A global team vs a global threat! The Champions must hold the line or Earth will fall to creatures and chaos! Even if they succeed, these young heroes are about to lose one of their own...
Rated T+
From Kamala Khan to Victor Alvarez, every single character gets their time in the spotlight and helps make Champions one of Marvel's best ongoing series, month in and month out. Read Full Review
There is definitely a different feel to this new run of Champions. The stakes are dire and there is more drama between members of the team. However, while the book has taken a more serious tone, it's for the better. The team feels more cohesive and still remains one of the best teams in the current Marvel universe. Read Full Review
Champions #6 served as a strong reminder of what we should always come to expect when this global team takles a global threat. It's not just about beating the bad guys. It's about doing so while making sure that nothing no matter how small is neglected. The people, the cities, the homes. All the things that Avengers might overlook they Read Full Review
The big fighty-fighty makes the plot a slow-burn, but there's a lot to like here, with some great Ms. Marvel and Power Man character moments. Read Full Review
A decent issue of Champions but if you bought it as part of War of the Realms you might be disappointed. Read Full Review
"If you cannot face the end that came for us all, then you will never be strong enough to endure ! "
I'm liking this team. Feels like a good place to put all these younger heroes. I hope this series continues for a while.
The final War of the Realms tie-in for this series focuses more on the lesser-known members of the Champions, which will be more of a commodity it the future as Zub has fully disassembled the core Champions. Sam is in space without his powers. Miles quit because he made a deal with the devil and now Kamala has quit after seeing a vision of her dying in the future Miles prevented. Victor Alvarez got the spotlight this issue as he led the charge against the Disir. Great issue and great art
A good way to tie in the event to ongoing story arcs.
Another decent book killed by a mandatory crossover. This issue was largely pointless, and when it wasn't pointless it was frustrating. Like much of War of the Realms it was a shallow superhero slugfest. A big fight scene with all the depth of a kid smashing action figures together. Everyone gets maybe one or two lines, with no opportunity for character work. Power Man get a cool moment, but given that he's been a non-entity this entire run its hard to care. I couldn't name single characteristic of him if you paid me.
The really frustrating part came at the end, when Ms. Marvel has a breakdown related to the terrible One More Day rehash from earlier in the run. This plot has gone absolutely nowhere and has only made everyo more