Green Lantern #8

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 11, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 18
7.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

"Secret of the Indigo Tribe" Part 2! On the Indigo homeworld, Hal Jordan and Sinestro are trapped, powerless and on the run with the entire Indigo Tribe in hot pursuit! Their situation grows even more dire when we learn the Indigos' deadly secret! Plus: Why Indigo-1 is so interested in Hal's predecessor, Abin Sur?

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Apr 11, 2012

    Johns created a mystery for the Indigos over the years and now he executes the big reveal with a mastery he has not shown since before Brightest Day. When the Indigos first showed up, they were a great help to the heroes of Earth and seemed to be on the "good" side of the emotional spectrum, despite a few questionable actions (the most ominous being kidnapping Black Hand). Once readers reach the final page of issue #8, all of that might be just one big misconception. Or maybe not. Astoundingly, Johns has not even gotten to the big reveal yet, but provides just enough information and setup that makes the wait for Green Lantern #9 all the more unbearable. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Apr 12, 2012

    However it unfolds, Johns (like always) does a fantastic job of keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The final page of Green Lantern #8 reveals Sinestro's conversion to the Indigo Tribe, a development that will most likely be reversed, but it's still nice to see Johns having fun with one of Green Lantern's most notorious villains. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 15, 2012

    I still hope we'll get a break from the Lantern stories - it would be nice to see one focus on Hal Jordan, who's been sharing the spotlight generously in his own title. But if we must focus on other colors in the spectrum, we can be glad that the stories are entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Apr 11, 2012

    This issue is a great example of balancing character and action moments while advancing the overall plot,albeit that Green Lantern #8 doesn't advance the plot so much as add layers to what came before it. Even so there's plenty to like this time around with some great fist pumping moments to get behind as well as revealing just enough information to hold us at bay regarding the secret of the Indigo Tribe to hold us over until the promised revelations that are coming up in the next issue. Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Examiner - Michael Seigler Apr 11, 2012

    All in all, an excellent read, although perhaps not as exciting as DC would like for it to be, although the groundwork is being laid for a potentially excellent crossover arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 11, 2012

    This is what we've been waiting for. Since the relaunch, we've been getting tiny bits of new information on Sinestro and the Green Lanterns. There was a slight pause in the action but the series is back on track and we're starting to get some answers. Johns and Mahnke (along with Sinclair) make this a great read with all the details, action and suspense. This is a title I look forward to month after month. The door to a bigger world is being opened and it's going to be great when we see what else Johns has planned for the characters and GL world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 12, 2012

    This book is definitely for those hankering for sci-fi-infused action, but is also sufficiently streamlined to not totally scare off new readers. I do think that Geoff Johns is still struggling with the truncated page counts for this book, but his learning curve has improved tremendously since the first issue. The real victory here, however, is artistic coordination and mythology that doesn't fall under its own weight. Green Lantern #7 may feel short, but it's definitely getting sweeter. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Apr 13, 2012

    I've been slow to warm up to this title, as I felt that it lacked true purpose or a sense of direction, but this issue definitely reinvigorated my interest in Hal Jordan and this title, and hopefully next issue's continued exploration into the secret of the Indigo Tribe proves to be worth the wait. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Apr 11, 2012

    It's never a dull moment in this title, but it can't be said you learn much more than all the hints you've gotten already. If anything, this issue serves as an action-packed summary of the Indigo lore Johns has established already, making it a lively, useful transition to bigger things. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Outer Realm Comics - 600WPMPO Apr 15, 2012

    If you liked blackest night, you'll definitely like the current direction of the green lantern book. This is a thrilling, riveting story that makes the wait for the next issue seem even long. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Apr 16, 2012

    This is a solid issue that builds a bridge to something bigger that looks to be coming sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 11, 2012

    "Green Lantern" has had its peaks and valleys as of late, but it feels like "The Secret of the Indigo Tribe" is bringing the title back to its strength again. The lead-up to "Blackest Night" was full of mysteries being revealed to the reader, and it was fun to watch scraps of information come together. That's what we're seeing here, and it's a good thing. More like this, please. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Apr 16, 2012

    Doug Mahnke’s art is the only reason to seriously pick up Green Lantern. As always, Mahnke brings his A game to the pencils. Strong lines, sick detail and a flow that makes the action leap off the page. It’s exciting when Mahnke is behind the art, he can draw faces and figures easily but also uses the panels like lenses of a camera. Different shots make for different emotional reactions. With writing so sub-par, it’s really nice to have something to look at. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Apr 16, 2012

    A few issues ago, I would have said that I was dropping Green Lantern if the quality didn't jump up " the first arc that was heavily Sinestro-related was enjoyable, but didn't hold my attention very much. Now that we have returned to the meatier sections of the Green Lantern universe, I'm pleased to say that Green Lantern is back on track and should have a place on everyone's pull list. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 18, 2012

    After months of treating him as little more than a guy who never bothered to learn what his ring could really do, writer Geoff Johns finally showcases Hal Jordan and his ability to make it through several Indigo Lanterns with only a partially charged ring. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Apr 16, 2012

    Sinestro keeps on proving time & time again that hes the ultimate Green Lantern bad ass! Another fine issue from the Johns/Mahnke machine. From DC Comics. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 14, 2012

    This book is too slow and is not making a whole lot of sense, as a single issue or the general direction of the storylines. It seems like the book's direction is to play fish-out-of-water stories with Hal and Sinestro wearing different rings where they take turns rescuing each other. At least the book reads quickly, even if not advancing the story much at all, to give the appearance of being exciting. This is a disappointing comic book. Read Full Review

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