Spacey Medicine's Profile

Joined: Feb 04, 2019

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Overall Rating

God, this is just so good. I love you, John. Absolutely living for that totally unprovoked (and yet very deserved) TS Eliot slam.


I don’t care all that much at this point. Art’s bad, but you don’t need me to tell you that.


I think this is getting a little too fever dream for me.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

Skurge is keeping me going.

Still good!

Well, I’m not sad to see it go. The art was nice but this draaaaaagged.

Cool cool cool.

Fine, fine.

Yeah this is cool I guess!

Fine! I don’t really care about this comic, sorry teens.

Love it!

Well, I'm invested!

I suppose this is enjoyable for Fantastic Four enjoyers.

Honestly, not bad. The dialogue got a little grating but I wasn’t annoyed to be reading this.

I have minor nitpickery with the smile thing but I'm gonna let it slide.

I heard this guy has 48 TVs can you believe that?

A little talky for me, I’m not a huge fan of the art style either.

Uhhh no thanks. This wasn’t good.

Ehh whatever.

This had some energy to it at least.

This was mostly good! I liked the first more than the second.

I actually...kind of liked this one?

Why do they all talk like this. I hate it. I hate this.

Ugh whatever rule this post-apocalyptic hellscape, see if I care.

lol Kilometres Morales.

This was okay!

Fine issue.

What a fun read, I’m so grateful that Tom Taylor is capable of writing amusing dialogue that doesn’t make me want to stab my eyes out, unlike some writers I could name.

Damn these teens are really self-aware.

This is all fine but not super exciting for me.

How does this comic get me invested in dumb high school bullshit?? I love you Runaways.

Feels like it would be so easy to be like “yeah dude i’m trying to reform my evil dad’s evil gang,” like so super easy to just say that?? But what do I know, that’s not a very dramatic exit line.

I mean I was invested from a Seven Soldiers angle but #NotMySevenSoldiers so eh, this was fine.


Inoffensive but also inconsequential. Like sure the stories are actually pretty good for an anthology, but what’s the point of the gimmick?

Wow okay have we maybe heard of, like, pacing? Developing some chill? What a mishmash.

Yeah this is an okay comic.

The thing is this isn’t a bad comic, but I never look forward to reading it and I always put it near the beginning of my reading order, which I feel is telling me something.


Sorry, haters, but this is a perfect comic.

This had some cool stuff going on in it.

Fine issue.

I liked this but wish I’d gotten more of a sense of Yara as a person.

I’m sorry but that terrorism was just so shoddily performed. Really embarrassing work on Mystique’s part, I’m deeply ashamed of her.

Honestly, for me Boomerang covers a lot of sins.

This was okay! Maybe a little too much stuff?

The first and last story were good. The middle two do not bear speaking about, and I shan't consider them further.

I liked this one but they should've kissed.

I struggled with the structure of this one.

I find this to be a little over-written.

This was better than I usually expect an anthology to be, but it still had several weak stories that just dragged the whole thing down.

Wow I not only don’t care about Johnny Storm’s love life, I really actively hate it. I am, however, here for Doom’s elaborate rituals. Wild.

Uhh I didn't really care for this, and found the backup confusing.

Honestly completely here for Doom King of Space.

Lol I'm entirely here for Tony Stark's House of Bullets. Do a shot while shooting some shots!!

I was bored on the info page and I was bored throughout and I'm still bored now. I may never stop.

There were things here that I liked but overall a big ol meh from me.

Will Zdarsky make me love the Justice League again?? That will be the truest recovery from betrayal here.

Took me a minute to align my brain to it but we got there in the end.

The scene with JJJ was the best part.

Oh my god!

Oh no it was dissatisfying!

Okay! Didn't read the backup.

I mostly enjoyed this.

I actually really enjoy this comic, it's very engaging. The "Also featuring Punchline" on the cover feels more like a threat than anything. Let us speak of it no further.

Felt a little sparse but I'm still with it.

This was pretty okay.

Toooo much business.

Wow tell me you got cancelled unexpectedly and had to cram like three issues into one issue without telling me that you got cancelled unexpectedly and had to cram like three issues into one issue.

I am so incredibly here for Robbie Robertson & Tombstone brotp, please let this continue for a thousand years.

“I’m not even convinced what you’re doing here is ethical” the words you’re looking for are “is unethical” queen. Also, why are we recycling the recent Jessica Drew retcon??

I like the main story more or less, and shan’t address the backup.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

I don't really enjoy reading this ):

Deeply unenjoyable.

Solid issue.

Honestly I can do nothing but respect such a clean and simple plan.

Every time I remember the Squadron Supreme I laugh and laugh and laugh.

Damn RIP to that guy’s bar. He didn’t want any trouble smh.

This was okay I guess.

This was very uneven.

Yes, I also think Storm is pretty cool.


Obviously the Squad has had heroes and hero-types before, but I don’t know, it seems really stupid to keep actively kidnapping them? The whole point with previous hero or hero-coded team members was that they were like tortured and shit. They had emotional baggage that led to them joining and staying with the Squad. Not just... literally being kidnapped. Heroes aren’t going to rouse themselves to liberate villains who could very easily be lying to them about why they’re on the Squad. They absolutely will in order to rescue a kidnapped hero. It’s a dumb plan! There are speedster villains! Also you already have a Superboy! Who is a massive liability! I hate heroes! Keep them off the Squad!

Comic book brain science is my absolute favourite kind of brain science.

I just find this such an enjoyable read, since it’s so fast and well-paced, but it would probably be better if it had more to it.

Such a blah wrap-up to a blah comic.

Still cute!

A solid read but I really just hate time travel so much.

You’d think by now they’d have at least attempted anti-facehugger masks, huh?


Well I'm glad we're not fire punching each other anymore at least.

I was maybe not in the right frame of mind for this one.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

Batman talking about how everything hurts when you’re old... same, king. Also like... Batman has legit saved the whole universe so... omnicide it is, I guess.

This score is mostly for the bookending stories tbh.

I am a big fan of Skurge.

Well, as betrayals go it's not so bad...

I'm still enjoying this.

I liked this!

I won’t lie that little golf clap appreciation of Cyclops beating that other mutant really did it for me.

Honestly, I am living for the Statler and Waldorf snakes. Snaketler and... Hissdorf? I don’t know I’ll work on it.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

Okay, but started to drag a bit around the end.

A little tedious.


Absolute cowardice to imply at the very end that they don’t live together as husbands, tbh.

Eh fine I guess.

I do respect the sentiment of Gabriel’s section but I think it highlights a very “I’m not like one of them” mindsets that only holds marginalized peoples back and pits them against one another. Things like “I’m not like one of those gay men, I like sports and beer and mowing my lawn” or “I’m not like one of those girls, I read books and hate the colour pink” or “I’m not like one of those black people, I do well in school and actually love my family.” The implication of course being that 1) most of them are actually like that, and 2) being like one of those is to be lesser, to not be worthy of time or respect. Only by conforming to dominant norms or enacting “correct” behaviours does one become someone valuable. Someone that it is okay to be. I don’t know, I just think it’s something to notice and think about.

Wow is that what the kids are calling dialogue these days? RIP.

Loved it like always.

Ah yes, my favourite hero..... Kevin....... Hawk.........e?

Ooo cool.

Good, good.

Waaaah it’s not fair that we should have to protect ourselves during a deadly alien invasion waaaaaaah.

Foolish mother, you can’t teach me to sculpt! I’m a shapeshifter! This makes perfect sense and I will not be taking questions at this time.

I like Gold Beetle in principle but her River Song vibes are so strong and so annoying.

Oh Doom. ❤️

I actually quite liked this? I don’t know! It’s good!

I mean... good for him?

I quite enjoyed the Journey to the Centre of the Patsy.

I keep forgetting who writes this comic and then I open it up and a cold thrill of horror zips up my spine. Good backup but my god, the main story.

I skimmed a lot of this...

Maybe someone should give MODOK a hug.

Wow he sure is strong and unkillable why don’t you tell me about it again.

This was pretty good.

There’s a lot going on here but I mostly liked it.

Obviously I have minor qualms with the whole “the billionaires will save us” idea but on the whole I’m giving this one a thumbs up.

I am going to die, and when I do please put “slain by comic book brain science” on my grave.

Okay listen I would read a Wolvermean ongoing and tbh I think it’s a crime that one isn’t already in production.

Guys he’s... he’s clearly still wearing a Robin outfit. Guys? How bad are all of you at tracking people, damn.

Things are going great.

Damn we all really hate Fabian Cortez huh?


Fine! A little standard, but fine!

Well I for one trust these space pyjamas completely.

Roger, if she doesn’t treat you right by now, you’re gone.

Perfectly fine.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

This is all fine but not super exciting.

Main story is good, don't care about Punchline still.

I found this a little hard to get into but in the end it was okay.

Not bad.


Things are going great.

Good still.

So cute.

Harsh, dude.

Welp! I won't miss this!

I liked this in concept and mostly in execution, though there were a few hiccoughs.


Uhhh this was fine.

Solid comic.

I don't know, I didn't like this one.

I'm kind of extremely here for Randy & Janice modern day Romeo and Juliet (with bank heists).


Okay then.

Very quick.

Main story good, backup so-so.

Well I don’t know who any of these people were but I am helpless to do anything but love and respect Chip.


The dialogue is so bad.


I guess we fixed suicidal ideation?? Big if true.

“I can’t go on living in this emotionless hell,” they said emotionally, surrounded by distressed/angry people, on a world that is rioting for uh super non-emotional reasons, beaten back by armed enforcers who seem pretty angry, upset, sad and/or panicked, which are definitely not emotions you guys don’t worry about it.


That was so nice.

That was also nice.

Damn RIP.


Truly we are all the king in black on this blessed day.

Uhhhh okay.



So good as always, I love you Runaways.



I’m beginning to feel like we can’t trust the people who run this town.

Feels like we’re forgetting the purpose of the Suicide Squad here but okay.


Still very interesting!


Jophiel is genuinely such a mood.

Cool, cool.

A little too cliché for me but I liked the energy.


About the same as always.

This cutting between things is really wearing on me.

Smh so disappointed in Sif’s lack of commitment to monsterfucking.

Now kiss.

Tell me more about lobsters, skull daddy.


This felt like a precipitous decrease in quality.

Eh I liked some of the art?

Barry please he killed ten people.


Fine ending.

Pretty good opener tbh.

A little fragment-y again, very Tom King in style.

Fine I guess.

This child really doesn’t have much forgiveness, damn.

This is Katana. She could cut all you in half with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims.


I just don't like this writing!

They shoulda come out of that a polycule tbh.

Honestly just... the amount of talking was so refreshing. You know the sense of relief you feel when you stop being in pain? That’s this comic.

Oh wow yeah this art sure is. huh. it sure is.

Honestly, I'm here for all of it.

This was neat!

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

Aw he's so terrible; I love him.

This was very quick, which I appreciated.

This one gave me vibes. What kind of vibes? Great question.

Not a big fan of this kind of writing. Some of the art was nice but not enough to make me enjoy reading it.

I demand more snats.

Some of these were good and some of them weren’t but my god the gimmick grows more annoying with every colour theme anthology I read.

I found the flow of things a little annoying but on the whole I think this was good.


Love that it's short!

I feel like I’ve just had a ton of exposition vomited upon me.

This was good! I'm intrigued!


Cool, cool.

This was a liiiiiiiittle on the chaotic side for me but honestly not bad.

I don’t know I feel like I could get behind being a mindless crystalline creature just up to nothing all day...

God it's so embarrassing how the opening of this comic is Bendis insisting that it was actually very cool and sexy of him to make Superman reveal his identity to everyone. Also, you’re so right, literal billionaire. The best thing you can do to better this world is take on more unpaid interns. Hang the workers all power to the parasites tbh.

Why did we not call this KiB Reptil hmmm?




This wouldn’t have happened if the superheroes fixed the socioeconomic inequalities like they promised. ):

Oh no... I... liked this? A good Nightwing comic? In THIS economy??



Solid ending!

The first one was good, the second one made me extremely uncomfortable (yeah limiting access to substances has always been so super effective at fixing drug crises, Superman is for sure the person who can fix the systemic and mental health issues that drive people to do drugs lol), third one was fine, fourth one at least had some purpose to the colour theme and was therefore the best, the fifth one was fine.

This was a great ending!

This was pretty weak but I’m hoping that’s just first issue issues and it’ll get better.

I'm still into this.


Not to be dramatic but I would die for both Throg and Bats.

I swear this story is like tailor-made for me and yet...

Boomerang. ❤️

I found the exposition and dialogue a bit clunky but, overall, I’m intrigued.

God this is too much talking. I am losing so much of my patience.

Okay look I love Scarecrow. I love him and I’m not sorry about it. I don’t care that his new look is a whole Look. I love him, I will forgive anything for my spooky little boy.

I am so extremely here for Dad Hood it’s unreal.

This was okay.

So many words but not like bad, you know?

Oof this dialogue.

Good, good.

I love this comic so much.

Some of these were okay but the ones that were not were really annoying.

I never have any goddamn idea what is happening and I can’t decide if that’s good or bad lol.

I really liked the art.


I feel like this was a lot more comprehensible than recent issues and for that I am grateful.

I liked this one a little less than previous ones.

Dang they really did that.


Based on this I’m not really excited for anything. I’m not not excited but like. Whatevs.

This was so annoying to read, it took me so long.

I liked their energy.

I liked the art, the story was fine.

What’re we some kinda death troupe?

Like... it’s fine. It’s Man-Bat. I don’t know what you’re expecting here.

Can No One Stop This Spider-Man From Talking.

So cute.


The implication of Pontius Pirate the musical immediately made this a near perfect comic tbh.



This is solid so far.

I’m just... I’m so grateful this isn’t by Bendis. I think I’m tearing up, my god.

On principle I really liked this, but I do think that some of the dialogue was a little clunky and that was annoying.

Good stuff.

I don’t know if this one just hit me in a good mood or what but man the vibes on this one, I liked it a lot.

Jophiel just slowly going insane while the other two are immediately ensorcelled, I love that.

I expected nothing and was pleasantly surprised! This score is not taking into account the Punchline story, which I read but don’t want to talk about!

I’m intrigued!

So dramatic.

Cute but not exactly important reading.

Once again perfectly serviceable, once again I am asking for a purpose to this series as a whole.

This gives me weird vibes but I’m willing to roll with it for now.

I liked the vibes.


I just don’t really understand the point of these comics.

Elaborate heist of Black Cat’s trauma and moral lines! I’ll take it!

This feels like it takes ten years to read.

This is why I say nothing good comes of the future!

But did the fish get to go back to his little fish family?? I’m going to be haunted by this for the rest of my life.

No backups again lol.

I did not enjoy reading this.


A solid issue.


Imagine choosing to wear such an ugly outfit to a school dance imagine hating yourself that much.

Anthologies are always rough and this was not a particularly good anthology.

I liked this one. It had good vibes.

So many plots!


This went by so fast, which I both love and respect.

If only I knew who any of these people are! I added a .5 because I always hoped that Snakes was snakes, and he is, and I think that’s beautiful.

I find the structure of this comic very annoying.

I had a hard time reading this but maybe I was just in a mood.


A little annoying to read tbh.

Nice conclusion.

Clones. :/

Get your shit together Steve, that was such an obvious lure.

That sure had some sort of pace. The stuff with Viv was interesting though.

I didn't read the backups. ❤️

I wish I knew more about some things.

This was okay.

I’m beginning to think Tony’s not doing so great.


Fine but not exactly a thrill ride.

Gwenpool usage was a little up and down.

Hang the parasites! More power to the workers!


Very quick read, which I approve of.

Solid enough.

So much betrayal.

throg throg throg thrOG THROG THROG THROG

I do not enjoy this style.


God help me I kind of like Elektra??

This is a cool story tbh.


Somehow even worse character writing than usual??


So much talking.


I’d let Batroc and Star tag-team bully me any day.

Cute! But lotta monologuing today.

Still very good.

Good issue.

I really liked this one! His creative move names! Adorable!

Honestly not bad tbh.

I love my boy but not this so much.


This man and his giant swords, god bless.

I wish I was more invested but at this point I’m just shrugging along, sighing emotionally like all these emotionless beings lol.

Backups? Never heard of her. ❤️

Very interesting comic.

This hurt me, physically and spiritually.

I’m just in love with how much they all hate Mr Sinister, I love that for them.

I didn’t get as deep into this one as previous ones.

I love you just how you are, Joe Fixit.

Aww this was kind of cute. Maybe a little much at times, but overall I liked it.

Fine issue.

A little repetitive.

This was a little slow?

I liked some aspects of this. The art is nice.

Great always.

I dunno I thought it was cute.


Maybe I wasn’t in the mood but I had a hard time with the organization of this one.

Ugh no don’t make him special just let him be a guy ugh.

Cool, cool.


This raises so many questions.


Writer can dialogue and does understand how pheromones work.

Good issue.

RIP to Quentin Quire tbh.

I find this... not hard to read, but annoying to read. I really liked the bits with the Phantasm and I wish we got that more consistently, I think she’s a cool character and dang that aesthetic.

Some of these were good.

elaborate heist elaborate heist elaborate heist

I enjoyed the floating babies.

Good issue.

This one had some good jokes.

Kinda blah tbh.

Fine but somewhat overwrought at times.

Still so good!


Aw this book deserved better than being cancelled tbh.



I didn't read the backups. ❤️

I liked this!

Cool, cool.


muh grandbabies

I just don’t care about the bad future! I’m sorry! It’s fine for what it is.

Some of the art was good?

Busy but intriguing.

Another great issue.

It really do be some stupid space shit.


I skipped over the annoying smart guy robot moments and yet they still annoyed me.

So many words.

Just so boring.

Pretty good issue.

Eh in theory this was cool.

I know this is a tiny little nitpick in the grand scheme of things, and don’t even get me started on the politics of this whole story, but I cannot stand when men describe taking care of their own children as “babysitting.”


Good issue as always.

Why is it organized like this?


Everything happens so much.

This was solid but I had a few issues with dialogue and such.

Not bad.

Liked the main story a lot. The Grifter backup was fun too.

I didn’t read the backups. ❤️

I didn’t read the Red Hood story. ❤️

This was okay.

I liked some aspects.

Robots no. ):

Great again!

Oh noooo.

Very good issue.

Oh uh okay? Guess that’s over then.




Batroc is best boy.

This is fun to read tbh.


This was okay but I don’t care about the romance.

Nice, nice.

Elaborate heists, elaborate heists!

Ulik more like Ughlik am I right lol I have no idea who that is.

Sorry, the rest of this is good but I can’t get over “hey we liked your doctoral dissertation! Good work you are professor now!” God, I wish.

I gave this an extra .5 for hating Brexit lol.

Throg. ❤️


A little too much facts but still generally good.

Solid issue.

I really just spent this whole thing in a daze after the very clear implication that Jimmy/Perry is a thing and Jimmy calls him “Chief” in bed. I’m glad I was dazed because this comic is and will always be a nightmare. RIP you trash fire the best thing I can wish for you is that you are forgotten.



So much better than last arc, but I am still so wary.

This was nice.

The main story was kind of whatever but I am so weak for BFFs Batman/Superman.

Uhh did I miss an issue?

I’m not the only one getting Vibes right?


Nooo stoooop how dare you make me care about Superboy-Prime!

I mostly skimmed this and it still felt like a waste of my time.

That was easy!

His entire mode of being IS ludicrous and tbh I love that for him.



A little slow.

Not my style.

Great art tbh.

I think I liked this in the end.


Honestly nothing special but not bad either.

So slow.


Haha oh my god what?

Kinda boring lol.


Sooo many words.

So cute, although I am a little disappointed about the villain.

A bit slow.

If Canto goes I do tbh.

I’m always wary of “family above all, no matter what” narrative but let’s see I guess.


Good as always.

No thank you.

Very good issue.

This is all Psycamorean’s fault.

Not very fun or special.

Daken would never.

Welp that’s done then!

Is it weird to love crazy mutant politics? Yes? Too bad.

Good, but this art though.

Yes I also would bring my infant daughter with me to do battle in the sea.

Fine but not very interesting.

Okay I’m just saying that if Batman and Ghost-Maker kissed right now it would not be out of character and would fit perfectly.

Eh this was fine.

I liked some of these.

I think technically if you heist a person that’s kidnapping.

Aww man I got really attached to fake family.

Solid but not spectacular issue.

I hate the future.

Cute but nothing special.

I really like the idea here but I had such a hard time with the narration.

I love this comic so much.

Okay first of all this is so clumsy. Lobo explaining the plot to Diana while they make their way to the forge to do whatever? Like come on. Nothing screams, “I have done a bad job writing this event,” like needing the characters to explain what they are doing to the audience. Secondly, and relatedly, this is simply too sprawling. This has long been my complaint with DC’s recent events. It is too much, too uncontained, and you know deep down in your heart that it’s all going to be fine in the end, so you just stop caring about everything that is happening. These are just action figures being smashed together by an uncaring god for an audience that can’t even be trusted to hold its attention enough to remember what happened last issue. Also, the constant attempts at humour: embarrassing. Please stop.


A good issue.

Man I hate the rich too but dang RIP eyeball.

Why is everybody behaving so weirdly? If it is -100 then sorry you people should be dying. RIP


Maybe entropy is right actually??

Only Barry Allen can make the imminent end of the world kinda boring.

Reading this is like reading a fever dream.

I miss the polyamorous blue people. ):

Cute but unnecessary.

Another great issue.

I am only so-so on this whole concept.

Cool cool cool.

This is not very well written. I spent most of it picturing Steve Buscemi going “how do you do fellow kids.”

This is just kinda boring? I don’t know. Hope he gets his popsicle kids (popsikids?) back.

Okay wow not even going to tell the symbiote you love them back? Harsh, dude.

Well, that was haunting.

oh okay uh good for these little fish kids I guess.

Hooray we fixed over-policing!

I love a little maiming as much as the next person but something didn’t quite hit right for me on this one.

I liked the art.

I know that simple feel-good stories like this are good because it’s nice to have simple, happy resolutions, but it all rings so hollow for me. Right, this is all so easy and uncomplicated. Living in capitalism isn’t so bad, actually, because in the end the billionaire class will have your back.

This comic keeps surprising me!

I had a little trouble with the pacing and stuff but there were things to like here.

A serviceable read.

Something about the way Chip writes even exposition dumps just works for me. He’s so good I love him.

Oh no no... Doyle???

Someone should probably get this guy some therapy or something.

Infuriating to read.


This is just so boring to me. So inconsequential. Whatever I don’t care.

I am so tired of these dark multiverses. I am tired of being caught in the tangles of their inconsequential bleakness.

Pretty good!


Nooo symbiote. ):

All fine.

I feel a little weird about the mental health aspect of this.

I keep forgetting that this comic isn’t only about Daken and then getting sad again. ):

A solid enough issue.

So... Batman/Ghost-Maker am I right?

I found the hopping around in time to be a little annoying I’ll be real with you.

The scenes in the prison were very annoying. Everything else was fine.

A good issue again!

I took too long to catch up and now everything is happening so much.

Hooray! The gays win again.

Well, this was... I mean... it sure happened. Felt way longer than it was, and I’m already bored of the villain, but okay!

I would murder Reed Richards and no court in the world would convict me.

If she could stop going “wow this is just like the problems we have on earth!” for like five seconds I feel like the metaphors would land better.

Clive noooo!

This was better than expected.

This still went a little too hard on the “few bad apples” idea, but like... not as bad as previously.

This hit weird, and I think it's because of a lack of buildup.

Something here rubbed me the wrong way.

I’m really just here for Canto at this point.

A good issue.


Hello yes sorry who are you?

Still cool but sometimes a little chaotic.

Another great issue!

Me, sobbing: oh my god please tell me are they proud of their robot son.

This didn’t feel super special, but not terrible.

So good.

Honestly a lot of this was 2 edgy 4 me. The things that were interesting weren’t given time to breath because there were more, edgier stories that for some reason felt the need to be told.

There’s something about reading such a well-tread concept that is just weirdly soothing in these troubled times. Like sinking into a bathtub full of soup.

Now this is a level of self-doubt I can vibe with.


A not unpleasant ending, all things considered.

Man y’all don’t check for mind control when you know a mind controller is around??


I think... I liked this. There were some things that were a little rough, but yeah, over all quite satisfying.

Well, I liked the ending.

I found this to be of a middling quality, though the art in everything save the first story was very good. I think the Vision one was my favourite? But maybe I am a sap.

So cute.

Curse your sudden but very expected betrayal!

Deus ex morgue. I thought of this bad joke and now we all have to live with it.

No thanks.

Really very good issue.


There are two wolves inside you. They are both bored by this comic.

I wish Liar Liar was better or maybe just not here, but alas.

Cool cool cool.


Bad. So bad. A disjointed mess. I hate this comic.

This comic truly was an antithesis... of a good time!!

Oh okay, thank you for quickly and wordily wrapping up that problem, Flash.

Honestly the worst crime Rogol Zaar ever committed was the complete and utter annihilation of my patience.

I know that I definitely missed out on things that giant nerds will judge me for missing, but I did enjoy the aura of oppressive dread in this one.

Oh my god I cannot BELIEVE we just playfully referenced that time when Mera fully murdered her intimate partner in a fit of rage. Oh my LORD what a bad fucking look.

This was... a good issue? Thank you, Batman, please may I have another.

Aww Gorgon no. ):

This run feels so stretched out and slow moving, I feel so disconnected from it. The second story was actually really nice, it touched my stupid cynical little heart, so this is getting a higher score than it probably otherwise would have.

I just don’t really care, sorry! None of this feels like a real story or event that’s happening, it’s all just... things. Even DC is bored with it and moving on with other events. Tragic.

I love Pied Piper and am totally fine with Wink as a person but I don’t know I’m not hugely distressed at this point.

Wow so um thanks for wasting my time with an entire miniseries about whether Franklin should go to Krakoa. Amazing. Also, I really do not like Sky.

I actually got really into the team dynamics for this issue. Not sure why it suddenly worked for me, but nice.

Another great issue!

I love you Joe Fixit, only you could come up with the solution “blast self into space” and have it work.

Whyyy are you so boring?

Well, at least the art was nice.

Love this comic so much.

This was okay, but very much suffered the pain of anthology. Some nice ideas and art but nothing ended up being special, except for that Watcher art, which was really beautiful.

Not well written, not good art, that “all cops are so great it’s just one or two bad apples” thing is such a bad look in this day and age, yikes. And like... let’s not even get into the implicit politics of that confrontation. Just yikes.

Oh no so sad that he can’t be with Bea what a tragedy. I was soooo deeply invested.

That Ditko’s Question parody just... it sang right to my soul.

The writing in this one irritated me for unknown reasons. It was weird!

Well, I for one am excited to see where this is all going.

I’m just really not into this style of writing, and a lot of the art looked... bad. I didn’t particularly enjoy this.

Hooray the alternate universe is over. And not a moment too soon, my patience was really waning there!

The broken English thoughts were a little irritating! But otherwise this was fiiiiiine.

The dance contest and the giant puzzle and the fashion show really sold me, tbh.

Well that escalated quickly.

Nice, nice.

Still just very clunky, though I see what we’re going for.

I feel like Lobo is a really hard character to do right, and I don’t think he really was here. This was a lot of surface Lobo but it all felt really joyless and like it was trying too hard.

I feel like I’m going crazy, am I supposed to have no idea what’s going on with Damian? I realize that it’s from Teen Titans which I refuse to read, but also are we not going to set anything about it up at all in this comic before deciding to make this a subplot?

I found the writing of this a little too chaotic for me.

This is certainly more interesting than it has been. But the writing feels so bleh and everything feels weirdly inconsequential.

I really liked some of this (InceHal) and was really confused by the rest. Why does this comic torment me like this. Let me love you, Green Lantern Season 2!!

Gotta respect that use of speed force.

I think that the direction for Tony is interesting, but something isn’t quiiite landing for me.

A fine if somewhat uninteresting issue.

I could do without the whole opening loss fakeout thing but I liked everything else here, it was neat to see the characters more and get a sense of who they are before they all start perforating each other.

I’m sure glad this is over forever.

Honestly this was better than I expected, but I didn’t fully believe the story being told here.

Still fairly enjoyable.

Still just fine!

Oh no, not... Calvin? So glad that we’re finally addressing all that tension between... Emily and... Doyle?? Genuinely who are these people ugh.

How is it that Superman was facing a dude who could/would not communicate him, and still this issue had so much text?

This was pretty fun, actually!

Cool, cool.

Uh okay I guess.

I think I would have liked this more if we had gotten more of good guy Max Lord, or at least any hint at all that he was trying to be nice.



It’s another good issue I don’t know what to tell you!

This one felt a little scattered to me, I don’t know, maybe the last arc’s bitter residue hasn’t left my brain yet.

Honestly, after everything this was a very nice, relaxing time. Chill lofi beats to murder the Batman to.

Fine! I’m willing to enjoy this.


This was really great. My only niggling issue with it is the idea of it confirming an origin for the Joker. I don’t like that as a concept. But man, I loved this so much more than I expected.

Booooo bring back bush bickering.

A pointless waste of my time!

Like yeah look it’s fine but also it’s the gross future.

This is a really cool idea!

This was probably the least annoying Death Metal thing I have read in some time.

Honestly, I’m extremely here for Constantine and Swamp Thing teaming up to bully Dr. Fate.

A slightly tedious calm before the storm but okay.

Jeff is and will always be the highlight for me. His little knife! Precious.

This is hardly amazing, but I did find myself generally enjoying it.

I didn’t really like how this was presented. It’s possibly just that I have grown too disconnected from the story but...

I didn’t really like how this was presented. It’s possibly just that I have grown too disconnected from the story but...

I spent a lot of time thinking about that bullet rain thing. I don’t think that bullet rain could kill you and yes, I will die on this hill. Possibly of bullet rain.

YES I love a murder mystery.

This moved strangely. I didn’t like it very much.

Omg that body horror.

I think you look fabulous, Gary.

Amazing as always.


That body horror at the end was pretty cool.

God, as if this comic wasn’t bad enough, now we’re having to deal with that fuckin guy.

I liked this, it had good vibes.

This was okay but not great.

I love this comic.

This was okay! Kind of quiet.

Not terrible but not great either.

I won’t miss this. The art was always pretty good though.

This was a little too disjointed for me.

I really like this okay?

Just bland, nothing special or interesting here.

Well, at least we came down on the right side of history.

Cool as always. Love to see some nice sibling time.

I’m really not a fan of this style of writing. It’s annoying to read.

This was okay but I think I would have liked it more if I knew the characters a bit.

I Shall Be A Wolf was the best one and we all know it.

I like the idea of this so much more than I like the execution. I want to like this so much more.

Still pretty good! I really like the art.

I think this is pretty cool still.

This was uniquely bad. It died as it lived: talking way too fucking much and also being just stupid and bad in every conceivable way.

What a twist!

I am not sad to see this arc go.

Well... can’t say I’ll miss it.

This wasn’t a bad issue, but it had so much fighting and the fighting was just so stiff, almost? Not great.

I do not understand the space monsters. What of the swords? Tell me of the swords.

I’m big into the bad guys at the moment, tbh, I don’t know why exactly but I liked their vibe.

Nooo stop it. Future stories and time travel are the woooorst.

Everything happens so much.

This was solid but never went anywhere that I would call revolutionary.

The idea of somebody stealing his ring enchanted me, but it was spoiled by the cover and the execution. I really wanted to enjoy this, I think it could have been fun! And yet!

I am looking forward to the conclusion.

666nestro, the ship I didn’t know I wanted or needed.

Is it weird to love Mister Sinister best of all? Too bad it’s happening.


Feels like threatening Joker in this scenario was the wrong call but like yay a wedding!

Sorry these zombies just really aren’t doing it for me.

A good issue! I liked the focus on the characters and their relationships.

Hell yeah vampire war.

I liked this more than I expected to.

A perfectly pleasant read.

Still good!

I liked this issue more than previous, it felt... more.

So much talking. And for what? For Superman? Ugh.

There were some things that annoyed me, but overall fine.

I liked the main stories, but not so much the additional ones.

This ended up just kind of going as expected. That bit with Clownhunter hit me wrong for reasons I’m not sure I can articulate.

Dear lord this is so annoying to read. Just... ugh. The tone, the dialogue, the plot, the everything.

I love Nat but I would also read just a whole comic about Bucky and Clint crouched in the bushes and bickering tbh.

I did not care for the dialogue. And oh my lord that clunky exposition.

Come on zombie Darkseid, bring my flagging interest in this series back to life!

This feels stretched out in a way? I don’t know.

A solid issue but not as relentlessly fun as some previous.

I’ll say this for Decorum: it just absolutely flies by.

Same complaints as always.


Fine, all fine. Something felt a little off for me but I don’t know what.

elaborate heist elaborate heist elaborate heist

I liked neither the art nor the writing.

I am wary of this alternate universe stuff but I will put up with it... for now.

I love the art in Dream’s parts, so cool. The weakest part of this story is the Shakespeare research. An offensively fringe belief that I cannot believe got funding.

A good issue as always!

Still a little as-you-know-y but better about it.

There’s something about Solem that I don’t quite like. And I really did not enjoy that expository dialogue page, it annoyed me an unreasonable amount.

This was fine!

Will it surprise you to hear that this was lame? I doubt that it will. This was lame.

I struggled through this a little bit.

I liked the first one and then was just sort of lukewarm to mildly negative on everything else.

Okay this was... so fun?? I don’t know what’s happening somebody pinch me.

Another really good issue!

I expected much worse. There were some things that I didn’t like, but also things that I did like! What a ride.

There were some dialogue things here that I really did not enjoy at all.

I skimmed a lot of this.

The art was mostly very nice. The writing is not something I’m overly fond of, though I understand it was The Time™.

I really liked the art in this. The story was... very murder-y.

This one had some nice moments. Although I question the wisdom of running away from a man who can control your mind at any distance...

I love this so much. How can this comic make me love a story featuring Old Man Constantine? I don’t know. But here we are.

This was just fine. The art was quite nice.

This is a uniquely awful comic. Nothing is good about it and everybody who has given it a 10/10 should be ashamed of themselves.

I found this to be quite annoying! Very little emotional payoff to anything, it all just felt... tired.

This is just getting to be a little much for me.

Conan was the best part and he was not in this enough.

Uhhh this was fine? I guess? Nothing special.

Eh I just don’t feel strongly about any of them or any ships.

This is a very cool premise. I’m not a huge fan of the art style, though.

This was a good ending but not quiiiite as strong as I might have dreamed.

A very good issue! I liked it a lot!

Someone please put this comic out of its misery I swear to god.

Once again, absolutely fine. Nothing special.

Oh my god. Bad. So bad. I blame you for this, Batgirl.

I actually liked this one a lot! I don’t know why, but I’m not going to question it too much!

Such a rush to an ending.

Still great!

Tbh I’m completely here for Wally calling him the Batman Who Tries Too Hard.

Like there was a lot that I liked but at the same time something wasn’t quite clicking.

I liked the part with the bear.

This is absolutely not a style of writing that I enjoy, and they’re already characters that I don’t care for. Things aren’t looking up for this comic.

Thank you for being over.

I really loved the art.

I really liked this, no surprise there.

Honestly not as annoying as I was anticipating it would be.

Are we getting somewhere? I love to be somewhere!

So much future, so much post-apocalypse.

I actually really liked this one, I thought it captured his thoughts well.

Still good!

Was this... good? Was this a good Shazam issue?? I don’t know what’s happening anymore.

Ugh I had a bad time reading this.

I didn’t love reading it. But I also didn’t hate it!

I wish they hadn’t spoiled the ending! Made the whole thing hella obvious. Still a good issue though.

Ugh alternate dimension still.

There are some things I’m a little wary about, but overall I’m excited for this one!

Another solid issue, I like how this is all unfolding.

Once again a good issue! Stop it Batman, you’re spoiling me!

Getting a little better but I’m not as invested as I once was.

Yas queen.

The tie-in was solid but the other two were less so.

I’m left wondering about the point of this series.

I only read Many Happy Returns, Detective #26, and A Gift, so my experience was quite ruthlessly curated. I liked them!

I find reading this to be very annoying.

The art looked great, the story was okay.

I actually ended up liking this a little more than usual, though it was still a little scattered for me.

I’m not a fan of the older style of writing, but I was interested throughout, and glad to learn these things.

Ohhhh my god.

This was okay but they’re always so brief!

I’m here for the twitter sassing tbh.

Honestly not terrible, just kind of bland. I spent most of my time thinking about who designs and makes their apocalypse outfits.

Another really good issue!

Cool, cool.

I really like the exploration of the moral dilemma and the struggle. It’s good!

The dialogue is such a drag to read, I kept almost skipping over it in my rush to be done.

This was rushed but also I love Lauri-ell so...

Francis Manapul was the only thing keeping me going through this absolute slog of a comic.

Aww I love Pied Piper and that apparently covers a lot of boredom for me.

This was good but I didn’t love the organization of it.

Eh this was okay. There were some good moments but also some annoying moments, what can you do.

It is... fine.

There’s a lot going for this but the style is just very hard to connect with.

There were a few stories that I kind of wish had had a little more time to breathe, because I really liked them as ideas. But overall this was good!

This wasn’t bad, but I definitely also felt that it was a little bit paint-by-numbers struggle, if that makes sense? I like the part where she melted her parents though.

Imagine giving someone their first tattoo and that tattoo is a knuckle tat! Unreal. Also that kiss. Yikes.

At least that stupid arc is fiiiiinally over.

This all felt really... competent? Some fun moments but overall very standard. I liked Canto best, what a look.

I really like the art and the idea and of course I liked that time when the little girl got ripped in half, but it feels like it’s taken a long time to get to the point of people actually listening to the people who knew what was happening.

I thought this was very cool! I feel bad for the friend though. ):

Everybody says so much, and yet... nothing.

Like, it’s not horrible, but it’s also not all that interesting. Eh.

This was good, but I’m not familiar with the character and it didn’t make me super sad for him like some other one-shots about dying people do.

This had a little slowing of the momentum but I love Max Lord so I’m willing to look past it.

Honestly, changing Daken’s outfit made this whole issue so much more palatable for me.

Beast has a lot of bad opinions lol, never trust Jeremy Bentham.

What is going on with Riddler’s hair? Why is he born to suffer like this??

Solid with some occasional moments that I didn’t love. Her haircut looks dumb, sorry but it’s true.

The domestic stuff is my favourite part every time.

The art was very not good. The rest was just fine. Still a little exhausted emotionally.

This felt kind of rushed and a little messy to me, like they suddenly ran out of time and had to wrap everything up at once.

Uh okay! I already read about this in Empyre but fine!

I’m so proud of him for getting therapy!

Absolutely adequate. Somewhat unspecial. Not a fan of the art.

I thought this was just fine!

I wish this had been a little longer, honestly, I would have enjoyed even more about this.

I’m not a big zombie person and this didn’t do anything to change my mind. It was fine, I guess.

A good issue!

I really liked the stuff with Glob!

Well this was intensely sexual, and tbh I respect that.

I really do not like Superboy Prime. Why was he here? What purpose did he serve. Get out of here, Superboy Prime. I hate you.

It’s moving a little bit weirdly for me, to be honest, though I still like elements.

I still really liked the art. This one was a little explainy but I’m giving it a pass. For Now.

The art was really nice and I like the concept generally. A little bit too much “as you know” at times, but mostly enjoyable!

This was okay! Felt a little... rushed?

What a waste of my time.

Welp, I hated that.

Great Scott! This is such a bad comic still!

Pretty good stuff I guess if you’re into that sort of thing.

Jesus this dialogue. Nobody speaks like a real person!

Ultra-Humanite has a pretty beautiful brain for someone with a neurodegenerative disorder but okay.

This was really good, which blew my goddamn mind because this whole concept was corrupt to me. But yeah, I liked it! Good work, team.

This had exactly two good lines. Everything else was just okay to bland.

A good, solid issue.

me, sobbing: oh my god I hope Ace and Krypto are best friends forever.


Oh thank god, Kevin is okay.

This is very boring, god bless. But it tries.

This definitely does feel classic and I hate that because the poor Fantastic Four don’t deserve to catch a break no matter what some people say. It was fine I guess, if you’re into merely acceptable comics.

There’s just so much to not like about this! The Trickster randomly doing a betray. The Tornado Twins suddenly just not being evil because of looooove and vanishing. Inertia just... sucking and then running away? Could we not think of a satisfactory way to deal with any of these characters? Why not just leave them out? Also lol @ Double Down being there what a fuckin nerd.

This was interesting to read and had some cool moments.

The Arno stuff was such an obvious fantasy that reading it made me genuinely angry. What a waste of my time. And also, I guess it’s okay to enslave somebody’s mind as long as you don’t like them?? And trauma is caused by genes haha don’t worry about it it’s totally fixed lol.

Love it as always. What a great comic, honestly, just perfect.

I quite liked this issue! I’m glad to see things moving along a bit!

I tried so hard not to drop this comic. But I’m dropping it. God this is so annoying to read. Some of the art was nice at least.

Well, I found that largely satisfying if maybe a little rushed.

This was not worth reading for Joker War alone.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

The backstory was a bit of a drag but for the most part I liked it!

I mean, I think I mostly agree with the concepts here, but as a story about the Question, I find myself unsatisfied. This didn’t feel like it progressed the character in a meaningful way. I really enjoyed the art, but I think that’s because it just made me think of Denny O’Neil’s run.

This was good but I felt like there were some weird moments, mostly to do with the art.

Every time I read this comic I am filled with trepidation, and actually finishing it doesn’t make the trepidation go away.

No big deal but Magneto is... pretty cool.

Well I don’t know about you gang but I have a good feeling about prejudice being fixed forever!

This was fine. Nothing special, but not as deeply annoying as I have previously found this comic to be. Maybe it’s the lack of Aquaman that made me feel kinda positive about this one.

This was a better issue for me, though I’m still hesitant about this whole thing.

I liked this one! A solid issue for sure.

This was actually very fun for me.

This is fine but sort of slow? I liked the fight scene I guess, and the art is nice.

Not to be dramatic but I would die for Lauri-ell.

Imus Champion looked exceptionally dumb with the serpent crown on his little bubble head, so I’m gonna add a .5 for that.

Some of the art was very nice. Most of the stories were mediocre at best.

The art is really cool and wild and I love it but I’m only here for assassin boarding school so...

My favourite part was Explodey Boy having a nice chat with himself.

I just don’t like this comic very much! Sorry!

Well I, for one, love and fear the smiley dudes. This one was a bit of a rush though.

I only read the Joker War tie-in. It... was not worth it.

This was okay. All fine.

My favourite part was absolutely John Stewart regretting asking about the Trickster.

This was just not super fun to read, I’ll be honest with you. It was no doubt important for the motivations of the antagonists, but I wish it had been written more tightly.

I do not like future stories, or the post-apocalypse. This was fine.

This is just still so shit and I hate the concept. It’s barely even about Nightwing. But then, it hasn’t been about him in a long time.

Well written and fun, but not something that truly fascinated me. The characters were interesting enough though, I will continue with this.

Man will we ever stop holding bystanders at gunpoint?

Honestly pretty solid, not a bad read.

I thought this was really cool, tbh.

The art in this was very nice. The story was okay. It made me miss other, better versions of this same idea though.

This was not an enjoyable read. It’s actually kind of poorly written. How is the lost tribe of Amazons completely hidden from the world and yet fully integrated into Brazil? Like they’re all speaking Portuguese? They have bike lanes and stop signs? They wear glasses and modern clothing? Nobody noticed a part of the coastline that they just couldn’t enter or see??

It’s written in a style that I don’t care for, and I don’t love the art either, but I know both of those are products of their time and so I cannot judge too harshly. It’s a good story though!

This was another very good issue!

Readable, but not particularly exhilarating to read.

This one was less overtly yikes, but the spectre of yikes remains.

Okay actually I want a million issues of just Lauri-ell trying to fit in on Earth, I love her.

This was a struggle to get through. I had a lot of nitpicks that I won’t bother sharing, but the reason I bring them up is that this comic is so disengaging that I end up thinking about tangents rather than caring about the story. I cared more about Diana’s hair dye than I did about the Batman Who Laughs chasing down three generations of Flash.

The art is occasionally so distracting that I almost forgot about the plot that I am mostly bored with.

This was all perfectly competent. There was a lot happening, but I didn’t hate it. I just also don’t care all that much about it.

I’m still generally enjoying reading this, even if it’s not giving us anything amazing.

I found this a little too disjointed. I also don’t know several of these characters, so that makes it harder to care.

This is certainly a comic that I read!

I feel again that this is a lot going on, but I don’t hate it. It has some very fun ideas.

I did deeply enjoy Thawne berating a child, so +0.5 for that.

I found this tolerable though occasionally disjointed. At least I didn’t want to die from insane dialogue!

Dang the body horror in this one is unreal.

I thought this was fine! We wrapped up that mystery revival issue so that’s good.

Bad. I don’t even need to tell you that. You know it’s bad.

I really hate alternate dimensions. But this is okay. For now.

Still very engaging to me.

Poor Quentin Quire, he’s really been going through it.

I really liked the art. The story was a little... I’m not sure, something felt off. Pacing maybe? It’s usually pacing.

This didn’t feel like the most solid ending, but I had a mostly nice time.

I wasn’t exactly excited by what was happening, but I didn’t feel that much of drag either.

This was largely not worth my time. I liked the Garth Ennis one, but it just made me even more sharply aware of how this anthology didn’t seem to quite know if it wanted to be funny or serious or what.

I didn’t really like the art. This issue didn’t hit as hard with the emotions as it usually does, or at least I didn’t feel as strongly.

This was cute and fun and I would seriously die for Jeff.

Well that was quick!

This had some cool stuff in it. She-Hulk was a highlight for me.

This felt a little messy at times, but I didn’t hate it.

Oh my god there was just so much talking and nobody would shut up. Man this was an annoying read.

I thought the @At were big proponents of the emotion exploit? If that’s not the case then... ???

I loved the art. Was slightly puzzled by what was going on (because I know nothing about this strange man), but it wasn’t a bad time.

This was pretty good!

This one had such a cool, creepy vibe. I really liked it.

This had some cute moments!

I really do not know what Andre was expecting there.

This is quite a twist, but okay...

I didn’t enjoy this. It just didn’t feel like it handled the ideas particularly well.

I thought this one was pretty good in the sense that now I know a lot more than I did about these characters.

This was a nice ending! Maybe not a perfect ending, but I still liked it.

Who among us did not love Mr Terrific slapping an old man right in the face?

A deeply frustrating, pointless read.

I actually quite liked reading this. The art was really nice!

The dialogue is so frustrating. This comic took forever to read and nothing was gained.

Man I’m always a sucker for Overdrive.

As perfectly plastic as the characters appear. Really just not worth the time. The fashion is still... so bad.

This was fine but like... everybody was speaking exposition. Also is it just me or did everybody have really long faces? I loved the art otherwise though.

This had some very fun moments, and I liked the art!

This was good, but I liked the first half more than the second. Something was kind of bothering me but I’m not sure what it was.

Wow that art was... bad.

I didn’t love all the dialogue or the pace, but I’m still interested in the story!

The art was nice and so was Conan. Kind of a throwaway, but not horrible.

I didn’t like the art very much, and the story was okay.

Ugh is this not over yet?

Still perfect.

Imagine being so bad at developing characters that you have to write them introducing themselves straight to the audience. Imagine telling on yourself like that. Also, could everybody please shut up? For forever, ideally.

Still interesting to me!

Boy they really went hard on that noir dialogue!

Still great tbh.

I see what we are going for and like I didn’t hate it, but I also didn’t really love it. It was fine!

This was actually really good, I had a nice time reading it. And I liked the art a lot.

I wanted to like this more than I did. Which isn’t to say that it’s bad. I like it in concept. I’m happy to see Daken. I was incredibly distracted by the outfits and the design of the characters. It was so wordy and it felt like if maybe it had had just one more pass through editing it would have been really fun. Alas.

I find myself cast adrift at sea, unknowing of all things. The writing was nice, but I didn’t understand most of it...

Thanks, I hated this. The dialogue, the art, the irritating cutesy speech impediments. This was a bad time.


Pretty good, tbh, the dreams were suitably spooky, and I liked the call to MJ.

I liked this a lot! Nick Spencer is always so good for these one-shot character deep dives that make me weirdly emotional.

Wow, they’re holding a massive wedding in the middle of a pandemic and I don’t see a single mask. Very selfish tbh.

I’m still just not really enjoying this, and I don’t quite know why. Usually this is the kind of plot I’m into!

My favourite part was how Joker apparently doesn’t know what a masochist is.

The art was so good. The story was pretty good.

Well... it’s nice to see the Dreaming and Destiny, that’s fun.

I appreciated the breather but it wasn’t anything super special.

This had some fun lines but it’s not really grabbing me.

So great! I love this comic.

This is just absolutely exhausting to me. I don’t care. What are the stakes anymore? Oh wow is there going to be a hope spot and then the villain suddenly turns it around on them? I bet there is. Stop. Stop this.

This was nice but maybe a little rushed? I liked parts of it a lot.

I love the art so much. And I actually really had a good time with this, I’m super into it now.

This was solid but not great. That brain surgery was... something else.

This was a little explain-y and repetitious to start. I remember the story about the moon fight from the last eight times we were told it! Please stop telling it to me! After that, I don’t know how I feel about this whole “I could explain the plot to you but I won’t, let’s do an action scene instead” thing. Like... wow the evil plants were evil. You coulda just said it my guy.

I liked this more now that they aren’t so busy explaining the Cotati to me.

A solid enough issue, but nothing too special.

Honestly I could have gone for more focus on the alien plants vs mutant zombies vs old ladies angle and less on the business of doing business, but alas.

This wasn’t nearly as annoying to me as usual, maybe because of the new plot? Maybe because the Fantastic Four wasn’t actually in it... who knows??

This was fine! The first story was cute, the second one intriguing.

I mean... okay. I don’t really care about Excalibur and I’m mad that I had to call on my knowledge of it for this. And also Dark Ages is like whatever. I like Tom Taylor so maybe I’ll like it?

The best part of this was when Captain Cold shit-talked time travel.

I mean it wasn’t bad, but I also wasn’t super interested? Even with Namor there! Just like... nothing happened?

Another good issue! Those smiley dudes unsettle me very much.

I love Marvel Boy and I’m not sorry about it.

I don’t think I care about any of these characters yet... I’m trying but they’re not connecting to me!

I liked this issue a lot, it had some good tension going on.

“I’m not going to help with any of the work that has to be done or tell you anything that I have learned until it is too late, but yes I will judge you constantly when you fail to meet my expectations. No I will not tell you what they are” – Wonder Woman, probably.

This isn’t bad but it was a bit boring. I really liked the image of Zatara on fire though, very spooky.

This was very boring, with some nice moments sprinkled throughout. And felt a little “how do you do, fellow gay kids?” at times. Why would aliens who hate Earth know what a twink is??

This was okay! I don’t know, kind of mostly boring? Not bad though. Just sort of boring.

Honestly, this went by quickly, which I appreciate. But wow Barb how hard was it to figure out that Joker used that crystal on Nightwing? Also Punchline still sucks.

Like, it’s not bad but I also don’t really care all that much, tbh.

Not a bad comic, but I wasn’t as invested in it as I’d like.

I really like the art in this! I’m less sure about the characters or the plot but I’m willing to stick with it for now.

This felt like a slog. So much was happening and like people were being dropped off and picked up and there were no consequences. I dunno, I didn’t enjoy it.

Precious and pure, honestly, I don’t care what anyone says.

Nooo I hate alternate universes. I just want more of beard dad and space clothes parent raising their spooky alien son!

This comic has a radical anti-Quentin agenda and tbh I’m very offended on his behalf.

I liked this, though there was something a little off about the pace maybe? I don’t know. Charles Xavier is a jerk though.

I really do not care for Punchline. However, I must say the idea that all the villains just hole up together in Penguin’s club every time Joker gets on some bullshit is truly pure to me, and I love that.

This was an okay issue but I just really have a hard time connecting with the characters or their dialogue. I didn’t love the pace.

From that extra-judicial killing by the police of an unconscious and unarmed person of colour I was pretty much yikesing my way through this comic.

This was cute but felt a little rushed and abrupt—probably because it was, thanks for nothing, the plague.

This was pretty well written, and had some nice moments. It didn’t have the emotional impact that it had before, and I think that will keep lessening for me.

Poor Two-Face. He’ll always be a... secondary villain.

I don’t feel like I really got what this comic was trying to say. It had some nice concepts but I don’t know that it went anywhere particularly good.

This was interesting to me but it did feel like it went on a little bit, and was very narrate-y.

This was fiiiine. My favourite characters were the murderous children.

It’s just... not that interesting? Maybe if Barry was a more interesting person I would care more. Art’s nice though.

There was something a little off about this one, not in a horrible way, I just wasn’t as into it as one would expect.

Reading this kind of felt like being hit by a truck that was carrying nothing but silver age comics, and then when the paramedics got to me they just started whispering random dialogue from the shredded comics into my ears.

I think that in concept this isn’t a bad idea, but it felt very hurried and I didn’t get the sense of there being a real depth to the approach to the issues. I wish Wonder Woman had had more of a chance to talk about her beliefs and not merely lecture about them, and I wish that her thoughts had been more cogent and consistent.

This was a shit end to a bad miniseries. Very frustrating to read. Art was annoying.

I liked this issue and it had some good moments. I didn’t like the roll call at the end though.

There isn’t a lot to say about the comic, which is maybe a failing, but I’m still engaged.

This is cute but I don’t know that I care enough about anything yet to actually get invested in the characters. Maybe it will surprise me!

Could someone maybe sit Bendis down and explain the concept of a conversation to him? He seems to think that it’s just two or more people speaking in proximity to each other, with at MOST tangential relationships between their utterances. Why is this Dr Fate who he has never met suddenly giving Superman therapy? Why is absolutely nobody in character? Why is the plot such a mess already? Also art looked bad.

Who knew that getting turned into a statue was all it took to fix centuries-long hatred! And then you can just move in with the people you were trying to genocide! Hooray everything is so easy!

The visuals were often cool (esp. poor Kid Compost, RIP) but there was something about the dialogue and the plot progression that I just didn’t quite like.

This comic is just a frustrating thing to read. Everything is just people explaining stuff to us, and the dialogue and humour largely falls flat.

Maybe it’s because I already know what’s supposed to happen to a lot of these characters, but most of this fell a little flat for me.

My only regret is that there was not more Bullseye. But seriously this was great.

This was tiresome to read and I found the art distracting because it looked so bad.

I still enjoyed this but I was looking for something more that I didn’t quite get.

A rushed and bad ending to a comic that I might have missed once, long ago.

I didn’t enjoy reading this at all.

My experience of this comic was curated, but what I read I enjoyed. This might have inflated my score but I’m not sorry.

Thank you once again for your help, Exposition Shark.

Punchline was the worst part of this.

Well, that was resolved quickly.

Very explain-y and the coming twist feels almost so obvious that I don’t even want to call it a twist. But not a bad read. And the art was very nice.

August Heart. Cop. Friend. Hero. Killed a bunch of people but he seemed real sorry for it so lol I guess that’s fine. The rest of this issue was boring but whatever. I don’t love the idea of the Rogues being dragged into this again, but okay.

Obviously one such as I struggles to truly appreciate a comic such as this, but I thought it was pretty good despite not really knowing anything about the big-head man.

I just... don’t care for this at all, and my patience has worn right through.

Once again just a great comic.

I could swear that I’ve read this exact same story somewhere before. Maybe I’m the one going crazy. I liked the art a lot though, and the writing style is good despite everything.

Hooray we’ve solved conflict between everyone forever! That was so easy! We should have just seen that war is the enemy! Nothing more complicated than that could ever come into play! Yay world peace! Also the art was bad.

I liked this issue but I felt like there was a slight problem of pacing that tripped me up a little.

A well-meaning idea that maybe didn’t land as well as it might hope, but certainly not terrible.

I’m right back into it, tbh. These spooky alien worm men are alright by me!

A great issue as always.

This issue made me sad but like in a good way?

Bojack Horseman is actually very funny and was from the very beginning. In this essay, I will—

Man I just love Deadshot so much I’m happy for him and his new best dog pal.

I had a great time yet again.

Is it weird that the horrifying star plague monster is kind of my new fave?

This was just... really bland.

This was very cute and nice and no I’m not crying about that bug-lord dying shut up.

Nobody felt like they were a real person when they were talking, it was all so weirdly sterile.

Look I mean I didn’t hate it. I actually really appreciated Wally’s exposition dump because this huge event has been eternal and I didn’t know what was happening anymore. On the other hand... I’m exhausted and I don’t care about alternate realities or time travel or quirky new versions of Batman. I am tired. Fix your universe or don’t, DC, but please do it quickly.

See what a nice time we can have when we focus on Wally West? I’m just saying.

Honestly not terrible, but that is possibly because it was more about the Squad than Flash, and I like the Squad.

A bit of a rush, a little unsatisfying, an unfortunate end, RIP.

I liked this, although it was a little overwhelming at times!

This was a struggle to read and I felt like I was missing something that would have helped me make sense of everything. I’m so frustrated, because this used to be a really fun run! The art was distressing.

“Oh no you can’t take him to a hospital, there’s no time! Fly him the seven hours it would take to get to Montana instead! Obviously!” Also, that woman sexually harassing Nightwing, it’s not cute. It’s actually really gross! DC can and should be a lot better than this.

I’m a little wary of the idea that being a smart person means that you’re just able to regurgitate a bunch of facts. But I’m still interested in the mystery so I’m not letting my annoyance at having to read a bunch of random facts get to me.

Yeah I can definitely see the UN voting to make some guy the king of Earth, that feels legit.

I wish maybe the mystery had been more engaging or developed, so I had more of a reason than to just sort of joylessly flip through it, waiting until he got to see some spooky shit.

This had a couple of moments that I struggled with, but was mostly solid.

I can’t get over some lady saying “strike fast”! and Donna being like “Fast! Wally loved to run fast!! He would have loved you!” What even is this.

Fuck no. This is LoSH all over again and I won’t stand for it.

Some of these were okay! Definitely better than I was expecting, although my experience was curated so what do I know.

Oh Riddler, honey, stop this, you’re embarrassing yourself.

I would have given anything for Batman to have gotten on the bus.

As anthologies go this wasn’t the worst thing I’ve read.

The look on Tony’s face when she called him a coward will live in my heart forever.

This was a wild ride and I loved it.

Oh no he’s so saaad.

Well, I have no idea what’s happening! I love the art though, and I am actually interested in understanding, which says a lot.

Maybe I’m in a bad mood, but I did not have a good time reading this one.

What is the point of any of this?

I liked this one, it never quite went where I expected. I really liked the cover.

Why didn’t Green Lantern just gather the team up and fly to the gate? Feels like they let themselves get surrounded for pretty much no reason.

Sorry, what? I was so distracted by the bad dialogue I think I missed most of the incomprehensible plot.

This continues to be bad. So much happened and most of it feels senseless.

I appreciate the somewhat nuanced view of the outlawing.

So much talking and kind of the same things happening as always. I deeply appreciated the recipe though.

Yes, if there’s one thing we needed it was more of that train wreck “I don’t know who I am because my memories have been meddled with” plotline, thank you so much Nightwing.

I like the spooky new guy tbh.

Like I mean it wasn’t bad, but was it good?

The writing remains so, so bad and the art made it look like everybody was giving everybody else fuck-me eyes. Distressing.

I am so, so happy that they adopted Gog.

I just don’t even care tbh.

I like Moon Knight, but wasn’t hugely into this issue or the way it was written. Something felt off? And not just Moon Knight beating everybody up.

I’m not mad about having read it, but I question how much we actually needed this one.

I didn’t like this as much as I expected to. I think it just had a little too much going on.

Is it wrong that I got super excited about the Ultra-Humanite being in this one?

The new character was so annoying and I can’t deal with how ridiculously naïve and trusting Tim still is.

Oh Black Adam, you dummy.

I don’t hate reading it, but I also wouldn’t miss it if it were gone.

This was probably my favourite issue in a while, likely because there was almost nobody around to drive me insane by having inexplicable emotions. On the other hand, I don’t care about the romance.

The level of care shown by swapping Barry and Eobard’s lines twice on the same page really encapsulates my feelings about this comic.

Wow, this was just... perfect.

Just kind of a boring trudge through not all that much, when you get down to it.

This was an interesting issue, I quite enjoyed reading it!

I didn’t hate this issue but I also wasn’t in love with it, maybe I just felt like it was moving a little weirdly?

Honestly this comic was fine but I think it just didn’t come together right.

This was messy. I liked bits of it but really did not like others. Do not wait 24 hours to report a child missing! That is a stupid myth and I am going to cure it one comic book review at a time.

This was a pleasant diversion.

My only regret is that there was not more of people being mean to Captain Boomerang, who absolutely deserves it.

This was a kind of messy and frustrating read. Everything felt like it came out of nowhere, I dunno, I didn’t enjoy it.

Pretty cool I guess if you like Venom or whatever.

Ugh okay whatever.

I struggled with the dialogue in this one, it didn’t feel like real people. The story itself isn’t anything special.

This was pretty solid but nothing too special. Did it need to be made? Probably not.

This sort of ran out of steam for me towards the end but I did enjoy it and I liked the emotional moments. I don’t think I’ll be able to sustain this affection for this universe long-term though.

I am so here for petty jerk Hawkeye, it’s unreal.

Nooo less math please. I think that this may be another horror story whose dread is somewhat undercut by the story’s progression.

Honestly I kind of love Black Swan.

Well I’m still having fun.

Honestly this was fine but just not what I really wanted in a spooky story. Also way too explain-y.

Wow is it just me or is the dialogue, like, really bad?

Please stop making me cry for bugs my heart can’t take it.

It’s not a chore to read which is nice but it also doesn’t do anything super exciting.

I found this one a little hard to get through tbh.

I wish these resentments had actually been established at some point before, but this comic is such a mishmash of things and events that I barely have a sense of any of these characters as people, let alone as people who operate as anything other than a completely unified mass of spandex and punches. Really liked the art, though.

Oh my god this comic is almost over, please stop introducing crazy new cosmic shit.

Like it’s not the worst idea ever, it’s just also not interesting to me and I don’t care to read it.

Like this isn’t terrible, there were some good moments, but like also I don’t care.

How does this comic keeps getting worse? If you like this comic then you are objectively wrong and I hope you feel bad.

Not to be dramatic but I would die for Gog.

I’m cautiously back into it.

This was a stupid plan. “Yeah I know they’ll go violently insane, but putting thousands of them in this pit all at once is a great call.”

It’s not great but also it’s not terrible?

This was a fine ending, but I never looked forward to reading it.

I feel like I would have gotten more out of this issue if I knew more Black Panther lore and didn’t have to rely on the summaries at the end. That being said, this issue wasn’t a horrifying read, it actually went by pretty painlessly.

I thought this was okay if maybe a little rushed.

I feel pretty much the same as before, mildly lukewarm on this story arc.

I liked the framing story more than the exposition drops, but I do appreciate that they were necessary.

I really like the chemistry between the two leads, they’re very fun. The rest of it I am largely so-so on.

“My world is messed up and I would give anything to fix it... oh wow cool, a magic space ring? Hell yeah I’ll run off to the farthest point of space, suck it Earth.”

Well, this was mercifully short... probably because basically nothing happened.

This is just so boring. Nothing new or exciting.

I didn’t much care for this. What was the point?

This one was not a slog, but I didn’t love the art.

I thought this had some pretty good moments. Mr. Sinister is my fave.

This fuckin comic man.

Ugh how is this comic so perfect I love it.

I liked this for the most part! I really liked the art.

Reading this feels like how I imagine it feels to have a psychotic break and start hearing things. A dozen voices are screaming at me, nothing makes any sense, and somewhere deep down I am sure that somebody is trying to hurt me.

This was cute, but I’m not exactly a big Johnny Storm fan so I didn’t get a lot out of this.

Well fuck.

I just don’t like this one, sorry.

I was more interested in this one, but then the end happened and I was less interested again.

She’s a good spooky kid, okay.

RIP evil mom.

Well I don’t know about you but I am shipping Black Swan and Star.

I love Captain Boomerang and I’m not sorry for that.

I really enjoy the image of her making her costume changes at super speed. Where does she even get a sewing machine that moves so fast?

Honestly I quite liked this ending.

Like yeah it’s pretty good but is it the most good?

Ugh this was not fun or interesting to read.

I am suspicious of space stuff.

If it’s wrong to love Doom then send me to Latveria where it is right to love him forever.

The first story was pointless. The second one was pretty okay. The third one was cute but pointless.

The first one was... fine?

So much Robin. And for what?

I don’t know, it all just feels so hectic and contrived? Maybe that’s just me, maybe I’m just a hater.

My favourite thing about the ocean is how nothing in it ever floats. P.S. all of these people are bad at politics and I hope that Orm does take over. I vote Orm!

Someone please make the Designer at least get a cooler mask. I can’t look at him like this it’s too stupid.

Okay maybe I’m taking crazy pills but this one... was actually pretty good?! I don’t know what to do with myself now.

This was a really good conclusion to this story!

This is an enjoyable arc.

Haha man the art is so bad, but the story is so good.

This is a really nice comic.

Uh what?

Wow it’s so lucky and great that she’s so perfect and Johnny loves her again.

Man I guess the Fantastic Four are boring no matter what dimension they’re in.

I, uh, didn’t get a lot of that, but okay.

A little cheesy, god bless.

Oh noooo.

Ehh I just feel less and less connected to this world and these people as I go on.

Aw man I thought this was concluding.

I’m glad Joker’s having a nice time.

I mean real talk is the government even wrong?! What I wouldn’t give for this to be exercised against certain other titans of the teen heroing industry.

This one gave me a bit of a chill, possibly because I fear and dread both the ocean and caves. I don’t really like math horror as a concept, and the dialogue is weak. This comic is definitely not perfect but it’s way above other comics in this series.

So great! I love this great comic.

This was pretty good but I sometimes felt like I wasn’t connecting with it just right.

Still love it, tbh.

Ah yes, the spooky unstoppable death cloud is a great call Tyr, excellent plan.

This needed way more Daken tbh.

Seriously, whatever.

This was pretty bland, but shout out to Camden Town, I miss you.

Spider-Man and Boomerang going on a scavenger hunt is the cutest thing ever, I hope they are BFFs forever.

A good time, though a few jokes didn’t quite land with me.

I don’t know about you but I’m beginning to suspect that Mephisto might be up to something.

Yes, just sort of the same thing as always.

I actually didn’t have a bad time reading this one. But the Designer’s look is so weird and dumb you guys.

I just feel so tired when I read this comic.

I enjoy the investigating!

Black Cat-Wolverine is the team-up I didn’t know I wanted, but I loved it.

Fin Fang Fool was an amazing line, the rest of this was so-so.

This was quite light and sort of interesting, I’m not super into it but I’m also not out of it.

This one was a little bit more a series of things happening than I would have liked. Some fun moments though.

Ugh how is this comic so PERFECT.

Aww I kind of love them being bros. But I am no more invested in the plot beyond that.

Eh this just doesn’t really thrill me in any way.

I really didn’t like how this issue was written. The puppy was cute though.

Man that first story really wanted to be Spectacular Spider-Man 310. The rest of it... was okay. Some better than others.

Okay, so, I’m reading Paradox being all “What’s good about you? Why does anybody care about you? Because you died. That’s the only reason. And then you came back and all you do 24/7 is suck and ruin the timestream with your selfishness. You should have stayed dead, Barry” and I’m kinda sitting here like “... yeah. YEAH.”

A solid issue, a good issue.

So like I understand why they were all talking like that, but man it made the whole thing a real slog to get through.

It’s not doing anything special, but it’s not like it’s horrible either.

Ugh this situation is such a mess and I am l i v i n g for it.

Xemnu is so spooky and I love him.

Ugh I dunno this is just a drag to me! Some moments were okay.

I kept feeling like I was reading an old comic, or one referencing the past... but no.

I just don’t really like Lois Lane. And the rest of this is muddied by the art. Bleh.

This was a quick read and I thought it was largely enjoyable.

Honestly the party planning subplot is my favourite ever.

Well, the art in the bookends and the Spider-Man part were nice.

I think the style of writing just wasn’t for me. I thought that the subject was at least interesting and not badly done.

The first story was cute. I feel like I’m missing some stuff about the bad dude, though I’m sure that’ll be filled in eventually.

Ehh I mean this was fine but also I really don’t care about it.

I feel almost like I’m out of the loop on something, which I guess is what happens when you read a team book and aren’t too familiar with the team.

Is it wrong that I’m rooting for those three dudes that I don’t really know to die?

This was an okay issue but really I’m here to watch Conan punch out god so...

Man, Orangu-Kang is great.

This was interesting but not incredibly engaging. I like noir as a general setting, so I’m ready to stick with it.

This was pretty weak tbh, I didn’t feel like anything really built to this or that it was super impactful.

I’m a sucker for magic boarding school, but at times this felt a little try-hard and obvious. Hopefully it will move past that soon.

I thought I would dislike this one, but I ended up not. I’m quite interested in seeing how it all goes.

This comic just keeps happening.

This is a really stupid storyline and I just hate it so much.

The best part was Joker phoning Lex Luthor 99 times to troll him about Superman. Everything else was pretty much on the expected level.

I just... don’t care about this.

I found the beginning of this comic infuriating and that made it very hard to get through the rest of it. First: you do not have to wait any amount of time to report your minor child missing anywhere, don’t be fucking stupid. That’s the stupidest police myth and it needs to die. Second: why is she reporting her child missing? She knows that an evil dollhouse stole her kid. What are the police going to do? Exorcise the house?! When I got past that the rest of the issue was okay.


Bring me more Loki!

Aww Dylan teaming up with his step-symbiote is honestly the most precious thing.

The history of Valda was a mess and it annoyed me more than it probably should have. The rest of this comic was coincidentally a mess, so that’s nice consistency at least.

I feel lightly puzzled but I’m sure that will be undone imminently.

Bendis is so bad at managing teams (or just characters in general let’s be honest), yet he just keeps piling them on, overwhelming himself and the reader with a deluge of madness and incomprehensibility.

I’m not super interested in the team and tbh I’m on the robot revolution’s side here.

This is a very bad comic.

This is always a fun read.

I liked the part where Spider-Man was sassing the robbery guy.

I was more into this than expected, and I’m legit upset about that bee dying.

I thought this was pretty cool, but it felt a little bit... rushed? Weird? I don’t know.

Well, I had a nice time reading this, it was a wild ride.

This was a little talky for me, but I’m willing to give it a pass for now.

Okay I’ll give the comic this: Ra’s al Ghul trying to smoke bomb away and failing was the best thing that I have ever seen or read in my whole life.

This is just, like... I don’t know. I don’t love it. The art is beautiful, at least. But I’m not loving that a lot of this feels OOC and shippy.

I feel like maybe I’m too dumb for comics but I had a really tough time with this one, I think it was a combination of the flashbacks and the uniforms that really threw me off.

I’m glad we got some explanations but I felt like the dialogue was off, and I think that the overarching story is flowing weirdly.

I don’t know why but I just didn’t like this. Maybe it was the portrayal of Harvey. Maybe it was the plot. I dunno.

Maybe it’s the old lady in me, but I found this one to be... cute.

I was mostly feeling this (with some reservations) and then Super Baby Awesome Killer showed up and then I was not feeling it.

I’m kind of disappointed that it wasn’t more noir. I liked the moments of noir!

All those smiles on those emotionless faces. All that frustration. All that righteous anger. So emotionless you guys I’m loving it.

Say what you will about Mephisto, but the man knows how to torture.

The art was very beautiful. I thought this was a really interesting comic.

Tommy Willowtree is my favourite ever.

I thought this was preeeetty spooky.

Why does every line out of Leviathan’s mouth feel like his MLM pitch?

I must say, I did deeply enjoy Sebastian Shaw messing with those dudes.

It’s a very engaging read.

I’m beginning to worry that I may never know where that dude’s intestines ended up.

I still don’t really care either way on this one.

Oh my god that’s Superboy Prime. I’m rioting.

This has a lot of fun moments.

I got way too excited about the Black Order.

Lord have mercy I’m invested in a Suicide Squad comic. Am I dreaming? Is this a beautiful dream?!

Knights: went out of style in the late Middle Ages. Crusading: out of fashion even earlier. That outfit: out of fashion in every era forever. The word chromium: didn’t even exist until the early 19th century. This comic is so boring that I just did a deep dive about all of that rather than think about it.

I’m so-so on this one right now, honestly.

This was weirdly religious but, like, in a good way?

I wish Doom was my cool uncle.

Every time I read this comic I’m so worried I’m going to cut myself on all that edge.

I mean, there were some moments in the first story that were okay...

I’m kind of weirded out by the implication here—Mary Jane can take down all of these dudes at once, so how are they ever a threat to anyone?

I actually didn’t dislike Harley as much as I usually do, so that was a nice change of pace. I’m only a little more interested in the plot than I was before, but the trend is certainly upwards!

Lot of explaining, my dudes. Art still not great.

Who knew that watching someone beat up their friends would be so fun?

Solid, can’t complain.

Man I am all about this comic tbh.

Well the faces were rough but tbh I am all about Jason teaming up with the dog.

I had a nice time reading this and that’s all I can ask.

Nooooo she suuuuucks.

My man Timewarp Fluglehorn, dropping mad exposition to the very end. What a garbage fire.

Some of this was written a little oddly and kind of stilted, like the random reflection on what she was up to 5 years ago with her dad, it felt more quippy than necessary tbh.

Aw man.

This felt like a teensy bit of an anti-climax, but I still mostly liked the writing and loved the art so that’s good.

Just okay, nothing special or engaging here. Just another faceless force to be defeated at the last moment, probably after a bunch of hope spots and shocking reversals of fortune.

This is not a very good comic. I’d say it’s not a good story, but... what story?

Oh Lucifer you are such a silly boy.

Cool, though not as cool as Iceman’s poor victims.

I don’t feel like I had time to connect with most of these stories, and some of them were very problematic (looking at you Punishment).

This was okay but I’m not sure how I feel about the wall breaking conceit.

Bad pacing bad plot bad comic.

So I think there’s a lot here to like, or at least appreciate. I didn’t feel completely disconnected from the people—although I also wasn’t hugely connected to them, I think this was an issue of tone and consistency—I think there’s something to be said for fear of the deep, I think some of the ideas are evocative. But I’m wary of anything that’s dropping references to the Cthulhu Mythos, I don’t love the characters as discussed, and I don’t know that I’m scared for them yet. But I will read it.

tbh I am all about Mephisto being like "... dude your life is so sad, maybe you should just stay in hell?"

I didn’t feel as deeply connected to the characters as usual (other than Gert), but this is still such a good comic.

The villain’s speech was a little bit on the nose there, but I thought that this issue really hit a home run ;D

The headlines for the different Jimmies killed me, and then the four Supermen parodies who took my place loved the rest of the issue.

Literally when has this team ever had a good plan or done something right? I'm pretty sure the answer is never. I hope that they do die. And I hope that they stay that way.

I think the idea is cool but I’m lukewarm on its execution for right now. Mr Horse remains a thrill and a delight.

I felt that the first story was mostly good, and the second one dragged significantly.

A slightly muddled ending.

“Oh yeah, nuclear weapons obviously won’t kill us. But like a car? Just a normal one? For sure if you blow up a car that’ll do it.”

I love Jonah so much.

Katy Keene is sort of very boring and her outfits keep getting worse.

Why am I supposed to care?

I really like Alfred so I was ready for this to wreck me emotionally, but I just don’t feel like it can. Alfred’s death felt fake when it happened, and we’re all one inevitable reboot away from this being undone anyways. The dude was killed as part of a plot by Thomas Wayne, a man whose whole purpose is to be dead. They couldn’t even keep Jor “My whole planet blew up while I was on it” El in the grave. Give me a break.

Ugh okay I guess? This just doesn’t interest me that much.

This had some issues but I’m staying positive.

I’m just like not super interested in this team and the jokes don’t work for me, I dunno.

A really cool idea, but too much narration really bogged it down.

I just really don’t care about this comic, the characters are just bumbling around, sucking.

This character’s origin story is trite and unbelievable.

I love the salty rock man.

I like Christos Gage as a writer, but I’m lukewarm on this as a concept.

Wow that totally platonic kiss on the head sure was heterosexual! Nothing more to see here folks!

It’s just... I think I’m falling in love with you, Hawkeye Freefall.

“Yes, I think the best place to put the ancient murder rock is for sure right next to the guy who wants to use it to murder everybody forever.”

Whoa, Xemnu! I used to watch him when I was a kid I think...

Legit the only thing I care about is robot revolution and having to see Arno Stark is a real drag.

I don’t know, I liked parts of it, but this just isn’t speaking to me very much.


I was like vaguely interested and then the ending happened and now I am not interested.

Oh my god Conan punching an ancient evil entity so hard that it gave up heart.

Jack O’Lantern was my favourite part.

Oh my god I can’t unsee the horrifying multijoints of Krypto’s front legs when he flies away, oh god.

“I think we can all agree that we love Superman being our god king, basically single-handedly responsible for keeping all of us alive. But um... how dare he say yes to being part of a peacekeeping organization on our behalf? Who does he think he is, some sort of god king?!”

The best part was the Jimmy Olsen part and that brought this score way up.

I find this increasingly exhausting and not interesting. I really had to fight to get through this one.

I just don’t care about any of these people, really. They’re not much of anything to me, so what do I care if an evil dollhouse eats them?

Aw man poor Bill.

oh nooooo.

Oh Wonder Woman you are such a perfect angel, I think your major flaw is how kind you are.

Oh my god the reverse Domino was too much for my heart.

I liked this one a lot.

I don’t know, the idea is neat but I don’t really like the kids and reading it makes me feel tired. I guess Samir and Samantha are okay but Samuel just seems bored by everything? Including child murder? I dunno how to feel about that one. I enjoyed when Vern called him out by existing though.


The nostalgia has probably inflated this score somewhat.

The art is really interesting and the story is somewhat less so, but that might be my aversion to having to learn new things. As soon as someone said “As you know...” I immediately tuned out of the world, unfortunately.

This comic doesn’t blow my mind but I’m also not like dying every time I read it, which is nice.

Aw no the apocalypse.

A pretty interesting take on something I think we all find a frightening prospect.

Omg what a twiiiiiist.

I just like Sabrina okay.

Still invested!

This didn’t bother me as much as it did some.

This was solid but it feels a little, I don’t know, rushed? Bumpy? I don’t know.

This felt like this was trying a teensy tiny bit too hard. Also like... everybody knows worker bees are lady bees! You mean “sisters,” bee!

This is all FINE, but kind of boring? I don’t know, I just don’t feel super invested...

This one was fun, I liked this one.

Pretty good tbh, I think I just get such a kick out of seeing Conan try to make sense of the real world that this comic would work for me even if it was boring.

This is such bland been-there-seen-that horror. I don’t see a single thing here that I haven’t seen in a hundred other horror stories. The main character is basically an empty void into which charisma is sucked and suffocated under the weight of cliché.

So good.

I didn’t read most of this.

There were a few moments I really enjoyed (everybody thinking about creating a blizzard in the Baxter building, Kang straight up sassing 2099) but the rest of it was a whole lot of whatever.

Deeply enjoyable.

This is boring and derivative of other, better things.

Don’t you dare come here and tell me to my face that Batman wouldn’t know that Superman is allergic to magic, come on.

Garbage tbh. At least there’s a sort of plot now, we all want to find the skeleton lady don’t we? We’re only 8 issues in, after all. That’s how many issues it takes to develop a plot, right???

I thought this was okay if maybe a little rushed.

A pretty solid issue.

This ending kinda brought it back. There were still some things that I wanted and didn’t get, but for the most part this was solid.

Nothing much to say about this one.

So old so old so old.

The art is just so cute it keeps me from being too bored by the story.

This had some fun moments and lines in it and I largely had a nice time reading it.

Eh this comic just doesn’t sing to me.

Still way into it.

I mostly liked this a lot. Franklin is such a Teen.

How is it that nobody speaks or thinks like a real person in this comic? Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and it doesn’t hear normal clocks telling the time every single goddamn day!!!

Ahaha oh no this is a mess. Oh, how embarrassing.

Eh this was pretty whatever, tbh. Not exactly a thrill, and the art doesn’t help.

That baby is very cute.

This was better than I expected, though I am cautiously wary of this time period and setting. It has betrayed me before.

Well, the art wasn’t great, and the story kind of fell flat for me honestly. It felt rushed.

Simple, readable, fun, I can’t complain!

Well, this surely happened.


This is just kind of boring to me, I don’t feel super connected to the character here.

Thank god we are free.

Oh yeah Arkham Asylum is for sure the best place to house a flight risk criminal, since, you know, it’s so renowned for being secure. Brilliance in action here folks.

I kind of wish this had been spread out a little more, to give the story some more room to breathe. Because I liked this a lot but it was so rushed and a little explainy.



Know what I think would be really powerful? If they had a hope spot where it seemed like finally the heroes were on the verge of winning, and then suddenly something happens to tip the balance back to the villains, who immediately gloat about it. What a really cool thing that would be. Too bad they’ve never thought to try it in this comic—whoa, déjà vu! Who knows how that happened. It’s wild how this comic’s apparent thesis is “we have to make everybody connected, we have to make everything matter” when nothing about this universe is connected, and literally none of it matters. This is a real waste of everybody’s time, and what a garbage non-ending we were rewarded with for slogging through this eternal mess.

I mean… it was a fair enough ending but I’ve just lost a little trust in this title of late. The art is great though so that’s nice.

Glob is such a good dad.

I mean, it wasn’t hard to follow, but I’m not exactly champing at the bit for more. Except that I really want to know where that dude’s intestines ended up.

I’m just not invested at all, sorry Scream. I’m sure you’re very cool.

This is still cute, I really enjoy the animal puns.

I will never be over the fact that he puts a little mask on his horse, it’s perfection.

I wouldn’t describe this version of Deadshot as overly in character, but I mostly like everything else about this comic so that’s nice.

This was just the right amount of sad.

Pretty good stuff here.

I didn’t care for this.

I’m sensing a hint of hubris here.

I want Darwin and Synch to be best friends forever.

Honestly, Jonah is so pure and I love him.

I feel like the twist was a little repetitive, but I still think this is an interesting story.

What, and I absolutely cannot stress this enough, the actual FUCK do these people have against the Riddler?

This was a big ol’ mess, from Batman driving his motorcycle off an island, to their perfectly in-sync thoughts (romantic tbh), to Batman presumably struggling into his tights in broad daylight right next to a massive construction project. None of this works or makes sense and I’m unhappy about it.

I’m back to not liking this one so much. I could not possibly care any less about this history of the Waynes. I think the Joker-Jack Napier thing is lame.

How can space battles and space politics be so space boring?!

This had glimmers of things that I really enjoyed, but it wasn’t really stacking up to the issues of the past.

This comic is such a breath of fresh air. The dialogue and plot are great and I love it honestly.

I think this was a little better, but I was mostly into the beginning and then less excited when the rest of the plot kicked back in, so I dunno what to do with that.

I genuinely got so distracted and distressed by the fact that Batman somehow thought modern Icelandic was the same thing as Old English-- despite explicitly speaking Icelandic himself-- that reading this issue took me like an hour. I mean maybe you could confuse them… if this were the tenth century, when Germanic diverged into its North and West variants. Is it the tenth century, Bruce?! Sort yourself out, man.

Still just not invested, and even less so when the twist is spoiled at the start of the book via map?! I would probably like Jamie if I knew him, though.

I just don’t care for this at all. Nobody speaks like real people, and the plot is so whatever.

I feel like I am going insane when I read this comic. They all constantly express emotions, all of them, all the time. Both sides of this argument. The allegory is a little clumsy. Art’s still beautiful.

This is probably a little too cosmic for my sensibilities, but I largely enjoyed it.

Man, I was having such a good time and then Old John had to come back and ruin it all with his stupid face.

Honestly if this comic became about Yellowjacket slowly realizing that the mutants are all just hella chill dudes trying to live their best life I would be so happy.

This was boring and the art was kind of bad.

Oh god if that’s Superboy Prime I’m rioting.

It’s kind of weird to me to consider that for a lot of his history there has been this sort of understanding that Superman is the mask he puts on and Clark Kent is who he really is, but now it’s just kinda like “nope he’s god king superman forever now and everybody is super happy about it. That Clark Kent disguise was so good haha but he’d never stoop to being a human now, that's gross.” Also how intensely patronizing that Superman is like “oh sorry space races, this bad guy would never have attempted this if I were here. You’re all too useless to scare him lol.”

I thought that the Thompson credited on the cover was Kelly Thompson and boy was I disappointed.

Fun Airplane Fact™: Airplanes have had computers since the 1950s, and fly-by-wire systems, first introduced in spacecraft and military aviation in the 1970s, was introduced to commercial aviation by the Airbus A320 family in 1987, a full year before Colonel 86 was created! The More You Know!

This was so long, and for what? We got like one good story tops.

Honestly, whatever.

So I guess we’re just never talking about the abuse lol okay.

I really don’t like this comic.

Bring back a time when we were not in space!

I’m still mostly into it but I find the faces kinda unsettling.

That’s not how prison works but okay, whatever.

This remains garbage.

Isn’t it great how fascism is just a problem of like one or two bad people at the top and for sure never the people who follow them?

I am here only for robot revolution.

Oh my god yes please let’s bring an end to the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Lucifer is such a dick tbh.

Still extremely don’t care.

Eh I’m mostly bored tbh.

This was sort of boring, and why was it about Sabretooth? He was barely in it!

Aww man someone please give Matthew a hug.

Still loving it.

Literally how hard is it to say “yo my dude for sure I will take up your mantle after you die, love doing murders and shit” and then just not do that?! It’s not that hard! It’s actually really easy! It’s called lying, y’all should maybe look it up sometime?!

“Metal,” long-dead Eddie might well have exclaimed.

The characters remain sort of boring, the plot remains kinda bland.

I’m really not a big time travel or many lives or whatever kind of person. That being said, I did think that a lot of the content here was really solid. It had some lines that I thought were very good. So yeah, I liked this more than last issue for sure.

This was actually a really cool idea. I liked that tie into continuity, very neat. My only regret is that it was maybe a little too rushed?

This has some cool ideas and an interesting enough premise. It felt a bit frenetic, but I guess that’s first issues for you.

It’s a weird choice to have her playing Spider-Man with absolutely no alteration or padding on her body but okay.

A solid issue with much to look forward to.

Uh this was fine I guess. I’m not really invested, and her outfits are kind of not good?

I didn’t love this as much as I expected (hoped?) but I also didn’t hate it, which is a great improvement.

I’m just really not feeling it, honestly, the characters are just kind of annoying.

Her mom seems nice.

My opinion of this book remains much the same, I’m just not crazy invested, despite liking two of the characters a lot.

This is pretty boring and the art is unattractive.

Still loving it.

If anything happens to Jeff we riot.


Oh my god, someone please end this comic or my life, either would be a kindness.

This wasn’t amazing, the pace is kind of all over, and I’m not sure that I like the main characters much.

This was a fairly solid but not super special issue.

Sort of filler but like not necessarily in a bad way I guess.

I’m looking forward to finding out how it goes.


This comic is trying so hard, god bless.

Other universes and the past aren’t the same thing and somehow this comic keeps acting like they are and honestly it’s driving me insane.

This was a miss for me.

Great as always.

I like it better when the evil space clothes are homoerotic.

I feel a little bit like I’m missing something, but it wasn’t a bad comic or anything.

Well, at least Spider-Man was having fun?

So that’s it? What, we some kinda Death Commandos?

That’s such a cool vampire origin story tbh.

How was Molly Ravencroft that dude’s ancestor if she died unmarried and apparently childless?

I don’t know, I’m just suddenly not feeling it as much? Not sure why.

Great as always.

So many dumb choices god bless.

Well it was a good try, Star, you did your best and that’s what matters!

Oh uh, no thank you?

Man this story arc is so boring?

I’m just not super into this as a concept, but I’m sure it’s great for some.

I really didn’t enjoy this issue at all.

This was a pretty nothing story, if I’m honest. Nothing special being said, and the art was not good.

This series really had such promise but it’s not living up to it at all.

Pretty cool but I’m hoping for more next issue.

I don’t know, I think I’m just not getting as much from the characters as I would want.

Oh my goodness please stop bringing mediocre teens into this already extremely subpar comic, I don’t think I can handle any more talking.

“I love fire… but he loves only himself” Yes thank you Heatwave your thesis statement was both important and necessary.

I didn’t find this super satisfying, possibly because I’ve taken too long to read it and forgotten some of the plot?

This was a pretty great issue.

An annoying reporter asking questions? Yeah, the jump to immediate murder feels pretty intuitive lol. Imagine if we could just say “excuse me you need to leave.” Imagine if security was a real thing.

I didn’t really care for this one, I think it was too many attempts at being funny. There were some good lines, but for the most part I was out.

This one was a little weak, I think I’m just bored of angsty teen Tim.

I wanted more Fisk, but otherwise great.

This was a perfectly pleasant read and I have no real complaints.

When will this stupid child stop being a stupid child?

I was really struggling with this one, and since I don’t care about this title already I did not feel particularly charitable about that.

This was fantastic.

Too bad this comic couldn’t steal compelling characters while it was busy stealing clichés and ideas from every crime drama it could find.

This is beginning to kind of drag for me. Like it’s just too much of the same thing over and over, I don’t feel super invested in it anymore.

Wow they’re both such good detectives, such keen investigative insight. Obviously a woman could never be under suspicion, who would even think that? I mean, come on, she was HOT! No further questions am I right fellas.

I sometimes feel like there is just a bit too much happening.

The closer we get to the ending the more I feel unsatisfied.

A good issue, no complaints from me.

I love how this comic is pretty much just some dude telling Punisher about a war.

This remains cute but inconsequential. Incutesequential.

I’m not a fan of this style of writing, and the art wasn’t anything special.

Another solid issue for me.

Well that’s hella cool.

Once again a pretty good issue, I’m glad we didn’t do too much with the future, even if it ended up being a bit of an anticlimax.

This was okay but felt a little… hurried? Pointless? I don’t know.

Arthur. You never need to be sorry for being the victim of intimate partner violence.

This is okay but like I still don’t care about space.

I was a little annoyed at the repetition of this one. “You bitch! You killed me! You cut off my head! Ouch please don’t hurt me I’m sorryyyyy! You bitch!” lather rinse repeat.

Wow, so sad that immediately after getting married Bruce Wayne is already out cruising for a bit of rough in sports bars.

Awww he trusts him.

This was fine, but not really my thing, sadly.

New arc? Uh huh, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Honestly I’m enjoying this way less than I expected and it’s making me sad. I want to like it more!

Omg I want Fisk and Daredevil to defeat these jerks so bad.

I feel kind of like I’ve wasted my time to get a worse legacy for a bunch of characters that I quite liked, once upon a time.

This was alright! Nothing really blew my mind.

I remain as I was, fairly blah. The art is nice though.

Art is still bad. Plot is… I mean, it’s certainly happening, Apoth bless.

Still interesting, and I think that the pace was handled well.

In what world does “name” rhyme with “Etrigan”. Also it’s weird that he’s taking such a passive tone about the mass murder he committed. “Oh no, all the heroes who died… because of me.” Do you mean “Oh no, all the people I murdered”? Because that’s who they actually are.

This was a solid issue, that guy sure is a creep.

This was very sweet and a good conclusion.

I won’t lie, I laughed at the “we will get along” shirt. I thought this was a good ending and I think that this comic was a mixed bag for me, but in the end I enjoyed it.

Gazing too long into this abyss has allowed us to notice that Harley Quinn is actually kind of stupid? And also technically a rapist. So this is great.

This was mostly pretty good.

I feel like it was a teensy bit rushed and I would have like more of something, but it was a solid ending.

I’m still really enjoying it!

Still pretty good, honestly, definitely the best written of this sort of story that we’re getting these days, looking at you Harley.


I would read a million issues of God Cop tbh.

I wonder if Bendis thinks those floaty name tag things are the same thing as character development.

I would give anything if Constantine and Lucifer became best friends.

I liked this issue a lot more than the previous one.

Still just so much future.

Still pretty good tbh.

Real talk, does anybody care about any of this? I sure don’t.

I wasn’t super into the main story, honestly, but maybe it will get better. The backup earned most of the points for me here.

Doc Justice no! You seemed so totally trustworthy and not at all like a secret dick!

I just don’t care, not even Knull could get me excited about this issue, sorry Knull.

I didn’t realize I was signing up for a round of Out of Copyright Politics.

This was cute.

This wasn’t quite as good as I was expecting (hoping?) it would be, and there was some weird character stuff, but on the whole I definitely think this is head and shoulders above the recent stuff we’ve gotten.

Mostly this is good, but I could do without some of the Superman subplot tbh.

Batman always wins, Jimphony.

oh god oh no it’s clones.

Well god bless, it tried.

The jumping between time periods was hard to follow, and I don’t really get what’s going on…

This was okay. I don’t know that it’s really going anywhere interesting, but I guess I could be surprised. The characters are sort of whatever, I don’t know why I should like them yet.

I am extremely here for robot revolution (robotolution?), but eh, I’m lukewarm on most of the rest of this issue.

Ooo nice.

“Hello, it’s me Honor Guest. I’m the one messing up your evil plan and trying to kill you, a psychotic cheetah woman. Yes, you have now seen my whole family and heard my real name. There’s no way this could ever come back to bite me lol.”

Ah yes, Batman died as I think we all expected he would… sitting on his couch.

I very much enjoyed Forge’s schedule.

I might have enjoyed this more if I wasn’t so entirely bored with every single plot point and character thanks to previous comics.

Wow that was abrupt, bu--

I liked this one slightly more than usual.

This one was pretty good, actually, I felt like the characters were good.

This was way better than I expected, tbh, I was really into it.

I don’t know, I still wish I got more out of the characters? But it’s not bad, just not great.

Alfred continues to absolutely rock my world with his sass, god bless.

I’m kind of sad that all anybody ever remembers Bane for is breaking people. Another pretty good issue, though.

This was interesting but maybe too quick.


Again, good!

I thought this was pretty good, but I wish it had been given a little more time to develop, especially given the characters (Damian seemed a little too nice?), but overall I felt like the emotion and the story was there.

Damn it Doom Patrol, stop embarrassing me in front of my friends!

How is the art so bad all the time?! And the dialogue, my god.

… So does everybody know about the cosmic rays turning people into monsters thing or don’t they? The only good thing here is Big King Grimm.

Art is still beautiful. Emotions are still a big problem and I think that neither the writer nor the artist actually thought about the implications of this before doing it. Murder plot still not super interesting.

Oh my god somebody end this. How many more times are we going to learn about the speed force and how to control it?!

I will miss this comic. It was so sweet!

I feel like I’m missing a lot but it was still pretty enjoyable to read.

I’ve certainly read worse comics?

Sky Tyrant is kind of lame, I’m not huge into these kinds of plots, it’s just so… common.

I liked seeing the guy’s side of things, and also the way Roxxon is twisting things up, and also just everything!

What a twiiiiist.

This was very future.

Haha they really captured weird newborn face so perfectly, and I respect that.

But is he hungry, though?

A good issue again!

This was good, but I wanted a little more, I don’t know what, but something.

This one was okay. The art was good but the dialogue was not.

Well, Kravan the Barbarian was cool at least.

I like the people a little more, but the plot kind of stopped for a second there.

Honestly this wasn’t bad, but I just can’t get over how “it’s not a phase MOM” the cover is.

Everybody you have ever met is going to be asking you to help move their shit when they’re moving and you won’t be able to say no because you’re Superman and you don’t want anybody to call you a dick, you fool, you absolute chump. Also lol @ him delivering a speech while hovering like fifteen feet in the air, away from every single microphone. Who is going to hear you, Superman. They are normal people.

This was kind of fun but I wasn’t as excited about it as some would no doubt wish.

Still no spooks to be had, nothing really special or interesting here tbh.

A solid issue, I think the team seems interesting.

Just more of the same.

This was a good issue.

Honestly I was expecting worse but like okay, whatever.

This one was pretty good but I dunno, I’m sad about his land family. Landily? Familand.

This was cute and fun and I’m loving the absence of future trash tbh.

This was a loooot of people telling me about their feelings, and I’m not really here for it tbh.

I would be extremely into a buddy cop comic that was just Nova and Annihilus forever.

Wow, I didn’t expect Archie Andrews to be such a magic racist.

Okay then.

Uhhh okay? That was rushed and chaotic.

Poor Odessa, unrequited love is hard.

This was okay, but maybe too explainy for me.

This comic is just so good with all of the characters.

I just really enjoy this comic, I dunno man.

There was one moment I really enjoyed, which was Kang and Doom talking fashion, and then for the rest I was pretty much just surviving.

I’m not sure why I’m so blah on this title. I usually like fantasy stuff, but this is just not really working for me.

This is one of those stories where the unraveling of the weird plot doesn’t ruin the whole thing for me.

Yaaas queen, drag theeeeem.

If this story arc doesn’t end next issue I’m going to scream.

Uh yeah RIP… Saaaam? I wanna say Sam. We hardly knew ye. Because you weren’t in this series at all.

Oh nooo, my semi-sentient clothes are evil?! How could I have foreseen this? If only someone I knew had famously also encountered evil space clothes!

This was a little slow and not super engaging to me, and there weren’t even sick burns to make up for it. Do all men with mutton chops in the Marvel universe have half-Japanese sons who hate them?

I mean, I didn’t hate it! It wasn’t super special but it also wasn’t super annoying, even with all the future slang.

This was pretty good for a future story, tbh.

Aw, this was kind of nice.

Pfft as if Crom would directly intercede in anything.

Oh Tommy, god bless your stupid heart.

The art is so cute. The story is so-so.

“Will you miss Superman Up in the Sky?” “No sir, I will not.”

Welp, I loved it.

This was extremely whatever. Definitely didn’t make good use of its characters or ideas, too boring to be mad at.

Dang, how many sides is this dude on?

Sorry who?

Well this seems like fun.

Good yeah great we just got everybody back to the proper time and place but no yeah for sure what we need is to just completely undo that and go dimension hopping again, love it.

Reading this is a struggle on a number of levels.

This one was a rare misstep to me. I don’t care about space.

I actually really liked this one, way more than the first. I think it was the severed head describing attempted murder as “my goof” that really sold me.

I love that Batgirl took the time to write a semi-sassy note to her psychotic robot pursuer.

I was worried that after such a long break I wouldn’t love this issue as much as previous issues, but nope, this was great.

I do really appreciate that the explanations are now more forthcoming, but I am a little tired of this plot, it’s moving so slowly.

I kind of struggled with this one, possibly because I am too dumb for comics.

Ironically I’ve found this story arc very tepid.

Oh no I’m so bored.

This was better than I dreaded, but still not super special.

Remember the days when the Rogues were awesome and fought on the side of the heroes against existential threats because they weren’t bad guys, they were just guys who did bad things? I ‘member.

It’s lucky everybody left their radios tuned to that exact station for the past 50 years.

I wanted a little more from this issue, but I still felt pretty engaged.

This just didn’t really do anything for me, I dunno.

This was cute but I feel like it rushed way too much and I didn’t get everything I wanted out of it. I definitely feel like I like Riri more now, though.

This felt a lot like vintage Hellblazer. And I love vintage Hellblazer.

Someone please… I can’t live with Klarion’s hair like this.

This went too fast and too simple, tbh. It needed way more to actually defeat any of these problems, I’m left feeling like I didn’t get a satisfying fix, just a fistfight.

This was a pretty good future story… but it is still a future story.

Ah yes, I too have seen Black Mirror.

This was fun, still great art.

Well, some of the horror stuff was cool, but I’m not super interested in the character, she doesn’t seem that special or interesting to me.

Well I’m sure this will go great.

So much flashback. And for what?

This was for sure my favourite one thus far, and I feel like it actually did Infinite Crisis better than Infinite Crisis?

So like the art is really cool, but there’s so much world build and so many characters and so much happening that it’s almost too much, I wish this would maybe just slow down a bit.

I am all about Mephisto sassing hero names, and I live for the talking horse fight.

A great issue as always.

Quentin Quire is honestly the best.

A very enjoyable comic that just went by too quickly.

Eh this was pretty inconsequential. The cat is cute I guess, plus .5 for the cat.

This had a few good moments, but was mostly the same as the last one for me.

This was pretty good, it just felt a little quick.

I love Annihilus and Blastaar and I want them to become best friends forever.

Oh my god no, my heaaaaaart.

This was a quick, and generally good read.

I think this is interesting, though the issue was a bit brief.

I am both delighted and enchanted that Conan just punched god.

Omg Bellus nooooo. Also not to be dramatic but I would die for Jeff.

I’m still not very invested tbh, and I found it not particularly well written.

This was actually my favourite issue from this series so far. I don’t know what switch flipped in my head (maybe so many Gwens?!), but I wasn’t dying throughout, which is a big win here.

I guess I know this comic too well because I saw the twist coming immediately. I thought this issue had some good stuff in it, but definitely not my fave.

Loving it like always.

Haha All-Black the Necro-Verse, A+.

There are some things that I didn’t love, overall this was okay though.

This was pretty okay, with some issues. I liked when Emma burned Sebastian Shaw so hard. Oh my god that kiss. yikes.

I found this hard to follow, and the fact that I don’t like future stories means that I didn’t really feel much reason to try.

I’ll level with you: I don’t really like the Fantastic Four, and I certainly don’t like spending a whole issue getting a future version of them together to no end.

Such a good ending. I will miss this comic.

This was cute and sweet and had some very nice moments.

I liked this more than before, though it still has a touch of the jumbles about it.

Honestly, Machine Man deserves so much better than this.

I like Black Manta, but this wasn’t him at his best tbh, it was all a bit fragmented and weird.

Haha dang I guess all the people who die after being shot in the stomach are just a bunch of chumps, lol. Also I want to be sad about Alfred but this all just feels so distant and sterile and I don’t care. I don’t care about Thomas either. I don’t care about any of this.

Keep the name of the Secret Six out of your mouths. Also, does being infected also infect your clothing? Do they all take a break to make new costumes? These are the questions that I want answered.

The art was distracting. The story was fine, I guess. It went by fast, but I was annoyed by all of the characters.

I actually almost thought I was going to enjoy this issue for a minute, but then no, it all went back downhill.

“Oh no, our world is overrun by superpowered vampires! Guess it’s time for a luau!”

This was definitely better than it has been in a while, but at this point I’m too burnt out to care.

This was an enjoyable read for me, I’m super excited for this plot! Also I’m so happy about Constantine being here, and I loved his reaction to the hardware store.

Oh no not Ric, he was such a lovable and relatable character! Also, like… Bruce Wayne isn’t dead? Guys why wouldn’t you have him “kill” literally anyone else this is going to backfire so hard and we can all see it.

I liked this one, it felt a little quick and inconsequential though.

Well, that was quick. Not awful, I just don’t care about the story arc this poor book’s been dragged into.

I got six pages in and I wrote down “10/10” and I’m not about to call my past self a liar.

Someone should tell The Other that the cat got at his costume.

Man you just got straight up beaten down, eaten, and puked back up, and your first thought is “oh yeah lol for sure I can still win this one.”

Once I got past the intense cringe of the very unwelcome return of objectivist Question being mean to human trafficking victims I ended up having an okay time reading this, for the most part. I had a lot to nitpick, but for sure the thing that I disliked the most was Myra. I’m really sad about what’s been done to her. Why is she the sister of the Mayor? Why is she stupid?

I’m getting increasingly bored, I wish we had more in the way of interesting details…

Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

I am living for Alfred’s relentless sass. And also the name Eduardo Flamingo.

This was actually mostly fun. I enjoy a good heist.

I’m only lukewarm on this as it is, but I think it could be interesting.

Did… did we just get a recap of the previous issue? For like the whole thing?!

This was a little better but I’m still not hugely invested.

An anti-climax to an anti-story. Why did this happen?

The idea is cool but I’m not crazy about the execution.

Kinda neat, I’m interested to see where it goes.

I’m so incredibly over writers who say that someone doesn’t experience emotion and then just show them clearly having emotional reactions? Just don’t say that they have no emotions. They clearly have emotions. Loved the art. Tired of human Green Lanterns. Don’t care about the murders.

I wish this was better. I love the Rogues. But I love their characters, not, this random twist-em-into-whatever-to-suit-the-story shit.

I find this whole thing quite boring.

I really like the way the plot is coming together.

Oh no Rocket noooo.

So much nothing.

Haha oh no he thinks he’s scary, how cute.

These characters are so great and I love this whole thing.


Well, I don’t know who this mystery man is, but I’m excited to find out!

This is always just such a pleasure. I really love the way that all the characters are developed and feel real and worth caring about.

This was okay, I liked it less than last issue though, not sure why.

Uh wow, this was shit.

I think I actually like Blackest Night less now. So… good work there.

This wasn’t very spooky. Maybe we’ll get to a spooky place one day, I dunno.

Okay this was lovely. And also the scansion actually worked out, so that’s an instant win for me.

… so like can we just not think of any other Wonder Woman villains, or?

Love the new guy’s look.

This one was actually pretty good.

I wasn’t as excited about this as I expected to be.

I love how he had Batman even call out the parroting of dialogue that both characters were fully present for. And yet he still did it.

“They don’t understand that this ring is acting on its own! If only there was some method we could use to inform them of this, perhaps by using our words!”

Batroc is the best of us.

Oh my god I loved everything about this. Kingpin being vulnerable! Wesley being ruthlessly competent! Detective North having a crisis! Daredevil getting good! So great,

This was better than the last issue but I dunno man.

Okay I was not here for the plot, and Clark was annoying rather than endearing, but I liked the art.

I kind of loved Thing: Hero of the Revolution, but I’m still pretty meh on everything else here.

I had some issues with it, but mostly it was good.

I feel lightly puzzled but not necessarily in a bad way, just a weird way.

I’m back on the Hulk train,

Please just… just kill them all. I want this to be over.

Wow. I always thought that I hated the future, but now I see that that hatred was a pale thing, a mere reflection of the hatred I feel while reading this meaningless future drivel.

This is dragging a lot. It’s nice to see Question in action though, she cool.

This was fine, nothing much to say.

I mostly really liked this one! I’m excited for the next issue!

This was mostly fun! And I like the art a lot.

Nobody wants you here, time travel.

Okay I care so little about the Kulan Gath plot, but I am incredibly here for Conan and Doom, BFFFFs forever.

The art is cute and the writing has some moments but I’m so annoyed that the scansion in the lyrics doesn’t work out most of the time.

I was really hoping this was the last issue.

This got a little repetitive but I won’t lie, I’m invested. Also I will never be over Matthew with giant eyes.

This was not written very well.

This is a cool idea, I think it has a lot of promise.

No major complaints but nothing to get excited about either.

I mean, I see what we’re going for at least…

This had some good moments but it didn’t really wow me. Maybe when Quentin shows up.

Worse than gingivitis kisses.

I really like this, I dunno what it is but it sings to my soul.

This was okay, but so far nothing that grips me. A little slow, a little whatever.

So like did Batman kidnap that kid or what?

Pacing wasn’t great and I dunno, it’s not all that interesting to me, meh.

I’m more into the plot, but not always on board for the dialogue.

This was a good issue, I liked it.

A touch too rushed, but I loved the Moon Knight sass so I’m bumping it up a little.

This wasn’t quite the ending I expected. It didn’t hit me the way I thought it would, given the previous issues.

This was a really good ending, I definitely felt it right in the feels.

This was really not very strong at all. Both stories weren’t told particularly well, though the second had a few good moments of atmosphere.

I’m so-so on this one. Not sure if I’ll like it in the long term but I’ll give it a go.

Like okay the ending was weirdly rushed but this is a science five/5 from me tbh.

Once again just a roller coaster from cringe to melodrama to interest and back into cringe. Like, girl, could you be any dumber, bless your heart.

Eh okay.

This was fine but I’m not crazy invested in her dad or anything.

I liked most of this. Some small issues, but yeah, mostly solid.

This was pretty good even though I hate zombies! Some spooks, some thrills, I can’t complain about that.

Haha I like to imagine they were like “fuck how do we get out of this absolutely garbage storyline... quick, somebody write it so it’s pills and manipulation that’s making him suck so hard.”

Second story was for sure the best story, love you Sean Ryan. The others were quite a bit less good, so overall they dragged this one down.

Loved it.

A solid read, I love how much Conan hates magic. Also how he’s such a gentleman.

What a powerful ending, really good.

I’m really sad about this chapter of his life closing. I can see that it’s changed Otto’s character, but I’m worried that it will be too easy for future writers to ignore that subtlety and go back to a simpler, worse character. I don’t know. I have a lot of complicated feelings about this one. I think that maybe that’s a good thing.

This was better than the last one, but I’m so tired of how all dark stories are just “no... I can fight crime BETTER, with MURDER... oh no all this MURDER is CHANGING ME into a MURDERER........ oh well time to do more murder!”

The art’s quite nice. The story is so-so. We’ll see, I suppose. We’ll all see.

I wish I had a cool symbiote cat.

This is just so whatever, and then what, this woman gets turned to Leviathan in a hot second? Okay, man.

I'm usually not a big zombie person, but this was actually really great!

This was pretty clearly a young adult story.

Ouch this dialogue.

Who watches the ultra-powerful god being? Not us, we busy. Who watches the evil scientists who watch the ultra-powerful god being at our request? Um us I guess, we not that busy.

This was okay but I didn’t love it.

Ugh time travel.

This was pretty good and I had a good if occasionally confused time reading it.

Sea Daddy for best new character 2k19.

Okay end to the arc, I’m interested in seeing where the plot goes.

So. Boring.

I mean like yeah, okay.

I actually quite liked this one, some really good emotional moments and overall a quicker read.

I really like the thing with his dad, I wish it had been a little longer, but yeah!

This is all okay.

This didn’t really do it for me. I think it was a combination of the dialogue and the pacing and the art.


My favourite thing about Namor is how it is impossible for him to sit in any way other than insouciantly.

I wish the Black Flash would come for me.

Please end.

Man I’m starting to get the vibe that this dude is a creep.

I get it but I don’t love it, you know?

I felt like it needed a little something more, but it was still good and I still care.

This was really good!

This was pretty fun.

Cool, cool.

Still a delight to read, honestly.

This was still jumbly, I dunno.

The one good thing about the New 52, literally the only thing, was how it erased Milligan's taint from Constantine's history. Please don't screw me on this, Spurrier.

Perfectly fine.

Mephisto was my favourite part.

Thank you for ending this.

Man, Black Adam can be so much more than this.

Really cool, I wish there was more though!

This was okay, some weird moments.

Too much.



She killed him.

Ooo mysterious.

“So you see Selina, that is when you and I went to a beach--” “Yes, I was there” “And we trained together--” “Yup I remember” “Do you mind? I’m trying to narrate for the audience, because this is too convoluted otherwise.”

Heh god loves moon kills, nice one,

This was okay.

I thought this was a really good issue okay don’t @ me.

Tracksuit mafia cameo!!! Also Moon Knight or whatever.

Haha wow the dialogue in this is b a d.

Good stuff but I want moooore.

I love this evil child.


Know what I think would be really powerful? If they had a hope spot where it seemed like finally the heroes were on the verge of winning, and then suddenly something happens to tip the balance back to the villains, who immediately gloat about it. What a really cool thing that would be. Too bad they’ve never thought to try it in this comic. Really such a shame.

This was a really great issue.

He protecc, he attacc, but most importantly he can’t get he memory bacc.

I actually liked this more than I expected.

I’m still into it!

A little long, but not bad.

Oh my god I had such a good time reading this and I’m not sorry.

Uatu is rolling in his grave. "I have come to this dark multiverse to see if I can find a hero who is not dark... but alas, they are all dark... I don't know how this keeps happening."

Oh no, the immortal child predator is trapped in a ring, I’m so sad.

A few bumps but mostly pretty good.

I liked this one best, good flow and all that.

Please develop some chill, Valeria.

That bug in the ear thing was 2 gross 4 me.

Okay, I guess.

What kind of assholes bring their baby to a movie? It is rude and also bad for their hearing! Don’t bring your babies to regular showings of things! But like yeah otherwise this was pretty good.

Still don’t really care, no rules no stakes.

Uhhhh what? I guess it’s lucky that lazarus pits don’t drive you violently insane anymore? Or is violent insanity for Catwoman just wearing a nice dress and lying around all sexy?

So can infected people spread this or not?! I need some rules here!

Similar feelings to the last one. Some issues, but overall enjoyable enough.

This was okay, but I’m only so-so on it as it stands. Interested to see how the framing works out, at least.

Jesus I’m so bored. Why are we doing this?

“The Rogues?! They look...” “Stupider? Yeah.”

I’m trying but the cringe is eating away at my soul. There were some good moments I guess.

Nothing special.

Oh my god, Sky Tyrant, I’m dying.

I thought this had some cool ideas, but it was a bit of a dip again.

Ugh this story is just so good.

Wow yeah this is just what we all needed, Mindhunter/Batman crossover fanfiction.

Haha nice.

Oh, okay... that was fast?

All good.


How is this comic always over so fast?!

Some of these were okay! I’m giving extra points for extra spook.

Oh man my dude I really don’t think it’s a good idea to be calling Jor-El a voice of reason.

Get you a man who looks at you the way Damian Wayne looks at Jonathan Kent.

What a cliffhanger!

I don’t know what was bothering me, but it was something.

Guess that makes sense, since love is dead, thanks for wasting our time!

Just end this already oh my god.

This had some ups and downs.

I thought this was pretty good and I liked it.

Maybe just a liiiiiittle too repetitive, but for the most part I liked it.

Omg you guys Naomi is like so special and Superman thinks she’s the coolest and best and also she has like the most powerful power in the whole world and she’s so pretty and cool and she would totally beat up AMY from SCHOOL who’s so MEAN to me even though I’ve been NOTHING BUT NICE, but anyways she’s my OC pls don’t steal.

Cool, cool.

This was less good than I expected, tbh.

The dialogue isn’t great and the characters and plot are boring.


I’m still tired.

Eh I’m just really not all that interested in this.

Well, some of these were kind of okay.

Still don’t like the art.

Well, it was snappy.

A little jumbly.

A quick read, I think the plot could be interesting still.

Oh well okay glad we sorted that out then.

Fine but nothing that’s blowing my mind.

Oh my god. Honestly what was that guy thinking, literally why would you try to bully the Kingpin, and real talk I was feeling bad for Kingpin there so I support him and his choices.

Oh my god my heart.

Big into this, liking the characters and the concepts a lot, excited to see where it goes.

A touch pretentious at times and also the ending was a little silly, but overall I actually thought this was pretty good.

Real talk I would read a whole comic book about a dog who is a hero. But like what was the point of this issue? The art is nice I guess...

This was okay, if not particularly special.

Aw man this one wasn’t super great. I’m giving an extra half point for Hero of the Void.

Oh no her art is terrible.

Man, don’t you hate it when your universal translator goes on the fritz just long enough for you to have a fight scene, and then suddenly you are not four-told monsters at all but you get to marry a hot bird?

First story was pretty okay, second story was fine, third story made me cringe so hard that my soul left my body.

Oh my god the new Rogue costumes look so stupid oh no.

This dialogue is a little wearing.

I just don’t really know any of these characters and I also don’t particularly care?

I liked this a good amount!

Still pretty good.

I feel as though I am growing ever more untethered from the details of the plot. Big fan of loveable rogue Sinestro though.

This comic was a rollercoaster for me. On the one hand, there were some things that I really liked. The art is really nice. There are some good character moments. I almost liked Harley several times! On the other hand... her study makes no sense. I’m sorry but it really doesn’t. It is fundamentally flawed, down to its very core. I cannot understand why she ever pitched it to industry when she quite clearly had not even put a single thought into how it might have industrial applications. Her process is a joke. Furthermore any dialogue spoken by the Joker is cringe central. Batman was just as bad. At the risk of outing myself as a huge nerd and a loser, I have read a fanfiction which used these exact same tropes for the Joker. Like I swear I almost recognize the bullshit backstories word for word as something that I read like ten years ago on livejournal. This is so much not something new for the character that I am honestly a little offended. And I guess that’s a big problem with this series. There’s nothing new or special being said here, just a lot of gloss.

Still great!

Just, like, wow, you know?

Everything happens so much.


Pure garbage. This was painful to read.

Thank you for explaining nothing and just making me remember better comics that I liked more. I love my boy, but maybe he should have stayed dead.

Oh my god most of this was such a drag to read.

The first story was good. What on cyber-earth was the second one?

"Oh, geezum crow, Carol."

Get out of here, time travel!

Big into the current stuff, Namor is my new new fave. Not as excited about the crazy future stuff though.

I’m going to miss you, you beautiful lunatic.

Poor, poor Foggy.

So good as always.

Nooo I want more of Conan and Punisher hanging out.

Felt a little disconnected to me?

Pretty okay fun.

This felt rushed and really didn’t do a great introductory job I’ll be real with you.

Otto nooooo.

... does Tom King not know what a contradiction is?

There were some things I liked.

I actually got big into the game thing, that was hella neat. Feeling a little confused about the whole revelation but I trust that will be made clearer in time...

Man y’all KNOW you didn’t need to shibari tie that dude.

I refuse to believe that losing the ability to love would be this intensely debilitating for everybody and everything.

Haha wow why is this comic a thing still?

Man what a story!

Oof the dialogue in this one was r o u g h.

Oh no, not... Ralph?

This comic is boring and these characters are unbelievable.

This was okay, but nothing special. That reaction to the Sentry at the end bumped up my score a bit.

Cool cool cool.

So whaaaaat if you murdered thirteen people in cold blood? You look so saaaaad about it now. And besides, you released all of their deepest, most personal confessions, which were never supposed to be released or even seen by anyone ever, violating their trust, their privacy, and their dignity in death. That’s what a hero does!

Spidey threatening to eat dudes is so pure to me.

Good issue as always.

Boo, I hated that, what a tedious retread of every trope we’ve ever seen. Art’s nice.

I have never felt so vindicated in my whole life, Daken is the best.

Man, this art isn’t great I’ll be real. Only so-so on the plot thus far, but it might surprise me!

How is something this intense so boring?

Things are really heating up in the god fandom.

Eh, I wasn’t super excited about this one tbh.

Oh wow wait did Nightwing lose his memory? Forget about his life as Nightwing? No longer feel connected to his old family? Doesn’t know who he WAS, only knows who he IS? Guys I wish someone had said something, I had no idea.

Cool, nice, good.

Well, the art was nice.

This was only okay. Honestly I’m not very interested in Leviathan sooo...

Oh wow how sad that Jor-El is dead I’m weeping. I’m so glad we brought him back, so worth it you guys.

Haha I just really enjoy reading this okay?

These people are all so awful to themselves and others. Why am I supposed to care about them or their incredibly awful team again?

This was okay, I was fine with it.

Really liked the art. Miss Bullseye though.

This one had ups and downs, but I think I liked the ups more than I disliked the downs. Plus I’m super here for Lex Luthor Batman/Martian Superman.

Pretty good.

Still not super working for me to be honest.

Ugh time travel.

A little on the predictable side tbh.

Aww Peter you dummy.

Eh, I’m just not crazy invested, you know?

Luckily this relationship is now 100% healthy and built on a firm foundation of mutual love, respect, and communication. All it took was abandoning somebody at the altar and then standing on a beach throwing bladed weapons at each other! Ain’t love grand.

This is just a lot of things we’ve kind of already seen before. Not bad just not really interesting either.

I just struggle with the dialogue and also I don’t really care all that much about the plot? Art’s nice.

This art really doesn’t work for me.

Still liking it.

Oh. Okay.

Still great!

Why use Deadshot if you aren’t going to write him right?

I would have liked a little more something in this one, but I’m not sure what.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt less stakes in the middle of a massive spy operation.

Legit I am happy at the idea of these people dying. So um... good work creating likeable characters I guess.

Bleh, no thanks. Hasn’t the legacy of Seven Soldiers suffered enough?

Still too much. Some okay moments.

I want this to be better!

So much drama.

Okay I am absolutely LIVING for Enemy Argent’s leather bolero with the popped collar, this man is an i c o n.

Wow, her dad’s alive?! I didn’t see that coming at ALL!

Back to boredom for the most part.

I guess it’s FINE for a gross FUTURE STORY.

This is pretty interesting.

Seems interesting, I guess we’ll see.

Haha Mister Sinister is my new fave.

The Punisher menacing an ice cream man is just A++.


What is it with Donny Cates and trying to murder babies?

Oh nooooo.

Dylan is a good child.

Mostly felt rushed.

Honestly fine.

Aww man, you’ll always be my favourite, Riddler.

Wow that was a mess.

Uh, alright. I liked some of it.

Eh, this is okay I guess.

This was surprisingly good? There were a few clunky moments, but I enjoyed the introspection and the way that she doesn’t accept being seen as just a victim.

Eh, the first story was okay.


I didn’t really love the dialogue, I feel like the idea is cool though.

Good stuff, same general thoughts as before.

Some good moments, a few slightly wonky moments.

This is an interesting story idea!

I’ll be real, I forgot this comic was happening, and I didn’t miss it.

Eh, I just am not that interested in these characters, sorry.

I’m sorry but how exactly were we all fooled for even one second by this twelve-year-old e-boy who kind of vaguely looks like Reed Richards?

A little bit confused at points, but a good idea.

Honestly this was better than I thought it would be. But only just.

Oh no.

How is this always so good?

“I know the pain of losing someone close to me,” Mera says, having murdered her intimate partner and then just getting over it like it wasn’t even a thing. Also it’s like for sure canon that Flash read the original Flash’s comics, why is continuity like this?

Oh wow, okay. No. No thank you.

Thank you for wasting my time on a pointless multi-page fight.

Well, it was quick to get through!

Great as always.

Oh my gOD.

Fun but not amazing.

Well I thought this was great.

This was definitely way better than the same scene but from Superman’s side. It was good to see Kara grow and change a little.

The Great War is what they called World War I.

Aw no my heart.

This was actually better than I expected. The only thing I really didn’t like was the cover.

Ohhh my god.

This was okay!

Kind of already read this story, but I thought it was at least written and drawn well.

God, as if this boring comic wasn’t bad enough, now Naomi’s here.

Given that it was Bullseye and Machinesmith teaming up, I expected to like this more.

Fun! I love these people!

My boooooy.


This was okay! I’m already feeling a little tired.

Eh, this was okay.

A little slow, I guess a nice breather.

Oh my god Tim you dumb baby.

Cool, cool.

Oh, okay, cool I guess?

Not great but not terrible I guess, aside from more incorrect airplane stuff.

Plumbing saves the world yet again. Tbh this was hella pure and I had a great time reading it.

Well, it’s quick!




I want to be like MJ when I grow up.

Nice, I’m enjoying the plot, maybe leaning a little too much into the long explain-y bits.

I thought this was a really cool one.

Can’t even time heist right come on.

I am genuinely taking points off for whatever the hell they have done to Klarion’s hair.

I like knowing more about these people.

Some of these were really good, though there were a good chunk of misses. And some of the things that were chosen to commemorate were a bit weird...

Well, I liked the art... I flipped through everything else pretty quickly.

Oof I’m not loving this writing.

Ugh I just love this comic it’s so good.

Aw man.

How long do you think they rehearsed that team speech?

I demand more Ebony Maw.

Oh my god this was a headache to read. If you’re going to do that Bizarro speak you need to COME UP WITH RULES AND STICK TO THEM, you can’t just willy-nilly reverse something sometimes but not others. This was a mess.

Man, Old Man Thor is such a buzzkill.

This was a great read.

Can someone please retcon Grail out of existence?


Who? again, but four times.

Eh, I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t the worst Deadpool thing I’ve ever read...


I actually would not like to hear her secret origin, thanks though.

Not as try-hard as I feared.

This was actually pretty solid, if not particularly spectacular.

I’m enchanted.

Well, I love D-list villains.

Dang, what an ending!

Cool, cool.

Well, the monster’s cool. We still really need to talk about how Arthur should probably get some counselling or something.

I just like reading this!

Boohoo I hate my awesome fire ghost car just because it tried to murder my loved ones.

Sometimes weird dialogue. Not the worst thing ever.

Just hard to follow.

I wish I felt worse.

Okay so I’m mostly interested in the heroes but like not at all in the girl who needs saving.

These people are terminally stupid.

Eh. I didn’t love the first series. We’ll see.

Better than the last one. Still not particularly interested in the post-apocalypse.

Some of these were okay.

Please stop yelling your own and other’s secret identities on the rooftop right next to a super villain.

The dialogue wasn’t always amazing and the art was frequently weird, but there were fun moments.

Nice explosion.

You’re fine, Tim.

An easy read, and an interesting one.

Okay like real talk I’m invested.

Thaaaaaaat’s not what aphasia is.

Maybe a little rushed, I dunno, it was fine.

This was not an enjoyable experience.

Good issue, nothing special.

Everybody Hates Conan: The Comic.

I guess the real Cosmic Ghost Rider was the cool characters we destroyed along the way.

Matt noooo.

Love this comic.


Solid stuff, but I struggled to focus sometimes.

This was fine.

Planes are actually designed to be able to take a lightning strike! Maydays go out on the usual channel, as long as they’re in range of a tower (and they definitely are, they’re near Japan!) then someone for sure heard and should have responded! The More You Know!

Actually not terrible? I still don’t quite care but, you know, baby steps.

This Doctor Strange/Clea fanfiction is really heating up.

Man, that ending was pretty insanely telegraphed. The way he saved the universe was cool though.

Haha what?

Wow, that’s a lot of sucking Red Hood’s dick we just did there. My favourite thing about this comic is that Question did not involve himself in this embarrassment.


This was okay. I enjoyed the epilogue.

First was okay, second was so boring I want to die, third was the best one and way too short.

Some good, some bleh.

I demand more Rogues.

This issue was actually probably the best one in a long time. The art was way better, that’s for sure. I want more Rogues and less Forces so tbh I’m delighted that cloak man got shanked.

Mostly boring.

Such good writing.

Love it.

I don’t really care about any of these people yet, I guess we’ll see.

Cute, fun, I’m interested!

Well shit.

Nothing too exciting.

A little confusing at times.

Pretty good I guess.

Man, that talk with Rocket was deep.

It was a little much tbh.

Man, I got so pumped for Shade, and now I’m sad.

Really good first issue tbh, totally into it.


Really cool idea.


Namor noooo.

Spy stuff is fun sometimes.

Not bad, interesting dynamics.

Okay little Jarro in his little Robin uniform is legit the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Everything else is just too much.

Really liked chapter 1, not a huge fan of the retcons in chapter 2, ain’t give a shit about Circe.

A bit much at times, and yet at the same time not enough?

I’m just happy that something happened.

Well, I like spy stuff...

Pretty solid!

Loved it like always.

“Yes, it is a fitting gift for the Destined One to undo all of her parents’ character development that we just spent like four issues building up to, brilliant.”

Pretty good, with some minor annoyances.

I was with you right to the end, comic.

I went into this genuinely hoping Iron Man would fight the concept of a recession, and I’m a little sad he didn’t! Winter Soldier story was weird, so that drags everybody down.

I mean, I didn’t hate reading it.

Guess it’s a good thing that Squirrel Girl also cannot be defeated by a lack of oxygen.

Oof. Didn’t enjoy this. The writing was very rough.

Aww, this was nice (aside from all the horrible torture).

I hope this was all his dying dream after being shot in the head. I would honestly rather he die than see him like this.

I expected to feel sadder!

Okay, but I am hesitant.

I think it’s neat if a little trippy, Xorn is the best of us.

Pretty cool.

I love this comic so much I just can’t deal with it.

Haha well this was fun.

Greg noooo.

I’m so happy for Doombot. ♥️

Cute, fun, bit of a break.

I didn’t love this one, but it was still a quick and engaging read.

Good stuff, no complaints.

This one was pretty good.

Everybody getting compounded into increasingly ridiculous combinations of characters was A++. The backup was boring.

A solid enough ending.

Really engaging read, and I love the art.

Oh my god, Norman Osborn is such a dick.

Just delightful, honestly.

Um if you could read his mind why didn’t you just bring him to a sun, he has limitless healing abilities.


I guess mind rape is preferable to statutory rape... but like, "oh no, locking people up is wrong. But literally invading and altering their minds, forcing them to become unwilling extensions of our will, trapping them within their own bodies from which they cannot escape, through which they can never even voice their objections... lol that's an amazing idea I love that for us"

I love how Ebony Maw is so betrayal happy that he would betray his own damn self.

Bleh this was fine.


Muddled, confusing, not a good look for pretty much any of the characters.

Oh nooo.

I thought this was really interesting and the art is beautiful.

This is fine, I dunno, I don’t love it?

Alas, poor robots.

Little bit too explain-y for me tbh, but I’m thrilled about Bullseye.

Bullseye is legit the best of us and I love him. Also the art is great.

I don't really know or care about this character but okay!

Is... is that it?

I thought this was alright.

Tried a little too hard and I think got muddled because of that. If their lives are so sped up as to seem like a normal life cycle to us, how do they conceptualize them as being short?

Pretty good, I was certainly engaged.

Every development feels like pulling teeth. I don’t have a good time reading this.

Cute, if nothing super special. I liked the art.

... Does nobody know who the Punisher is?

Thanks I don’t care.

Boring character so far.

An okay wrap-up.

I’m so glad this is over.

I actually thought this ended really strongly, good work team.

We dance on the precipice of something interesting, but that art and pacing really did me in.

This guy’s preeeeetty spooky.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25 Aug 16, 2019

Just fine, nothing too thrilling, but not bad either.

I’m waiting for us to talk about how murdering an intimate partner is wrong.

Delightful all the way through. That’s the power of friendship.

Gasp! Systemic sexism, no!

I deeply appreciate being able to take a break.

A little bit hokey but a good enough ending.

The nice thing about this comic is that I could read it quickly because I just skipped over the redundant story.

Neat idea, sometimes let down by the writing.

This issue felt weaker. I don’t really feel like I’m seeing a reasonable character journey.


I’ve missed you, not terrible Constantine.

“Deathstroke is a mercenary and assassin who uses ninety percent of his brain power.” How sad for him, what happened to the other ten percent of his brain? Is it really right for Batman to be beating up on a man who has a verifiable brain injury?

This was okay.

Cute enough, love the art.

Something of interest here!

I liked this one a lot!

Not a huge fan of this style to be honest.

Some nice moments.


The helmet thing was cute, the villain’s dialogue got a little grating at times.

This guy’s anxiety seems to be mostly just having a really whiny inner monologue. I don’t really like him and I don’t see why I should.

Good stuff, no complaints.

I got so excited because when I started reading this I mistakenly believed it was the 6th issue... needless to say.

A little wordy, but not in a bad way.

So much feels.

Good pacing and all.


Interesting, but at times I found the dialogue annoying.

I don’t know, felt like it was missing something.

I feel like nothing is ever given a chance to develop. Every issue they’re just like “Miguel! You’re angry now!” and he’s like “Grr, I’m so angry that I will do something foolish!” I wish it leaned harder into the weird heroes.

I don’t love the style, unfortunately.

Definitely the best issue in a long time.

Weird, with some issues, but I think I have a good tolerance for weird.

Poor Elongated Man gets no love.

I wish it was more of the cool horror.

Largely inconsequential.

Please god let it be over.

I don’t caaaaare.

I don’t really get the stakes here. Like, oh no, I hope that Flash, in his first year of operation doesn’t lose and die? You know, the Flash who has been a hero for years and is very established at heroing? Dang I hope he won’t die you guys.

I love this guy’s writing.

I sometimes feel like I struggle a little bit with the art, but for the most part it’s great.

Once again there’s something just slightly off that makes it hard to follow the events.

Some good and some bad.

I almost wish I cared.


I just love the writing.

A good wrap-up but I still feel like I didn’t really get everything I needed.

That’s a real snazzy hat.

This was okay. Didn’t care for the art.

There was something about this issue that really rubbed me the wrong way.

I’m so bored by this whole plot.

Still not interested.

Nice, nice.

It got seven pages in and there was a title page and genuinely there was this hopeful moment where I was like “oh my god, is that the end? Did I make it to the end?” Nope. Page seven.

I mean, it wasn’t badly written. It also wasn’t interestingly written.

Not in love with the writing, but it wasn’t a bad time.

I’m enjoying it!

Fine but not special.

A good issue with some emotional moments! Please less Mars though.

Stop introducing new kid characters into things! I hate it!

Oh, okay then.

Cool, spooky.

A solid ending.

Wow what an anticlimax. What even was this? Terrible, that’s what.

Please shut up, I genuinely loathe you.

What a twist!

Punish me, daddy.

So much drama!

Good old murderous fun.

A nice, simple Conan story.

I wasn’t overly annoyed or unhappy to be reading it.

This was okay.

This was fine.

Wow this art is so amazing, and I really enjoy the writing.

The dialogue was snappy and fun and I enjoyed it.

Great issue.

Oh, well, RIP I guess.

Help I’m in love with the Superior Spider-Man.

Omg someone give this beautiful, delicate flower a hug, I love him.

Why are these comics so hell-bent on ruining a perfectly good backstory?

Superman winking at the camera while a nonplussed citizen looked on gave me life.

Man, this is just whatever.


I don’t have a problem with this but I’m also not very interested.

This felt very classic Sandman, very House of Mystery, I liked it a lot.

What fresh hell is this?

I am so proud of Ratatoskr.

A solid ending, if a bit much at times.

Fine, but didn’t feel incredibly necessary tbh.

Nice ending, I appreciated having all the loose ends tied up.

Still good!

Cool enough, I like the message that they shouldn’t be the ones to hide.


A solid ending.


Well I mean I’ve read worse, that’s for sure.

What can you do, Punisher’s gonna punish.

I felt like this was paced weird and sometimes hard to follow, but maybe I am too dumb for comics.

Weapon XXX was a bad choice of name. Unless this weapon is weaponized porn. In which case, carry on.

A little too on the nose again.

Well, I mean, thanks for the facts that I did not know.

Real talk, I don’t like or care about Grail.

Etta Candy: "His test run of the new aircraft was going great over the Atlantic... and then nothing. [...] All three disappeared, no SOS... no nothing." Steve Trevor, having clearly relayed the unusual conditions and radioed in a mayday: "Am I a joke to you?"

RIP X-Force, I will not miss you.

Honestly, this one wasn’t offensive, but it was a low grade annoying that I just couldn’t get into. Why is Dr. Fate talking like that? I also still don’t care about the characters.

A solid ending, I liked that it was a bit of a downer, This one was for sure my favourite.

This was never my fave.

This keeps getting more complicated and interesting.

I would like to say that it’s real fucked up that Mera murdered her intimate partner in a moment of rage and we’re supposed to be like “Aww well she loves him so much, so she just lost control of herself so violently that she murdered him. So it’s okay!” Gross.

Ugh I love this stupid comic so MUCH.

A nice action issue.

Solid story.

I really like seeing the aftermath here.

Please set me free of this.

I can’t wait to see where it goes!

Omg no my special bony boy.

I enjoyed some of the rapport between the characters, but at some point I think we have to agree that being repeatedly told that doom is coming and that we need to find the Monitors is going to get a bit boring.

Great issue!

Pretty good.

“After being shot in the head and losing all my memories I have decided to not be Nightwing. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be Nightwing.” Shut up, I hate you and hope you die.

It is what you would expect of Conan, but I was sometimes annoyed by the way the narration covered the clearly visible events.

I don’t dislike it, but I’m not excited to read it either.

Well, I thought this was nice.

I didn’t know that Lobo calling someone “sugar daddy” was what my life was missing, but here we are.

Just fine.

Well, okay.

Oh no, I can’t believe that the Dark Beast betrayed us all!

Ah good, it was even more pointless than I originally thought.

See last review.


Thank you for this tour, I now feel I am qualified to decide if ESU is right for me.

I won’t be sad when this is over.

God this is so boring.

When will this boring story end?

I wish I’d been stabbed through the chest by Omega Red, then I wouldn’t have had to read this.

I think this one actually recovered a lot from previous, I love the people finding out that reality isn’t real.

Solid stuff, not quite living up to my dreams of what this series could be, but what can you do?



I’m glad Skurge got to go to Valhalla. ♥️

“What I think I like best about your plan, Bane, is how I can easily explain it in tedious narration over two-page static shots so that the people reading can understand what happened, since it’s so obviously unbelievable that not a single one of them would think you were this in control of the situation if I didn’t explicitly say that you were.”

Over a quarter of this book is the song Home on the Range and honestly I could get that for free on youtube so...

Well, at least it isn’t a time travel story.

This was just fine! The art in the first and last story were a bit tragic.

This was good! Good pace, good dialogue, I’m even down for body swaps.


A good way to tie in the event to ongoing story arcs.

Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys My Faith in Comics.

This guy is such a great writer.

Good stuff.

Same complaint as always, this comic is the definition of try-hard.

Wow, her plan was... really stupid? What a tragedy, this arc seemed so cool at the start.

I feel like we sort of get the same message at the end of every issue. “I didn’t used to have a family... but now... I have a family.” I get it, move oooooon!

Honestly, this wasn’t terrible, but I’m excited for it to let me down.


This one felt way more like porn.

I want more of the creepy magic stuff! Bring me more creepy magic!

I never thought anybody would be able to convey wooden acting in a comic book but here we are. This is reaching unreal levels of bad writing. I weep for what this story could have been. I can’t get over how Barda’s big meaningful moment of self-determination... was to throw herself at the first guy she met who she knew almost nothing about. Stellar.

Barry Allen is super dumb. And so is literally every other person in this comic. I hate this.

Real talk, Boomerang is the best of us.

Well, I’m glad it’s over.

This issue was a little too Grant Morrison and strange. Not bad, just... disengaging.

Some good, some bad. What I liked, I loved, what I didn’t, I didn’t.

Well, it was a quick read, and an interesting idea.

Well jeez.

Pretty okay!

So good.

I don’t like zombies.

Honestly Jarro Son of Batman is pretty much my favourite thing about this comic and I’m willing to forgive a lot for it. I’m glad the sixth dimension stuff is over, and am actually excited for the Doom stuff, because villains 4 life.

I have never felt less stakes in my whole life.

A solid finale with even some cute moments.

Just as I was getting interested!

This continues to be fine.

Is there anything this precious boy can’t murder?

I love how it’s a drawing and they still did that thing of casting a six-month-old baby as a newborn. Also this entire thing with the magic whatevers is so stupid.

I just love it! Salem is the best.

Solid, but looking forward to it pulling together a bit more.

This continues to be fine.

Knull is such a drama queen. 🖤

Pretty good.

Man, my feelings.

This is like better Superman 12, but not that much better because it still had garbage to work with.

Well, this was enchanting.

I don’t think I’m supposed to agree with the villains that the heroes are annoying, buuuuut...

Just fine.

At least things are finally coming together.

I like this one a lot! Excited to see where we’re going.

I enjoyed this and am willing to overlook the random poetry moment.

This was okay.

Good stuff.

Solid ending.

Great issue again.

How do you say, “I don’t care about this pointless digression” in henchperson?

None of these people act like real people and there’s no camaraderie because they barely speak to each other. Apparently the only way to gain respect is to hit people.

A good idea and good points executed poorly. It’s just too on the nose to have any bite.

Feels a bit like treading water.

Please we are so close.

Just bleh. I don't care about a single one of these characters any more than I did when this series started 6 issues ago, and now they’re out of one complicated and boring situation and dumped into another. What am I supposed to do? Care?

Man, this art. And like the pacing. It could have been interesting, though, we were so close!

Really great ending.

I’m sorry, but your idea of the perfect way to convince Bruce Wayne to chill out and live a normal life is to tell him he murdered his parents? I feel like my questions weren’t answered at all by the first two parts, and then I was dumped into yet another boring post-apocalypse where everybody has mohawks and face paint and impractical torn up outfits because we all saw Mad Max once and none of us has been able to come up with anything more creative than that.

I’m just so glad that this plot is finally moving along.

This was weirdly confusing, like, I feel like I don’t understand why these people were murdered and at the same time I do not care.

This is such a great comic.

I got really excited to see the Reaper is back, but the rest of the comic was only okay.

Sometimes annoying to read and leans way too hard on that time jump narrative device, but I am deeply appreciative of the explanations of time and universe changes.

An adequate tie-in!

This felt a bit messy and I can’t quite figure out the tone it’s going for.

Well, it was a wild ride!

“I just want you to understand, and I cannot stress this enough, that people who have mental health issues will absolutely lose control and hurt you.” I learned nothing about any of the characters. I somehow unlearned things I knew about mental health. I hated every moment of it. Let us never speak of this again.

Ugh this comic is so perfect.

Plot and art are really losing me. This story needs to go back and explain itself better.

Pretty much going in the expected direction, and I’m starting to worry about how naïve she’s being.

Still pretty good!

Solid issue.

Felt like a lot of time wasting, tbh. But whatever.

This is just fine!

RIP, that guy.

A slightly better than usual anthology!

Aww this was actually kinda nice and sweet, and a lovely ending.


I think I’m even less hooked now.

Felt a bit rushed.


Gasp! Gorilla-Man, no!

I think they think I care about Barbara’s business a lot more than I actually do. What’s the harm in her losing her job here? She clearly doesn’t care about the company in any way, and she has like a billion other things to do.


I am excited to be back on track with the plot.

Wow, Batman is looking great for 50+.

Man it’s hard to stay engaged with this. I love the art though, so it gets bonus points.

A little boring, and I think the style was getting to me.

There are two things I hate in this world: time travel stories and future stories. This is both of those things, plus a whiny protagonist who won’t shut up.

I still don’t feel like I know these characters beyond the pretty basic character trait of “hate Nazis,” and that makes for a disengaging read.

So great.

A solid issue.

Not bad!

So great.

Sooooo great.

Ugh how is this comic so relatable, and yet I don’t live in a weird mansion with a bunch of runaways and also a dinosaur and a robot who are my chosen family?


I found this to be an annoying read throughout.

For a second I thought this would be a cool angle but then no it’s just an omnicidal computer god, so pedestrian.

Wow what a shock I can’t believe it was a trap.

Wow, coming down real hard on the side of the ship of Theseus not being the same ship after like one piece is replaced, I see.

Got a little repetitive at times but okay.

Help, I’m crying about a horse.

How do you say, “I don’t care about this pointless digression” in western?

How do you say, “I’m bored of this because there are too many characters and I don’t know who any of them are” in fire?

A little bit messy for me, or maybe I just wasn’t in the mood?

I do not know who the wolf people are, but I do love Madrox.

Feeling a bit rushed, I must say.

Well, I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today.

Why won’t this eeeeend?

Oh wow can’t believe that that new evil lady was the new evil bad guy what a twist.

This comic is just so blah, I don’t like the new villain and it feels like nothing is happening.

Holy rushed story arc, captain!

This is all so blah and it feels really aimless at this point, I don’t care about any of this anymore.

I thought this was pretty good, it was good to see things from MJ’s perspective, I thought.

I really enjoyed this! Poor Spidey, nobody is ever going to believe that he wasn’t on team Kingpin.

This issue was pretty good and I still enjoy the writing, but I found it a little dry I guess? Kinda slow, I dunno.

This was very nice and I liked it a lot. I love Jonie.

I dunno what to think about this! I’ll probably read another issue.

I think there are some cool ideas here, but I don’t feel close to any of the characters yet.

This comic continues to be just fine but I’m not really invested.

This was okay but nothing super special.

This was fine, definitely better than it has been.

I don’t really get what’s happening here but okay.

This was a supremely unsatisfying ending to a supremely unsatisfying story arc, the whole climax was really kinda lame and I’m sorry but that stupid kraken should have been fully in the ocean by the time they all finished monologuing about their feelings.

This was cute and I’m interested in the mystery and I am fond of the characters.

This is a really engaging plot for an Archie comic.

I liked getting a bit more detail about the characters and what’s going on with them.

I got more into it as it went, I really liked the scene where Loki beat Nebula.

I thought that this was a pretty okay comic!

I had a good time reading this, I enjoy this sort of politicking a lot.

Omg I can’t believe Broo is in this. I liked the scope of this. At first I thought it was a bit slow, but we got there in the end. Cool!

This was perfectly adequate! I thought it was pretty neat, if a bit of a tease.

This was okay but like not super great tbh, felt a little rushed to me.

This was okay, like, nothing special but not bad. I long for more chill though.

I’m beginning to think that maybe Batman needs to go to a therapist.

I don’t know, I like some of these ideas but other ones I really don’t.

I think that this was at least better written, and I dunno, I can be persuaded.

Every annoying writing quirk was dialed up to 11 throughout this issue and I found it really hard to stop myself from just skipping forward, felt like a waste of my time, tbh.

Why the fuck are you dreaming about that sexy magician? Just to berate him and punch him, you closeted fuck?

Okay real talk this was adorable and I was enchanted and I will fight you if you disagree.

I still don’t care about future stories.

Future stories, and the ending was stupid, I cannot get over how much I cannot stand the romance that’s happening.

This is way too jumbly for me. It’s all the same things I disliked before, but again. Could do without the tired old “hey kids maybe get off your phones” thing. Also, why was he sitting on a giant penis on the first page?

Look I’m not a proud woman, I didn’t love everything about this but Azzarello writing Constantine!

This was pretty cool, but I feel kind of sad because I really don’t know anything about the lore here.

I’m really starting to think that the fact that I know nothing about this character and his universe is hindering my understanding of this comic.

I still like this comic and I am excited for where it’s going. Proud of you, T’Challa.

This was cute and I mostly enjoyed it.

I would have liked more Jack, I think.

I thought that this was surprisingly sloppily written, and it didn’t make me care that much about Natasha.

I don’t feel like a lot happened here and yet somehow it was also incredibly rushed? That being said, I’m still in.

I think this is going really well, I like the characters and the plot and everything.

This was less grating than previous issues, but I cannot get over the fact that Julietta was born in America. And that she found out she was undocumented like four years ago. Girl, have you even tried to become documented? Come on now. This is just victimizing yourself at this point. I don’t even live in your country and I know you have jus soli.

I don’t really know who these people are, but I respect their plan.

I thought this was a fun issue, it’s very Kelly Thompson. I might one day be convinced to like Carol.

I love the art in this, but everything about it just feels really rushed and I can’t tell all the random dudes apart.

Goodness gracious what an ugly dress, I didn’t expect Catwoman to catch the Mission Impossible plague too. This comic was a lot of nothing.

I’ve been lukewarm on this story arc and I remain so. Everything kind of just came out of nowhere.

This was okay, I liked learning more about Amka, but I feel like a lot was jammed in there and it was maybe a bit much.

I was immediately put off by the narration at the start, and I don’t care about teens or their teen problems. But then there was Mephisto, +1 for Mephisto.

I don’t really like characters like Vi, and I also don’t care about relationship problems. Also I don’t know who this villain is, but he is very snazzy.

Real bored by this, not at all interested in anybody’s relationships.

This was fun and I feel pretty immersed in the world, I’m kinda lukewarm on the whole thing but not so much as to not enjoy it.

This comic was kind of a digression, but a nice one.

This was okay, it was not as spoopy as I hoped it would be.

I liked this a lot! Really good ending. I’m going to call it powerful, mock me if you will.

S a n d w i s h e s. But real talk, like one and a half of these stories was good.

I mostly enjoy this, but then I tend to enjoy Ed Brisson’s writing, hoping for more depth.

Logan come on man get your shit together.

The art on these children was harrowing. Like before, trying a little too hard, but not offensive in any way.

This was okay, but I dunno, I don’t really care about his daughter and it’s still trying so hard.

This was good.

This was really not very well written at all.

This is definitely better than James Robinson, I didn’t always feel like it was really Batman’s voice, but mostly I enjoyed!

The dialogue was a bit overwrought and I could use a little bit more chill, but I think the plot as a whole is so interesting.

I’m interested in seeing where this is going, but I sometimes don’t like the dialogue.

Poor Kanna.

This was nice but a bit of a throwaway.

I see Domino has caught the Mission Impossible dress plague. I feel like the art keeps getting worse and so does the story, and I don’t like the teen general as a person, though her power is cool.

This comic is just really not exciting to me anymore, but I respect the attempt.

This was good and all, but I feel like this story is so disjointed and messy at this point, I hope it all draws together in the end.

This was a good issue, but not like crazy exciting or anything.

I’m so happy that the lame kids are gone now. Time travel is so gross, you guys.


I’m sorry I don’t know why my heart is so full of hate.

I really hated the art in the framing story. Some of the stories were better than others, and I’m sorry but I guess I just don’t like these characters very much, sorry!

Tbh we all need more Doom in our lives.

Honestly this was mostly miss for me. I don’t know these characters and I thought the strip club scene was surprisingly gross, which made me really sad because I love Gail Simone.

This is still not interesting to me.

The new character is kind of interesting, but why does everybody speak such flawless English in this band of poor fugitives in a non-English speaking country? Also I still don’t like anything about this force quest plot.

I smiled at Iris pretending to be a supervillain, the deep cut Flash villains, and literally nothing else throughout this whole comic.

Basically every line of dialogue is just people expositing at each other, the plot is tedious, and I don’t care about a single character here.

This was okay, and I do usually like resistance stories, so hopefully the next issues rouse some more interest in me.

This was a bit too one-dimensional to me. I agree that Nazis are bad, but who are these people I am aligning with? Also I refuse to believe that after 50 years under the Reich’s boot heel literally everybody was ready to openly celebrate a bunch of heroes showing up.

This was actually really cute and fun and normally I’d give it an 8.5/10 but then there was Boomerang, 11/10

I just had a very nice time reading this and I’m not sorry about it. People being mean to Boomerang is my aesthetic.

I really enjoy this comic, the story and the characters are very interesting and I can’t wait to see where this is all going.

I love this comic, it’s so great! Everything is spooky and weird and I am so here for the art and the panel layouts and oh my god I want to know what’s going on so bad.

This comic is very generic and boring. We got our Super Special Rebellious Protag, endless dialogue exposition, stupid magic girl outfits, it’s all so boring while trying very hard to be special and unique. Will not continue with this one, thanks.

This wasn’t really all that interesting to me.

My new favourite lantern is the one with an erupting volcano for a face.

I love this comic.

Cosmic Ghost Rider is perfect sorry not sorry.

I like the character and his voice, but the writer seems a little too smugly focused on how much he knows about the music industry, and less on things like the story.

I actually was really interested in that origin story, and I wish that we had gotten more of that earlier, because I’m finally not bored by this character and his story!

This was again much more interesting than I really expected this comic to be, but some of the talkie bits started to drag.

I think that this definitely had some things to say, but at the same time I felt like the approach was sort of frustratingly surface. I assume that they’re going to eventually give us more, but as it is, I don’t know, I don’t think that I’ve really been convincingly sold on their struggle.

...We definitely know that Troy was a real place but okay.

This was better than the first issue, but I’m still not crazy sold on it.

This comic continues to just not be as good as I think it could be. The women are a little bit too stupid, and I can’t figure out if they’re doing something specific that keeps them that dumb?

I honestly just don’t find this all that interesting, I don’t care about any of the characters.


Someone protect my precious prideful child.

This is such a great comic.

Crazy times, man.

This comic continues to be really interesting, but I think that it lost a little menace in the explaining of what exactly is going on. Which is too bad, because I love the menace!

I think this was mostly satisfying and I don’t have any major complaints.

Is this like the actual canon of Drax’s origin? I’m so confused. It was nice though.

This was a bit jumbley to me and not crazy interesting, but, like, fundamentally okay!

Sorry, this wasn’t good.

This wasn’t as exciting as the cover made me hope.

This was pretty meh for me.

There wasn’t really anything here for me. Are these going anywhere?

I’m sorry YourGreenMuse I just really don’t care about this comic at all.

I am happy that these mint people are happy.

This is trying so, so hard.

Namor is so great omg, someone protect this precious crazy sea-angel.

I thought this was a good if somewhat too punchy ending to this story.

This was okay! Definitely some good moments.

This was okay I guess but I don’t reaaaaaaally care.

This was actually so much better than I was expecting it to be, like just really tightly written and super interesting, can’t wait for this mystery to be unraveled.

I’m sorry Br'er Lapin I just don’t really care about this comic at all.

I actually was kind of into this, I am proud of the Joker for messing everything up for everybody, what a huge dick ♥️.

This was alright but a little exposition-y for my tastes, and I feel a little bit like I’m losing my grip on just what is happening a lot of the time.


This is just so much dry exposition about things that I am genuinely having a hard time keeping track of who is doing what and what is happening to the universe. It’s too many things!

Yes, I liked this for the most part.

I’m going to ignore my quibbles with Constantine’s characterization and the way that Tynion IV seems to be leaning into his New 52 self- particularly the obsession with Zatanna- and say that on the whole I really enjoy this comic. The only good thing about the Zatanna thing is that this means that my trash boy Nick Necro is still canon. One day he will return to me.

I quite enjoyed this, yes indeed.

I still feel like I haven’t really been given any stakes or anything to care about yet.

This has been going on forever and it’s so tiring and like what is up with this garbage god test? These people deserve to be duped. Also Azrael feels crazy out of character to me, though I admit that I’m not as familiar with him as I could be.

I find this character really thoroughly unlikeable but like not in a fun or intriguing way, and I’d be happy if he died. I am therefore delighted that the intro announced he’s already dead.

I especially enjoyed the old Lucifer stuff, it felt very classic Lucifer.

I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I have previously, I guess Old Man Lucifer was less vague and more interesting this time around.

I find my enjoyment of this comic increases the more it gives me glimpses of Lucifer-that-was. And I’m liking that we can see how this all connects finally!

I think this was cool with maybe some things that I didn’t care for but yeah, for the most part good.

I thought this was actually pretty neat, nice way of looking at the character.

I really enjoyed the way it digs into the character’s psychology, and that wham line from Jessica at the end is great.

I’m actually really digging the way this comic gets right up into the psychology of the character.

I was actually weirdly into the whole thing with the investigation and all that, really loving the art, and then we went to Mars and honestly my interest just nosedived so hard that it hurt, I’m hoping that this can somehow pull around, because I was genuinely interested!

This issue was okay, I might be alone in this but I really don’t care about his life on Mars, it’s just so much tedious worldbuilding for a dead world.

I really, really hate Ann Nocenti.

I’m pretty intrigued but damn do I hate Elektra.

I am still interested in this plot and characters.

This was cool, proud of T’challa for figuring out his own identity.

Doom isn’t working the counter at Burger King so like what’s even the point?

This was really cute and nice and good character stuff without being all blatant about it.

Some of these were so cute, and then others were atrocious, it was such a mixed bag. I’m bumping the score up by a half point because of the good stories, but so sad that one of the lamest was the longest.

This was a good intro for me, a person who doesn’t know much about this guy, but I don’t know, there wasn’t quite a connection for me.

I feel like Saladin Ahmed isn’t the most comfortable writing fight scenes but god bless he tried.

This was fine! Loving how Rogue got out of trouble with her poor traumatized husband by “totally losing control of her powers.” I see you, Rogue. Also, their rings are made of people and I feel like we didn’t really give that the attention it needs.

I thought this was cute and mostly fun and nothing to complain or shout about!

This was just kind of bleh for me, I don’t really care for Mojo, I guess!

The greatest mystery of the DCU is why this comic needed to be made.

There was actually a glimmer of promise in there with the opening story, and the Constantine story had some neat ideas, which got my hopes up, but on the whole it was very mixed.

We are Nightwing, bum ba dum bum bum bum bum.

I’m not really sure why I’m supposed to care about this guy who is so adamant that he’s not the guy I care about. Okay good, go be a miserable asshole by yourself and leave me alone, you dick.

The more I read this the less I like it.

Oh no that one character got shot or whatever.

Needs way more Bullseye.

This was great! But needed more Old Man Bullseye tbh.

I actually really liked this, especially the part where Morlun had the Central Park Zoo seal of approval.

I don’t even know man, he exploded a dude right in half and I’m supposed to not give that a perfect score?

This comic is so insane and I love it.

“Momma’s gonna be zero for two on open caskets.”

This was honestly such a nothing issue. What was the point of this?

I don’t care about the Underlife and I’m not interested in this plot, it’s just a bunch of things occurring to a person I don’t care about.

I really liked this! I bet nothing terrible is going to happen, I bet they’re totally going to stay happy forever with no further strife!

Oh my god.

Honestly I was kind of expecting more, and I’m not totally sure where we’re supposed to be standing at this point, but hoping for more!

TBH all I can think about is where Daken is.

I just love this comic, the characters are so great.

Man, these characters are just so great, and this story is great.

This was... wow... really not very good. There were so many jokey issues and like the joke was “lol look how different and weird she is, isn’t she different and weird, that’s so gross. But like... that’s the exact antithesis of the point the author claimed to be making? This was honestly a mess and I don’t understand at all why they made this.

This tried very hard. There were some good moments.

I liked the second story way more than I liked the main.

Not a lot happened in this issue, I couldn’t really stir myself to any dread because it was trying just a bit too hard to worry me.

This is pretty cool still.

More like “Wakanda four seconds.”

This is generally a good comic and I think it’s interesting, really enjoyed everybody being sassy about how insular and uppity Wakanda can be.

I was falling asleep while reading it, but whether that is an indictment of the comic or myself we may never know.

I really didn’t enjoy this. I barely followed it. I don’t care about any of these people.

Spider-Cop for best new Spider 2k18.

I actually quite liked this wrap-up, I think it was satisfying.

This was fine! In this issue the plot advanced, and that is all I can ask of any comic.

I thought this was perfectly good and nice!

I hope this doesn’t take too long!

This was also perfectly good and nice!

This was actually really touching, which is weird since I haven’t really been that invested in this title up until now.

This comic sucks so much. All of the characters are characterless blobs. They are always dealing with some stupid world-ending catastrophe when literally none of them are equipped for it, I hate it and I hate that it’s happening to characters that I care so much about.

How can you possibly fail so bad at telling a story that your entire final issue needs to be wall to wall exposition? BTW I love how this is basically that moon monster story but again and somehow worse. Jesus Christ I’m so glad this comic is over.

Why did this silly bitch fight her way into her own building and kill her own people? Why are people not allowed to discuss operations in their own headquarters? Why is this so boring?

This comic is such a mess I just can’t even deal with it.

The main story was really interesting and I can’t wait to see where it goes! Backups were super unnecessary, and I’m knocking off half a point for their existence.

I really want to enjoy this comic, but I’m becoming less and less invested as we drift further and further from what I was excited about (Supergirl: Space Detective).

This was generally pretty good, highs and lows.

This was a quick and fun read, but I would have liked it a lot more if we had gotten to focus on Paul and Gene, my new otp.

I hate Rogol Zaar and I think that aging Jon up, or having him travel through time, or whatever, was stupid.

What is the point of any of this? I have never liked Jor-El being back and I like all of this even less. Lois is suddenly a garbage parent, Jon is suddenly a garbage teen, and this comic is unsurprisingly garbage.

Okay I continue to have issues with this comic and I’m not going to bore you with them, suffice it to say that I do not understand why people create OP characters if they don’t know how to write them.

This was all kinda bland for me, though much better than before, and I guess I appreciate that they’re trying to flesh out the characters, but I already don’t like them, so...

My favourite thing is how everybody is dumb and mostly useless and they’re constantly on the verge of losing even though they have a basically omnipotent sex predator on their team.

I think this was interesting, there were some things that annoyed me, but on the whole I am interested.

I thought this was pretty cool I guess but I went through the whole thing feeling really disconnected from the narrative, it was weird because it definitely seems like something that should interest me, I dunno.

This was cool.

Imperius rex.

I thought this was really cool! I like how he had a Hulk head in a bag.

I fell asleep several times while reading this. Make of that what you will.

I actually quite enjoyed this, it really tied everything together.

I actually really enjoy this. I love bad guys, and this has the perfect mix of fun and serious, and I just had a nice time reading it.

I’m still enjoying it, but I felt like the art was occasionally a little confusing and let the story down in a few moments.

I only read the story with Constantine in it and it was preeeeetty sloppy.

Yup, still way into it.

I’m like a little bit in love with this comic tbh, like I don’t even know if I can articulate why, it just sings to me.

I mean, like, okay, cool, whatevs.

I’m really very mad about all of this, they killed my best boy and I’m never going to be over it. If Cordelia dies we riot.

Honestly this issue was just bland and I don’t care about this stupid organization or this stupid character or her stupid family.

I was kind of hoping this was the last issue...

This all feels a little trite and hackneyed, I don’t think we’re seeing anything particularly unique about any of the characters.

I love this comic, sorry not sorry.

This comic is so nice and I just love it okay don’t look at me I’m totally not crying.

What is happening?

Thank the sweet lord this is over.

I do not love this comic, sorry not sorry.

Poor Thor is having such a difficult day.

Still amused that Thor was pretty much not in this.

A lot of things about this really irritated me, I don’t want to waste my energy on it.

I honestly just can’t get over how bad these people are at writing apathetic and emotionless. This should be so easy! How are you so stupid?!

Blood vessels. Haemo sapiens. I refuse. This was the best issue in a while, but only because the Titans weren’t in it. I think this villain is pretty boring.

This honestly feels like such a slog to get through. Nothing is connecting for me, it’s just thing after thing, all just happening for no real reason, forever.

I don’t know why I don’t really care for this comic, don’t @ me or I’m gonna talk shit about Tony’s boring birth mom.

I spent a shameful amount of time laughing at the robot relationship talk. Also A+ for the big red anti-Controller button.

There were no brain walls, so there is nothing for me here.

Some of the stories in this were better than others.

I love Multiple Man so I’m in on this crazy plot.

I had a pleasant time reading this, and that’s nice.

I am actually kinda digging the rebellious teen angle, which is weird because usually I hate that.

Honestly, Jamie deserves so much better than this.

Still enjoying this story arc and characters, we’re moving right along.


This comic continues to be pretty good.

This continues apace!


This was a pretty cool issue even though time travel sucks.

Ouch my heart.

Eddie nooooo.

Whaaaaaaat was the point of this?

I dunno maybe I just hate Weirdworld.

This was pretty okay, but not too special! I liked the ending.

Boomerang had a symbiote?!?!?!

Such a good boy.

Shut up I like this stupid comic okay.

Haha shut up don’t judge me.

I enjoyed this, I like the team and how they work together.

I am casually interested in this, but nothing blew me away.

This was pretty good and I liked the art, and also the new guy.

I actually really enjoyed this, so yay!

I liked this for the most part.

This was alright but I dunno I’m kind of losing touch with the motivations here, I guess?

There was a lot going into this to like, but I think that it sort of lost its way a little and failed to really get into anybody’s heads, people and gods just seem to sort of be doing things on a whim and I dunno, I really liked it at the start...

Honestly I’m a bit sick of clones.

I don’t really like clone stories and I don’t really care all that much about the same old same old plot, this would be lower but I do still like the characters.

This was a perfectly fine comic and I will continue to read it.

I liked the way they solved the problem and I want to know how they stuck an empathy in her brain. How did they do it?! Fascinating.

This was... a lot. I guess it’s nice that it wasn’t slow and boring? But it tipped a little too far in the other direction.

No thank you.

I’m not feeling this arc, the pacing is way off and everything is all over the place and I’m just not invested.

Real talk I love Boomerang so much, he is perfect.

This is good and all but I miss Boomerang.

This was pretty good, nothing really to say about it.

Oh nooo there are so many aliens and so much water and the water is poison what’ll we dooooo.

This was good! Throg is the best one by far.

This was a bit messy, but some good dialogue.

In general an 8/10, but with Namor’s outfit included in the consideration it’s easily an 11/10.

Pretty cool!

I think there were a lot of good ideas here, but a lot of them didn’t quiiiite land for me, but still, I applaud the ideas.

This isn’t really bad but it isn’t really that exciting either.

There wasn’t really very much to this issue, and I was pretty disappointed with what was there.

This was okay, but that extended poetry jam sesh really dragged the whole thing down for me, it went on waaaaaay too long. I feel weird about this whole Penguin thing and I don’t believe his dudes would kill themselves for him.

Blah blah blah future stories.

Batman/The Maxx #1 Jun 2, 2019

Sorry Br'er Lapin.

I thought some of these were better than others, but I really liked the last one, so 6/10.

Gave it a try, not going to continue with it.

Moving a little slow but I like this comic still.

This was better than I thought it would be.

I’m glad we’re discarding all the New 52 garbage.

I can’t even deal with how obnoxious and unsubtly written this comic has become. “It’s so racist of you to assume aliens helped the ancient people found their civilizations. Obviously it was gods who did that, you filthy nazi” Give me a break.

I thought this was pretty good but it didn’t do anything to really push it over the edge into great.

I’m enjoying this, the pace is picking up a bit so that’s nice.

This was okay.

This was just very blah and I’m not actually 100% sure what the villain is up to or what she wants?

This was fine! I don’t know, it’s not really doing anything special for me.

This is starting to drag a bit.

Perfect comic.

Some of these stories were better than others.

I don’t know or care about these characters. They are walking caricatures, dancing along a depressingly familiar path. There is nothing new under the sun, and this comic wants to make sure we know it.

Okay I like this comic and all, but first it teases me by making me think Bullseye is going to be there, and then it brings Elektra back? Poor form.

I’ve never been so offended in my life, don’t speak to me or my precious right hand man ever again.

Never speak to me or my deadly assassin ever again.

I didn’t really care for this. The art bothered me a lot. The dialogue was so cringey.

I really like this, I dunno what it is but it sings to my soul.

I liked this issue! Definitely the best one so far.

I think I liked previous issues more, this one had some jokes that didn’t quite land for me.

I thought this was pretty fun in the end, you know I’m a sucker for m e t a.

This was good and I liked it, glad to see my good boy is okay.

Jesus Christ this dialogue.

James Robinson why do you keep hurting me with your dialogue, you used to be so good.

The dialogue in this is atrocious.

This comic is okay but I dunno man it’s not as great as it once was. Love Bats forever though.

Okay, but nothing that really grabbed me, I generally like the characters though, so...

This comic is kinda blah to me. Merpires were kind of cool.

Oh no the Milk Wars are happening you guys.

I wasn’t sold on this, but then Caliph Doom.

This is cool and has neat ideas but waaaaay too many words. Pacing needs a little work.

This is all fine, no complaints from me but nothing really grabbing me either.

I’m just kind of meh about this whole thing. I’ve never really cared about Reed or Sue or their stupid children, and I can’t really deal with the fact that the concept of entropy could be held back by a handful of costumed heroes and the inability to teleport.

I don’t really like what this comic is doing to these characters. How does Flash know that if baby Mick dies in the dream he dies in real life?

I hope this means they’re finally leaving the Rogues alone, because jesus christ these poor innocent babies have suffered enough.

I haven’t cared for this comic in a long time and I still don’t.

I continue to be absolutely fascinated by this plot and these characters.

Oh man love this whole thing, the entity thing is real creepy and I love it.

This was really good!

Why didn’t you just leave yourself a full manuscript explaining everything, Carter, why you gotta make everything so hard for yourself.

I still just like do not care about this character, oh my god. He is a lump of flesh with wings. What is his personality? None. None personality.

This comic is really failing to connect with me on an emotional level, and it’s making it hard for me to really empathize with the characters or care about their plights.

I think that this had such a neat premise but they really did not sell it well. Would have been way more into it if it had started with them being the stereotypical housewives and slowly revealed the truth. As it is, I was disappointed.

I don’t really care for this comic. Neat that they have Cotard’s delusion in there though.

This comic is a little bit of a mess. Why is Cain acting so out of character? Leave my angry child alone.

This was okay and had some cool ideas, but definitely not my favourite issue, despite neat visuals.

This is such a good comic.


This is pretty cool and I liked the ending very much, but it suffers a lot from as-you-know-itis, though it’s the first issue so I’m trusting it will improve.

This comic is still really neat but struggles to get itself to just the right balance of explaining too much and not enough. I’m interested in the monster but concerned about the way it’s being written. Art isn’t amazing.

This was generally cool and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.

This was good but a little bit fragmenty at times for my tastes.

I think this was a cool idea and it maybe could have been a bit better but I didn’t hate it.

Some of these were better than others! Extra point for convincing Doomlactus to leave by translating everything he hears into praise.

I actually really enjoyed this one, sorry if I’m wrong.

I don’t hate this comic, but it doesn’t really thrill me. Now and forevermore offended by Bullsai.

“Satan would want me to have these lustful feelings, Ryan.”

Yeah this one didn’t work for me, which is a shame because I like the characters. The art really bothered me.

I like the creepy weird body horror but sometimes I found it a little hard to follow on the page.

Once again this suffers from a lack of subtlety that I think is endemic to a lot of writing now and not necessarily the fault of this writer in particular. A cool idea, for sure.

Oh no these aliens trying to take over the world I wonder what will happen.

I don’t really care for this arc but this issue was inoffensive.

I’m kind of super bored by the villains and also the inconsistency of their stupid magic water. Bumped up by .5 for “Bruce.”

Yes please.

This was pretty cool but real talk, Constantine deserves so much better, and I kiiiinda saw that ending coming a few miles away.

I’m not really invested in this, and I don’t think Darkseid is very in character at this point.

Hoping to see the character put back on his feet soon.

This was a kind of unsatisfying end to a story that I wasn’t super into to start with.

I was pretty interested in this but I have no idea what was happening. I felt very much like I did when reading Multiple Man, you know the panel.

Beep bop sciencey science I love science and, uh...

Delighted by Simon’s internal monologue, it’s all undone by a rather silly and unbelievable ending.

I dunno man don’t look at me.

This comic just utterly baffles me in literally every way. What are you, Moon Knight. I want to like you. There are so many moments where it almost makes sense, and then it just doesn’t.

This is a fine comic that I don’t hate!

"Literally none of this makes any sense to me but I am fascinated."

Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty I am free at last.

This comic is fine but I don’t know how invested I really am in Nightwing at the moment. I want to see what happens with Nightcop, because I choose to live in a world where this is not going to go exactly like it will probably go.

This comic was bland af and I am already crazy bored by this plot line.

I quite like this comic! Bullseye is best guy.

This is a cool story, RIP that kid.

I like this one too.

I believe in you Sean Ryan, you can do this.

I liked this! I never doubted you for a moment, Sean Ryan.

I like this comic but there’s a lot about it that doesn’t work for me, I think maybe it just needs a little trimming.

I’m so disappointed in this comic, it had so much promise but everything happened so much and it was just a bit of a mess.

This comic is too pure.

I continue to not really care about this comic. This man can’t kill a person with a point blank shot to the head? Get your shit together, bro.

I’m pretty bored by this.

I love these stupid vampires and their stupid feelings.

This is going a bit slowly for me, and honestly Daken deserves so much better, he’s literally never done anything to deserve this, #DakenDidNothingWrong.

I like these characters a lot and I want to see what terrible things Alex is plotting.

I thought this was cool but Nico, girl, what is you doing?

This was a good comic and I will miss it.

I was expecting this to be worse, but mostly it was good!

I don’t care about any of these soon-to-be-dead characters.

I have SO MUCH to say about this garbage heap, and I don’t even know if I want to get into it because oh my gOD. Let me know if you want to know I guess.

This was okay but I think I just don’t like this guy’s writing style, though he was a little more bearable than usual.

I think this is a cool idea and I’m interested in where it goes, but I can’t believe they killed my sweet British Spider-Angel.

I am still interested and invested in this event, but looking forward to a day when the Inheritors are a little less OP.

Spiders-Man is best Spider-Man and I will fight you on this.

This was a pretty easy read and I have no complaints about that.

I don’t really know this character but I guess this is good!

This was pretty cringey. Leave Owen Mercer and the fine people of Australia alone.

This comic tries so hard, but all it can do... is suck.

These both dragged a little and while they had some good ideas they really weren’t used that well.

I like this comic and I am really interested in the plot, some weird moments but I forgive.

I really enjoy this comic still, no complaints. I love Green Star-Lord.

I think this had some ideas that could have really worked, but on the whole I don’t care for the execution and I certainly don’t care about the plot. Wow another massively powerful evil guy who is just too powerful to punch how exciting. Extra .5 because Superboy ships Batman/Superman.

I just do not care about this.

G r o s s.

This was kind of fun! I feel like I got a good handle on the characters right away, and I like them.

I’m just like whatever about this comic, I don’t know these people.

I really, really loved this issue. I love Judge Gallows, I love this story arc, I loved seeing Dora get smacked down and I’m not even sorry for it, 10/10

The Life of Captain Marvel: I don’t really know or care about these characters so I’m not offended like YourGreenMuse is, but I also don’t really care about alien stuff too much, sorry for being a space racist.

I guess we see where her son gets it from.

I continue to enjoy this comic in a broad sense, but it’s nothing spectacular.

This was a bit of a mess, which is disappointing because I usually like this one.

Sorry I just love this comic so much.

I loved this, sorry not sorry.

This was really not!

I don’t really like these people already.

This was better than the first issue but I’m still not particularly invested.

I will worship all day at the throne of Loki the Necrogod.

This was a neat story and I liked the love interest, which is pretty rare for me. Also lol poor Loki, even when Thor doesn’t know they’re fighting, Loki still loses.

“I know, I’ll just tell everyone over and over that they’re all real sad! This is expert character development, I’m a genius.”

This comic spends a lot of time reassuring us about the relationship between the characters, and not a lot of time actually showing them. Really loving that literally nobody is sad that Wally is dead.

Oh my god. My favourite thing about this comic is how the author doesn’t understand how to show how the characters are feeling, so he just has them internal monologue it to us FOREVER. My other favourite thing is how Raven constantly tells us she has no emotions and then reacts emotionally to things. I work with people who have flattened affect and low emotionality, and she is so very not that.

I refuse to deal with WiFi-enabled cows, I simply won’t do it.

I didn’t like this much at all, it was really boring to me, sorry.

I think the different art styles and such were really cool. Some stories were better than others.

Spiders-Man is good and pure. Nothing else really stuck with me.


Oh man this comic made me sad.

I liked some of these stories significantly more than others.

I don’t know, maybe I’m a Weirdworld racist too, but I’m getting lost here.

This was okay! Some jokes that didn’t quite land.

Ehhhhh this didn’t really work for me, sorry.


This was pretty cool, and an interesting way to play the characters.

I thought this was actually pretty cool.

I just really like this story arc, I think it’s neat.

What can be said that hasn’t already been said?

I actually really liked this, and I can’t wait to see where it all goes.

This was okay but nothing super special.

I was weirdly enchanted by this.

I don’t know if I just wasn’t paying attention or what but this story did not track for me.

This was neat.

I thought this was good!

This is good and I like the characters.

This was good! I am excited for the next part.

Oh my god how is his dialogue always SO BAD.

Still pretty good! Not so keen on the pointless infighting but what can you do.

Things certainly do continue to happen!

Oh man everything is so great!

Still good, interested to see just what’s going on and how far he’s willing to go.

Thank you for your help, Exposition Shark.

Such fun to read.

The thing I like about Batman is that it’s always a fast read.

This was all going fine and then it’s a goddamn time travel story. Leave me alone, time travel.


Wooo prison break!

An okay ending to an okay story arc!

Well I enjoyed the stolen Singin’ in the Rain joke at least.

I just have a nice time reading about Conan killing everything, he’s great.

Oh my god I can’t read this I’m so stressed out.

I’m actually not sure who she is, but I like this plot well enough.

Great so... same origin as always, then? Thanks for letting me know.

Shut up I’m not crying you’re crying.

Adequate! It had some fun lines.

I just love this comic.

Nooooo my precious cosmic boy!

Good thing the totally immortal and unkillable ulravillain villain was so easy to beat in one fight.

Just felt like a lot of nothing, a diversion of questionable purpose where everybody talked way too much.

Love it.

This is a wild ride.

A pretty okay one-shot.

I laughed when Grodd said he still hated Flash, I won’t lie.

Sooooo booooored.

Love it.

Finding new frontiers in exposition is truly the most noble pursuit.

When will this eeeeend?

I have certainly read worse things in my life, but this feels a touch too meandering.

Oh my god everybody please stop narrating your shit out loud I cannot deal with this. Also I do not know what this magical society is but I hate it.


Conan is so great at decapitating stuff.

This is all fine I guess.

I like Sean Ryan okay don’t judge me.

Oh my god.

Wow she defeated that big bad so fast.

This is all just so bad.

That symbiote murder was pretty cool I guess.

I don’t care.

The Batman Who Blahs.

Damn it Rachel.

This got a bit grating.

Man these X-folks are just dropping like flies.

Everything feels really tied together and meaningful, I like it!

This had some fun lines and moments and was otherwise okay.

Just above fine.

Not bad but a little bit cringey dialogue-wise.

I must say that I really do respect Zan’s position on unlimited breadsticks, but I’ve kind of given up on consequence.

I am interested in more of a focus on Diana’s thoughts and fears.


Okay so firstly I think it’s pretty clear that Damian and Jon end up married and have some grandkids and tbh that’s very pure and good to me. On the other hand, I cannot get over how shitty these super villain names are. Weather Wizkid, Kidzarro, these are infinitely better than what we got and it took me like ten seconds and I don’t get paid for this. It’s also really messed up that it’s apparently cool to mind control sentient beings, glad that Jonah liked having all his free will stripped away?

Kind of messy, but interesting.

Oh Vulture you fool.

This felt like a waste of my time, and kind of an unfair abuse of the villains. How can I ever think of them as credible threats again if they’re so easy to beat?!

Some quite nice emotional moments.


I’m so stressed out with how the cannibals were apparently eating him raw? Come on guys, that’s how you get worms.

Pretty much my same opinion as always, adding a .5 because I like the art.

Good. Now kill the rest of them.

I’m so meh about this, which is sad.

The first story was a bit weird, the second was okay.

I really liked the first story, the second was cute.

It’s just so unsubtle and it makes the whole thing frustrating to read, no matter how much I may agree with the message.

This was a great issue but it’s losing some points for the text layout, which was sometimes annoying.

The pacing is starting to catch up with this one a little bit.

Not quite as good as the last issue, but okay.

Not really following the plot, and not as interested as I once was.

I feel much the same as I have been for a while now.

Good enough.

Kind of getting a little more interested in this, but still not as excited as I would expect to be.


Actually pretty fun, I think my favourite part was when Conan gave that guy his sword back.

Fun writing but I find the pace is getting a little bit too wonky for me.

I still don’t really like Dora but what can you do.

The grief and sadness and frustration felt so real, a very good issue.

A little chaotic, but a lot of great moments!

Not a fan of a lot of the dialogue or the pacing and everybody seemed pretty dang forthcoming about their deepest secrets and fears.

I don’t know. I love the villains so I’m willing to have some faith.

Such a mess.

“The best thing about these nefarious elements who wanted to do crimes against Bruce Wayne’s wishes is that they let him have full access to their secret sites even after he parted ways with their company! So sneaky.”

I feel like the first half in particular was a bit messy, but fine enough.

Okay story-wise, but the dialogue was hard to get through.

I think a major issue here is the pacing.

A solid issue.

This kind of felt like it was wasting my time. I don’t get why the kid was throwing away the phone in the first place, there was no buildup to that at all. Feels like we’re rushing through the hero’s journey and the only thing I really like about it is the art.

I’m not crazy about it but it’s fine.

I mostly feel sorry for Doom.

Did not care for this.

It’s so weird to me that the Nazis updated the swastika but kept everything else about their aesthetic the same. Bold choice.

I’m so grateful that this series is putting out the message that we need to hear: the mentally ill are dangerous and they will hurt you. It is only a matter of time until they snap and kill us all. Thanks Tom King!


Okay, nothing too special though.

I’m always so excited by the idea of reading this book! So cool.

The Moon Knight one was the best one.

An adequate conclusion.

This is such a great comic, it’s always over too soon.

I love this comic! All the characters are just so good.

Haha Otto is so fun.

Surprisingly boring.

I refuse to believe that the third smartest man in the world has never heard of the plagues of Egypt. I won’t hear it and I won’t respond to it.

Actually feels like it belongs in the Venom run, nice.

This is a good tie-in! Good work, tie-in.

Continuing very much along the same lines, if getting a little weird.

No thank you.

I’m not really into this one.

This story arc fascinates me, and I’m so invested in Black Ant and Taskmaster’s friendship.

Yes, I also like the Justice League.

“Until he vanished in a robbery where nothing was taken except for him” So you mean an abduction then? There’s a whole word for it when it’s a person getting stolen, but I understand that that’s very specialist knowledge.

I hope we’re steering this giant space train in the direction of the plot.

This is so boring and the characters are not interesting enough to get me over the bland writing.

Aw... cheese on bread.

This series has all the intrigue I want from the rest of these stories!

I’m interested! Nothing super special, but a solid read.

Still pretty bored, not gonna lie.

A bit slow and the shine is starting to wear off, maybe there will be more as things get to really unraveling?

Oh no I’m so sad oh no.

Love it!

omg it’s so pure that Black Ant is Taskmaster’s best pal. <3

Man that opening speech was so slimy and way too real.

I’m kind of mad that they used all of this just to give him tattoos.

I’ll be honest with you, I am fully sold every time Throg is doing something.

I just... have so much fun reading it.

I’m really sad about creepy mask dude, I’m not going to lie to you.

I must know more of this lobster.

This was a good ending to a good series! Really cool way to defeat the villain!

This was a waste of my time.

Honestly probably the best issue in a while in the sense that something happened and a lot of our expectations were explicitly vindicated. But the fact that we had to drag it out so long to get here is annoying, as is the fact that we all knew what was coming here.

Not as good as previous, but still pretty good! I think this arc is very interesting and I like it a lot.

Pretty interesting but I want the postapocalypse to be over.

I’m always impressed by how this comic can take something that I love consuming media about-- heists n’ crimes-- and make them boring.

Mad respect to Mephisto and how much he enjoys ruining things.

I love you, sharktopuses.

Thanks! I hate it.

So glad that someone is finally calling Daredevil out as the fake geek girl we all knew he was.

Definitely stirred up some of the old feelings, but at the same time I’m not hugely familiar with Wolverine so I think some things were lost on me.

Well, I didn’t hate it! It wasn’t as try-hard as usual, so that was nice.

I really don’t like his writing style, so this was a tough read for me. I don’t like the Teen Titans and I don’t like Deathstroke, so tbh I hope they all die.

I’m interested to see where this all goes, it seems cool!

The jokes were sometimes trying so hard, but this was a thoroughly adequate experience.

Man, it’s just not what I wish it was. And this art, man, I can’t deal with it.

This is just written so poorly.

Really great blend of comedy and seriousness, just nice.

Just really cool, twisted and spooky and neat.

This was so Grant Morrison.

A fun time that was over too fast!

Same complaint as always, but starting to stagnate as Martin slowly comes to realize something we all realized the moment Slade was introduced.

The pacing of this comic is murder. Having totally immortal and unkillable ultravillains is such a cop out, I refuse to deal with it.

Nothing too exciting, a very sort of traditional postapocalyptic dystopia. What is this telling me that other, better stories haven’t already told me?

Man this comic, how is it this good?

The plot’s okay, but a big issue is the art, specifically given that everybody has sort of the same hair length and the same basic face and they’re always cast in shadow or desaturated so you can’t even tell if their hair is blue or not and I have no idea who’s supposed to be who.

Someone give this poor man a hug.

Kind of glad to see we’re back on the track of the actual plot. Loved the art.

I love how they’re pretending like they have Darkseid locked up tight when his eyes are literally right there and they shoot actual death beams?!

Man I am so glad that this comic is happening, it’s fabulous.

Interesting plot, still lukewarm on the writing.

Almost a little too set up for me, but perfectly fine.

A quick read, an acceptable read.

Alright, nothing crazy special but not bad, had a bit of my least favourite trope going though.

I honestly would have enjoyed this so much more if it had turned out that Naomi was literally some rando human kid that they adopted. Also... have they never heard of infertility treatments? It’s not... it’s not impossible, you guys.

I like how Sapienza must have been like just down the hall to be able to get to the hospital room that fast. Also what is the point of this arc. I hate it.

Just fine, not really too engaging. Plus .5 for the dragon fight.

I think my favourite thing about Punisher is that the only thing he’s more ruthless about than killing is being aggressively on-brand at all times.

It’s really helpful how those new guys clearly and cogently explained their plan for us like we’re morons who couldn’t have figured out that they were there to look for Penguin on account of how they were introduced to us by one of them being like “hey dude we haven’t heard from Penguin in a while maybe let’s go check that out.” Thank god we have someone there to hold our hands and explain to us exactly what’s happening at all times it’s so helpful.

This was fun to read and I liked it!

A quick read! A fun read! I’m sad about Suty though.

Okay, nothing crazy special.

Mostly good! This business strategy is still terminally untenable!

it was okay if you like Spider-Men, I GUESS.

Terrible to the end. You have to respect that kind of consistency.

Kinda weird pacing choices and character beats throughout, but I’m so glad we’re back on the track of the plot.

I think my favourite thing about immensely traumatic multi-year torture sessions with a man who looks exactly like your father but psychotic is how they absolutely do not impact you in any way mentally.

There was something here that I wanted to enjoy, but I didn’t quite enjoy it as much as one might have expected.

My favourite thing about this comic is how they keep doubling down on the sex predating.

I’m so exhausted by this comic. It’s just so many things happening and people are dead and then they’re not and then they’re wandering around and then they’re not and I just want one story that doesn’t involve fifteen different characters doing a bunch of different things all at the same time, all massively important and yet written and drawn so confusingly that I can barely follow who is who.

This was fine but I’m just not as interested as I was when it was about the dreams in the Dreaming.

I love Squirrel Girl okay.

Felt a teensy bit like filler almost? Like yeah character was happening, but none of it really connected for me.

Man Loki doesn’t deserve any of this, he’s been a good person all his life.

I’m glad it’s done.

Machine Man deserves so much better.

Man, Jamie really cannot catch a break.

Alas for poor Toad.

Howard for president.

All I want to know is what the bad guys are up to.

There are too many Odinsons/dottirs running around and I don’t care for it.

Some very fun moments!


That twist at the end was like the untwistiest twist to ever twist.

I’m sad that this was cancelled and therefore rushed! I loved this team!

Well great now I’m sad.

Continuing pretty much on the same track, I’m excited to see things sort of moving towards consequence.

I’m kind of interested in this exploration of Diana’s mind.

Solid stuff, nothing too exciting.

God I hate time travel.

This is so boring and none of the characters are interesting enough to help me get over the boredom.

This issue felt even more poorly written than usual. Like I was actually struggling to make sense of their dialogue at parts.

This was okay, I dunno, bit inconsistent.

Finally, the game has become most dangerous. RIP randos.

I just have a nice time reading this.

A solid issue with some sneaky planning by Monica that I appreciated.

Man, Batgirl is on such a high horse all the time. I really enjoy the idea of her being wrong.

Getting a little too heavy on the space battles here, but I still think it’s kinda cool.

I enjoyed all of the drama with Faux Masque. This was the best issue so far.

There sort of a bit too much going on but I’m still interested in the characters and the story.

Oh my goooood.

Honestly this could have been so much more! But it went the way of all anthologies.

This was okay! A little bit rough but I guess that happens.

Interesting story, okay execution.

I’m just so meh on this title and I don’t know why. There is a flaw in me.

The art is bad and I’m not interested in this story.

Okay then!

I would have rather been brutally murdered by someone I trusted.

This all just feels... really easy? Not super artfully written. Just “oh okay we’re witches now. We all are totally fine with that and our powers and have no further questions. Also we all had stupid outfits in our houses, of course. It totally makes sense that I would have spider earrings and a cape here in my idyllic 1950s home.” Also like why am I rooting for these women? They apparently murdered a town full of people. That’s a bad look, ladies. And I don’t know who most of the guys are. Like, I genuinely didn’t know which one was married to which woman, other than Mainuel Guyson and Fakery McBurns.

The writing here was... weirdly weak. And I hated the art.

Right back into what I liked about this comic! What a good issue.

I love this story and it makes me feel so many things. But oh my god this art.

This was okay, if a little exposition heavy! Midnight’s Fire is a dumb name.

I checked how many pages were left when I was literally three pages in.

Booo I want less Mars.

This was a mixed bag. The Cap one was my favourite for sure.

This was okay! Bit wordy, but good work figuring it out, Rogue.

I liked this talking animal city better when it was Zootopia.

Aww look at Otto learning to be a real person, good job Otto.

Perfectly adequate, but raises a lot of questions.

The rapport between Wonder Woman and Giganta was fun.

This was honestly better than before, but at the same time I hate time travel so...

Nothing special. Kinda rushed, kinda bland.

Definitely the worst of the minis so far. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, given who wrote it.

Oh man, so much is happening!

I dunno, this still isn’t hooking me.

I like to see more of what’s going on with the characters, but I worry that I know too much about the world and it’s losing its allure.

I’m so ready for everything to get all most dangerous game up in here.

A good issue again! Stop it comic, you’re confusing me with your interesting, complicated characters and realistic viewpoints!

He wasn’t even turned into salt I feel so let down.

Needed more Throg tbh.

Okay I loved this way more than I should have.

Thori is the best boy and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.

I can’t deal with Conan and Scarlet Witch just hanging out like it ain’t no thing.

This was a pretty good issue!

... well at least it was a quick read?

This is okay, but I’m still just a bit Armageddon’d out.

I like a good heist as much as the next girl, but I just feel like this could have been so much more than it was.

I respect Mysterio and his #goals.

“Hey I have a great idea for an issue. Let’s take the original Trickster, yeah, and give him pretty much the same backstory as he had before, but change it juuuuuuust slightly so he kinda sucks? Make him dumber, yeah, that’s perfect. And definitely make it so he sucks so much that literally everybody has completely forgotten about him and never mentions him after he’s been gone for like five years tops. Yeah. That’s how you know a dude is badass. Expert retcon.”

Really good! I love it!

I don’t think I’ll ever be over punk Groot.

This comic keeps showing me glimmers of things that I want to read.

Why won’t you be consistent, Hawkman? I want to like you.

Again nothing really grabbing me, I can see what is being gone for, but meh.

Man, this comic!

Oh wow who could have guessed that perfect alternate future world would be eeeeeeeevil. Shocking swerve, my mind is so blown. Everything about this was cliché, down to the kid revealing the truth that “everything is not what it seeeeeems” to his putative future parents.

Things are really heating up in the order fandom.

Yaaaaaay my beautiful boy is back. <3

Holy exposition, Batman! There was a lot of it here. Interesting plot though, so I guess we’ll see.

Cute issue, a little bit inconsequential but I guess it’s nice to have a breather.

The bigger mystery is: why should I care?

God this comic is annoying. The characters are annoying. The plot is annoying. If you hate Nightwing so much just kill him and put us all out of our misery.

Still not really working for me, dunno why.

I just have such a nice time reading this comic.

Lots of things happening, and yet here I am, bored.

Aww it’s okay Alex I still love you even though you’re a zombie and also just awful as a person.

Oh my god Conan how is it that you solve every problem with violence, and it always works out for you?!

Weirdly boring to me? I dunno, it all just felt very contrived.

I like the banter but real talk this business strategy is untenable.

Chip always knows how to hit me in the feels.

When will my original plot return from the war?

Nope. No thanks. No.

I feel like if you have an omnipotent genie on your side it might actually be very easy to beat Mr. One-Eye McGunsAndSwords, but what do I know, I’m not a child predator.

A little grim for my tastes.

Just so great that I’m even willing to overlook time travel shenanigans! SG just knows how to speak to me. In Squirrelese.

Maybe the real ultra-powerful magic hammer was the friends we made along the way.

Just die please.

Pretty good I GUESS.

Good good, everything is good here.

Nooooo my shiiiiiiip.

Quentin holding Jeff gave me life.

There can be only one dad.

Loki is so relatable, I love him.

Against my better judgement, I thought this was cute. It probably helped that the major characters weren’t there to be out of character.

Nothing special, nothing bad.

Sorry for being mean to you, clone, you were the best of us.

I’m pretty sure I don’t know the name of everybody on this team yet.

I’m way more interested in the Mephisto thing and Spider-Man than the teens doing group stuff. Give me more weeping over the graves of children who could have been saved!

I love Conan and his best friend, a lion, and I respect their deep and abiding need for murder.

This was just not very good. I wanted to love this because CGR is my precious cosmic son, but it didn’t work at all. There were definitely some okay moments, but on the whole I’m not here for this.

This was okay! Still a bit try-hard for me. Sorry that that’s always my review of this comic. Maybe it should stop trying so hard.

This style of writing really doesn’t work for me. Not excited for the crossover.

This was better than I expected (feared?), but that’s not really a compliment, because it’s still pretty boring.

Was there really a need to bring everybody to this space party? Did we really need the non-powered punchy types up on Mars?

Once again I feel like the writing is letting its very important topic down a bit, I want so badly for this to be the perfect comic! This issue was definitely better because it was a bit less flip and didn’t use so much caricature.

Honestly this was great, and it hearkened back to some of the classic Green Arrow stuff and I’m so sad that this was it! I want to know more!

This issue was a bit tame and I kinda wish there was maybe more weird or adventure or something, but I understand sometimes there needs to be an explainy issue, so I’m willing to let it slide.

Great as always!

Oh good more things are happening. Imagine if we wrapped up even one dangling plot thread! I dream of it every night.

I wasn’t as crazy into this as I thought I would be. It was just okay! Hopefully future issues change my mind!

Please end this and put us all out of our misery.

It’s weird because I was way into this but it kinda went out with a whimper? Like, not bad, just not as good as I thought the earlier issues were!

This was okay, but I’ll be honest I’d be much more interested in staying in the actual Dreaming.

I really enjoyed that rose-tinted glasses joke.

Hey, did you know that they’re all in pits? With little windows at the top? But nobody’s blaming anybody, Cassie.

This was trying so hard, but I don’t think pity was what they were angling for...

What is the poiiiiiint?

Okay nice I’m back into it. I love plots about reality not being reality, okay, don’t judge me.

I didn’t know much about Black Cat going in, but man, this really made me like her.

Man, poor Dracula is having a real rough go of it.

Their backstory is kinda whatever but I really like the characters and I’m so excited for where this is going to go.

Okay so like this issue was better in the sense that it wasn’t crazy annoying but at the same time I’m just so annoyed whenever people use Question now.

This comic is just so blah. The dialogue is trying so hard and the plot is paced so weirdly and Lois is some sort of unfeeling psychopath now. The art was nice.

This issue was not very strong. Characters were kind of blah, story was kind of blah, I didn’t get any of the thrill from it that I did from other installments.

Okay I am a sucker for the most dangerous game stories and I am so excited for all the villains to go wild.

I really like this villain and her gang, I think they’re neato.

Man the batfam are always up on such a high horse.

Good so now I will know forever that the Joker somehow gets to the future and dies of a heart attack great I love future stories so much.

I think this issue was a little slow and starting to drag a little and I’m not quite sure what I’m caring about here.

This comic was just fine until the very end!

It was cool to see all the upheaval in the Dreaming from an outside perspective. Definitely not my favourite issue so far, but a good one!

Well this prison doesn’t seem like a very nice place at all.

I thought this was actually really nice. Simple and sweet and meaningful.

This is really great! Chip is so great.

I have an instinctive, reflexive dislike of “it was all a dream” twists that just make me immediately irritated whenever they happen. That being said, this wasn’t the worst written example of it.

This is fine! Sorry! I don’t really care!

The resolution was basically nothing and the emotional stakes are lame.

Yeah, okay, this is fine I guess? Nothing really special here to get me interested.

This comic is showing once again that hard lean onto freshman philosophy and quotes that makes reading it feel like a chore. It’s kind of lame that we’re getting these flashbacks to characters that are already dead, as if that’s going to make me feel bad about them being dead. I’m not going to get emotionally attached to them, Tom King. I will not weep for them. They are already dead.

I want to love this comic and I think it has interesting things going for it but my willing suspension of disbelief erodes so much and I don’t know why. Like, why are they not keeping these women in medically induced comas or something? Does spilling the blood of the meat dishes that they have been shown to prepare not count?! I feel like I’m maybe being crazy but I can’t deal with it. That said, I guess it’s fine otherwise, like the plot or whatever I guess.

I think this was a solid story that was missing a bit of that something extra that made the first issues really exciting. This issue wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t special either.

Man, this has so many complicated feelings in it, poor Namor.

I just don’t really care about this. The characters are boring and so is the plot.

I think I liked this issue more because we didn’t go back to Mars. Does that make me Marsist?

Like all anthologies, there was good and bad here. Kinda more towards bad I’ll be honest with you.

This is fun, I enjoy the endless brutality and the setting and Conan is pretty great.

I kinda just don’t really care for this comic very much and I’m not sure why. Maybe just because they’re a bunch of dumb kids and I’m hateful and old and have no joy left in me.

This comic is pretty good! It doesn’t like sing to my soul or anything, but it’s solid and I do love the characters.

This comic was fine but I feel like the characters are just kind of doing whatever at this point. Like Luke is just fine with teaming up with everyone, Rex is like “oh well being a regular dude was boring so sorry for endlessly bitching about how shitty it was to be a monster, I’m back to being a monster again lol.”

I’m just so amused that Noh-varr is wearing Quentin’s t-shirt.

I’m a little bit less annoyed about the plot and the emotional connection between WW and Veronica Cale was actually nice, but it felt like their thing was resolved too quick? I dunno.

This comic doesn’t really do all that much for me! It’s okay, I don’t mind reading it, but it’s just not special to me, and a big issue for me is I feel like I’m not connected to the characters at all.

This was fine but I found the Junior Legion a little lame and occasionally everything was a little distractingly try-hard.

Meh, alright.

I'm not too invested. Space Cabbie came right out of nowhere, but he's cool.

I enjoyed this from beginning to end.

This was all fine, but nothing particularly stands out.

This was fine but didn't really grab me or anything.

Ugh no thanks. We don't even have good art anymore.

I'm interested, I'd keep reading this.

I am getting more and more into this, really interested in the characters now, stupid headgear and all.

I thought this was pretty alright.

Some of this was better than others bits.

I'm kind of on #TeamJury here. Put up or shut up, Bruce.

I see where he was going with it, but it didn't all land quite right. kind of like dick grayson's parents.

I liked some parts of this a lot, but wish that maybe it had moved a little snappier?

Whaaaaaaat, the Scarecrow with a huge ponytail who is wearing a rope necklace is a woman? World's greatest detective.

I actually didn't hate this. Nice to see my ship back under full sail.

I have no idea what I think of this comic. I kept being on the verge of being really into it, and then it got crazy preachy, and then it was back to being good again, and then out of nowhere the preaching intensified again? I'll read it, cautiously.

This comic continues to confound me.

Felt a little desperate at times but not as bad as it could have been for sure.

I'm into this introspection and all that, so yeah, I'm liking this.

I'm pretty interested in this and how it's going.

You know, I'm still into this even though it's so weird. This issue was practically comprehensible!

I thought this was going to a place that really excited me but then it didn't quite.

I think that this maybe could have been executed a liiiiittle more neatly, but on the whole I'm interested.

This was also fine!

The perfect comic.

Literally perfect comic.

Cosmic Ghost Rider is too pure for this terrible new earth.

I agree that it's pretentious and honestly the first issue didn't make me care to keep reading.

Long, drawn out sigh.

This comic is so boring and I don't care about the flashbacks.

This was really good and I liked it a lot. There was a line in it that I really enjoyed and I can't remember the line now but I want the record to show that I liked it.

This was alright.

Big into this, liking the characters and the concepts a lot, excited to see where it goes.

This was okay, but it feels still very try-hard, and for everything I liked there was another thing that had me rolling my eyes.

This comic continues to lean just a little too much to the try-hard side.

Slightly less try-hard than usual.

Eh, this wasn't really anything special.

This didn't quite nail everything I expected it to, since i like the author so much, but I'll keep reading it and I did enjoy it for the most part.

This is giving me too many emotions.

I love me some revenge stories, I'm interested!

This is okay, but I’m real mad about Maximus.

I grow ever more weary of this comic and this plot line. I don't understand what is happening or why it is happening. Is Deathstroke the stupidest person in the world? Am I, for continuing to read this?

This was good, but I'm not sure, I think it felt a little rushed to me?

I actually liked this a little less than I have been liking it so far. Maybe too disjointed this time round.

Okay I'm not even sorry I loved this so much. Spider-Punk... sorry, Spider-Man has my heart forever.

I didn't think this was very well written, sorry.

This was a really good comic and I liked it a lot.

This was alright, I liked parts of it a lot, but I don't really care about Reed or Sue sorry.

I... really didn't like this. Why did he need to call all the Flashes together to their fancy meeting hall to ask one simple question? I still don't really care for the many forces idea. Why are they writing Trickster like this? Trickster isn't like this. Leave Trickster alone, you dicks.

Boohoo a character we've barely developed or talked about died off-screen.

This was just fine, but I'm finding this setup is already dragging a little for me. I get it, your rings are haunted and trying to turn you against each other, let's speed this up.

Feels like this one's kind of dragging a bit but I want to believe.

This was not too bad, I'm kind of into the villain, which I didn't expect when he was revealed last issue.

I'm into the villain but it seems like he probably could have killed, like, all the Lanterns, and then didn't, and I'm like... get your shit together, Hank.

This was okay but I'm not really super interested in the character or the plot, it's not really getting me in any meaningful way.

This was fine!

This was good and had some good stuff going for it, but I think it ended way too abruptly, which kind of took it down a bit for me. Liked the thing with Tony though.

Once again, rushed to the ending.

This was good, but kind of abrupt. I really like Cypher and I hope someone gives him a hug.

N i c e.

Yeah, this was good, so happy to see my sweet Bullseye there, being delighted by Groot and Rocket, refusing to acknowledge that he knows who Thanos is.

Yes, this was good, nothing really clever to comment here.

I don't know anything about these characters so I'm just kind of nodding along here.

I'm into this weird horror, I'm down to see where it goes.

This comic runs into the same problem that a lot of similar comics are hitting at the same time (unbelievable dialogue, caricatures instead of characters) but I think the premise is cool.

I guess it was good to finally get some backstory, but I'm still really feeling the strain of everything happening so much.

Everything happens so much, but maybe some of it is good?

This had one good moment that amused me and made me want to hope for this title and this team.

"Please Diana, would you allow me to clearly explain the basic premise of most of our main characters to you? I find character development very difficult."

This was okay but I'm just annoyed by how they definitely aren't getting cognitive impairment right.

This was okay, the Squirrel Girl part was definitely the best part, and I got so excited when Arcade turned up, I love him. I didn't realize he was a hitman, I thought this was just, like, how he got off.


This was alright but I feel like they wanted to do more with it.

This had some good moments, but I'm not too invested in it.

"Literally none of this makes any sense to me but I am fascinated."

I'm still less than halfway through? how? i've been reading this for years!

Oh my god why is this story arc going to continue, how is this writer still getting work?

The art was good.

Sorry but I loved this, I had such a good time and I love how utterly insane Bullseye is, this was just a really fun, unnecessarily violent read.

This wasn't as bad as i feared but it's still pretty generic and has all the Bendis hallmarks you would expect.

I'm not sure what it was about this issue, but some things about it really didn't sing for me, though I still like a number of lines.

Mr. Dibbles for best new character 2018.

Not enough Klarion.

Batman beats up Jason and then some rando saves him: the comic. Bizarro's whole thing was kind of insanely dumb. I like things about it but I wasn't feeling this issue.

I don't think this will be for some, but I really really enjoyed this. I think there were a few minor flaws that could have been ironed out, but I liked it a lot.

This is so Tim Seeley.

I really aggressively did not like this. Seven Soldiers things aside (and that was a huge sore spot for me, don't even get me started, too many spoilers), the dialogue was really bad, the plot is stupid, that whole bullying thing was insanely dumb, and I love how he was like "not answering the phone was the dumbest thing I've ever done! proceeds to ignore several calls from his bff" also I'm sorry but I haaaaaate that whole "I must stay away from her for her own safety... I must be cruel to save her!" shit. It is a tired and hackneyed trope and I despise it with all my heart and soul.

The first story was better than the second one.

long, drawn-out sigh.

This was intensely stupid for a lot of reasons, not least of which was the frankly abysmal use, abuse, and unnecessary deaths of several very cool DC characters who tbh deserved a lot better than they got.

This was actually pretty interesting and I'm kind of into seeing what happens, i thought that many sections were actually well written. The art really brought everything down a level for me, though.

Haha this guy is such a dick, I love him.

This was not very well-written and I'm not interested in it or what happens. I don't think characters were handled well, nor the plot.

I don't care about any of these idiots or how bad they are at being heroes. I don't find their incompetence interesting or endearing in any way.

This was stupid and lame as per usual. The "scary villain" is not scary. The song the children sing is not scary. This is a bad and dumb comic.

I really don't care about this comic or these characters.

I continue to struggle with the characters in this comic.

Generally I’m quite excited by this comic and its basic ideas, real thrilled about the return of my boy Judge Gallows.

Is this over yet?

I like this comic book’s world.

I think this was a little uneven and I'm interested in some things more than others, but on the whole I liked this. The crotchety old lady in me isn't a huge fan of certain apparent changes to the canon, but we'll see how that goes.

This comic continues to suck. There is no way that Silencer's stupid child is tall enough to ride half of the rides they put him on.

Sorry folks this is what the perfect comic looks like and I'm not actuallly sorry at all.

I don't care about these characters or their feelings.

These characters actively irritate me.

I find it hard to connect with any of these characters or their struggle, I don’t really understand their goal either.

I really enjoyed this. Thori is the goodest boy.

I think this had some neat ideas but I don't think they were executed particularly well. Dialogue was a bit of a sticking point for me.

This was fine. Machine Man deserves better than this.

I think that maybe this is just me, but while this plot was charming in a sense, I had a very tough time really making it work in my head. Too much too fast.

Ahahahahahaha. Ironic 10/10.

Much like the rest of these titles, this comic does pretty much nothing new or innovative and I genuinely could not care less about the characters or their world. It is all blandly, blankly competent in a way that is singularly unimpressive.

This wasn't particularly well written and I didn't care about it.

I really like that weird Brood guy, he seems cool.

I like most of the characters here and I’m interested to see where it all goes.

A neat twist on the character, and I liked the ending a lot.

This was really quite blah for me. Dialogue wasn't great, plot is kind of boring, don't care about Aztek.

I really, really enjoyed this, super excited to see how this plays out.

This was okay, I’m not as hugely invested in this one as some of the others.

This was actually a pretty interesting issue, I felt like I was getting more from the characters than before.

This is kind of a cool idea, but I’m not really sure how I feel about the mythology, guess we’ll see.

Poor Robbie.

I like this story, I think it’s cool, and the characters are being handled well!

This really just annoys me. The characters are behaving ridiculously for no real reason and I cannot stand their boring drama.

This was better than the first issue but I’m still not very into it.

This comic just runs right through me. The art is nice though.

Nothing too thrilling here, and felt a little bit rushed in a number of ways, but a solid enough conclusion.

I love Tom Taylor’s dialogue! Needs more Boomerang though.

I need more of these idiots being ridiculous, I love them all.

This has some neat ideas but also some really boring and cliché ideas and I dunno if I really care yet.

This didn’t get me nearly as much as I was expecting it to, dunno why.

I’m still not really all that interested. Glad that Brainithor is canon again though.

Some of these were okay, it was definitely better than I expected.

This was so great, I’m loving the story and how it unfurls, can’t wait for more classic Lucifer.

A bit rushed, I would have maybe liked a little bit more from the bad guy. It was fun when Miles snatched Cap’s phone though.

This held my interest more than the first issue, but that is possibly because of the brief moments of seeing the Rogues, like omg was that Double Down in there for a second? Fabulous.

"Oh wow I hate being a superhero so much how dumb and lame guess the only thing to do is sign up to be a superhero that’s so consistent of me."

Am I just apocalypse’d out? This is not at all working for me, I wish it was!

Honestly I’m just completely focused on Daken, is my boy okay?!

Kinda rushed and I wish there had been a little bit more going on here, but I like the character and I want to see how it goes so...

These characters and their relationships really do not work to me. I am going to continue calling out how gross Damian and Djinn’s relationship is for as long as they continue to pretend that this is okay.

This wasn’t quite as fun as previous issues and I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I still enjoyed it!

I love the way that they’re exploring Nadia’s mental health but it all feels just a little too... simple? And her supporting cast is so nothing, I wish there was just a little more something.

Nice seeing the gang getting back together, RIP that one guy.

Okay but like Veddie 4 life tho.

I’m a little bit confused but okay I guess! It’s nice to see Loki hanging out and being ridiculous.

This was pretty interesting, I like the world and the characters, so I’m excited to see where it all goes.

This had some good moments! I generally enjoy it!

So far so interesting! I like the characters and they seem to be written pretty good, and I think the plot is neato.

I’m not really super invested in the whole post-apocalypse scenario but I think it’s well written enough, I was never annoyed while reading it.

I generally enjoyed this comic, nice to see Hawkguy getting some sass.

This comic is still interesting and I like the story as a whole, but there’s something about the writing that just doesn’t quite sit right with me.

Well, at least it was a quick read. I got through it in a... flash.

Man, this comic is wild! I barely even noticed it passing, I was so gripped!

This comic continues to be entertaining in a way, with a little less of the showing-their-work smugness that really dragged down the first issue, but I don’t know, it feels like a long read.

I’m kinda disappointed! I was getting all into it with the last few issues and then they just spent the whole issue reminding me about everything I learned already, and then suddenly the climax was happening out of nowhere!

I like how much insight this comic is giving into the character, I’m interested to see where the plot is going.

Oh magic community, what did you think would happen?

This comic is just fine, but there’s nothing terribly thrilling about it. I’m happy enough to read it, but I wouldn’t be sad if it suddenly stopped existing.

I love you, Frank.

This was just such a jumbled mess I am genuinely shocked that it was written and approved by someone somewhere. Just... what was anybody thinking?

Man I just love these ridiculous teens and their ridiculous lives.

I love how Conan’s solution to every problem is murder.

I like Gwen and I think that this comic is pretty interesting.

I feel a little more of my enthusiasm for this series draining away with every new issue and I don’t really know why! I was so into it when it started....

This is just so aimless and I really do not like anything about it, it’s a waste of my time and a waste of the characters. Love that we’re going to be wasting the Crime Syndicate now too.

This issue felt a little bit jumbled for me and I was kind of having trouble following just what was happening and why.

This was a pretty satisfying end to a pretty interesting comic, good stuff all around.

This comic is so cute and I love it.

I really liked seeing things from Odin’s perspective! That guy has some issues!

Why does this comic suck so much? The plot is tedious, the characters suck, I want this to end.

Single dad Bucky Barnes is honestly kinda my aesthetic.

This was actually really cute and way more enjoyable than I expected. My main issue is how everybody seems kinda wildly OOC. Like, no way in this world that Wonder Woman says that somebody’s powers are underwhelming, or that Batman tells a group of people anything embarrassing.

The evil plan here is kind of stupid and I’ve definitely seen it executed better. Wonder Woman literally has a rope that can make people tell the truth, but yeah, just blatantly lying to her face is 100% the way to trap her.

I still like the characters for the most part, but this arc never really had my interest and it’s still not selling itself to me. The villains are so boring and unoriginal.

This is a cool idea, I like the Stepford Universe angle and I’m interested in seeing it all fall apart. Maybe a little slow for me, but I’m sure it’ll get there.

This is just fun to read. The right mix of mystery and fun personal relationships, and Nick Spencer writes great characters.

I won’t lie and say that I’m super invested in these characters, but the story is I guess somewhat interesting.

I think this plot is cool and I’m enjoying the glimpse into everybody, especially Robbie! Also, I love you evil skull face vampire dog.

I mean, this is technically less annoying in the sense that it’s not endless repetition and basically pointless psychodrama, but I’m already so not interested. Just... let things stay dead. Come up with a new idea for once.

I was actually way more into this than previously, the stakes are great and I’m really interested to see how this unfolds. My only issue is that the whole way the mission originally went wrong seemed a little extra.

The thing that I like about this comic is that it worldbuilds without boring me to death. Thank you for the cool world, Conan.

This was great! Chip Zdarsky is great.

This was okay! I liked the art and the noir theme.

I think that this was a little clumsily executed and rushed, but I think that it’s got something important to say. I wish it had been done a bit better.

I actually thought this was pretty good, like way better than I went into it expecting it to be. Some serious feels up in here tbh.

Somehow this gets me really interested in space drama.

Man, this comic, I tell ya.

This was just fine, I’m not really getting the point at this stage, but it’s not like it’s badly written or anything, there’s just too much plot.

This didn’t really grab me, but hopefully future issues will get me more interested.

This comic is such literal garbage and tbh I’m offended on behalf of every single character who was forced to endure the indignity of being in it.

I used to really dislike Dora, and I still kinda do, but this almost made me want to tolerate her.

This was pretty good! Tbh I want more of Machine Man and his struggles, I love him! Poor Tony, also.

This was really good! I don’t usually care about Cyclops, but this made me invested!

I still love Gabby so much, and this was kind of nice if still a little bit bland. I don’t care for cloning, especially since there has been so much cloning going on in here, but yeah, this was nice enough!

Well yes this certainly did happen, and, um, that’s good? Good for you for happening, Young Justice. These characters are all just featureless blobs and I can already tell that this story arc is going to be interminable.

When will any Wally West from any timeline develop some chill?

This is the worst.

This comic is fine but like nothing is singing to my soul.

This had some cute moments but I wasn't crazy into it or anything.

I feel like the time travel is already really wearing on me, but I like the characters and the writing so I'm trying to have faith.

Bullseye is literally perfect. I went through this comic grinning like a lunatic because I love him.

I really enjoy this comic a lot.

Felt like not a lot happened but I still like this comic and I know that every once in a while there needs to be a slow issue.

Et tu, Billy?

I'm really not invested in this team, I don't know who most of these people are.

This is dumb on a number of levels and I anticipate it will continue being so until time dies.

Still definitely the best of the new stuff, I love Element Dog but slightly lukewarm on everything else at the moment.

Omg the scary evil god man said that the symbiote adores Eddie.

This title is kind of meh for me tbh. What was going on with Rogue's hair? Why couldn't Jake Gyllenhaal just teleport into the car? Important questions.

I think this was a really neat idea but the execution was incredibly poor. And then I got to the end and saw who wrote it, and that explained it all.

This was generally okay but nothing was really grabbing me here.

This was honestly pretty meh for me but not exactly offensive.

This was honestly so great, loved it.

Oh my god, is it over? Are we finally free?

This was just fine. Real glad to not have to see the stupid romance subplot again, but nothing exactly grabbed me.

There were some things I liked here and somethings I didn't.

I'm sorry, I can't get over how dumb his sidekick's outfit is.

I'm really interested in this villain and while there were a few missteps, on the whole I'm quite positive about this comic.

I don't really care about these characters' backstories and I have no idea how canon any of this is supposed to be anymore.

Aw yes, Magneto smash 'em all.

RIP Thanos.

It was nice to see Tynion writing Constantine again, even for a few minutes, and I'm going to go ahead and be cautiously optimistic about this title as a whole.

This is a great comic and I love it.


Weird but I'm still into it.

This was simply... astonishing, but needs more Boomerang.

This is all fine, nothing funny to say here.

I'm just delighted it's not set in the future.

This was fine but it didn't really stick with me too much.

I like the spooky ghost dude a lot.

This is what a perfect comic looks like, sorry folks.

Yeah this was good, but damn it Wesley.

I know it's a Deadpool title but I get taken out of a bit because everybody is always quipping.

I'm not really very interested in this, but it's getting better?

I'm so angry about Maximus and Lockjaw.

When will I be free of this?

I'm into this and I like the villain.


I still don't know who this guy is.

I really like this comic.

This was generally very good, if a bit wordy.

Thank you for destroying time travel, you idiots.

I'm cautiously interested, but why are people so mean to poor John Stewart?

Why did I let you convince me to read this?

I don't caaaaaare about Hawkman.

Needs more Daken.

Oh my god, how many goddamn Wolverines are there, jesus christ?

I'm actually weirdly really into this? Man, I liked this a lot.

This was fine but like legit what the actual hell was Riri thinking just straight flying at Thanos? That was dumb and she deserves to feel as dumb as she does. Probably even worse, let's be real. The whole thing felt a bit anticlimactic tbh. Does Nova have a Chitauri army now? I think he does? Is he ever going to use it? I bet not.

This was fine! Sorry!

I'm a bit wary of this whole concept but I'll allow it for now. Everybody needs to leave John Stewart alone.

This was infinitely better than the last issue, but I'm still really not invested in the plot.

I hate this story arc.

I really enjoy this comic.

Perfect. That stuff where Punisher and Bucky were talking was great.

I love my speedy boi and his spooky sister.

I was irritated by the Penguin thing.

I'm really not sure what you didn't like but I feel like you're going to tell me in detail.

I hope they all die next.

I'm not sure why I'm reading this.

I really don't know why I'm reading this.

This is still terrible.

Why did Superman move his super secret fortress to one of the busiest shipping areas in the world?

I think this would be a really good idea if it was developed and written better and maybe executed with any sort of wit.

I am honestly so bored by how easily immortality is tossed around in the DC universe. I know that isn't this comic's fault per se, but there are so many "oh wow actually I am the most ancient of all the immortals" and real talk it is boring to me. Great now Vandal Savage's origin is also like five randos' origins, good, how unique and exciting, thanks guys.

I'm really glad it's over.

I loved this. I loved everything about this.

Yes, now is the perfect time to go over my painful backstory in detail, this is a good way to do this. Better than last time but as compliments go, that's not one.

You know how I felt about this.

Oh no Jason is gone I'm so sad.

This is pretty good, there were some really good moments, and some things I'm not so sure about. Not big into the Cuckoos being here, but maybe they'll make it work.

“I’m the secret head of an ultra secret and disavowed government task force!” Amanda Waller shrieks covertly in the middle of a busy street.

I am always drawn in by plots about worlds that are all weird and not quite what they seem, I wasn’t crazy drawn in by the writing, but colour me intrigued.

This was good! I don’t know what to tell you, I liked it!

This story arc is just fine, but there’s nothing here to get me excited.

I like how just doing the same idea over again is apparently sufficient.

This was alright! There were some moments that made me smile, but also many that did not.

I really enjoy this comic and I am even willing to forgive the fact that he is an annoying teen.

I think this is an interesting story arc and direction for the character to take.

This was a pretty good read, if a little on the fighty side.

This was all fine! Everything moving along. A little too much drowning, but that’s maybe just me.

I actually really like the idea of magical accountants and I want to know more about them, the middle stories were not good, the last was okay.

Aww man this one kinda got me in the feels a bit. I thought that the art on their failed timelines was really cool, too.

I’m still really not convinced by the idea of the forces. And there’s just so much going on and yet none of it really lands, I’m mostly just hoping for it to end.

This was better because it wasn’t about the forces, but worse because I don’t care about Godspeed and I don’t care about whoever that is from the future.

This comic continues to disappoint me. I’m glad that the mystery seems to be finally getting somewhere, but that’s mostly because I want it to be over. Most of what’s happening is kinda stupid, and that last thing with Harley, oof.

You can tell this is written by a man.

I’m not sure how here I am for this backstory, but I think it’s still interesting enough that I’m not mad about it, it’s just weird!

This was pretty neat, though still suffering a bit from too much talking.

There were some neat ideas here but, as with most anthologies, they were not given the chance to flourish. That first one almost had me, with all the cool body horror, but then no.

I am lukewarm on this comic. It’s written generally well and kinda interesting but it is exhausting. Every new development just makes me more tired. “Oh,” I think, as Brainiac returns from the dead somehow, “great, now this is happening, and I have to read about it.” “Good,” I say, as the Source Wall explodes, “now we get to deal with this never-ending plot line.”

Well this plot twist is boring and lame. The god thing is also boring and lame. I am bored and this is lame.

This was a neat series and I liked how deep it got into the characters, very nice.

I thought this was well written but I dunno, I don’t know that I was really satisfied. We kinda rushed to this point, I guess? I would have liked a little more... something.

Some of these were cute and some of them were not, best one was Clark/Lois for sure.

I just love this comic, it’s so great.

These characters are largely not interesting to me, and this prison setup is so unbelievable that the more they show it to me the more annoyed I get.

I think that this comic is so close, but the emotional stakes just aren’t quite here, everything feels very basic and a little empty, I wish we had gotten something a bit more serious with Luke, or even like a second more from Rex.

I think this is an interesting angle for the character and I think it was handled pretty well, but I’m not sold on the supporting cast or on the mystery yet.

Poor Dario Agger, he was just trying his best.

Jeff for best new character 2k19.

This was a little rushed but a cute idea in theory.

This comic is pretty cool, nothing too crazy in here, but I like it fine.

Thank god this is over.

Please be over soon.

I don't know, it was ridiculous but I kind of enjoyed it and I'm not sorry, don't @ me.






Okay I am happy that her terrible sister can live to be terrible another day.

Nice, but maybe a little light?

This is all well and good but Cable needs to learn how to talk about his feelings.

Go away, future story.

This comic is borderline incomprehensible but it still gets me.

Unsubtle but perfectly adequate.

That's a lotta damage.

I love that there are fancy flying fight priests now, this is canon forever.

I'm still not really into it, but it was maybe a little better this time.

This comic continues to be broadly enjoyable to me.

Yeah, I'm into it.

I was into this.

Oh wow the bad guy turned out to be the bad guy what a twist.

Yes, I am into this also.

Daken confirmed for into bondage. It was okay. The art wasn't great, but I was engaged throughout, so that's all I can ask.

This is all well and good but I notice no Daken still.

I liked his pyjamas.

I don't know who this guy is and I am growing increasingly uncertain about the nature of the chitauri. I look forward to Thanos punching everyone.

This certainly happened.

This comic is fine, but why is Lex Luthor insane now?

I love Doom and also this comic.

More watery people will water punch people underwater, how exciting.

Weird but I'm into weird.

Nothing too exciting here, nothing really bad either.

I think I could get into this despite the time travel.

I have not learned a single character's name and they are all featureless blobs to me. I could not pick a single one of them out of a lineup.

Excellent use of T-Rex.

Also great.

Loved it.

I love this comic.

Yes, I am intrigued by this.

Literal perfection, insert (heh) sex joke here.

I'm not sure why I'm reading this.

Why did they boringly introduce us to the three characters we already know?


Clark?? Dad, what is that?

d a d w h a t i s t h a t

Go away please.

This is still definitely the best one.

I loved this.

This was perfectly adequate.

Oh no babies no my ship D:

Uh, fiiiiiiine?

I was deeply amused that Man-Thing was in this and Swamp Thing was in Damage at the same time, hilarious.

I'm so bored by this, although some of the dark gods have cool looks/names/concepts.

Needed waaaaaay more Daken.

Generally pretty good.

Fine, whatever, why are these tiny mouth things wearing suits?

The art is still good, but when will my finale come home from the war?

Yes, this is good, I like this.

Literally why is this happening to me?

This was subpar and trying way too hard tbh, what's up with Weasel the red piller?

Not really a particularly exciting one. Writing was very overwrought. I could see a glimmer of hope.

Poor Christmas. I don't know who this mysterious hot guy is. Issue was just fine, no major complaints.

Really talky, but I thought it was fine.

Whatever, I don't really care about Hawkman but it wasn't, like, bad.

I felt like this was really poorly structured, I'm sorry, I wanted to like it more but I dunno man.

I don't know who any of these people are.

This was so bad oh my god, I literally could not finish it.

I love you, angry metal man.

N i c e

I actually really enjoyed this, it was super fun.

I love you, super fast sassy child.

Yeah, it was pretty good. I like seeing a bit more of Jason and his past.

OMG this is like so youthful lol I can tell the writer is totes connected 2 the youth.

I hope they all die.

Reviews for the Week of...


