Silver Surfer: Rebirth #1

Writer: Ron Marz Artist: Ron Lim Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 19, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 18
7.2Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

No, we don't mean the guys on the cover... We're talking about legendary creators Ron Marz and Ron Lim returning to tell a story set during their fan-favorite run of SILVER SURFER!

Someone has stolen the Reality Gem, an object that allows the user to fulfill any wish no matter the consequences! But whoever has taken it is doing things like bringing back the dead hero Captain Mar-Vell. It's up to Silver Surfer to team up with the least likely of allies, Thanos, to find the Gem and restore reality to its proper form!


  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Jan 17, 2022

    Silver Surfer: Rebirth #1works as both a throwback to the '90s era of comics and as an exploration of Norrin Radd's character development. Whether you enjoyed Marz's original run on Silver Surfer or you're looking to learn more about the Sentinel of the Spaceways, this is a great start. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Crusaders - Steve Sellers Jan 18, 2022

    Silver Surfer: Rebirth thus far is off to a strong start, and you likely should enjoy it if you're a fan of the 90's Surfer comics. This is a book that offers cosmic action and spectacle in the classic style, featuring a return of old favorites in a new context. Even if you haven't read those stories, this book is still accessible, and it does a good job of introducing these characters if you're new to them. Marz and Lim are still a good, strong team on Marvel Cosmic titles, and the story feels in many ways as though they never left. I look forward to seeing what else this mini has to offer, and any other cosmic stories that this team has to offer in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Jan 21, 2022

    I think this issue was the one to get things going, to establish where we are and who we are. Next issue can be the first one that can just focus on driving the story forward. That being said, I still enjoyed this return to the past, and I'm guessing so will quite a few others. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - batbrad Jan 17, 2022

    Without giving any of the plot points away, as the cover teases the Surfer teams up with the Marvels Original Captain Marvel (or Mar-vell). How and why this happens I wont give away (its still a mystery after the first issue anyway). This is already a great team-up. The Silver Surfer can sometimes come across as a snob, as he does early in this issue. His dialogue is very over the top and almost Shakespearian. Thats not necessarily a criticism of the character. Its actually great to hear him have a distinctive voice. The Silver Surfer has never been known to be subtle in his dialogue. When he says his trademark to me, my board! it made me smile. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Colin Moon Jan 18, 2022

    Though exciting to see this particular team return to the character, Rebirth #1 does little to whet the appetite, meaning that future issues will define how strong of a book it is. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Charlie Ridgely Jan 19, 2022

    This time-traveling tale has a lot going on, and its depiction of the Vells is pretty wonderful. But the mystery at its center isn't too compelling and that reveal will surely help with sales, but it doesn't do anything for the story itself. Read Full Review

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