With the coming of Apocalypse and the X-Tracts, the world is shaken by something it has never faced before - rebellion! Can the X-Men quell the insurrection in the name of order? Or will the insidious teachings of En Sabah Nur undermine their hard-fought peace?
Rated T+
Marvelous X-Men is a thought-provoking What If with a twist in that it ties directly will likely directly affect the 616 universe in a similar way that the Age of Apocalypse did. It's still an engaging story on all levels. Bring on issue 3! Read Full Review
Marco Faillas art is fantastic. I loved all of the richly detailed panels and the change in art style between whats happening in real time and in the memories. Read Full Review
The world is becoming richer with each passing page, new revelations occur, and the characters all understandably act as you might expect. Age of X-Man is a mind trip I can't put down. Read Full Review
This story balances action, world-building and introspection to highlight the fact that when doubt is forbidden we all are made into fanatics. Welcome to the second issue of what will likely become the best series of the year. Read Full Review
Overall Marvelous X-Men is a great fun book with a philosophical tone being threaded throughout. I highly suggest picking it up and seeing how things continue to fall apart for these merry mutants. Read Full Review
Those with only a passing interest in this event should find their appetite satiated by this main series, which offers the most interesting look at the latest mutant predicament. Read Full Review
Theres a hell of a lot going on in the multi-mini-series Age of X-Man event. Its a sizable finite story playing out in a micro-verse with so many moving parts. Chapters like this are going to inevitably crop-up here and there as the overall story shifts from one major event to the next. Necessarily there is going to be the occasional issue that is doing more work going over what has already been expressed in other chapters. Hopefully, there arent too many issues like this, though. Read Full Review
"Age of X-Man" seems to be losing its way a bit. Marvelous X-Men #2 spends a lot of time pondering the goods and evils of love but struggles to define what the word really means. Read Full Review