Deniz Camp flips the narrative on ULTIMATES and takes us inside the Maker's Council! The heroes of the Ultimate Universe aren't the only ones who have been preparing for the return of the Maker, and the clock is ticking down...
This unique one-shot sets the stage for the second year of the Ultimate line and includes the debut of the Ultimate versions of two major Marvel characters!
The classic story of a hero who comprosmised themselves in the process. Along the way, Fury allowed himself to believed he was one of the good guys. Even after his actions continued to say otherwise. In the end, he tried to do the right thing. Very compelling stuff from Deniz Camp. Read Full Review
Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1 is a captivating cap to the first year of the new Ultimate Universe, bound together with a Nick Fury-shaped taut bow. Camp threads the past and future of the superspy as an effective frame for the shifting power dynamics in this universe. Fabrication and fact hold equal power in the story, resulting in a tale that ultimately bends to tragedy. Scharf and Iacono provide a constant sense of clarity to the visuals with brief pages or panels that will cause jaws to drop. A similar approach is taken to the backup story from Condon, Cappuccino, and Valenza, setting up the Ultimate Wolverine/Winter Soldier. As a recap and sampler for the next year, it becomes clear that the Universe Universe is just getting started, with plenty of surprises ready and waiting. Read Full Review
Ultimate Universe #1 takes a tragic story to provide The Maker's Council even greater heat as we get into the second year of Earth-6160. The way Nick Fury goes from villainous spy to tragic anti-hero is something that Deniz Camp and Jonas Scharf is incredible to experience. Read Full Review
The Ultimate Universe One Year In comic from Deniz Camp, Jonas Scharf, and Mattia Iacono shows just how messed up Earth-6160 is. Since Ultimate Invasion, we've seen this universe from a heroic perspective, but One Year In focuses on the baddies and fleshes them out in various and sundry ways. Read Full Review
Overall, Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1 is a must-read for fans of the Ultimate Universe. It provides a satisfying conclusion to the first year of the series while also setting the stage for exciting new adventures. Read Full Review
Ultimate Universe: One Year In #1 is a compelling, character-driven one-shot that deepens the mythology of the new Ultimate Universe and provides a fascinating look at Nick Fury's inner turmoil. While it might not deliver the seismic reveals expected from its title, the nuanced storytelling and haunting art make it a must-read for fans invested in this universe. Read Full Review
Super solid stuff. Camp has been doing great, career-defining work on Ultimates so far, in my opinion. So, I was interested to see where this would go. It didn't really do a lot of telling me things I didn't already know, but I did enjoy seeing Nick Fury in this universe, as well as his perspective on things. I will say that I believe Camp might be the first comic writer I've seen actually take into account that Russians typically don't use the word "the." I think Condon did as well in the prologue for Ultimate Wolverine. Speaking of which, I liked that, too. It wasn't anything crazy, but it was a nice, quick introduction. As much as I'm sad to see Cappuccio leave Jed MacKay's current Moon Knight run, I'm sure he's gonna kill it on Ultimatemore
Straightforward but very well done. Not much in the way of revelations but very well written
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 4/5
Total: 7.5/10