Neil Rodriguez's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 44
7.7Avg. Review Rating

When reading this comic, I felt as if I was in a movie theatre slowly unraveling the pieces of Andre's life. The charm and heart put into this comic is obvious when you read Andre's story (I hate to admit it, but even I got a bit emotional by the end). Overall, I say pure wrestling fans will enjoy this book. Andre the Giant: Life and Legend presents a remarkable story of a true hero in the wrestling business. My recommendation is to grab this novel, read it, and relive Andre's matches and movies to get the full "Giant" experience. Now if you'll excuse me I have some Andre the Giant wrestling matches to re-live.

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Overall, this book is a great read. The humor, the storytelling, and character development is very solid. While this issue still continues with the American Wasteland run. This issue feels like a great stand-alone issue, and this issue is my favorite issue of the entire run because it give Maria her story and shows why she is the badass she is. A great comic that delivers monthly.

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The art in this book is just amazing as well, I love how the artist just splashes color to the pages, its vivid, cartoony, but it goes hand in hand with the over the top story telling that the comic is providing. One of my favorite art pages is actually the second page of the book. Where Axe Cop just goes off to fight crime in his dinosaur which is armed with two chain-guns. That page sums up the wacky adventure that you will be taken to in Axe Cop: The American Choppers. Overall, Axe Cop: The American Choppers is a fun book, that pushes the imagination, and it is filled great art that matches the craziness that is Axe Cop.

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Ethan Nicolle's artwork in this book is simply great and it goes hand in hand with the great story telling that this book offers. The artwork is fluid and very good consistent with some great coloring that is bright and full of detail. I love the cartoony type style that the book carries because like I mentioned before it really goes hand in hand with all the craziness that the book throws at you. Overall, issue two of Axe Cop was just as good as issue one, and it puts the petal to the metal to all the craziness that occurs in the book. I can't wait for the last issue.

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Overall, the series was super fun, great humor, clever plot twists and a great read. Fans of the character will enjoy this book very much, but I also felt that it's a book were newer reader to Axe Cop can jump in and get to enjoy the wild ride that is Axe Cop.

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Overall I would say keep buying this book. The story telling and characters are so good in this book that I can safely say that it is probably one of the best books that are out there to read. Although Cloonan is not doing the art for the comic, Harren steps in nicely and makes the book just as enjoyable as she did.

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I have to say, this is hands down my favorite book in comics right now. The storytelling is brilliant and Wood knows when to give you a balance between action and story, the art is brilliant and the book just keeps bringing you cool moments in every issue. Can we get to August already because, I need more Conan!

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Overall, I highly recommend reading Flash Gordon #2 even if you haven't read the first one, the issue does a great job of getting you up to speed, and it also moves the story along and the book is real fun. I truly regret not getting issue one when I had the chance. Now I got to hunt down issue one. This book has quickly jumped up in my pull list. Get Flash Gordon #2 it's a fun read.

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Truly, it's a comic book that has great art and wonderful storytelling hand in hand. Overall Flash Gordon has been a great series to read. The art was gorgeous and the story was fun and clever. A great book for Flash fans and non-Flash fans. I'm all in on this series, and I can't wait for the next arc. It's going to be fun!

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Another solid book from Parker and the gang. Great story telling, great pacing with some gorgeous art that has continued since the beginning of this book. A great read every month!

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Overall, Legends of the Guard's third volumeis another fantastic offering from BOOM!/Archaia and their creators. The crazy part about this is that it was only one issue of this volume. The bar has already been set very high for the other creators. I can't wait to see what the other comic book creators have come up with in their issue. This issue is a great one to start celebrating the name that the Mouse Guard series has created for themselves!

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Overall, Rat Queens is still a solid book that although it starts a new arc, it didn't feel that way at all. The book still delivers in great storytelling, humor and character development and as the last arc, I am all in for this arc.

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The art in Rat Queens, is just awesome. There isn't much more I can say about the art at this point since it is always consistently great looking and bright. Overall, Rat Queens #8 is a great origin story to one of the baddest Rat Queens of the group. Fans will appreciate this issue for what it reveals.

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Overall, I would recommend that you give the series a try; it’s a super hero book with a very cool twist, great art. Also, the price point on this book is also very good; forty pages for $2.99 that is not bad at all folks. Hopefully the next issue continues with the intensity that the first issue left off with.

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Overall, I enjoyed the book and I'm ready to continue reading this mini to its entirety just to see what turns it will take throughout the mini. The issue has good character development, a very interesting plot is brewing and the art is just killer in this book as it always is with a Bryan Hitch book.

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Overall this a great book, the story is trudging along nicely and its building on what has happen in the last two issues and now we are just getting to the meat and potatoes. I am really looking forward to what happens to our brave adventurer, and how he is going to deal with the consequences of this unholy union.

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For people that love horror books, I would recommend Dog of Mars, although the story felt like Aliens in some part I still thought that the book was very solid and the elements of survival give the book a more human feel to the book.

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Overall, if you haven't gotten to this book yet, you should the book is a great adventure each month. That has tons of charm, great storytelling, and beautiful art to accompany the awesomeness that is Jeff Parker and Evan Shaner.

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For a hero book I was very impressed with the issue. It has a very interesting story, good character design, and the art in this book is gorgeous. After I finished reading this issue I was compelled to pick it up again and just look though the art since it was so good. For fans of superhero and are tired of DC or Marvel stuff give this zero issue of Idolized a shot it’s got a great twist and the art is awesome as well.

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Overall a strong issue with a lot of development and sweet moments that moves the story along with some great artwork.

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As for the art in the book, the art is still great in this book, its one of my favorite part of the book. Like I said in my previous review, the art is cartoony, and it feels like I am watching Saturday morning cartoon. Overall Juice Squeezers #3 had a couple of problems, but it was still a great read with some great art, and a good setup for the final issue.

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Overall, this is a going jumping on point for fans of Mega Man since it is starting a new story, I am not quite sure where they are heading with the Mega Man X story, but the main Mega Man series has been quite entertaining, and I am looking forward to where the story is going next.

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Overall Mega Man # 37 is a solid book, that moves the story along, and has good artwork and it is also a good starting point for fans that have not picked up the book.

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Mega Man #39 was a great read, the action in the book is fast, and the story moving from the past to the future is very cleverly intertwined makes the story fun. Plus the reveal of the possible repercussion of that the Walker might have on both sides is actually a cool twist. As for the art in the book, it's the same consist art I have enjoyed since I first picked up the books. Overall, another solid Mega Man book that is coming to its story arc conclusion.

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Overall, Munchkin #2is a step up from issue one. The book delivers on all the points that makes the game Munchkin a hit. Funny dialogue, clever naming of items and beasts. Funny lore and beasts and most of all that over the top, chaotic, and sneaky environment that we all love from this franchise. I'm back on board with this book!

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If you’re in the mood for a very different comic in terms of idea, I would recommend giving this book a shot. The story is very familiar to a typical hero story, but the idea is rather refreshing and fun, I am very interested in seeing where the characters go after this first issue.

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Overall, I recommend picking up Star Slammers it's a great book for Simonson fans and Star Slammers fan that want to reminisce on the old series or for newer readers that want to experience something new from one of comic's best. The story is not too slow, it balances itself well between story and action, and the art is superb in the book. I will give issue two a shot just to check out some Simonson art.

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Overall, if you like team books that do not take themselves seriously I would highly recommend this book to you. Great story, very funny and good art it’s basically Avengers but on crack.

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Usagi Yojimbo – Senso is another solid book, from one of the best in the business. Each page in the comic is filled with tons of story and explanation. Also, the pacing in the book is good; not only are you getting a lot of explanation, but you are also getting tons of action. The book balances itself well with story and action that you don't feel bored with this book at any time. The art in the book is what you can expect from a Usagi Yojimbo book. Very consistent art that always reminds me of a mixture of cartoon style and half manga style that this book has offer every time and which is synominis to Sakai's iconic style. Overall Usagi Yoyimbo was another solid book from one of the business legends and another chapter into the Usagi series. Great story and great art that fans of this great character can expect.

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Overall, this mini started disjointed for me. The story does not set up what is going on for a first issue and it left me with a whole lot of questions as to what is going on in this first part of the story. The characters in this issue were not very engaging nor did they make me care for them. Hopefully issue two explains what is going on otherwise I might just have to drop it.

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As for the art, I would had loved to have Becky Cloonan come back to the issue and finish the series, but Leandro Fernandez does a very good job of giving the book that initial feel of the first couple of issues of Conan that I read when Cloonan worked on it. Great consistent art on every page, and Dave Stewart's coloring was fantastic in this issue, both of them combine did a really good job to capture what Cloonan did for the book in the beginning. Overall, Conan # 25 was a lackluster ending to a great series. Can't win them all I guess.

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As much as I love the Dragon Age game, Those Who Speak falls a little off from the game that I remember playing. I like the idea that it takes place ten years after the first game and I like the idea that if follows one of the more popular characters in the game, but the story feels a bit disjointed in this first issue. I did enjoy the art the colors were bright with a slight touch of cartoony but it does not go overboard on the style. Although the art in this book was very good, the story on this first issue of Dragon Age comic was a little underwhelming but I still have hope that the book can turn it around come issue two.

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Overall, the ending of Juice Squeezers was okay, while the artwork in the book was great, the story had to really ramp up to get everything tied together in 28 pages, and also get a setup for a possible return of the series.

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Lone Ranger #22 was an okay issue for a one shot. The pacing of the book was fine,it read quickly, but it was the actual story that got to me a bit; primarily how the Lone Ranger was introduced to the situation, it felt forced and out of the blue. How and when did the Lone Ranger arrived to that town? What was the Lone Ranger's business? It just doesn't lend itself to show why he was there in the first place. As for the art, the art in the book was probably the weakest part of it all, it looked muddy, with not a lot of use of the colors to pop out the characters, and the art in the faces didn't look good either. I had a hard time determine who was who in the comic. Overall, for a one shot it covered the bases, it gave you a quick story that resolved itself in one issue, but the art was less than desirable.

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Overall, the first comic was a bit confusing. I didn't understand why the creators decided to give so much introduction to the series with two stories that didn't use the elements that make Munchkin special. The first two stories really disconnected me from the book, but when they finally do use those elements which was the art from the game, the characters, and the humor in story number three it all came together and from that moment to the end of the book it felt liked Munchkin. Overall I think this book will be a mix bag. Newer readers will appreciate introduction that the creators display, but I think that fans familiar with the game will enjoy story three and onward. Hopefully issue two uses more of the Spyke character and builds on that world moving forward.

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Overall, I still like Popeye, even though the story felt a little long winded there are still enough elements in the book that I really enjoyed in terms of character’s dialogue and art that makes me appreciate this book, and because of those two elements I will continue checking it out.

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Overall, Sonic Boom number one was an ok start. It starts off fast and fun but in the middle, the story had some problems and the character dialogue was a bit cheesy but the artwork somehow saves the book from being a complete bore.

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The art in the book was solid . The details to the heroes looked great, and the colors didn't feel muddy. Davila does a great job of making each heroine look great. Overall, Sword of Sorrows 2 was a much better and fun read.

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Transformers: Regeneration One is filled with a lot of action. Some friends are captured, others died, and Rodimus has to make a tough decision to save Cyberton and the Autobots. What left me wondering in this issue is what Starscream's role is? It's the only part of the story that was not fitting with the rest of the plot. Aside from that one minor issue, It's looking like issue ninety-nine is going to have some huge implication for Cybertron. The art in this issue, like in all Transformers issues was great. Great detail, robots looked solid and consistent and it still had the 80's feel to Transformers. Overall a solid read and a good setup for the final battle.

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Overall, Senso has taken a really weird turn which has left me guessing on where this story is going. On one hand the minor story has been more interesting than the main story, but like I said before I will keep an open mind on this one since story wise Sakai has done a great job with his character.

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Overall, Fathom #5 just fell short to my expectations. The art was good and I did enjoy how the writers tied in issue four with issue five, but the explanation of why the villains are in the facilities was a real turn off. I was hoping that there would be something more impactful that the scientist found in that new underwater world than what was explained.

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Overall, I wanted to like this Robocop series but unfortunately there isn't much to like about this comic. The story is very ordinary and the upgrades given to Robo make him look cheesy rather than cool. A cool character that continues to be underutilized.

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Overall, Swords of Sorrow is off to a really slow start. While it's cool to see all these heroines together in one book the book suffers from lack of organization in my opinion. While it shows you the players involved in the story nothing was said as to what is the reason they are being given these gifts and for what purpose. They just got these weapons and poof something wild happened to each one of them. Hopefully issue two helps to put things together because issue one just didn't deliver.

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The art in the book is very solid. Very good use of colors, to showcase the grit and darkness, and pretty consistent art through the panels. Fans of the game, and the books might will enjoy this comic since most fans will know who The Witcher is and what he does, but newer readers who pick this book up might feel a bit lost.

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