Batman and Robin #9

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Cameron Stewart Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 24, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 15
6.8Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

Part 3 of "Blackest Knight" guest-starring Batwoman, Knight and Squire! Only months into his new role as Batman, Dick Grayson faces perhaps the biggest threat of his life. In hopes of attaining his heart's desire, has Dick instead unleashed a terror the likes of which the world has never seen?Meanwhile, back in Gotham City, Alfred and a recuperating Robin are at the mercy of someone both fearsome and familiar

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Josh Dean Feb 27, 2010

    There is an old adage in playwriting that goes something like this, If there is a shotgun hanging over the mantle in act one, it should be used to shoot someone by act three. Comic books, as long-form storytelling, can hang that shotgun in a tossed off comment four years earlier in another title. While Morrisons Blackest Knight storyline has gotten lots of buzz for revealing the true nature of the Bat-corpse Superman finds at the end of Final Crisis, few are pointing out the Crime Bible prophecy that has been hanging over the figurative mantle since 52.This is the divisive nature of Grant Morrisons writing in a nutshell: do you, as a reader, have the patience to follow Morrison across multiple titles to get the payoff to an idea that was seemingly tossed off years earlier? If the answer is no, you probably havent been reading Batman and Robin. But if you have been here for the long haul, this issue pays off in a variety of entertaining ways. The centerpiece is the insane Batman Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 28, 2010

    I may be on the fence about this comic, but it's always interesting, and I'm certainly curious to see where it goes from here - so I'll keep hanging around. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 24, 2010

    Batwoman aside, I did find this issue to be the most enjoyable since Frank Quitely was on board and Professor Pyg was doing his happy dance. Above all, I applaud issue #9 for raising new questions - not just about the state of Bruce Wayne - but regarding many of the mysteries Morrison has been building since the beginning. This won't be the first time I feel compelled to go back to the beginning and examine old stories in a new light. But it's always a good sign when a new issue leaves me with that compulsion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Feb 26, 2010

    In the end, Dick is finally convinced Tim was right all along, and as soon as we can get a few more months under our belts, the quest to bring Bruce Wayne back from his trip through time and space can begin. Overall this wasn't a bad issue, in fact, I dare say that this issue was just about as good as the first issue when it came out oh so long ago now. Whether it is the similarities in action, the great art, or a moment where the series finally gels, Batman and Robin #9 is a great turning point. I like that Grant Morrison is telling a story, instead of forcing the reader to suss out some inner message wrapped up in all the craziness. With the closing of issue 9, it feels like we are now about to embark upon the next great Batman adventure that will have some real meaning in the grand scheme of the DCU. And I finally like Damian... That alone is worth a 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Feb 28, 2010

    Either way, Im still very much enjoying the book, and I cant wait to see what Morrison has in store for the next arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Feb 27, 2010

    And if "Final Crisis" was about the Modern Age of brooding superheroes coming to an end, then this is a great series from which to launch a new age. One of thrills and excitement. A high-speed rollicking ride for a new generation. Even if it hasn't fully lived up to its potential yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Feb 28, 2010

    On the bright side, however, Batman and Robin #9 is the final issue of an arc that, taken as a whole, holds its own alongside the others in this series. Its a three-part tale that, unfortunately, just happened to have its climax in the second chapter. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 25, 2010

    Yes, I just wrote like a 1000 words lambasting how text was displayed and criticizing the fact Batman helped kill a woman that was injured with the plan being he'd just revive her in a magic pool of water that was buried under tonnes of rock with no guarantee of her being saved and I'm still giving this a Check It instead of outright Avoid It rating. Why? Because I still enjoyed it and think less anal, OCD people will be able to look past those, and other minor, failings to see this is still a solid read. And there's always Cameron Stewart's beautiful art to fall back on. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Feb 26, 2010

    Meh. It gets a C. That’s a passing grade. I didn’t hate it, but it did little for me. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Feb 28, 2010

    While Dick "Batman" Grayson, Knight, and Squire work to uncover the British Lazarus Pit that will restore the All-New Batwoman to life, the resurrected clone of Bruce "Batman" Wayne is in Gotham City to attempt to kill Damian for some reason that isn't exactly clear. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Stephen Joyce Feb 28, 2010

    However, Stewart's work aside, the only parts of Morrison's that I actually enjoyed were the character moments and conversations that Batman has with other people. I really enjoyed the scene where he not only thanks Batwoman for the help, but he also tries to hit on her. I guess she doesnt have the heart to tell him shes not into Batmen. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 25, 2010

    Batman and Robin #9 was another disappointing issue in a string of disappointing issues that Morrison has written. With these last two arcs Morrison has basically written two stories that are examples of how not to write a comic book story. Add on all the stupid grammar and editing mistakes this arc has suffered it is one of the worst stories I have read from Morrison. I actually enjoyed the majority of Morrisons run on Batman but his current output on Batman and Robin is just awful. Read Full Review

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