Daredevil #7

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Matteo Buffagni Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 25, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 30
7.8Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

• Marvel's most deadly assassin is back in the Big Apple and has just dropped a bombshell of secret.
•  Now, Matt Murdock is forced to consider the true cost of being the Man Without Fear.
•  And now, with Elektra raising hell in Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil may have to give up his biggest secret...
Rated T+

  • 9.4
    Major Spoilers - Jon Arvedon May 27, 2016

    After an iconic run on Daredevil by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, Charles Soule had some big shoes to fill. Issue #7 is Soule's seventh example of proof that he is more than capable of living up to the challenge. He has taken everything that works from not just Waid's run, but also Miller's and Bendis', and combined it into a style gives us the most visceral and ideal version of the Man Without Fear. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 26, 2016

    While now is the logical time to bring Elektra back into Daredevil's world, this current story arc is hardly guilty of regurgitating the same old tropes. Between the fact that Elektra no longer knows Daredevil's identity and the revelation that she may apparently has a daughter somewhere in the wide world, there's a lot of compelling material to chew on in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck May 29, 2016

    My first reaction to seeing Elektra back in this series is a happy one, since it flashes back to her first appearances (a real high point in DD's history) - though it does it in unexpected ways. But the story itself is a bit dodgy - it doesn't exactly pay fair with the reader. It can still redeem itself, but we'll have to wait another issue or two to see. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Jun 2, 2016

    The last two issues of Daredevil have quelled some of the worries I was starting to have about Soules work on the book. I think the first arc was trying to do too many new things at once, and fumbled on some of them. It was wise to shift to an established character such as Elektra, and Soule had a compelling though brief story to tell with her. The conclusion still leaves open the identity of who made Elektra think she had had a daughter (was it Stick? One of Daredevils enemies?), so I think Daredevil #7 will be important for future issues of the series. Hopefully, those issues feel more like the last two and less like the first arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Richard Gratton Jun 10, 2016

    Having said this, the flow of the story is so much better than the previous issue. We get a more complete sense of the world these characters live in. They are more grounded in this issue because they all have ties to a world that is real, not just filled with fantastic, unbelievable events well beyond what we normal humans know. No, these characters are just like us in the sense that they have real problems that don't have quick and easy solutions. They struggle to find their way just as we all do. Well done, Mr. Soule; not only did you write a good story, you left us with enough questions to keep us wanting to know more, which in turn will keep us coming back for more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 1, 2016

    Given everything we learn in this issue turns out to be lies, Daredevil #7 feels a bit empty by the time the last page is turned. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng May 30, 2016

    The path that Soule takes with Elektra is too easy. She's a scene-stealer, but her character doesn't go through any new motions; she's still a tormented, potentially salvageable femme fatale. "Daredevil" #7 just puts her through more trauma, getting almost all of its juice from kicking a damaged soul once again with the overused tropes of brainwashing and trigger phrases. It says a lot of Buffagni's skills that he's able to make the last scene emotionally effective despite Soule's plot trickery with the phone and the mind control. Beyond her personal tragedies, her beauty, her skills and the love/hate chemistry with Daredevil, there's not a whole lot else to Elektra. Soule and Buffagni are able to breathe life into the outlines of an old relationship between Elektra and Daredevil, but they haven't expanded upon it yet. Read Full Review

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