Batman And Robin Eternal #26
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Batman And Robin Eternal #26

Writer: James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder Artist: Scot Eaton, Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino, Geraldo Borges, Wayne Faucher, Jason Paz, Marc Deering, Allen Passalaqua, Gabe Eltaeb Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 30, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 17
7.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Its the catastrophic conclusion of the acclaimed weekly series that brings together all of Batmans one-time partners! Mothers trap has been sprung, and the whole world is feeling her wrath! Can Dick Grayson pull together his allies to fight an entire army of foes? Is one among them still under Mothers control? And what will become of Cassandra Cain? You wont believe how huge this battle can become!

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Mar 31, 2016

    With an ending guaranteed to instill hope, "Batman and Robin Eternal" #26 is the end of a weekly series that succeeded in accomplishing its mission. Characters' backstories were made richer, an intriguing villainess worthy of Batman and his allies was introduced, and further story seeds were planted for the future. Like all successful comic book stories, it left us wanting more of this world. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Mar 30, 2016

    Theres a lot to love about this series, and while I cant say I was tuned in to every twist and turn with the lot of the Robin family, I have certainly been riveted with Harper and Casss journey to this climatic moment. Seeing James Tynion IV moving on to helm Detective Comics with Batman and Batwoman and a few of these familiar faces couldnt be more perfect a leap. My hope is well see Eaton and Borges getting similarly fit assignments in the coming months with Rebirth. These two artists are too talented to sustain with partial issues or fill-ins. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comicsverse - Tim O'Reilly Apr 1, 2016

    BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL doesn't exactly give us an analysis of the Robin title so much as it provides a stepping stone for other writers in future books to do so. It would have been a monumental task for the team to not only separate the idea of Robin from Batman, but also give a deeper examination of the mantle. Instead, by opening the door to new explorations of what it means to be Robin, BATMAN AND ROBIN ETERNAL expands the possibilities of a rolethat many had thought was already figured out and gives it new stories worth telling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Mar 31, 2016

    This is a great story for fans of Batman and any one of his many Robins and protgs. It succeeds at getting to the heart of the character and in a fun and sometimes surprising way. This is a must read for all fans of Batman and Dick Grayson. And Harper Row. It ranks high in this reviewers estimation of the Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told. 4 3/4. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Ryan Lower Apr 1, 2016

    When Batman: Eternal ended, we were quickly teased that the title would continue withBatman & Robin. But as of this writing, we haven't heard anything. Oh well, hope springs eternal. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 2, 2016

    I loved Batman and Robin Eternal because it was a great, ever-growing story that put the focus on the very concept of Batman taking a sidekick. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Apr 2, 2016

    The art in this issue was the strongest it's been since Tony Daniel's solo issue five issues back. Scot Eaton, Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino and Geraldo Borges, each with their own inker all contribute this issue, and each style complimented the other with Eaton's art standing out the most. There's a nice epilogue that has the recently returned Bruce Wayne-Batman interacting with many of the sidekicks that was nice to see, ending the series not only on a high note, but on a happy note as well. I can't say I'm sad to see this weekly series end, but I'm glad it ended so well and look forward to seeing these characters after the rebirth. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Ian Miller Mar 30, 2016

    In taking us on a journey showing us the consequences of raising children to be weapons, Batman and Robin Eternal demonstrates the intense need for families which allow children to grow into their own identity. My individual rating is below, but as a for the series as a whole, I give four out of five batarangs. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 30, 2016

    Batman and Robin Eternal's final issue doesn't quite live up to the promise the series had when it first debuted last year, mainly due to the underwhelming final bow for Mother. But as an end-cap to Harper Row and Cassandra Cain's intertwined story, this issue is very satisfying indeed. This finale does its part to get readers excited for what's to come in DC Rebirth. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Mar 30, 2016

    Well, it's all over and thankfully, Tynion let at least this reviewer walk away from it with a good taste in my mouth.  It may not have solved all the problems I've had with the series overall and didn't even end satisfactorily, but this issue was full of real emotion and most of the characters ended up in a better place because of the journey. Fans of the series will already be reading this, but if you stopped reading it, you may want to check it out to see how it all ends. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 31, 2016

    It's a shame "Batman and Robin Eternal" #26 wasn't more flashy even with the added page count, but everyone involved manages to bring the series to the conclusion we all knew was just around the bend. It's nice to have Harper Row's story brought to a close for now (with an easy window for her to leap back through). On the whole, "Batman and Robin Eternal" has been another worthwhile weekly series, and that's no small feat. While not particularly riveting, the series certainly wasn't bad, either. If there's another weekly Batman comic down the line, I'd take a look. Right now, though, the Bat-line is two-for-two on successful weekly series. That's a victory. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Mar 31, 2016

    While Batman&Robin Eternal proposed many interesting ideas and had plenty of potential, it ultimately fell to the level of generic storytelling at its finest. At times, the story beats were actually so cliche that you'd swear the creative team was following a checklist of everything they needed to include. When you add to that a general lack of concern for any of the cast, not only is this ending uninspired, but ultimately uninvolving as well. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 4, 2016

    It might not sound this way reading this, but I truly believe that this finale coming out as a little less-than-engaging isn't such a knock against Tynion, considering that many, many other writers with much longer track records would have churned out something that instead would have just been completely incoherent. But as a reader who is looking for a piece of writing to really grab me emotionally, I can't help but think that this book lost its way by the end, sacrificing all that wonderful characterization of the first dozen issues in exchange for obligatory cameos, standard plot twists and low-calorie pyrotechnics. 26 issues can't be easy, but if the sprawling, distended, occasionally meandering focus of Batman & Robin Eternal has taught us anything, it's that for a weekly story like this, maybe less really is more. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Joe Apr 5, 2016

    This comic had its ups and downs, but, all in all, I think it was a fun and enjoyable read, something fun to collect for the 26 Issues it lasted, it had some nice moments, good fights, and reintroduced characters that I loved from my childhood. So, yeah, damn good series.

  • 9.5
    Supes' soups Mar 30, 2016

    I thought this was a good Batman comic. All the DC weekly series titles have had their problems but I thought this at least had a good ending. I enjoy how Harper decides to take a different path than all of the traditional Robins. The relationship she had with her mom resonates with me personally. When I was younger, I often had to walk home alone from school until my mom got off work late and it sucked but as I grew older I knew it was to give me a fighting chance to live a better life than hers. So those panels hit home for me. Ironically I also watched Power Rangers after-school as referenced. But I had to finish the Bruce Timm Batman series before I started my homework. Cassandra's future is interesting, she is a fighter and so her role more

  • 9.0
    the green death Jun 13, 2016

    Through the ups and downs of the series, it all ended well and gave a great resolution for Harper and set up Cassandra for her Detective Comics story. Tynion can write the hell out of character scenes and he manages to give characters individual and unique voices.

  • 8.0 Apr 9, 2016

    While this whole series really didn't sit well with me- I could spend all day talking about this could have been an eight issue miniseries, not a six month expedition; but this finale, while a bit too on-the-nose and prosaic, actually closed out this steaming pile of a story in a way I didn't hate. Things all shook out in typical "return to status quo" fashion, and we even got some redemption for a few characters, some actual humor in a Batman story AND the return of Bruce Wayne as Batman 100% official, legit and in the flesh. The art on this book was good but a few panels took me out of it- one of Cassandra' s face looked like she momentarily had a severe case of the mumps, and Mother keeps getting younger, tighter and more toned each time more

  • 2.5
    myconius Mar 30, 2016

    i really wanted this issue to make up for the several last few weeks of complete disappointment to make me feel like i didn’t just waste my time and money! . . . . .
    well, unfortunately i’ve wasted BOTH!!! . . . . . there were so many plot holes in this poorly constructed story! and obvious cases were the characters just come off as complete idiots! . . . . . the biggest bunch of baloney is the heroes didn’t even really defeat the main villain. she was about to escape when ‘Orphan’ who had his throat slit a few issues back, comes out of nowhere and stabs ‘Mother’ in the back (and out her chest) and plunges them both into molten Lava. i love a book when the Heroes just have to sit back while the villains just kill each ot more

  • 9.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jul 17, 2019

  • 8.0
    Nuckster77 Apr 8, 2016

  • 8.0
    TheFallenKing13 Mar 31, 2016

  • 8.0
    WhistleBlower Mar 31, 2016

  • 7.5
    daspidaboy Jul 6, 2021

  • 7.0
    Serverarbengan Apr 2, 2016

  • 7.0
    mrDovydas Mar 30, 2016

  • 6.5
    Redeadhood Apr 17, 2016

  • 6.0
    Vancha May 19, 2016

  • 6.0
    Juanpk26 Mar 31, 2016

  • 6.0
    Jason The Dude Mar 30, 2016

  • 2.0
    EggMath Mar 30, 2016

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