Miguel must face his most dangerous opponent yet-himself! With the fate of the Multiverse hanging in the balance, Miguel must battle his literal dark side. Will he and Summer survive the experience? And will the power of the H-Dial be lost for-ever? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to this innovative series!
This is an utter masterpiece and a DC classic I will recommend to readers of all ages for years to come. The creators should all be proud of the incredible work they've done. Read Full Review
Sam Humphries' Dial H for Hero series was an absolute treat. Read Full Review
I couldn't have asked for a better ending for this series, and the art is utterly perfect throughout. You really should be reading this book. Read Full Review
A brilliant conclusion to the most creative comic to come out of the DC main line in years, Sam Humphries and Joe Quinones bring Dial H for Hero #12 in for a perfect landing. Read Full Review
The end of the book leaves things open. I hope we get to see more adventures by this creative team. They had a lot of fun making this (the cameos in this last issue are amazing) and it all just worked. For now, this was a very satisfying series. Read Full Review
A perfect conclusion to a great comic, bringing together all the thematic elements and ending on an excellent note. The story was expertly written and paced, while the artwork captured whichever style it needed to for the multitude of characters flawlessly. Read Full Review
I hope Miguel and Summer find a home in Young Justice as this ride has been tough. I think those two characters can be perfect wild cards to the stability of the characters in Young Justice. If this is what it took to get them into the DC Universe, then so be it. Or rather "Sockamagee!" Read Full Review
As an end issue, it was cliched but it has heart and was fun and that's what this series was. A celebration of what comic books were, are and will always be as a unique medium. Some elements are always off and forced but the overall journey was worth it especially when Joe Quinones delivered some art masterpieces...no hyperbole.
not a bad series
I have loved this series, but as far as endings go this is pretty disappointing and cliche. It does the job, but if it wasn't for the art I would probably not like this.
Maybe it’s the old lady in me, but I found this one to be... cute.
Well, I'm glad this is done.