Deadpool #10

Event\Storyline: King in Black Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Gerardo Sandoval Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 27, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 20
8.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

•  An evil, ancient cult wants to kill DEADPOOL.
•  An evil, ancient space god wants to kill Deadpool.
•  Why does everyone want to kill Deadpool??? (I mean, we know why...)

Parental Advisory

  • 9.0 - Matthew Aguilar Jan 27, 2021

    The series has been stellar and deserved to go doing its own thing and not having to tie into anything else. Still, the team pulled off a delightful finale, and this is easily one of the best Deadpool runs ever. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Cat Wyatt Jan 27, 2021

    Deadpool #10 is, without a doubt, one of the most hilarious crossover issues I have ever read. I'd like to think that is saying something, and hope that other fans feel the same way about it. This was one fun and chaotic mess, meant in all the best possible ways. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Jan 27, 2021

    An event tie-in book doesn't always have to be so much fun, but I'm sure glad this one was. Though the future is uncertain, Deadpool #10 is undoubtedly a treat for fans of the character and the King in Black event. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Alex Richardson Jan 27, 2021

    Frankly, it doesn't even matter that it's a tie-in to an event that has nothing to do with Wade himself. Thompson and Sandoval's legitimately funny take on Wade, combined with a likable extended cast of nobody characters, could strike success from just about any plot. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Crusaders - M.R. Jafri Jan 28, 2021

    Except somehow this is the last issue of the run, showing just how pointless Marvel makes crossovers by not even allowing them to build momentum and an audience for their books. They're continually resetting books rather than letting a run as fun as this find a larger audience. More than anything this book proves just how great a writer Kelly Thompson is. Even if this crossover can't find more fans for this run it'll certainly create some new fans for Kelly Thompson. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    But Why Tho? - Aaron Phillips Jan 27, 2021

    Overall, this is by no means an earth-shattering issue, but it does what it is intended to do: entertain you and make you laugh. Thompson constructs a world that doesnt take itself too seriously and basks in the utterly absurd. If you love Deadpool, this is the series for you. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Geek'd Out - Nico Sprezzatura Jan 27, 2021

    I know from anecdotal experience that artist Gerardo Sandoval apparently isnt to everybodys taste, but I do really enjoy his work and think it serves the material here well. Deadpool is first and foremost a product of the '90s, and its always been my opinion that Sandovals art retains enough of that era in style to make it appealing while still being modern enough that it doesnt come off as retro. There are some genuinely great images in this issue (e.g. Deadpool getting sucked into a symbiote monstrosity with twisted limbs, him presenting a wall of fact cards depicting his allies, generally any appearance of Jelby but specifically when he becomes a Megazord containing the team), and I think that helps make this issue feel substantial enough to check out. Read Full Review

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