The hunt is on! Miguel and Summer must journey into the Heroverse in pursuit of Mr. Thunderbolt, who has stolen the H-Dial and threatens to destroy it all! But if they wish to survive, Miguel and Summer must discover the secrets of the Operator, the origin of Mr. Thunderbolt and the history of the Heroverse! All the answers you've been waiting for are right here!
It's exciting to know that the comic series was extended for another six issues. Although this issue felt like the story was wrapping up, the end made makes it clear that there's so much more to be told. Things are looking quite grim for both Summer and Miguel. I'm excited to see how they manage to deal with their respective dilemmas and what steps they take to become heroes. I have no doubt that the creative team will deliver another phenomenal six issues. Read Full Review
Through the use of the anxieties, fears, self doubts, and regrets people face everyday Dial H For Hero asks the question of what makes a hero and continues to be a must read comic every time an issue is released. Read Full Review
Dial H for HERO #5 is a rip-roaring ride, while also ruminating on what makes a hero--the powers or the motivation? This title continues to be a hidden gem of DC Comics current lineup, and possibly the most heartfelt of the uniformly fun Wonder Comics line. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Dial H for Hero #5 not only is a wonderful spectacle, but it's also a story with a ton of heart. Read Full Review
Sam Humprhies and Joe Quinones continue the first arc of their mind-bending road trip superhero adventure with Dial H for Hero #5 that eschews the flashy transformations of the first four issues for a more emotional journey through the mysterious Heroverse " but still delivers the visual thrills thanks to Quinones' unique style. Read Full Review
All the answers you've been waiting for are right here, and yet there was so much more to discover along the way! Dial H for Hero #5 was one of the strongest issues so far in the series, and once again left me happy that they decided to bump this series up to twelve issues. It would have been a crime to let this series end after only six. Maybe there would have been a second part in some months or the next year, but would you have really wanted to wait after everything now revealed to us? After what Mr. Thunderbolt is able to unleash upon the world at the end of this issue? Read Full Review
Dial H for Hero #5(Humphries, Quinnones) kicks the story into high gear as the nature of the Heroverse and Mister Thunderbolt's plans are finally revealed. Read Full Review
Next issue should be a blast too. This is a good solid read overall. Read Full Review
If you're not a fan of a comic trying to explain metaphysical fictional concepts, the first half of the issue might not click, but things quickly get back on track with another emotional flashback involving Miguel and Superman. Read Full Review
This is what readers have been waiting for. An explanation of the Dial H for Hero Heroverse! Throw in some nostalgic glimpses of comics from yesteryear and a visit from Superman, Summer's encounter with Two-Face in Metropolis (That's right"Metropolis) and some antique comic frames and you have a pretty good read! Read Full Review
"Dial H for Hero" #5 continues to utilize the history of the DC Universe to tell a thrilling new story about the timeless H-Dial. Read Full Review
Is the H Dial likely to become a staple of the DCU, like the Bat Signal or the Guardians of Oa. Highly unlikely. But it's a fun property to drag out from time to time and experiement, and remind readers of a time when comic books could be fun, without the doom and gloom introduced by the Dark Knight Returns. If that's your cup of tea, then Dial H is not. Read Full Review
I actually really liked this issue. It was interesting.
Actually not terrible? I still don’t quite care but, you know, baby steps.