Spider-Man #5

Writer: J. J. Abrams, Henry Abrams Artist: Sara Pichelli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 9, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 20
2.0Critic Rating
3.8User Rating

• Ben Parker and his dad are cornered and surely beaten.
•  Their allies that they thought could help them weren't enough.
•  The son of Mary Jane and Spider-Man has an unwinnable fight on his hands... have his absentee dad and dead mother taught him enough to know what Spider-Man does in these situations?
Rated T

  • 2.0
    ComicBook.com - Jamie Lovett Dec 9, 2020

    The final issue of the much-hyped Abrams Spider-Man series almost approaches competence. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    DDJamesB Dec 14, 2020

    Really not good but I didnt hate it. Not needed reading. The series started off fine for me but man it really imploded.

  • 4.0
    the_comic_book_club Dec 12, 2020

    Issue: 5
    “Bloodline” Part V

    Publisher: @marvel
    Writer: @jjabramsofficial & @henabrms
    Artist: @sara_pichelli & @elis_damico
    Cover: @oliviercoipel & Dave Stewart
    Colorist: @dragonmnky
    Letterer: @joecaramagna

    Years ago, Cadaverous murdered Ben Parker’s mother, Mary Jane, and took a sample of Peter Parker’s blood to save his partner Minka. After draining Peter’s blood, Cadaverous discovered that it wasn’t enough and needed more. Minka, now a transformed spider, uses Peter as bait to capture been in hopes to uses his blood to return to normal.

    This is the final issue in this mini-series and unfortunately the series as a whole fell short. After a pr more

  • 4.0
    Kalaoui Dec 11, 2020

    This final issue cannot fix any of the problems with this story and the Writers. First of all Sara Pichelli/Stewart/Coipel were outstanding and they were wasted here and deserve nothing but praise. The Abrams JJ and H and Nick lowe as the editor can take all of the blame here. You cannot fix the script/dialogue and the other problems with 4 issues in 10 pages at the end and try to get completely unearned emotions from me to try to make it what it wasn't. What a waste!

  • 3.5
    mrDovydas May 5, 2021

    One of the worst things I've read in a long, long time. Even more disappointing considering I've quite enjoyed it at first. :/

  • 3.5
    CrazyforRAMU Mar 23, 2021

    Ben is saved by an unwelcome surprise and a poorly-conveyed sacrifice. The supporting cast is careful to kill any sense of tension dead with badly-timed comic relief, and the whole thing gurgles down the drain with a sad fart of a sequel hook cribbed from the MCU. The art is decent, which is actually a step down from Sara Pichelli's usual quality level -- but as with the previous issue, I don't fault her for rightly sensing that she's stuck on a project that doesn't deserve her best efforts.

  • 3.0

    This was a poor Mini-series that started out poor and only grew moreso with every passing issue. I didn't even care when issues ran late. The Spider-Girl series from the late '90s was way better. If this was to be Spider-Man's final fate it was certainly a waste.
    I don't know how the sales were for this, but I can see the reviews aren't that good. A sequel would only be a further waste I'd have no interest in. I suddenly find myself yearning for the days of the Clone saga 25 years ago...

  • 2.0
    Afre Dec 10, 2020

    This story was so... bad. This final issue felt very rushed, since the first three issues did nothing but tease the mysteries of this universe like Abrams often likes to do.

    Sara Pichelli's art was amazing and wasted on this series. She deserves much better writers than those two. And the only reason this series is not a 1 for me.

    As usual, the ideas aren't that bad. But the execution is.

  • 1.0
    Julhin Dec 24, 2020

    Thank god this is over.

  • 1.0
    Psycamorean Dec 11, 2020

    Let's not do this again, Nick Lowe. I don't know what the sales were on this, but god, I hope it wasn't enough to warrant more. This was terrible. The art was the one thing that deserves any sort of praise. It was the shine on shit. This miniseries depressed me to read, genuinely. It ruined my mood. And if I weren't such a spider-dork, I would have dropped this. I had to know though. But I hope I was the lone fool. Do not support this series in any capacity. Let it be buried in dollar bins for the years to come.

  • 7.5
    wesshamu Dec 19, 2020

  • 7.0
    Radar Dec 15, 2020

  • 5.5
    Watchtower022 Dec 27, 2020

  • 4.5
    VladEkHead May 25, 2022

  • 4.5
    Críticas Crónicas Dec 18, 2020

  • 4.0

  • 4.0
    tonpas1989 Dec 9, 2020

  • 3.5
    Ryan Jan 1, 2022

  • 3.0

  • 3.0
    MarvelGuy Dec 12, 2020

  • 2.0
    daspidaboy Jul 16, 2021

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