All-New X-Men #14

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 17, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 9
8.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Jean Grey vs. Mastermind! Years ago, one run in with this famous Brotherhood of Evil Mutants member was the beginning of the end of Jean Grey.Will history repeat itself?

  • 10 - Stuart Conover Jul 20, 2013

    Things appear to have worked out well until the last part of the issue hits. Mystique finds a way to get herself out of prison (it looks like she really was just trying to make a lot of money after all) and the last page we focus on Jean. Jean remembering the projection she had cast into everyone's mind of the Phoenix with a look on her face I couldn't quite decide on. Fear? Worry? Or is there a bit of the Phoenix already embedded with her that traveled to the futurethat is just waiting to be unleashed upon our world? Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Aug 8, 2013

    Don't let the cover fool you, but Mastermind is not quite the factor he looks to be in this issue. Either way, though, this is a fun book with a lot of great things going for it. With terrific artwork and a superstar writer, All-New X-Men is one of the books that everyone should be reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jul 24, 2013

    Though I was never a fan of the run Brian Bendis had on the Avengers I am happy to see him find the franchise that fits his style of writing and All-New X-Men #14 is a great example of this. What's incredible about All-New X-Men #14 is that Bendis gives most of the cast time in the spotlight which makes the character moments a satisfying payoff that will have you smiling or cheering in your head. There are so many great character moments that I can even overlook the complaint I have over the short battle between the X-Men and Brotherhood. Stuart Immonen deserves just as much credit for this issues success as his artwork alone is able to tell a great story. Whether you are a long-time fan or new reader looking to get into the X-Men comics All-New X-Men is the perfect title to jump into. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Jul 17, 2013

    Having just read the Marvel Essentials Classic X-Men Volume 1, I really enjoy the parallels between the original run of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. If those two didn't hit a home run, we would have missed out on so many good stories that it's hurts my mind just thinking about it. This series has done a fantastic job of capturing the magic of that original run and re-creating it for the modern reader. There is greatness on the horizon for this series if it can manage to continue this level of consistency for the rest of the year, this one could go down as one of Marvel's best of the decade. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Jul 21, 2013

    Bendis and Immonen add another great chapter to "All New X-Men" -- their characters look and sound genuine; their world, large but fun and familiar. With its tricky concept, the book could easily have lost its pizzazz after a few issues, but Bendis and Immonen keep going strong with brilliant storytelling and strong characters. "All New X-Men" is a pure delight. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Jul 18, 2013

    Something to keep in mind though is while All New has been marketed as an easy in for new readers into the X-Men genre, it certainly isn’t. This issue alone deals with a lot of the rich X-Men history not only concerning the Phoenix but other characters and their relationships with one another too. There are a good handful of flashbacks and references to older X-Men events that I can’t imagine it being easy for a new reader to grasp everything that’s occurring. It seems more like a fun journey for older X-Men fans (as there are constant nods to X-Men history) to take as we watch some X-Men grow up (it’s really touching to see Kitty being referred to as “professor”), and others have a second chance at growing up—maybe to be better than before. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jul 19, 2013

    All-New X-Men has a little bit of everything, and this issue in particular is a lot of fun to read. It's hard not to smile when Havok and Cyclops high-five each other after a battle well fought. It's a moment that's deliberately cheesy and could have failed as overtly sentimental. This creative team does it service by making it a moment people can relate to " a snapshot of unabashed brotherhood after a job well done. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 17, 2013

    Once again this comic gets a good but not smashingly good review. Why is that? Because at the end of the day you're paying for character tinges and funny moments on the side. The decompression on this series is so insane it always feels as if you're getting slighted in some way. And yet, the comic is a lot of fun to read and always has something to say about the characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jul 18, 2013

    This was a great issue and as usual there is more to expect from this book as the longer the Original X-Men remain in this timeline the more dangerous the risk being that this is a sensitive period for mutants all over. The coloring is what I love most at this moment and the bold colors is something you love to see stand out when big fights such as this break out. It just works great when it comes to mutants. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 11, 2013

    This was a tremendous issue, and although it wasn't as good as last issue, with some disappointing points, it was still very entertaining, and fun. It also had some amazing action, and brilliant dialogue, with real depth, and emotion. I'd still highly recommend this issue, as despite the disappointments it was still a very interesting, and exciting issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jul 19, 2013

    All in all, All New X-Men has been a really fun book thus far, even if the plot seems to be spinning its wheels a bit. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Jul 17, 2013

    There's a decent amount of comedy this issue. Much more so than last issue. Lots of action, wittiness and excellent displays of power from everyone involved. No one's panel-dressing here. Still, don't expect too much from this issue. While great, it's little more than one big fight scene. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Jul 31, 2013

    One of my biggest concerns with All-New X-Men was that it seemed gimmicky. While my initial skepticism was dashed as Bendis wove an emotionally-driven tale of culture shock and self-actualization, these more recent issues have felt lacking in their drive and direction.X-Men: Battle of the Atom is a new crossover event for the X-Men titles coming this fall, and knowing that somewhat putsAll-New X-Men #14 in perspective as a build-up to this large mutant conflict. Unfortunately, it's unfair to judge an issue by the series' future potentials, so I have to look at this issue as it stands. With that in mind, All-New X-Men #14 is lackluster. Also, I have a major pet peeve about misleading covers, and even though the original Mastermind has been alluded to in the past, he does not show up in this issue and that is irksome. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - Nick Furious Jul 23, 2013

    This issue had tremendously stupid dialog yet some great artwork for the rising talent of Stuart Immonen. Read Full Review

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