Leaping from the pages of CHRISTOPHER CANTWELL'S IRON MAN run, Hellcat is back! Patsy is back on the west coast, living in a demon house haunted by the ghost of her mother! When someone close to Patsy's inner circle is murdered, Hellcat becomes the prime suspect! Now Patsy must prove her innocence and evade both the police and the supernatural Sleepwalkers. To add to the perils she faces, her demonic ex Daimon Hellstrom shows up and that's never a good thing. A supernatural, superhero murder mystery!
Rated T
Hellcat #1 ultimately delivers an opening chapter that couldn't be executed better. It is emotionally charged and narratively intriguing as it pulls the reader into a mystery that feels set to drag its protagonist through the wringer. Read Full Review
Even the most casual of Marvel fan owes it to themselves to pick up this issue. Read Full Review
'Hellcat' is off to a hell of a start. This first issue embraces every facet of Patsy's unique history, then forges a bloody, dreamlike path all its own. Read Full Review
While I do think Hellcat #1 is a good debut issue you could dive into cold, I think it may behoove anybody interested in checking this one out to read the Iron Man/Hellcat Annual from last year first, which essentially serves as a backdoor pilot for what transpires here. I admittedly hadnt checked it out until after reading Hellcat #1, and it clarified a lot of things I was a little unsure about prior. (E.g. the Daimon-possessed stuffed rabbit, which is not explained in this issue whatsoever.) I presume itll be included in the inevitable trade paperback because of how vital it is to set up this new series, but for now thats something you may want to be clued in on. Read Full Review
Hellcat #1 begins the mini-series with a tantalizing mystery, providing more background on Hellcats past as she wrestles with her inner demons while trying to find answers to Spaldings brutal murder. Rick Sheridan is an interesting twist in the mix and I look forward to seeing how the story continues next issue. Read Full Review
Hellcat #1 starts a new adventure for Patsy Walker when she's arrested for the brutal murder of her boyfriend. The bits and pieces of Patsy's life make for a good jumping-on point, and the murder mystery is set up well, but the pacing is dull, and the stylized art makes Patsy look like a glum sadsack. Read Full Review
Fresh off her relationship with Iron Man, Patsy Walker has gone solo again, and her late mother doesn't approve. Throw in a murder investigation and a washed-up super guest star, and it's a solid launch. Read Full Review
A vigilante hero being brought in by the police...its a concept with a lot of potential. Its too bad Cantwell didnt really know where to go with it. Cantwells interpretation of Patsy is not without its strength. It needs to hit the page with more impact as the series progresses if its going to elevate at all. With everything firmly established in the first issue, its inevitable that Cantwell and company will manage something much more interesting than theyve opened the series with. Read Full Review