I love this series so much and Duggan is almost doing as job as a job as Rick Remender did when he wrote the first 2 Uncanny Avengers series
Deadpool's last-ditch plan to beat the Red Skull comes together magnificently. The cover's a big fakeout; this isn't Cable's day to play the cavalry. This is a very fast issue but also a tremendously satisfying one. I'm often disappointed by the way story arcs resolve; this one is going out with a glorious bang. Besides being satisfying on its own terms, I think this is also going to play a strong part in teeing up Secret Empire.
This such a fun book. I liked the way Duggan uses Deadpool and Rogue. Great interactions.
Libranda has a lovely style. Anime-ish? but better. I can't explain it but it fits so well and matches Larraz's style.
Why am I always surprised that I enjoy this book so much? It's one of the most consistently enjoyable books Marvel is making right now, and this Red Skull storyline has been a big hit with me. And Kevin Labranda is a more than capable step-in artist. Really good stuff.
Deadpool's backup plan is a very clever use of X-Men mythology, and Rogue's (temporary) new look is pretty goddamn amazing. This should go down as a classic Rogue moment, but it will probably go unnoticed with so many X-titles and crossovers flooding the shelves.
A fun read. And yup maximum effort on Deadpool's part. I'm ready to see what will happen with Red Skull and Cable.
SCORE: 6.8