing to do for this issue. 2/2 The art is pretty good with Angel Break, Ravager, Damian, Respawn, and Deathstroke being highlights and Batman looking really weird. 1.5/2 The dialogue between Deathstroke and Respawn is really good but everything else is pretty run-of-the-mill. 1.5/2 The story of Deathstroke training Respawn is really good and others hold their weight for what they need to do. 2/2 The characters are really good, with Deathstroke, Ravager, and Angel Breaker being exceptionally good. 2/2

Deathstroke Inc. (2021) #9

Nov 10, 2022

The cover is relevant and beautifully drawn. 2/2 The art is great in this issue with Slade and his family looking exceptionally great. 2/2 The dialogue is heavy in this with Deathstroke losing all forms of self-preservation for himself, his soldiers, or his daughter. 2/2 The story about Deathstroke's grieving and loss is a unique and new story for Deathstroke, especially of someone he just meet. 2/2 The characters are good, with Deathstroke being exceptional. 1.5/2

Robin (2021) #13

Nov 10, 2022

This cover, in theory, should be bad, but its beautiful execution and plot relevance, make this cover absolutely amazing. 2/2 The art is absolutely great, with everyone looking the best they have in this event so far. 2/2 The dialogue between Batman and Damian, as well as, Damian and Respawn, are excellent, which helps mend Batman and Damian's strain from Shadow War: Alpha, while Respawn and Damian's relationship could be a very interesting dynamic in an ongoing run. 2/2 The story is interesting, with Batman arriving making the story of the issue come to a climax, with multiple great moments back-to-back. 2/2 The characters are interesting and are excellent at showing what their personalities and goals are with ease. 2/2

Robin (2021) #14

Nov 11, 2022

The cover is just a bunch of characters fighting and has no plot relevance, however, it looks really cool though. 1.5/2 The art is really good, with Deathstroke, Damian, Ravager, Angel Breaker, and Ghost-Maker looking exceptionally good here. 2/2 The dialogue between Ghost-Maker and Batman, Ghost-Maker and Angel Breaker, as well as Damian and Ravager were all really good but Talia and Slade weren't very interesting and just felt flat to me. 1.5/2 The story was really good up until the big reveal which just felt forced and uneven. 1.5/2 The characters were mixed for every Slade, Talia, and Faux Slade, there were a few Ghost-Makers and Damians, which really made this issue somewhat worth my time. 1/2

Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Nov 9, 2022

The cover is cluttered and gives floating head poster vibes and the art isn't that great either, with very little plot relevance as well. .5/2 The art is hit or miss, with the backgrounds and a few characters looking good but other than that they look bland and stale. 1/2 The dialogue is pretty good until Batman tells Damian that he could've saved Alfred if he was there, which is awful and out of character. 1/2 The story is interesting and is building to a big event with many twists and turns. 2/2 The characters are mixed, Talia, Ra's, and Damian being really good, while Batman blames Damian for Alfred's death, so that went from really good to mixed real quick. 1.5/2

Shadow War (2022): War Zone #1

Nov 10, 2022

The cover is just a floating head poster, but Batman isn't in this comic, they should have Harley or Angel Breaker on the cover instead of Batman, which is sad because this cover is really well-drawn. 1/2 The art is really good in this comic, each art style compliments each story, from Black Canary's dark and rough art style to Talia's more fantastical style to Harley's cartoony art style to even Ghost-Maker's more generic art style pops because it is so different from the other art styles in this comic. 2.5/2 The dialogue is quite good, except Ghost-Maker's mentorship of Clownhunter is absolutely amazing and shows that if written well, Ghost-Maker could be a great character. 2/2 The story is a well-balanced anthology where each story holds its own weight. 2/2 The characters are at their a-game through each of the short stories. 2/2

Shadow War (2022): Omega #1

Nov 11, 2022

The cover isn't really that great looking with it having little plot relevance. 1/2 The art is pretty solid throughout with the Dark Crisis preview being my one exception, which is probably just me not liking the art style. 1.5/2 The dialogue is great with anytime Damian opens his mouth in this comic being absolutely golden, with Batman's talk with Damian being especially great. 2.5/2 The story is pretty decent with Geo-Force making more sense with the prologue at the start of the comic and Damian having huge character growth throughout. 2/2 The characters are pretty good, with Damian being especially good. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange #1

Nov 7, 2022

The cover is amazing and it's definitely not the height of the issue. 2/2 The art was serviceable except for the magical effects that look stunning. 1.5/2 The dialogue is witty and Bats is extremely funny, even down to the premise of a ghost dog asking his owner for "walkies". 2/2 The story is unique and puzzling with how it's hard to tell what is going to happen next. 2/2 The characters feel both in character yet also fresh and unique. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange #2

Nov 7, 2022

The cover isn't really accurate to the comic but it sets the tone and it looks absolutely magical. 1.5/2 The art was great with the three mothers and the magical effects. 2/2 The quippy one-liners and Doctor Strange's speaking like in the 60s comics is funnily refreshing. 2/2 The story is continuing to get more unpredictable and bizarre in the best way possible. 2/2 The characters continue to be great with in character uniqueness that makes most characters stand out, yet it is still a little less than last issue. 1.5/2

The Death of Doctor Strange #3

Nov 8, 2022

The cover is fine but it just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. 1/2 The art is about as good as I expected but it's still pretty good. 1.5/2 The dialogue has some interesting moments but is mostly average. 1.5/2 The story is complex and has genuinely unexpected twists. 2/2 The characters of Doctor Strange and Clea were pretty interesting but everyone else felt a little flat. 1.5/2

The Death of Doctor Strange #4

Nov 9, 2022

The cover is great with a modernized version of the psychedelic imagery in the 60's Doctor Strange comics. 2/2 The art is pretty standard until it uses more psychedelic imagery which is done tremendously. 2/2 The dialogue is great with Doctor Strange treating his own death like a murder mystery being absolutely hilarious. 2/2 The story is really good with the killer not being easily guessable but also not impossible to guess with the clues but it's kind of the calm before the storm. 1.5/2 The characters are great with Detective Doctor Strange being great and Bats being surprisingly a mentor to Strange, which both is bonkers and makes sense in this situation. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange #5

Nov 9, 2022

The cover is beautiful and though vague, the firey effects and the darker colors are somewhat descriptive of what happens to Doctor Strange's fate in this story. 2/2 The art is really good when it is dealing with magic, but otherwise, it is pretty ok. 1.5/2 The dialogue with Clea and Doctor Strange is sad and emotional in a very powerful way. 2/2 The story is shocking and bold with how it commits to the title and the heart-to-heart between Clea and Doctor Strange makes you feel sad even if you know he will definitely be back soon. 2/2 The characters are very average except for both Doctor Stranges and Clea, who all give emotional moments, oh and a bonus half-point for old Doctor Strange using Kaecilius to bring current Doctor Strange back. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1

Nov 7, 2022

This cover is amazingly drawn and relevant to the comic. 2/2 The art is above average but not much else. 1.5/2 The dialogue is poetic and catches you off guard at certain points, which makes this issue feel very fresh. 2/2 The story is poetic and builds off of Tony's struggles in the previous issue, Death of Doctor Strange #2. 2/2 Tony is characterized very well, with the other characters done serviceably well, though this is more a Tony story that an Avengers story. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: Strange Academy Presents #1

Nov 8, 2022

This cover gives off floating head poster vibes, so yeah, mid. 1/2 The art isn't my cup of tea but I'll give it bonus points for uniqueness. 1.5/2 The dialogue of Enchantress and her children is interesting and helps characterize Enchantress from just being an evil sultry Thor villian. 2/2 The story is a reimagining of Rumplestiltskin, with Enchantress making a deal to give away her firstborn child, that feels both familiar and original. 2/2 The characters are interesting with Enchantress being an evolution of her character that feels like the natural direction for her character to go in. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man #1

Nov 8, 2022

The cover is pretty normal but something in my brain just really likes it. 2/2 The art is really good and is the best art of this event so far. 2/2 The dialogue is great with the tribute to Doctor Strange being especially moving. 2/2 The story is really good with it both being equally about the event while also being a Spider-Man story, this is how you do a tie-in comic. 2/2 The characters of Black Cat and Ben Reilly are phenomenal in this story with Black Cat struggling with Ben Reilly being Spider-Man. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox #1

Nov 8, 2022

The cover doesn't look bad but it also doesn't look great either. 1/2 The art is a cool mix of the two artists that works really well. 1.5/2 The dialogue is average with a heart-to-heart moment that is very impactful. 1.5/2 The story is able to be predicted a mile away, which leads to a boring and not fun story. 1/2 The characters felt very flat throughout the whole comic. 1/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: Blade #1

Nov 8, 2022

The cover is really cool, but the red people never show up, so that knocks half a point. 1.5/2 The art is good at the start with the classic look but the cartoon look is weird for a Blade comic, though the psychic vampire art was cool and did benefit from the cartoony style. 1.5/2 The dialogue I thought was good with Blade and Dracula's banter being really cool. 1.5/2 The story was unique and really well-executed. 2/2 The characters I thought were nailed quite well, even if Blade is a little cartoony. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men / Black Knight #1

Nov 8, 2022

The cover looks good but it also overemphasizes the X-Men's involvement in this issue a bit too much. 1.5/2 The art looks great with the magical elements really standing out. 2/2 The dialogue with Dane and Jacks is done really well. 2/2 The story is good with some interesting moments and an absolutely shocking twist. 2/2 The characters are absolutely great in this comic, as I said before Dane and Jacks' father-daughter/mentor-student relationship works really well. 2/2

The Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1

Nov 9, 2022

The cover looks really good but also isn't super relevant other than having Elsa on the cover. 1/2 The art is pretty average except for the magical effects and the Glartrox, which look really good. 1.5/2 The dialogue between Elsa, Cullen, and Lyra was really entertaining, even if some of it fell flat. 1.5/2 The story was unique and compelling if a bit messy and incohesive. 1.5/2 The characters are compelling and fun with them having unique and clashing personalities creating compelling relations. 2/2

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