STORM is dying.
An unknown form of radiation poisoning from the OKLAHOMA INCIDENT has turned her cells into ticking time bombs. As her final hours count down, will she find a cure for her illness at NIGHT NURSE's new super-hero hospital, or will it require enchantments from DOCTOR VOODOO to save her life?
Rated T+
The story was fantastic! The art was inspired and it left me on the edge of my seat asking for so much more. I had high hopes when I first learned Storm was getting her own comic run in From the Ashes. Two issues in and this Storm run has exceeding all of my expectations. Read Full Review
Overall, this was a strong issue that sets up plenty to look forward to in issue three when it hits stores next month. Read Full Review
Werneck delivers visually stunning art throughout the issue and I love the beauty in every moment from the fights to the quiet human moments. Everything looks amazing. Read Full Review
Storm actively looking for an answer to what is going on with her drives the story in an intriguing direction with a cool addition to the cast of this series at the end of the issue. Read Full Review
Storm #2 starts laying the foundation for a new chapter in Ororo Munroe's life, including a interesting look at superhero health care. With future issues bringing in Brother Voodoo and the Uncanny X-Men, it's clear that the creative team wants to continue pushing the boundaries of what to expect from a Storm comic. Read Full Review
Storm #2 delivers a healthy blend of action and emotion when Storm deals with the fallout (literally) of her radiation exposure in issue #1. Murewa Ayodele does a fine job of ratcheting up the urgency as Storm's life slips away, but the setup is fuzzy on important details and believability. Read Full Review
Try to convince me that this week’s Storm #2 isn’t a Lucas Werneck art book. Go on, try. What’s that? You can’t? SHOCK! The visuals in this issue are absolutely STUNNING. Werneck is drawing the HELL out of Storm (& everything else) so far. Her outfits? Her hair? Her accessories? Pure haute. Everything about Storm screams regal goddess. The scene of her in the shower catching clumps of her hair falling out was so sad yet beautiful. Every wisp and flow seemed to tell its own story, revealing her deepest emotions. And even as amazing as all of the designs are, they wouldn’t be the same without the excellent colors of Alex Guimarães. He used the color white in unique ways, particularly with Storm’s hair and the spiritual whale.more
This series is continuing to build in momentum and this issue was a perfect transitory story to bridge #1 into #2 and then glide into #3. This has been a nonstop story thus far and it isn't scheduled to slow down anytime soon. There are a lot of cool moments in this issue and the artwork is absolutely phenomental!
Not as captivating as the first issue, for me, but still a good read overall. I do like the story of Storm being forced to confront her own mortality and I'm interested to see how things play out with Doctor Voodoo (and the current Uncanny X-Men lineup according to the cover & solicitation for #3) in the next issue.
Art: 4/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 7/10
I want to love this book, I really do. Storm is one of my favorite comic characters. But it just doesn't feel right for Storm. It's not grand enough, for one. The writing doesn't work for me, and the story just feels meh. The art is really good, and because I love the character so much I'm going to stick with this and hope it gets better, but it is entirely unimpressive so far.
Storm is my favorite superhero, but her solo series haven't been great for one reason or another. Unlike previous series, this one has already introduced some intriguing ideas. However, it suffers from the decompressed pin-up-y art and storytelling. Werneck is a great costume designer, but in my opinion, he's not a great comic book artist. Spending four pages on a costume change in issue 1 was frustrating already. This second issue has a lot of empty space and large panels, which makes it an unsatisfying five minute read.
This comic has only 2 editions, but it's already the best solo in the entire history of Storm!