Years ago, Peter Parker spurned a puddle of black, extraterrestrial goo and inadvertently created one of the deadliest foes he's ever encountered: VENOM. Years later, Venom's offspring found a willing host in the form of Cletus Kasady, a dangerous serial killer, and together the two formed an even deadlier being called CARNAGE.
But what will become of the Carnage symbiote now, rejected by the only loving host it's ever known? And, like Venom before it, what new and terrifying creature will emerge on the other side?
A dichotomy is forming between Carnag the Symbiote, and a Carnage trapped in a detective's mind. That's exciting to watch unfold as Ram V and Antnio take Carnage to new and greater heights. Read Full Review
Carnage #3 unveils the series' endgame as the creative team looks to push the sinister symbiote into the upper echelon of Marvel villains. That's a tall order for any character, but this creative team shows they're more than up to the challenge. And it'll hopefully draw more readers, as this is slowly shaping up to be one of Marvel's most interesting titles. Read Full Review
Carnage #3 adds an additional layer of complexity to detective Johnathan Shayde's hunt for the blood-thirsty Carnage, as well as a captivating element of psychological horror. Ram V plants the seeds for an intense battle of wills, while leaving the future vague enough to keep you guessing what will happen next. Read Full Review
Carnage #3 has the crimson alien face off against the supervillain The Spot. The fight between Carnage and the Spot is well illustrated by Rog Antnio with Dijjo Lima's colors, as both villains get to show off their stuff in excellent art. It ends with the obvious winner but the story doesn't stop there as we finally get a glimpse of Carnage's plan and what we might see explored in the next issue. Read Full Review
Carnage continues to build at a nice pace. Read Full Review
No Carnage comic has any right to be this good
There were some really good pages that had great visuals. The concept to me is interesting enough but, it's the writing that keeps you invested.
I think this is a very improvable comic. I like the writing (particularly the dialogue), but I wish Carnage's plans were revealed by something more inventive than the ol' villain monologue. I like the new artist's style, but there are some critical places where the visuals need more clarity.
But this is definitely a good comic with interesting ideas, and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Carnage never interested me much when he was just a psychopathic knife-blob. But turn him into a psychopathic knife-blob with Daddy issues? I'm captivated.
The art is amazing, the body language of the characters is the highlight for me, it enhances the feelings of the characters, especially with The spot since he has no facial features it captures the emotional state of Spot. I am intrigued enough to go through the whole arc to see how the story plays out, Ram V has really interesting elements that look to lead to a really good pay off.
I have not been too excited for the next issue in this series to come out, which might have to do with the fact that I don't feel strongly about Carnage (the character) overall in what I have seen or read about the character.