SERIES PREMIERE! Within a strange walled city, an unlicensed chef discovers a mystery that threatens to end it all. Join JOSEPH KEATINGE (GLORY, SHUTTER) and WOOK JIN CLARK (Adventure Time: The Flip Side) on this culinary epic adventure-FLAVOR-where chefs are the ultimate celebrity and food is the most valued commodity. The high-stakes competition of Hunger Games collides with the lush, MIYAZAKI-esque worldbuilding in this delectable new ongoing series featuring culinary consulting and bonus content by ALI BOUZARI, renowned food scientist and author of the IACP Award-winning cookbook Ingredient: Unveiling the Essential Elements of Food.
Flavor #1 is everything that a first issue ought to be. It does not simply offer readers a thesis statement and sense of story to come. It delivers its style, setting, and characters intact from the very beginning. Read Full Review
If you havent picked up on it by now, I really liked this comic. Flavor #1 creates a world that is fresh and exciting, filled with questions and dynamic characters. This is definitely a gem you dont want to miss out on. Read Full Review
If the rest of the series continues this strongly, consider Flavor a recipe for sequential art success. Read Full Review
Flavor #1 is off to an exciting start. The creative team has created a delicious, lived-in new world with characters that, by the end of the issue, are worth investing in. The combination of intriguing story-lines with exemplary art makes this a must read first issue. Read Full Review
I loved this first issue and it's an entertaining comic that at first seems like it'd be great for kids and adults alike and then you get to the end… and I'm rethinking that aspect. I have no idea where this is going, I just know I want to read it and find out. Read Full Review
Flavor #1 is a beautiful and sweet book that can balance its emotions and tone well. Its characters are believable and endearing, its art looks great, and its concepts are creative. This one easily earns a recommendation. Give it a read this Wednesday. Read Full Review
Flavor #1 is a joy to read and a breath of fresh air. It's rare to see a creative team mesh this well. Read Full Review
A fantastic appetizer from a new culinary comic, "Flavor" #1 delivers gorgeous visuals and a lighthearted story that mirror the best of Miyazaki's animated films. Read Full Review
With a charming protagonist and a well-realized world, Flavor #1 establishes stakes that are personal and threats that look to build in future issues. Plus, it's about food. And food is great. Read Full Review
Even though we didn't get too much cooking in this issue, I'm very much interested to see what sort of creations the culinary consultant they brought into the team will bring us. As for a first issue, I'd say this was a well-done appetizer. Read Full Review
This book made much of the fact that it was bringing on board a culinary consultant (a Kitchen Aid some might say...) to assist with its development. Aside from the opening mention of truffles there wasn't that much input that I could decipher as belonging to Ali Bouzari. He sells books on Amazon and has given Ted talks though so I'm sure his expertise will shine through more as the issues continue. As it stands this was an aesthetically pleasing book that I'm glad I read, but I didn't really seem to be guided very well as to the plot context, and so it scores on curiosity value as much as anything else. An opening installment that was hard to dislike, but I did feel a little lost at sea. Read Full Review
Flavor #1 did a good job of introducing this new world to the readers, but it leaves so much to be explained. It may be a few issues until we get this all fleshed out, but, it’s looking to be an enjoyable ride getting there. Read Full Review
Flavors biggest flaw lies in the fact that its just a bit too slow of an introductory dump. It throws a lot of what should be emotional turmoil at you but its hard to connect with the characters when we dont know anything about them. With that being said, the last page of the book definitely helps salvage itself by making the world even more intriguing. Read Full Review
If you are into the Culinary Arts,love comics about strong familial relationships and overcoming odds, or have a younger reader in your life who would appreciate a good story, Flavor #1 is the perfect place to jump in. This is a strong comic with a clear path, and a story that appeals to a wide audience of readers. If you are looking for something new, give Flavor a try, it wont disappoint. Read Full Review