I too was dreading this event, but I really liked the first issue. Glad to hear that this one’s good too.
The perfect heroes for a perfect world! The X-Men have helped make the world into a utopia where living in fear and hatred is a thing of the past. All people are united under the banner of mutantkind, and all of mutantkind idolizes the X-Men. Jean Grey! Colossus! Storm! X-23! X-Man! Nature Girl! Magneto! And of course, the amazing Nightcrawler! When danger threatens the world, the Marvelous X-Men set things right for the good of all. And no one dares say otherwise.
Rated T+
The Age of X-Man is upon us! AGE OF X-MAN: THE MARVELOUS X-MEN #1 brings us deeper into X-Man's fabricated reality, where "individualism" reigns over relationships, both familial and romantic. This issue begins to tackle some of the larger questions presented in AGE OF X-MAN ALPHA #1 but doesn't give answers quite as satisfying as I would've hoped. In a way, this is a good thing. Thompson and Nadler are bringing us on a ride that takes longer than two issues. Let's just hope they don't leave all the interesting tidbits for the last issue like a certain PHOENIX RESURRECTION miniseries. Read Full Review
Marco Failla has some great art in this issue. The art is beautifully detailed and has a detached feel to it that matches the fantasy, unreal elements of the story. Read Full Review
Beneath the 60's-Chic design and happy happy faces inhabiting X-Man's perfect world lies a deep seam of dystopian fear. Witty writing and beautiful art combine to make this issue everything that you'd want from an X-Men alternate reality Story. Read Full Review
Overall this is a perfect first issue to take us full into Age of X-Man. It delivers everything you could want and more. I definitely have high expectations now for the rest of the books in this event and only time will tell if Age of X-Man lives up to it or not. But for now I highly recommend this event and consider it a must read. Read Full Review
"Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men" #1 brings an unsettling level of intrigue and paranoia to the 'Age of X-Man' crossover. Read Full Review
With this first issue of the first full series in the Age of X-Man event, Thompson and Nadler have lowered another foundational chapter into place that feels fresh and clever. As a whole, the event is hugely ambitious. This one chapter feels appealingly modular. There IS a conflict that gets resolved in dramatic fashion at the beginning of the issue, but theres A LOT of world-building going on here that shows careful thought toward the narrative mega-structure of a series with weekly chapters coming out through the middle of the year. Read Full Review
Age of X: Marvelous X-Men #1 is a solid addition to this event providing some more context for the world and showing that there is more to this utopia than meets the glowing eye. But it treads water a little bit while waiting for its companion titles to come out. The art is similar in that Failla seems more content working in concert with what Rosanas has already delivered rather than forge his own identity on the book. That said, “Age of X-Man” is off to a captivating start, one that will have X-fans foaming at the mouth for more. Read Full Review
A consistent second entry into this multi-part event that doesn't sacrifice story for spectacle and still delivers both. With each read of Age of X-Man, I'm eager for the new entry and to explore other corners of this universe. Read Full Review
With exciting superheroics and intriguing world-building, Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #1 is a solid beginning for this tie-in miniseries. Thompson and Nadler's script paired with vibrant art from Failla and Milla is a winning combination. Last week I expressed some trepidation about there being six different tie-in series for the Age of X-Man event; if all of them are as well-done as this issue, readers are in for an entertaining ride. Read Full Review
It's an interesting premise and while Marvelous X-Men #1 retreads some ground already covered by last week's Age of X-Men: Alpha, mostly introducing the concept and characters and seeding the conflict to come, the idea still hasn't lost any of its shine. Read Full Review
An interesting facet in the Age Of X-Man storyline which is an obvious inversion of the Age Of Apocalypse. It should prove interesting to see where this all goes. Read Full Review
This is a good issue that opens and closes excellently. Most of the issue is focused on a somewhat minor threat, but underneath it, all is an unease that gives the story mystery that'll drive your interest and make you wonder what comes next. Read Full Review
It gets a pass from me cause it made me want to read the rest of the story but this issue is clearly a TPB filler Read Full Review