"LEGACY" part three! An outside threat has followed the League's children back from the future in order to destroy them. His name is Arthur Curry, and he will not stop until they are all dead!
There is a strong twist at the end. Not really a twist, the groundwork for it is well laid. But it still bodes for a dramatic next issue. And I am just so glad to finally be enjoying this book. Read Full Review
This comic isnt about plot advancement, for better and for worse. This tale will likely have at least another two issues ahead of it. However, I struggle to be disappointed by that. Its a great read, and I could read even more of these characters getting to know one another. Dont skip this one; pick it up next time youre at your shop. Read Full Review
For this issue (and the previous one) there hasnt been a lot of action. Its been a lot of setup and a lot of exposition, and Im hoping it leads to something great. With that being said, Ive really enjoyed the character development in these last couple of issues. Its been incredibly intriguing seeing how each member reacts to meeting their future children and learning a little about what kind of parent they each are. I cant wait to see how this all turns out. Read Full Review
Bryan Hitch continues making me wonder where this version of him has been for a year. I am really digging this Legacy story and am so glad to be enjoying the Justice League again! Read Full Review
This arc has been impressing me, and this issue is no exception. The art is mostly strong and Hitch goes much deeper in the story and there's some immediate payoff to it. I'm genuinely excited for this story to continue. Read Full Review
It seems to me that the best way to appreciate this storyline, and perhaps Hitch's entire run on this title is to take it as separate from the rest of the DCU. It doesn't do very well in lining up with the rest of the DCU, but it makes a decent story when taken on its own. Read Full Review
A little too much exposition in a story that could have hit the same emotional beat with a more narrow focus. Great detailed art in each panel. Read Full Review
The overall story is still unclear, and the book hasn't quite pulled its narrative together yet. However, it's early in the arc, and I'm still willing to give it some time to play out. Read Full Review
Now that we seem to have the action set up, I am looking forward to the future of this arc. Read Full Review
Overall: Justice League #28 is an issue that will appeal to readers who like quality character work and dialogue. However, the slow pacing, lack of plot progression and absence of action make it hard for me to recommend that readers spend their hard earned money on this issue. Read Full Review
After such a great ending to last issue, I expected to finally get more. But instead we get just talking. And talking. And more talking. There are ways to balance out action and dialogue and to move the story along, but this just fails at it. And that cover. Oh, that cover! Still, we get some build-up, so this story wasnt a complete loss. Read Full Review
A little better than last time, Justice League #28 is still a mediocre entry in a poorly executed arc and series. If you've enjoyed the run so far, you'll probably still enjoy it now, but for me, November can't get here fast enough. Read Full Review
Ok this cover didn't reflect at all of the interior and at first I was disappointed.
But I have the variant cover, and the story is wonderful. I like each moment with each heroes.
Jon & Harper is great together. Mera & Dori have a very beautiful moment & some for Flash, Jessica & Cruser.
I don't want see them leaving, in fact. They are great characters !
The art very nice. Finally the JL have a strong story, a story where I cannot remplace them by some Authority character.
And they deserve that.
Like where the story is going. We are getting some bread crumbs on what the future children are after but still alot of questions, this may be Hitch's best arch.
So Aquaborg doesn't show up despite the cover. This issue is more about mommy issues and then going back in time to kill said mommy. The last panel has Hunter saying something about killing Wonder Woman which reminds me of a previous issue when Superman goes crazy and says he has to kill Batman. Can Hitch stop writing this garbage? What is this, Marvel? Where heroes are constantly fighting each other with no well defined villain? I get Geoff Johns has a lot on his plate now that he is part of the DCEU but his writing on Justice League is sorely missed. Hitch is stepping off after this story arc ends which is a welcome change. This title could use some momentum from a good creative team before the movie hits theaters.