Superstar writer Grant Morrison and artist Yanick Paquette have sent The Dark Knight on a trip to Japan and Argentina, but now Batman's taking a brief breather back in his home base of Gotham City for a team-up with Batwoman! And don't miss the first issue of BATWOMAN's new monthly series, on sale this month!
Batman Incorporated just keeps impressing me. I thought it couldnt get better than the opening scene of #3 with the intriguing cannon fodder British superheroes, but then #4 comes along with 22 pages of amazing art and fun Batmantics. As soon as I finish this sentence, Im going to ask Batman Incorporated #4 to move into my apartment with me, so I can wake up next to it every morning. Read Full Review
"Batman Incorporated" #4 reads like something of a return to Morrison's earlier "Batman" work as he merges the present with the past to both craft a new story and fold a part of Batman's continuity into that narrative. With Burnham and Fairburn, the original Batwoman fits into the current continuity without losing any of that Silver Age charm that made her old stories so fondly remembered. If anything, Morrison shows how her influence on Batman helped create that lighter tone. And, if that weren't enough, it's an issue full of action and thrills. One of the single best issues in Morrison's tenure on the character yet. Read Full Review
It's interesting that DC has allowed Morrison to revive a piece of its past that it ha buried years ago, but then again, the Kathy Kane we meet in this story is a far cry from the one who joined Batman and Robin on their adventures a lifetime ago. She's a much darker character, meant to be much more than a love interest or female reflection of the title character. Her motives are radically different, and there's an edge to this new incarnation of the Silver Age character that keeps the reader from seeing her completely as a protagonist. Oddly enough, I'm reminded of the embittered incarnation of the character that turned up on television a few months ago in an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Furthermore, given the hallucination sequence in the story, I'm not entirely convinced that Morrison has actually restored this lost element of the Batman mythos. Rather than retconning a retcon, he may be playing with perception, misdirecting an audience that's expecting one thing but a Read Full Review
Up until this issue Batman Incorporated was still a bit of a mystery; what kind of book was it going to be and how would it all tie into Morrison's previous Bat-work? I think these questions are partially answered now (by virtue of presenting more questions and mysteries, but keeping to Morrison's style). Not only will we be getting new Batman from all over the world but it looks like expanding the Bat-universe will include brining the return of past characters. I say bring it on, but if DC could start a feature in the back of each issue titled, "Grant Morrison for Dummies" it sure would help. Read Full Review
I'm not sure how his stories will line up with established continuity, but he earns points for being daring and different. You never know what to expect from this title, and (so far) that's a good thing! Read Full Review
Theres a wealth of detail amidst the jumble of material Morrison gives you, but you may need a couple re-reads to truly enjoy them. Read Full Review
Consider me shocked that I didn't love this issue of Batman, Inc., especially after I ogled over part one of this story arc. Morrison sets up a lot of interesting plots here, it's just a shame that he bit off more than he could chew in the space allotted. It seems like there's enough story in these 20-pages to cover a full six-issue arc for most other writers. This has long been Morrison's way; he just doesn't pull it off here as admirably as we've seen him do it in the past. Read Full Review
Had this story been told the way a normal human being might tell it, this might be fairly enjoyable. Sadly, Morisson's reluctance to let the plot stand alone and instead rely on cheap theatrics and convoluted storytelling works against him here. But then again, Grant Morrison really pisses me off. Those who like his increasingly maddening style of writing may find more here than I did. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review