Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1

Writer: Tini Howard Artist: Giorgiev, Vasco Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 22, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 23
8.4Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

And she's got a whole new mission! With Otherworld settled, Braddock Manor restored, and her brother Captain Avalon at her side, you'd think things look pretty good for Betsy Braddock. Only it turns out, good ole Britain doesn't want her back. No one wants a mutant menace carrying the shield of Captain Britain, and Betsy's made more than a few enemies along her way. Quest-less and country-less, Betsy must define a role for herself. A fresh take on a beloved character, don't miss the latest Tini Howard extravaganza and fan-favorite artist Vasco Georgiev's Marvel debut!
Rated T+

  • 10
    COMICON - Scott Redmond Mar 1, 2023

    ‘Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain' #1 kicks off with a jam-packed energetic debut issue that calls back to where the character has come from the past few years while forging forward into whole new adventures and realms. Betsy Braddock is getting her well-deserved chance to shine and this creative team is doing not only her but all the rest of the cast around her complete justice. Read Full Review

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Charles Hartford Feb 21, 2023

    Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1has me truly thrilled for what comes next. It has threats, both present and insidious that feel real and viable, coupled with amazing character writing and a gorgeous visual presentation. If the creative team can keep this up it looks like the X-Office's current run of hits will only continue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - Colin Moon Feb 17, 2023

    Filled with a deep understanding of its characters and its mythology, Betsy Braddock continues laying foundations for its own wonderful corner of the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Feb 28, 2023

    Once again Tini Howard gives us a rather complex and nuanced storyline, which has multiple twists being set up. I love the fact that we are likely to see a bit more of S.T.R.I.K.E. as Betsy has called upon them in order to help here get to the bottom of what is going on with the Furies. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Feb 22, 2023

    Betsy Braddock: Captain America #1 crams appealing characters, history and mythology, and lush, gorgeous art into a highly-enjoyable issue that feels more like a graphic novel. While you'll probably need a break after reading this beautiful and involving story, you'll have met lots of interesting characters and be itching to watch all the X-Men movies over again. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Feb 26, 2023

    Overall, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 is a fun story that shows why everyone loves Betsy Braddock. The story by Howard is wonderful. The art by the creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, a story that shows off a different side of the X-Men's world that has endured for decades. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Feb 17, 2023

    Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 is a love letter to the badass, queer psychic superhero that Tini Howard has nurtured for the past 3+ years while also shows the strain that taking on the role of Captain Britain, protecting the multiverse, and dealing with Otherworld has taken on her. The comic is a meditation on burnout and being spread too thin, but with killer robots, evil plans, and shrinking Tory-friendly podcasters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Alexander Jones Feb 23, 2023

    "Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 gives Betsy a focused series that her character needed all along. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jenna Anderson Feb 22, 2023

    After becoming a significant and beloved part of the Krakoa era thus far, Betsy Braddock's Captain Britain is finally leading her own solo series, and its debut installment proves to be an entertaining, albeit slightly-overstuffed, kickoff. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Matthew Sardo Feb 22, 2023

    With BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN #1, the second issue will determine if the series is a must-buy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geek'd Out - Nico Sprezzatura Feb 21, 2023

    But if youre someone who cant totally appreciate the social and political commentary offered here, theres still plenty of the mythical sword-clashing thatll leave you satisfied; any issue featuring Britannica Rex, the dinosaur Captain Britain, is one worth reading. (Betsy/Rachel shippers will also be well-fed with this one, thats for sure.) But most of all, the issue builds to an intriguing cliffhanger that I wont spoil here, but implies an incoming clash between Betsy and another UK-based character that is incredibly genius. (You can glance at the solicits for the next issue if you really want a heavy hint as to what Im alluding to.) With a new perspective but retaining everything that has made Howards time with the character so much fun, Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 continues this era of the Captain Britain with a new lease on its life. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Watch - B. Radtz Feb 22, 2023

    Its a new chapter in Betsy Braddocks life as Captain Britain, but unfortunately it seems like its just more of the same. Not much has changed for Betsy since taking on the mantle, despite being under Howards control for the last four years, and the only thing new is her relationship with Rachel, which came at the ending of the Knights of X mini. Im not sure if Howards got anything new to say about Betsy and her world, but Ill keep waiting patiently. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Impulse Gamer - Tim Chuma Feb 27, 2023

    There are so many of these series now but I am sure this character will turn up in your favourite one if you wait long enough depending on the storyline. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean Feb 26, 2023

    I wish I was more excited by this.

  • 7.0
    Drasek83 Feb 22, 2023

    More of the same

  • 6.5
    KittyNone Feb 26, 2023

    What a mixed bag.

    On one hand, it's loaded with sapphic romance, fits a fair amount of stuff in without feeling garbled or rushed, and features lots of Excalibur characters I love but don't see much like Pete Wisdom and Faiza Hussain.

    On the other, it really doesn't feel like Howard has anything new to say about everyone being a skeptic of Betsy and the other plots are starting to feel like they're spinning their wheels as well, the romance is decidedly mid and never really gives us a clear idea of what these two love about one another, and though the Fury is a concept that was always going to deliver diminishing returns if it was used more than once, turning it into a thing that can be defeated in two pages begs the more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 5.5
    CrazyforRAMU Apr 20, 2024

    My problem is that the author doesn't seem to know of any other way to establish a plot point than have at least 2 characters talk about it for at least 2 pages. And then, once they have all that space to fill, why not pour in several hundred words of recap, exposition, character opinion, digression, and/or speculation?

  • 4.0
    Briton Feb 26, 2023

    It's about time Brian reclaimed "Captain Britain". This drivel with Betsy has been going on far too long - and is going nowhere.

  • 1.0
    Mike Feb 24, 2023

    Tini Howard hyped up this book as a thrilling new adventure for Betsy, promising to take her “on her greatest ride yet” and “introduce her to the wider Marvel Universe”. Sadly, the book falls far short of these promises.

    Instead, we get a predictable continuation of the cancelled previous series, with the tired plot of “Britain hates the new mutant Captain Britain” dragging on for the fourth year. Even making it a solo book doesn’t change much, as Excalibur and Knights of X were always the Betsy show, with the supporting cast serving only as plot enablers for her.

    The interactions between Betsy and Rachel are flat and awkward, with cringey dialogue. We’ve jumped from their first kiss to their happily ev more

  • 1.0
    Julian Keller Feb 23, 2023

    Stagnant and bland. The same tired story about whether Britain should accept their new Captain Britain dragging on for four years. A cheap #1 to boost sales when this is actually Excalibur #27.

  • 10
    ChrisClaremontForever Feb 27, 2023

  • 10
    Pamela Feb 25, 2023

  • 10
    AllWallace Feb 24, 2023

  • 10
    Spin-0-sa Feb 24, 2023

  • 10
    TaiwanMarvel Feb 24, 2023

  • 10
    AmbrosE Feb 24, 2023

  • 10
    Bruno Mael Feb 22, 2023

    + LikeComment
  • 8.5
    wesshamu Mar 7, 2023

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Feb 24, 2023

  • 7.5

  • 6.5
    NickNightingale Jan 5, 2024

  • 5.0
    Lovecomics777 Mar 30, 2023

  • 1.0
    Rocco Siffredi Feb 25, 2023

  • 1.0
    Hermann Lasse Feb 25, 2023

  • 1.0
    Gustavo Las Orka Feb 25, 2023

  • 1.0
    Pelato89 Feb 25, 2023

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